View Full Version : First message board you ever posted in and/or trolled

10-27-2009, 01:46 PM
I remember my first. It was back in 98 or 99, I was in high school, and I'd troll the hell out of The Moss Posse at www.mossposse.com. It was some Minnesota Vikings fan site and I'm pretty sure I'm a big reason why the site got shut down.

If you think my trolling is lame now you should have seen me back then. I just stole insults from the lyrics of Eminem and Limp Bizkit songs and created ridiculous topics that had nothing to do with football. It was a nonstop barrage of "Would you rather let Britney Spears do you with a dildo or make out with a guy?" and other various stupidities.

10-27-2009, 01:49 PM
1998, Guitar World Magazine forum.

I started a thread on satanism that went on for weeks.

10-27-2009, 01:53 PM
My first, and last post on Realgm.com. Someone on the site said trading Jason Kidd for Stephon Marbury was a good trade, I called him some variation of "fuckin retard" and got banned because that site doesn't allow any personal attacks.

10-27-2009, 02:32 PM
ISSJHSS, teenage stoner forum circa 2000

parfait V snocone

epic thread

10-27-2009, 02:34 PM
icq based?

10-27-2009, 02:37 PM
rememeber on icq when me and cbf used to spend hours coming up with those things-like this

gfghOWNAGEbeyond#$@*$STRENGTHVUGLARQ%Q)))%*$ (gfghOWNAGEbeyond#$@*$STRENGTHVUGLARQ%Q)))%*$)(
dust>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(you have been^^

10-27-2009, 02:38 PM
cbf does them better

I. Hustle
10-27-2009, 02:39 PM
KROX forum in Austin when it used to have the good morning show. It was actually a really good forum for a long time. My longest running thread was SLACKERS UNITE!

10-27-2009, 02:41 PM
that lead to fullsportpress.com
that lead to here.

Been posting on MB for about 8 years now.

10-27-2009, 02:41 PM
ClubLakers.com. I had no idea what forums were till about 2 and a half years ago. One day I typed in something about Kobe demanding to be traded that was one of the first links I saw on google. I read for a couple months before I joined.

10-27-2009, 02:42 PM
mysa.com, 1999 playoffs v. the Knicks.

10-27-2009, 02:46 PM
I remember it was just Al Gore, a few other geeks and myself arguing about global warming.

10-27-2009, 02:46 PM

10-27-2009, 02:48 PM
rememeber on icq when me and cbf used to spend hours coming up with those things-like this

gfghOWNAGEbeyond#$@*$STRENGTHVUGLARQ%Q)))%*$ (gfghOWNAGEbeyond#$@*$STRENGTHVUGLARQ%Q)))%*$)(
dust>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(you have been^^

is ode to hasmi still up? you gotta find that mess and post it

10-27-2009, 02:49 PM
if anyone knows channel 10 public access in austin, the old school guys used to get trolled like no other by people, FagBashersUniteFagBashersUnite FagBashersUnite
FagBashersUnite FagBashersUnite
FagBashersUnite FagBashersUnite
kind of lame but they were consistant




classic alex jones

and then the funniest guys, not intended to troll was guys calling up to challenge others callers to street races

alright fucker, meet me and rundburg and north lamar in 20 minutes!, i'll bring my ACURA!, and its got a fucking V-TECH!

hour later

hey i was there pussy!, did you get afraid? meet me at north loop and burnet if youre not scared, i'll be in a white acura!

10-27-2009, 02:49 PM
I remember it was just Al Gore, a few other geeks and myself arguing about global warming.

:lmao This site has a troll for basically everything.

10-27-2009, 02:55 PM
Sports Illustrated basketball discussion board 1995 - during the playoffs; I remember warning Spur fans who were excited Houston took down Phoenix...

10-27-2009, 03:13 PM
You lucky dogs, this is the only place I have ever posted! :lol

10-27-2009, 03:47 PM
Started out at the Express News Spurs Forum, that turned into MYSA Spurs forum which got shut down because of complaints (mostly about me and Spursfan) then to Spursreport where I promptly got banned and FINALLY Kori started Spurstalk!

10-27-2009, 05:13 PM
WOAI.com in '99 for the playoffs.

10-27-2009, 05:24 PM
Sports Illustrated basketball discussion board 1995 - during the playoffs; I remember warning Spur fans who were excited Houston took down Phoenix...

Damn, I didn't even know there was an internet in 1995...

10-27-2009, 05:45 PM

10-27-2009, 07:48 PM
I think it was the Decipher boards, about the SW:CCG. Yes, I'm a nerd.

