View Full Version : LMAO at too much halloween partying!!!

11-03-2009, 02:17 PM
This girl I know went to a Halloween party with her husband.....of course there was plenty of alcohol, so he was drinking big time. Anyhow, she leaves a bit early and takes her 1yr old home with her. Her husband stumbles into bed around 2am in the morning shit faced. Well, he rolls over onto the side of the bed and proceeds to vomit...........................right onto their DOG! which sleeps next to their bed in a small doggy bed. The dog was like "WTF? is going on here?" Dog starts whimpering and howling...... :lmao The girl had to give the dog a bath at 2 in the morning, and she threw the doggy bed away.......I guess it wasnt worth cleaning. Or maybe the dog was like to hell with sleeping in that thing again. She said her husband still had a hangover at 3pm the following day.

11-03-2009, 02:28 PM
Now see....PETA should go after that chick..not Manu. :)

11-03-2009, 03:01 PM
i went to monster massive, and dont remember anything, shit

Blue Jew
11-03-2009, 03:04 PM
i went to monster massive, and dont remember anything, shit

You better ask for a rape kit while the DNA is still fresh in your ass! :tu