View Full Version : Game Thoughts: Cowboys - Falcons

10-27-2009, 08:28 AM
The Good:

* There was alot of positive things to take out of this game. Let's look at the QB first...Tony Romo had a terrific game. He did an excellent job of avoiding the Atlanta pass rush, taking what the defense gave him and not forcing balls to certain players regardless of coverage. I've noticed Romo seems more willing to take a 5-10 yard run when receivers aren't available as opposed to trying to shoehorn passes in, which I think has helped cut down on his interceptions. His play at the end of the first half was vintage Romo pre-2008, we need to see more of that working out in our favor.

* Miles Austin is continuing to be a revelation for this team and honestly is saving the season. He was the big play threat this team had been lacking the first 4 games of the year (except for the Tampa game). If he continues on this pace, Roy Williams days as a Cowboy may be numbered, regardless of how much we spent on him. It's just too bad the coaching staff didn't give him the PT he needed sooner, it might have been the difference in the NY and Denver losses.

* Despite giving up a couple of sacks, I thought the offensive line blocked relatively well and gave Romo the time he needed to find open guys in the secondary. I thought the RB's especially did a good job with the blitz pickups. It's too bad penalties continued to hurt this unit's overall performance.

* Joe DeCamillas is continuing to show that he may be the best coordinator on the Cowboys. Nick Folk was solid as always, Mcbriar downed 2 punts inside the 20 and kickoff coverage was stellar. Even after Rossum was injured, Crayton stepped up and made a play after the wedge busted a wide open hole for him. The only black mark on their day was Newman's ridiculous minus 11 punt return, which brought back memories of Pacman Jones.

* The defense as a whole really came together after the first Atlanta drive. The unit that stood out to me was the front 7, which put tons of pressure on Matt Ryan, forcing him into some east INT's for the secondary. If they can rush like this for the remainder of the year (big IF), they can compete with anyone. I was shocked to see even Anthony "No Cigar" Spencer made a play by recovering the fumbled strip by Demarcus Ware.

* Speaking of the secondary, I thought both Mike Jenkins and Gerald Sensabaugh had exceptional days. It may be time to possibly remove the "Cowboy Chicken" moniker from Jenkins (for his ole against the Giants last year). He is turning into the team's most reliable cornerback tackler (with Newman's constant shoulder whiffs). Sensabaugh was everywhere in coverage and made some great open field tackles. He also drew Tony Gonzales for most of the day and, outside of the first drive, did a great job taking him out of the game.

The Bad:

* It's hard to find alot of negative after the Cowboys play their most complete game of the year but there was plenty of flaws. Let's start with penalties...which is something that hasn't gotten any better since the opening game. I don't understand how this team cannot seem to find a way to improve in this department. Wade has got to do something...fines, laps, suspensions, loss of starting jobs...whatever it takes to fix this because it will cost them against the elite teams. The ones that kill me the most are the pre-snap ones...those are just flat out lack of concentration and should be the easiest to resolve.

* For all the talk of the 3 running backs being healthy, I thought all 3 were pretty pedestrian and Marion Barber is the biggest culprit. I don't know if he just isn't healthy right now or has simply just lost a step but he should not be starting and taking the majority of the attempts. Tashard Choice, to me, has shown enough to earn the starting job and not giving him any carries at all is just inexcusable. It's a shame Barber wasn't shopped before the trade deadline, he might have had some value before teams realize how much he has dropped off production wise.

* At the beginning of the year, there was not a player I was more excited about seeing play than Roy Williams. After 6 games, I am already wishing someone would take him off our hands. The guy has stone bricks attached to his wrists and doesn't understand the concept of catching the ball with his body when needed. It looks like he tries to alligator arm every throw down the middle, which is something you don't want out of your biggest and strongest WR. He still has time to turn things around but right now he is looking like a bust.

* Allan Rossum was supposed to step in and save the return game but he went out after the first kickoff. Was the guy just not in shape? A hamstring being blown out sounds to me like someone wasn't prepared for serious running since he was last on a stat sheet almost a month ago. Hopefully just his signing alone was enough to spark Crayton and Felix into doing a better job on returns.

* Every time Barbie Carpenter is on the field instead of Keith Brooking, Wade should fine himself for it. The guy makes no plays, celebrates when he had nothing to do with the tackle and makes it a routine to get blown up when blitzing the QB. He is a waste of space and should have been cut 2 years ago.

Overall...it was great to see the Cowboys finally put things together and win a game against a team that had actually won prior (unlike KC, Tampa and Carolina). The Falcons are a legit playoff team, so this win goes a long way in both tiebreaker scenarios and just giving Dallas some confidence that they can compete with anyone when they don't shoot themselves with turnovers and stupid penalties (which is still a problem). Wade the defensive coordinator had one of his best games but Wade the head coach still has a ways to go before convincing me he should stick around much longer.

