View Full Version : Not a Good Time To Be A Reserve and National Guard Recruiter

04-18-2005, 02:21 PM
Thanks to our needless endeavor into Iraq, the National Guard and Reserve have become a hard sell...

The blood and turmoil of war are behind him. Now Sgt. 1st Class Rob Barea is fighting a new battle: He's trying to line up recruits for the New Jersey National Guard.

Occasionally, he'll get a kid who wants to travel or take advantage of the free tuition program. Others will meet Barea at a local high school and do sit-ups for him on the hallway floor to prove they're fit to fight.

Then they go home and talk to their folks.

"Some respect it," said Barea, a veteran of the 1999 Kosovo war. But others ask: "Why do you want to die?"

The National Guard clearly has become a hard sell. Because of the war in Iraq, the free tuition and other benefits are no longer attractive. Instead of a relatively safe, part-time commitment, it's viewed as a one-way ticket to the battlefield. Some critics have labeled it the "backdoor draft."

New Jersey.com (http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVs N2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2NjgxNDA5JnlyaXJ5N2Y3MTdmN3ZxZWVFRX l5Mg)

Recruiters who once had their choice of HS graduates and young adults have become the most isolated people in the US with many suddenly suffering from sever health problems and some even contemplating suicide...

A recruiter in New York said pressure from the Army to meet his recruiting goals during a time of war has given him stomach problems and searing back pain. Suffering from bouts of depression, he said he has considered suicide. Another, in Texas, said he had volunteered many times to go to Iraq rather than face ridicule, rejection and the Army’s wrath.

An Army chaplain said he had counseled nearly a dozen recruiters in the past 18 months to help them cope with marital troubles and job-related stress.

“There were a couple of recruiters that felt they were having nervous breakdowns, literally,” said Maj. Stephen Nagler, a chaplain who retired in March after serving at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, where the New York City recruiting battalion is based.

GNN.tv (http://www.gnn.tv/headlines/1696/For_Army_Recruiters_a_Hard_Toll_From_a_Hard_Sell)

Its a shame that the Iraq war was has cost us these two fine American Institutions.

04-18-2005, 06:51 PM
is there anything the critics have not called a backdoor draft?!!! haha

04-18-2005, 07:05 PM
The National Guard clearly has become a hard sell. Because of the war in Iraq, the free tuition and other benefits are no longer attractive. Instead of a relatively safe, part-time commitment, it's viewed as a one-way ticket to the battlefield. Some critics have labeled it the "backdoor draft."

So in other words, as long as they get free gov't money, they'll take the check. Your country needs your service in what you have been collecting a check for years and it's quit. Sounds like the typical American. Have no clue their life was payed for by brave people. Bunch of NBADanallahs. Todays youth have balls of mashed potatoes.

04-18-2005, 07:08 PM
Man, I was pissed when I accepted a job and they told me I had to work to get paid.

04-18-2005, 07:54 PM
So in other words, as long as they get free gov't money, they'll take the check. Your country needs your service in what you have been collecting a check for years and it's quit. Sounds like the typical American. Have no clue their life was payed for by brave people. Bunch of NBADanallahs. Todays youth have balls of mashed potatoes.

So get off your computer and go enlist..... Show us what your balls are made of.

04-19-2005, 06:46 AM
So get off your computer and go enlist..... Show us what your balls are made of.

I don't think they are looking for 39 year olds with a bad knee. I'll just stick to contributing to my charities that support wounded soldiers, inviting them over for thanksgiving, thanking soldiers when I see them on the street, spreading the true intentions of the Islamakazis, and placing flowers on my fathers grave at Fort Sam.

Why do Libbies always change the subject? They are paid to do a job and when it's time to do that job, they run away. When it isn't a free lunch anymore, people bail. The life of a Liberal.

04-19-2005, 07:19 AM
spreading the true intentions of the Islamakazis

Wow racism, who would have thought?

04-19-2005, 08:19 AM
Wow racism, who would have thought?

Ahh. The crutch of the libby. Whatever happens, whatever truth is staring you in the face, you get accused of being a racist. I am not talking about race turd breath, it's a religion. I don't care what color the Islamakazis are, just that they want to lop off the heads of all "non-believers". It's a religion based on the destruction of all others. It is a religion of worship Allah, or die. I guess you get your information from the MSM. You do no research on your own. You don't read foreign news services.

Off topic. Do you know the State of Texas discriminates in contracts against white male owned business? Do you know the program that has created this started with good intentions and has now become an entitlement program? (what a shock) Do you know the State spends millions more than it should for supplies and services? Do you know I can't get orders for the sole reason I work for a white male? Didn't think so. Know what the hell your talking about before :blah

04-19-2005, 01:11 PM
Islam, by doctrine, is the religion most based on the ideal of Peace.


Keep telling yourself that.

most muslims hate 'islamakazis' just as much, if not more, than you hate liberals and reasonable people hate ignorance

Just like these friendly, kind muslims in small town USA.


Jihad comes to Small Town, USA

Posted: April 19, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Laura Mansfield
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

It happened again this week. I came out of the office to find a flyer under my windshield wipers inviting me to a special informational presentation on God and family values, and how to bring them back to the forefront in America.

I'm a parent so the flyer caught my interest. But as an analyst for the Northeast Intelligence Network, my eyes were riveted to the address on the flyer: The session was being held at a nearby mosque.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided it would be a good time for some onsite investigations of the mosque. In order to not attract undue attention, I dressed conservatively, wearing a navy jumper with a long sleeve white blouse, and low heels. I debated whether or not to put on a hijab (head scarf) then decided not to – after all, I was going to "learn," not to pretend I was a Muslim.