10-27-2009, 10:10 PM
cbfs icq number was 440

thats when he was on the nueromancer boards with that hacker dude who took him under his wing

neuromancer or dextrhagpghmorican?
what was his name cbf

10-27-2009, 10:19 PM
Damn, I didn't even know there was an internet in 1995...


First forum was in 2003. I looked for something to replace yahoo/aol chat rooms...back when chat rooms were actually fun and not runned with porn bots.

David Bowie
10-27-2009, 10:19 PM
Suprsreport...I'll admit it . I actually had over 2000 posts there rather quickly, but then the blatant racism of that scite just got to me.

10-27-2009, 10:36 PM
Bassmasters message board. Back when they mainly talked about fishing. Got really close go going to Kentucky Lake for the first "tournament of the board members". I left when the racism got bad enough to make me pissed a few years ago. You can't reason with some people.

10-27-2009, 11:11 PM
Zsnes Forums

10-28-2009, 02:01 AM
I don't remember which one it was, but I remember it was for a game I was completely hooked on in '98. I think it was called BattleCity.

ginobili's bald spot
10-28-2009, 04:56 AM
I remember posting on some Lakers message board back in 2000. I have no idea what site it was but I remember posting about how good Corey Hightower was going to be :lol and trying to sign John Amaechi. Pretty funny in hindsight.

10-28-2009, 08:34 AM
I can't remember but I'm pretty sure it was on woai.

10-28-2009, 08:34 AM

This is one of my first jobs.

Not only is the book not real, story not real, guy not real but to this very day the search for the book still goes on.

The basic spiel is this:

John Palifox Key allegedly wrote a book called "Proofs of My Return" that described portals through which you could find a land full of denizens not unlike the magical creatures of fairie tales (gnomes, fairies, lizard-like people, etc.). What's more, JPK claimed to have travelled into this alternate reality, experiencing things first hand. So far, nothing much out of the ordinary for paranormal writers and their books. But here's the hook:

JPK apparently mapped out the location of the portals in his book, so that anyone could find them. These places include: Montmorency County (major continuous portal was always open on County Road 622 (called Clear Lake Rd.) about 5 miles beyond the Canada Creek Dam heading roughly west toward Vanderbilt, Michigan) and the Constitution area of Dekalb County, Georgia--both areas where he identified major portals; Constance, KY among other locations throughout the U.S.

As the story goes, this book became popular amongst college folk in the '60's-- they would go on field trips to find these portals (like it was some sort of buried treasure). Young Joey Leguay was exposed to this book while he was still in High School (I think) by his older brother Eric Leguay (who is now a CEO at some Fortune 500 company... don't ask which). Eric Leguay went on one of these portal hunts with some friends, but left Joey behind. When Eric returned, he said the whole thing was a bunch of bunk, discouraging young Joey from exploring on his own. Joey would remain skeptical about portals until just this last year.

Fast Forward to late 2001. An Atlanta grad student by the name of John Grantly in his quest for information related to John Palifox Key and his book runs into a lady going by the name Apacheunger who claims to have had a similar experience as described by JPK in his book. Apacheunger professes that she drove out of this world for 20 minutes. Below is her story:

I was driving (for my job selling photo-cells) in a rather deserted part of a northern state, which I'd rather not mention yet, when I started seeing lizard-like things about 2 to 3 feet high standing upright near the sides of the gravel road I was on. They looked very "intelligent" not like lizards or wild beasts or anything. I thought about aliens, etc., but these looked earthbound, as I said like lizards with brains and a sense of purpose. Also they seemed to follow me with their heads and eyes. I was in a nothern state where it really snows and is cold, and I know there are no lizards there. I was also there on business. These lizard-like things were really ugly, so I started to drive faster...and I swear the road turned into a light brown packed earth drive, and the trees and such were all different like nothing I've ever seen anywhere. There were funny colored plants with curly leaves that really didn't look like leaves and vines that smelled funny (I had the window down). The whole scene was unreal and the worst...I swear...was that small, squat human-like people were around the sides of this earthn trail working and not paying much attention to me. They were gathering big triangular fruits and hitting them with sticks. Crazy as this seems they looked like dwarfes or lepratchauwns or little people like fairies, etc. They were very hunched over and seemed more wider than tall like they grew from side to side instead of up. Some did look at me as I passed in my car and shook their heads as if to say I had made a mistake. I actually wet my pants I was so scared...but I drove out just like I drove in suddenly and then everything was normal.

Furthermore, she goes on to give direct coordinates: a county gravel road which is a short cut between the town of Hillman and Michigan Highway 33 running north of Atlanta, MI. main doorway is on county road 622 past Canada Creek Dam +/- 5 miles.

