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10-27-2009, 11:41 AM
Nation’s First Open Source Election Software Released (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/10/open-source/#more-10353)

By Kim Zetter (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/author/kimzetter/) http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/wp-content/themes/wired/images/envelope.gif ([email protected])
October 23, 2009

http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/2009/10/hollywood-hill-panel-on-election-systems4.jpg (http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/2009/10/hollywood-hill-panel-on-election-systems4.jpg)
LOS ANGELES — A group working to produce an open and transparent voting system to replace current proprietary systems has published its first batches of code for public review.

The Open Source Digital Voting Foundation (http://osdv.org/about) (OSDV) announced the availability of source code for its prototype election system (http://hhill.org/osdv) Wednesday night at a panel discussion that included Mitch Kapor, creator of Lotus 1-2-3 and co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation; California Secretary of State Debra Bowen; Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder Dean Logan; and Heather Smith, director of Rock the Vote.

The OSDV, co-founded by Gregory Miller and John Sebes, launched its Trust the Vote Project in 2006 and has an eight-year roadmap to produce a comprehensive, publicly owned, open source electronic election system. The system would be available for licensing to manufacturers or election districts, and would include a voter registration component; firmware for casting ballots on voting devices (either touch-screen systems with a paper trail, optical-scan machines or ballot-marking devices); and an election management system for creating ballots, administering elections and counting votes.

“How we vote has become just as important as who we vote for,” Miller told the audience of filmmakers and technologists who gathered at the Bel-Air home of film producer Lawrence Bender (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004744/) to hear about the project. “We think it is imperative that the infrastructure on which we cast and count our ballots is an infrastructure that is publicly owned.”

Miller said the foundation wasn’t looking to put voting system companies out of business but to assume the heavy burden and costs of research and development to create a trustworthy system that will meet the needs of election officials for reliability and the needs of the voting public for accessibility, transparency, security and integrity.

“We believe we’re catalyzing a re-birth of the industry … by making the blueprint available to anyone who wants to use it,” Miller said.

The foundation has elicited help from academics and election officials from eight states as well as voter advocacy groups, such as Rock the Vote and the League of Women Voters, to guide developers in building the system. Technology bigwigs such as Oracle, Sun and IBM have also approached the group to help with the project.

“That was unexpected,” Miller said.

The code currently available for download and review (http://github.com/trustthevote) represents only a small part of the total code and includes parts of an online voter registration portal and tracking system, election management software and a vote tabulator. Prototype code for producing ballots has been completed and will be posted soon. Code for auditing is still being designed.
The voting firmware and tabulator program are built on a minimized Linux platform (a stripped down version of Sharp) and the election management components are built with Ruby on Rails.

The foundation already has California, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont and Washington interested in adopting the system and is in talks with 11 other states. Florida, which has been racked by voting machine problems since the 2000 presidential debacle, has also expressed interest, as has Georgia, which uses machines made by Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems) statewide.

“Currently two vendors impact 80 percent of the vote” nationwide, Miller said, referring to Premier/Diebold and Election Systems & Software, which recently merged in a sale. But if all the states that have expressed interest in adopting the open source system follow through with implementing it, about 62 percent of the nation’s electorate would be voting on transparent, fully auditable machines he said.

The foundation is especially interested in getting a system that would be workable in Los Angeles County, the nation’s largest and most complex election district with 4.3 million voters casting ballots in seven languages.
“If Los Angeles County figures this out, we will have solved the problems for the rest of the country,” Miller said.

Kapor called the project “a breath of fresh air” and said it symbolized the kind of “disruptive innovation” that has characterized all of the best technological developments over the last thirty years.

10-27-2009, 11:42 AM
Open source is the greatest phrase since 'pants with pockets'. It is the answer to all.

10-27-2009, 11:51 AM
Shouldn't election machines be fully auditable by election officials, instead of the source codes being proprietary and protected by law as trade secrets from election officials keen to get to the bottom of tabulation errors or possible tampering?

10-27-2009, 11:55 AM

10-27-2009, 12:01 PM
Shouldn't election machines be fully auditable by election officials, instead of the source codes being proprietary and protected by law as trade secrets from election officials keen to get to the bottom of tabulation errors or possible tampering?
Definitely. I think it is pretty well secure with both parties seeing the language and writing. But it would be better if everyone could see the programming.

10-27-2009, 12:21 PM


there's my open source voting software. damn that was hard :rolleyes

03-21-2014, 08:45 AM

03-21-2014, 09:21 AM
My guess is that Repug counting fraud (eg, Ohio 2004) vastly overwhelms Repug fantasy about Dem voting fraud.

03-21-2014, 09:39 AM
corruption in Hidalgo County is no fantasy

Wild Cobra
03-21-2014, 10:46 AM
My guess is that Repug counting fraud (eg, Ohio 2004) vastly overwhelms Repug fantasy about Dem voting fraud.


This bullshit again?

Don't you ever learn the facts, or are you locked into Common Dreams type propaganda?

Ohio had three voting systems. If anyone cheated the touch screens, it was democrats, because the touch screens selected democrats. the other two systems selected Bush.

Please verify the facts. I have pointed this out to your sorry ass several times now, but here we go again:


03-21-2014, 10:59 AM

This bullshit again?

Don't you ever learn the facts, or are you locked into Common Dreams type propaganda?

Ohio had three voting systems. If anyone cheated the touch screens, it was democrats, because the touch screens selected democrats. the other two systems selected Bush.

Please verify the facts. I have pointed this out to your sorry ass several times now, but here we go again:


it could have been voting machines, of course, but Kenneth Black, REPUG sec of state, sent voting machines' outputs to TN where a programmer fiddled them, during a 3 hour interruption in reporting of returns. Conveniently, programmer was later killed, murdered?, in a small plane crash.

04-24-2015, 02:26 PM
A Wichita State University mathematician sued the top Kansas election official Wednesday, seeking paper tapes from electronic voting machines in an effort to explain statistical anomalies favoring Republicans in counts coming from large precincts across the country.http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article17139890.html

04-24-2015, 02:28 PM
Secretary of State Kris Kobach said a researcher wanting to check the accuracy of voting machines from the November election missed her opportunity to do so before the votes were sealed.

For the first time, Kobach commented Friday on a lawsuit, in which he is a defendant, involving election results in Sedgwick County.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article17477357.html#storylink=cpy

07-31-2015, 02:37 PM
Kansas officials still stonewalling:

The voting machines that Sedgwick County uses have a paper record of the votes, known as Real Time Voting Machine Paper Tapes, which similar machines in Kansas and around the country do not have. Because the software is proprietary, even elections officials can’t examine it and postelection audits can’t be done, according to Pamela Smith, president of Verified Voting Foundation, a nonprofit agency whose mission is to safeguard elections in the digital age

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article27951310.html#storylink=cpy