10-27-2009, 08:29 AM
And here is a funny picture...


Dr. Gonzo
10-27-2009, 08:38 AM
Great game thoughts. I'm sure everybody here was waiting with bated breath.

10-27-2009, 08:56 AM
Rogue's game thoughts >>> yours

10-27-2009, 10:08 AM
I'm not trying to outdo anyone's game thoughts...I already post these in other places, so I figured I would copy paste here as well. No biggie if people don't dig them...

10-27-2009, 10:24 AM
No one gives a shit about some bean eating lawn mowing game thoughts.

10-27-2009, 11:15 AM
And here is a funny picture...



10-27-2009, 11:29 AM
No one gives a shit about some bean eating lawn mowing game thoughts.


10-27-2009, 11:40 AM
i though the game sucked. nice of atlanta to give Romo time to tweet, wink at the cheerleaders, and give a thumbs up to jerry on every throw.

10-27-2009, 11:46 AM

Don't listen to them bro, I think your game thoughts are pretty well done.
Spot on about Carpenter, the guy just doesn't look like he belongs on the field.
Another player I was surprised to see on the field and play well was Junior Siavii, the guy was making plays and really helped keep Ratliff fresh.

Whisky Dog
10-27-2009, 12:39 PM
Wade was saying after the game that one of the bright spots was Barbie Carpenter and the way he covered Tony Gonzalez on third downs. He gave Barbie some big props so I doubt he'll be losing his nickel backer job any time soon as Wade apparently thinks he's doing a great job.

10-27-2009, 01:28 PM
the kickoff coverage looks stellar because buehler is booting it 7 yards deep into the end zone.

10-27-2009, 02:07 PM
the kickoff coverage looks stellar because buehler is booting it 7 yards deep into the end zone.

The punt coverage has been just as good though...McBriar recovered from injury nicely...

10-27-2009, 02:09 PM
Wade was saying after the game that one of the bright spots was Barbie Carpenter and the way he covered Tony Gonzalez on third downs. He gave Barbie some big props so I doubt he'll be losing his nickel backer job any time soon as Wade apparently thinks he's doing a great job.

I think Sensabaugh had more to do with shutting Gonzales down. Brooking is much better suited to be in for 3rd down situations...too bad he isn't 5 years younger to handle all the extended PT...

10-27-2009, 02:22 PM
Rogue's game thoughts >>> yours

LOL @ kid4mvp!

10-27-2009, 02:24 PM
I'd say Roy Williams as a possession reciever opposite Miles in the role of a Keyshawn Johnson type can be very helpful.

Apparently his rib injury was hindering him a bit in Sunday's game.

I don't get ALOT of the hate on Williams, I agree the billing of him being a number 1 receiver may have been wrong. However, I don't think he's this crap receiver.

Who do the Cowboys have this sunday?

10-27-2009, 02:29 PM
[quote=Unforgivable;3773930]No one gives a shit about some bean eating lawn mowing game thoughts.[/quohttp://thm-a02.yimg.com/image/09b65f2122fad5fc (http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTb_vxSedK6hYA7oeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpZTByOGF iBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzcgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1gt04b35n/EXP=1256758129/**http%3A//images.search.yahoo.com/images/view%3Fback=http%253A%252F%252Fimages.search.yahoo .com%252Fsearch%252Fimages%253Fp%253Dtroll%252527% 2526ei%253DUTF-8%2526fr%253Dyfp-t-701%2526fr2%253Dtab-web%26w=375%26h=500%26imgurl=static.flickr.com%252 F2290%252F1563523352_8350fdca8d.jpg%26rurl=http%25 3A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.com%252Fphotos%252Fpotyo%25 2F1563523352%252F%26size=164k%26name=Troll%26p=tro ll%2527%26oid=09b65f2122fad5fc%26fr2=tab-web%26fusr=evaruth%26no=2%26tt=757730%26sigr=11efn acva%26sigi=11gfqdh3h%26sigb=12p6e3u7r)http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif

10-27-2009, 03:04 PM
I'd say Roy Williams as a possession reciever opposite Miles in the role of a Keyshawn Johnson type can be very helpful.

Apparently his rib injury was hindering him a bit in Sunday's game.

I don't get ALOT of the hate on Williams, I agree the billing of him being a number 1 receiver may have been wrong. However, I don't think he's this crap receiver.

Who do the Cowboys have this sunday?

Noon game against Seattle...it will also be my first trip to the Death Star (aka Jerryworld)...