I know the story sounds like a hoax, but believe me quite a few people have experienced this. Until the advent of the internet, many of these recorded accounts went undocumented. The proof is so real, or surreal, that according to a gentleman named Tim Mistrial (internet name), it appears that about 8 years ago there was a movement to destroy every last copy of JPK's manuscript. Some think it's very dangerous. Needless to say, the book is extremely hard to find.

Anyway, there are some other books of interest or authors that have well documented experiences traveling to pararell universes including Serge Hutin & Georges Rabiton's 1927 book. Name at this time eludes me?

I guess people are still talking about it.


10-28-2009, 08:53 AM
Gamespy forums, many moons ago. Warcraft 2 or Doom 2? Cant remember anymore.

10-28-2009, 11:37 AM
I had a group of friends I played Spades with on Pogo.com. But this is the first and only site I post on, on a long term daily basis.

08-05-2010, 09:04 PM
Fun topic. I'll give it a bump.

First forums I can remember trolling were the James Randi and View Askew message boards back in '99. For those of you who don't know, James Randi is a famous skeptic who debunks various supernatural claims: psychics, telekinesis, alien abductions, etc. He has an open offer of one million dollars to anyone who can prove the existence of the supernatural.

Anyhow, the forums were filled with atheist douchebags and pseudo intellectuals. I simply played the role of the guy who believed. My signature on that forum was, "We do not profit from knowledge, we are enslaved by it." That one really got them going.

ViewAskew is director Kevin Smith's official site. Used to troll that forum by simply criticizing Kevin Smith, which naturally incited his fanboys.

08-05-2010, 09:19 PM
My first post was in the summer of 2000 (Grant Hill) on a Pistons site (mlive.com) that has been rendered too boring to visit all that often. In 2004, while on www.paspn.net, a couple of Lakers fans came over and invited us to register at their site to trash-talk during the Finals. I got the idea from there to join Spurstalk (pistonsnation.com had a link) in 2006 because I was convinced we were headed for a Finals rematch. I never trash-talked, although I did manage to get into some intense arguments over the years. Corliss Williamson should start, Ben Wallace should be traded, and Rick Carlisle should be fired are the ones that come to mind. It's been a long time since fire was in the blood over a couple of typing assholes staring at a computer screen.

08-05-2010, 10:12 PM
that lead to fullsportpress.com
that lead to here.

Been posting on MB for about 8 years now.

Same here, don't remember the year I believe 01.

08-05-2010, 10:22 PM
theknot.com, on the Relationships board. RE doesn't exist anymore - I believe it became Advice From Brides or some shit.

I was just talking about this on glowinthewoods.com, since I've started moderating their boards and needed to do a main page intro.

Er, not the trolling. Back in the day on theknot, we had Troll Fridays. I trolled a couple of time, but not long term. Pretty much only on here and Glow anymore these days.

08-05-2010, 10:37 PM
The oldest post of mine I can find on the internet is when I was trolling a Jazz forum 12 years ago:

Malone is gay and will get his assed kicked


That's my first post and probably my best post ever.

Greatness :cry

08-05-2010, 10:51 PM

marini martini
08-05-2010, 11:21 PM
Flava Flave!!!:lmao

08-05-2010, 11:53 PM

Ity was back in 1996, when rumors of Ultima Online started spreading. That was my first taste of a message board.

And damn, we owned Atlantic server! :lol

08-06-2010, 12:57 AM
1997ish, played a game called ARC back then

08-06-2010, 01:10 AM
I wish I could remember. My earliest internet memory was getting in trouble for sending a bunch of emails back when Prodigy used to charge .25 per email.

I don't know how much the bill was but I got in trouble for it, that was in 1991.

08-06-2010, 01:57 AM
My first board was years ago on webtv, it had a link on the homepage for message boards. I would post in the webtv.classic board. My first post basically told some guy to stfu and make sense, then we became friends. Was good until the webtv plus came out and half the normal crowd left to the webtv.plus board.

On a side note webtv also had a link to chat. I would spend hours in the "teen" chat on talkcity.com. I was a teen back then 18/19 so no pedo shit, that was my first chat room also. Met some chick and went to her house she lived with her aunt. They pick me up for a small party and the aunt got drunk and ask if I mind staying the night so she don't have to drive. That made my webtv worth it right there.

After webtv I would used my Dreamcast for surfing the net, I had the kb/mouse for it.

Then got a crappy Emachine pc and started going to www.gamefaqs.com, now I really only view 2 boards on a daily basis. This one and www.neogaf.com. I read a lot more than I post on both.

