View Full Version : Something really scary for Obama's Democrats

10-27-2009, 04:19 PM

This is one Mr. Deeds who apparently isn't going to town. The collapse of the Democratic campaign for governor of Virginia speaks volumes - chapters, anyway - about what the body politic is trying to tell Barack Obama's Democrats.

They're learning, painfully, that campaigning without George W. Bush is baffling, frustrating and scary. Worse, it offers a preview of what the congressional campaigning will be like next year. One Obama doorbell ringer, working neighborhoods in Northern Virginia for Creigh Deeds, says even the promise of free pizza can't lure faithful Democrats to a rally. :lmao

For weeks, The Washington Post, the house organ of the national Democratic Party, pounded away at Bob McDonnell, the Republican nominee, for having written politically incorrect term papers in graduate school, citing his master's thesis, which decried abortion, gender-bending and radical feminism, as proof that he doesn't like women very much.

Only a month ago, Mr. Deeds, the Post's horse in the race, wouldn't talk about anything but the McDonnell graduate-school thesis - maybe a boon to master's and doctoral candidates who can't get anybody but a professor to read their wit and wisdom, but, as it turns out, a bore to voters in Virginia. The public-opinion polls continue to show Mr. McDonnell ahead, despite all the Post's ineffective deeds, and with a lengthening lead.

Now Mr. Deeds doesn't want to talk about graduate-school scribbling at all, just as leaks from the Post newsroom reveal that the newspaper has a seven-part series ready for publication to prove that Bob McDonnell has had a lifelong hostility to those of the pink persuasion. He once pulled the pigtails of a little girl in the second grade, and as a third-grader he bounced a spitball, aimed at a male pal, off the shoulder of a girl two rows over. These are no doubt serious charges, violence against (tiny) women, sexual harassment and all that, but not likely to turn the tide of a runaway that is building in Virginia.

Suddenly, the White House is treating the bereft Mr. Deeds as if he's on the fourth day of a three-day underarm deodorant pad. :lmao Bill Clinton, accustomed to speaking to cheering thousands at a hundred grand a pop, was dispatched the other night to a Deeds rally to set the throng on fire with one of his late-October stumpwallopers. The rally, such as it was, was held not at an arena or a hotel - not even a Motel 6 - but in a campaign office in the Washington suburbs. The "throng" was counted in the dozens, about the size of a PTA meeting. Not even Bubba could dispel the gloom of a wake.

"These polls are either accurate, or they're not," he said, delivering an insight worthy of a Harvard political science professor. "So are the polls right? The answer is yes, no, and maybe." But what else could he say? Dispatched for mortuary duty, Bubba could only sympathize with the preacher called on to say something nice over the grave of the town bootlegger.

Barack Obama himself is offering the mere minimum of presidential support over the past seven days of the campaign, just mailing it in (even if delivering the mail in person). He'll make one last appearance with Mr. Deeds this week in Tidewater. Meanwhile, back in Washington, the president's political aides continue to dish the obsequies over a doomed candidate while pretending to pray for a miracle. So far no one has invoked Harry Truman, patron saint of doomed candidates, but there's still a week to go.

Mr. Deeds' friends are bitter about the anonymous voices peddling the discouraging word from the White House. "These 'anonymous voices' have decided those hard-working [down-ballot candidates] are just collateral damage in their effort to tell the world that if [Mr.] Deeds doesn't win, it is because he ignored advice," Paul Goldman, a former chairman of the Virginia Democratic Party, tells Politico, the Washington politics daily. "This isn't change we can believe in, but the same old, same old we voted out of office. Do they really believe their attempts to shield the president from blame is going to distract [Mr.] Obama's critics, much less change the arc of today's politics?"

Of course it won't, and that's what makes the Virginia race so scary for the president's men. Voters will use whatever club is available to "send a message," and sometimes, as any number of pols could tell you, the club is big, rough and means business.

10-27-2009, 04:42 PM
Deeds started out much lower than McDonnell in the polls in the first place.

It's not really scary for anyone at all.

George Gervin's Afro
10-27-2009, 07:29 PM
I'm not scared.

10-27-2009, 07:48 PM
Deeds sucks. He ignored advice from the White House and has been an awful campaigner, so bad that Dem's were pining for Terry McCauliffe.

jack sommerset
10-27-2009, 08:51 PM
Obama dems are the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

10-27-2009, 10:11 PM
people only come out to vote. after that they lay low

10-27-2009, 10:25 PM


If Texas and New Mexico went Democrat, as could happen with too many of those pesky Mexican immigrants...the GOP would be cooked even with a resurgent South...that's the real reason wing-nuts are so 'pro-border security'

10-27-2009, 10:35 PM
If Texas and New Mexico went Democrat, as could happen with too many of those pesky Mexican immigrants...the GOP would be cooked even with a resurgent South...that's the real reason wing-nuts are so 'pro-border security' Then I guess the inverse would mean,......the real reason the DNC is pro amnesty is to stuff ballot boxes and the plight of the working class be damned.