10-27-2009, 03:09 PM
LOL @ kid4mvp!

lol that guy in your avatar

10-27-2009, 03:16 PM
[quot=Unforgivable;3773930]No one gives a shit about some bean eating lawn mowing game thoughts.[/quohttp://thm-a02.yimg.com/image/09b65f2122fad5fc (http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTb_vxSedK6hYA7oeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpZTByOGF iBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzcgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1gt04b35n/EXP=1256758129/**http%3A//images.search.yahoo.com/images/view%3Fback=http%253A%252F%252Fimages.search.yahoo .com%252Fsearch%252Fimages%253Fp%253Dtroll%252527% 2526ei%253DUTF-8%2526fr%253Dyfp-t-701%2526fr2%253Dtab-web%26w=375%26h=500%26imgurl=static.flickr.com%252 F2290%252F1563523352_8350fdca8d.jpg%26rurl=http%25 3A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.com%252Fphotos%252Fpotyo%25 2F1563523352%252F%26size=164k%26name=Troll%26p=tro ll%2527%26oid=09b65f2122fad5fc%26fr2=tab-web%26fusr=evaruth%26no=2%26tt=757730%26sigr=11efn acva%26sigi=11gfqdh3h%26sigb=12p6e3u7r)http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif

Look at this trick ass fat Mexican. The 5 bean burritos your porky ass eats daily must be running a train on your brain cells since you're too fuckin stupid to quote someone.

Whisky Dog
10-27-2009, 03:38 PM
I think Sensabaugh had more to do with shutting Gonzales down. Brooking is much better suited to be in for 3rd down situations...too bad he isn't 5 years younger to handle all the extended PT...

Not according to Wade. These aren't my thoughts, I'm just telling you that the guy who makes the decisions on playing time loves the way Carpenter is playing and probably will keep him in nickel situations. That praise came directly from Wade's mouth.

Whisky Dog
10-27-2009, 03:39 PM
About the stupid penalties - they will never stop as long as Wade is coach. They will just have to hope they play great football consistently to overcome them week in and out cause Wade's lax coaching style will never correct this problem.

10-27-2009, 03:48 PM
About the stupid penalties - they will never stop as long as Wade is coach. They will just have to hope they play great football consistently to overcome them week in and out cause Wade's lax coaching style will never correct this problem.

they were up near the top when parcells was in charge, too, right?

10-27-2009, 04:48 PM
About the stupid penalties - they will never stop as long as Wade is coach. They will just have to hope they play great football consistently to overcome them week in and out cause Wade's lax coaching style will never correct this problem.

Agreed...I was hoping Jerry would pull the trigger over the bye week but it looks like Wade will make it to the end of the season...

10-27-2009, 04:52 PM
BTW, here is this week's Fake Jerry and Fake Wade...


10-27-2009, 05:27 PM
I was telling my brother the other day, we need a coach that's willing to make these guys sit out a series every time they continue to get these stupid penalties on offense.

Obviously we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, but the most we see on the field is Wade Phillips making a face whenever it happens, that's clearly not enough, and if Wade doesn't have the balls to show them who the boss is, maybe we need someone that will.

I just can't imagine Jimmy Johnson putting up with bullshit like that.

10-27-2009, 06:41 PM
I was telling my brother the other day, we need a coach that's willing to make these guys sit out a series every time they continue to get these stupid penalties on offense.

Obviously we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, but the most we see on the field is Wade Phillips making a face whenever it happens, that's clearly not enough, and if Wade doesn't have the balls to show them who the boss is, maybe we need someone that will.

I just can't imagine Jimmy Johnson putting up with bullshit like that.

You won't get that till Jerry Jones gives up being a GM and a control freak of the team.

10-27-2009, 08:26 PM
I was telling my brother the other day, we need a coach that's willing to make these guys sit out a series every time they continue to get these stupid penalties on offense.

Obviously we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, but the most we see on the field is Wade Phillips making a face whenever it happens, that's clearly not enough, and if Wade doesn't have the balls to show them who the boss is, maybe we need someone that will.

I just can't imagine Jimmy Johnson putting up with bullshit like that.

You don't have to go that far back. Bill Parcells took Dave Campo's 4 win team and turned it into a 10 win team simply by cleaning up the penalties and not making stupid 3rd and 4th down decisions. It's pretty safe to say that any traces of that disclipline are long gone now. At least Wade's only half as bad as Campo.

10-28-2009, 03:16 PM
Here are my tickets to next week's game and my first trip to the new stadium. Should be decent seats...


10-28-2009, 10:52 PM
Seahawks, they must have given you those for free.