08-06-2010, 08:25 AM
Started out at the Express News Spurs Forum, that turned into MYSA Spurs forum which got shut down because of complaints (mostly about me and Spursfan) then to Spursreport where I promptly got banned and FINALLY Kori started Spurstalk!

I still remember when Kori Ellis came to the EN site in '98? as "New Girl" and SpursFan (Marcus Bryant) and Travis kept accusing her of being a guy trolling as a girl because she knew too much about basketball. She used to enrage SpursFan because she kept calling David Robinson "soft" :lmao

Nathan Explosion
08-06-2010, 10:17 AM
Deadsy (a band) message board. Then I was on these MB called Meme Machine where people used to debate all sorts of intellectual topics from science, to religion to politics to tech stuff. Was a great place to learn about various topics and read interesting articles.

I used to troll the chat rooms at the Coal Chamber site for fun. Just say Coal Chamber sucks, sit back and watch the hilarity ensue.

08-06-2010, 10:56 AM
spursreport... seems like it was part of 760/1200 back then? i cant remember

Last Comic Standing
08-06-2010, 11:19 AM
I remember like it was yesterday...it was 1996 I went to Art Bell's Grassy Knoll live chat room and I said "Hi San Antonio here!" in under 2 seconds I got a "fuck you" and a
"who the fuck cares?" I was hooked ever since.

08-06-2010, 11:27 AM
I used to post on some forum called Toywiz back when I was like 12. I didn't start trolling until I joined MySpace and started making fake profiles to troll our local high school's pages. I remember I had one guy so pissed from Taft that he was ready to bring a gun to shoot me at Planet K where I said we could throw down haha. Ah, the good ol' days.

08-06-2010, 11:29 AM
Signed up for SpursReport and SpursTalk simultaneously but quickly realized this site was much better. So SpursTalk.

08-06-2010, 11:34 AM

02 I think.

08-06-2010, 12:59 PM
Depends on how you define message boards:

1975, on message boards on ESC's Region 20 timeshare system.
1979, on various BBS's.
1984, on a VAX-based bulletin board I designed for my employer.
1995, austin.general and similar Usenet newsgroups.
1999, d3football.com

Yes, I know. I'm old.

08-06-2010, 03:57 PM
Depends on how you define message boards:

1975, on message boards on ESC's Region 20 timeshare system.
1979, on various BBS's.
1984, on a VAX-based bulletin board I designed for my employer.
1995, austin.general and similar Usenet newsgroups.
1999, d3football.com

Yes, I know. I'm old.

Damn, youre old.

08-06-2010, 04:56 PM

D21 O5C1P Ratt platoon

we used ANG 106 low band frequencies and a PR7 I was able to chat with a buddy before he died at Gallant Eagle riverside California. 12 hours earlier we was at a bikers bar getting drunk and avoiding fights and desperate white trash single moms.
Unless your shoving your Boot inside a drunk deadbeat wife beating sorry ass toothless redneck sorry excuse for a man if he had a job why is he there and if he actually has a family why waste money on booze at some bar where the 82nd Airborne is drinking mouth?

And you still wonder why i don't trust our government?

But hey SATCOM found PABLO so it's all good.

Google This


08-06-2010, 05:32 PM
I did too much partying to bother with internet surfing through high school and college, so I didn't really get into boards until I was well into my 20's. I started posting on ESPN's boards back in 2002 and a couple of years later I started posting on Nbawire.com. I was a fairly low traffic site but the posters were good and I learned a lot about the finer points of the game there. I was a moderator there for a while too.

Things went south when the site suffered a serious glitch that caused the admin to basically nuke the whole thing and start over. Things just weren't the same after that...as all the classic bump worthy topics were gone and many members had left. With a heavy heart I left the site I had been very connected to for 4 years and searched for greener pastures...particularly ones with a larger contengency of Spurs fans. This was the first Spurs community I found and I've been here almost every day since then.

08-06-2010, 06:35 PM
spursreport i had 5k posts then quited cause they cant take criticisms of own players...

realgm pop up 5k posts, but then again there was only 6-7 spurs posters only and not much traffic in the spurs section...

espn boards just read and posts stupid shit

the yaominhg site, lol got banned after 1 first week registering, to many stupid homers

08-06-2010, 06:37 PM
sherdog than jag showed me this site

Johnny RIngo
08-08-2010, 05:15 AM
The only ones I remember:

onefootball and xtratime(both soccer forums)

08-08-2010, 10:28 AM

This is one of my first jobs.

Not only is the book not real, story not real, guy not real but to this very day the search for the book still goes on.

I guess people are still talking about it.



That's fucking hilarious. I can't believe people bought that shit