10-27-2009, 10:37 PM
So how many illegal aliens are registered to vote?

10-27-2009, 10:44 PM
So how many illegal aliens are registered to vote? well now you'll have to ask ACORN that, but they don't exactlly ask for legal I.D. at polling places, something some republicans have asked for and democrats block, however amnesty would fix that, As the DNC sees it, the only thing wrong with America is that it's full of americans.

10-27-2009, 11:31 PM
well now you'll have to ask ACORN that, but they don't exactlly ask for legal I.D. at polling places, something some republicans have asked for and democrats block, however amnesty would fix that, As the DNC sees it, the only thing wrong with America is that it's full of americans.I'm asking you. You brought it up. How many illegal aliens are registered to vote?

10-28-2009, 12:34 AM
Given micca's high rate of self-pwnage, his ritual avoidance of questions makes some sense.

jack sommerset
10-28-2009, 08:25 AM
Then I guess the inverse would mean,......the real reason the DNC is pro amnesty is to stuff ballot boxes and the plight of the working class be damned.

Without question ACORN got Franken elected. The guy won by 300 votes. ACORN has done damage lets hope the Obama dems don't give them anymore money EVER.

10-28-2009, 01:12 PM
Obama dems are the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

Fuck you very much.

Because, as we all know the best way to win people over to your viewpoint is to call them the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

Be sure to pass this brilliant strategem on to the RNC so they can incorporate that into the platform.

It's revolutionary ideas like this from brilliant minds such as yours that ensure that the Republicans can start winning over the moderates they are so busy pissing on, despite themselves.

Way to go!* :tu

*"Way to go" is a registered trademark of the "Thank goodness our political opposites-are-rude, semi-coherent zealots-because-it-makes-our-job convincing-fence-sitters-that-Repulicans-have-a-lot-of-bad-ideas" Political Action Committee"

10-28-2009, 01:14 PM
Without question ACORN got Franken elected.How?

10-28-2009, 01:15 PM
Fuck you very much.

Because, as we all know the best way to win people over to your viewpoint is to call them the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

You probably shouldn't call skeptics of catastrophic climate change "911 twoofers" or "holocaust deniers" then. :wakeup

10-28-2009, 01:17 PM
Without question ACORN got Franken elected.

Because, as we all know, the massive distortion caused by MINNESOTA over-registering of its massive African-American populations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota#Race_and_ancestry)dramatically effected the results.


10-28-2009, 01:23 PM
You probably shouldn't call skeptics of catastrophic climate change "911 twoofers" or "holocaust deniers" then. :wakeup

I never did, feel free to browse through my posts to find this.

What I did say was that these three movements tend to exhibit the same bad logic, pseudo-science, and paranoia.

The constant, repeatedly demonstrated logical fallacies demonstrated in arguments here by people who call themselves "skeptics" of the AGW theory make my point for the bad logic. The pseudo-science is easily shown by an utter lack of peer-reviewed scientific papers cited by people like Wild Cobra, and the paranoia is also easy to demonstrate in unproven statements of some evil, selfish motivation on the part of scientists who study climate science.

That is a debate for another thread. :flag:

10-28-2009, 01:31 PM
Fuck you very much.

Because, as we all know the best way to win people over to your viewpoint is to call them the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

Be sure to pass this brilliant strategem on to the RNC so they can incorporate that into the platform.

It's revolutionary ideas like this from brilliant minds such as yours that ensure that the Republicans can start winning over the moderates they are so busy pissing on, despite themselves.

Way to go!* :tu

*"Way to go" is a registered trademark of the "Thank goodness our political opposites-are-rude, semi-coherent zealots-because-it-makes-our-job convincing-fence-sitters-that-Repulicans-have-a-lot-of-bad-ideas" Political Action Committee"

Yes, because as we all know, the reason people post in the political forum at spurstalk.com is to win the hearts and minds of others.

How very NBADannish of you.

10-28-2009, 01:34 PM
Yes, because as we all know, the reason people post in the political forum at spurstalk.com is to win the hearts and minds of others.

How very NBADannish of you.

I hold no illusions generally about changing anybody's minds.

It is fun for me, however, to point out how much conservatives continually hurt their cause through statements like the one I was responding to.

I find it very telling that none of the conservatives on this board had the moral courage to call him out for that statement.

What does it say about the right in general that you condone such vitriol by your silence?

10-28-2009, 01:38 PM

That map should be two blends of blue.

10-28-2009, 01:58 PM
That map should be two blends of blue.Why?