I checked the mosque schedule on the Web, and discovered there was going to be an Arabic language session an hour before. So I showed up an hour early. The imam met me at the door, and told me that the presentation didn't start for an hour, and suggested I come back in an hour. Fortunately, I had anticipated this. I explained that since I had quite a bit of reading to do for a class I was taking. "Can I just sit here and read?"

He hesitated a moment, then agreed. I sat in the back of the room, with my book open, and made a mental note to remember to turn the pages every so often, as I listened to the speakers in Arabic.

The first speaker was the head of the Muslim Students' Association at the nearby university. Although I missed the beginning of the discussion, I caught up quickly. He was talking about the problems he had encountered on a recent trip, when TSA flagged him for extra screening. He joked about the fact that they had stopped him for extensive screening. He had anticipated that he would be screened and he had filled his carryon luggage with printouts of the Quran from the Internet, and had 15 or 16 CDs labeled in Arabic, and he had a notebook computer with him.

As he expected, he was delayed – he thought it was very amusing that while several TSA personnel were scrutinizing his personal belongings that his classmate from Jordan was able to walk through security, along with his American girlfriend, without any problems whatsoever.

One of the men said, in Arabic: "Blonde Americans are good for something!" Another man advised him to be cautious, since there was an American woman in the room. The imam spoke up and told everyone I didn't speak Arabic. (whoops)

At that point, another student took the podium. His name was Khaled, and he began to recount his recent trip to New York City. Khaled and three of his companions had gone to New York for several days in January. He told of how uncomfortable his trip up to NYC had been. He felt like he was being watched, and thought he was the victim of racial profiling.

Khaled and his friends were pretty unhappy about it, and while in New York, they came up with a plan to "teach a lesson" to the passengers and crew. You can imagine the story Khaled told. He described how he and his friends whispered to each other on the flight, made simultaneous visits to the restroom, and generally tried to "spook" the other passengers. He laughed when he described how several women were in tears, and one man sitting near him was praying.

The others in the room thought the story was quite amusing, judging from the laughter. The imam stood up and told the group that this was a kind of peaceful civil disobedience that should be encouraged, and commended Khaled and his friends for their efforts.

He pointed out that it was through this kind of civil disobedience that ethnic profiling would fail.

One of the other men, Ahmed from Kuwait, gave a brief account of his friend Eyad, who had finally gone to Iraq. Ahmed was in e-mail contact with Eyad, and hoped by the following week to be able to bring them more information about the state of the "mujahideen" in Iraq.

As the meeting drew to a close, the imam gave a brief speech calling for the protection of Allah on the mujahideen fighting for Islam throughout the world, and reminded everyone that it was their duty as Muslims to continue in the path of jihad, whether it was simple efforts like those of Khaled and his friends, or the actual physical fighting of men like Eyad.

Here comes the English version.

As the meeting broke up, several women in hijabs came in the room, and two of them sat with me. They were very warm and friendly and welcoming, and appeared to be clearly thrilled that I was there. They asked me questions about who I was, and why I was interested in the session.

By the time the session began, there were half a dozen American women, four of them African-American. Where the previous session had definite anti-American tones, this session was all American and Apple Pie. The earlier session had been in Arabic – this one was in English.

The woman leading the session, Nafisa, told of the concerns she had regarding her daughters in the public-school system. She complained about the influence of the MTV culture, and seemed concerned about the rampant sexuality that pervaded all facets of American life, from television to movies and on into the school system.

She explained her personal solution – the local Islamic school, beginning with kindergarten. Instead of worrying about her daughters dressing provocatively and behaving inappropriately with boys, she talked about the modest school uniforms they wore, and the single-gender classes her daughters attended.

She then began to discuss Islam, focusing on the commonalities it has with Christianity. The sales pitch had clearly begun. While in the previous section, the men had quoted over and over again sura from the Quran calling for violent jihad, the women's session focused on the "gentler" side of Islam.

The same imam who demanded that the men continue in the path of jihad did a complete 180-degree turn in this session, stressing instead the suras that promoted the "brotherhood" between Muslims, Christians and Jews. "After all, we worship the same God, and follow the teachings in the books he gave each of us. We are all the same, we are all People of the Book," he stressed.

___________Getting a clue yet shit for brains?_________________

The differences between the sessions were striking. Clearly the second session was a recruiting session.

Were the women aware of what was being taught in the first session? Certainly those women who spoke Arabic should have been.

The reason for concern is obvious: Two different doctrines are being promoted. One peaceful, friendly, warm and fuzzy doctrine is being used to draw people in, with a focus on the well-being of their children.

But the Arabic-speaking sessions clearly have an anti-American tone.

It shows clearly that as much as we'd like to pretend it hasn't, jihad has reached Small-Town, USA. This mosque isn't in Washington, D.C., or New York City. This is a small mosque in a small town in the deep South.

And if it's in this tiny little quiet southern town, it's probably in your hometown, too.

Guru of Nothing
04-19-2005, 01:15 PM
They are paid to do a job and when it's time to do that job, they run away. When it isn't a free lunch anymore, people bail. The life of a Liberal.

The job you refer to is DEFENDING THE COUNTRY; perhaps they never expected the term "defend" to be interpreted so .... liberally.

04-19-2005, 01:24 PM
Where is Small Town, USA? Surely the actual town in this account has an actual name.

Guru of Nothing
04-19-2005, 01:35 PM

Okay, so you don't like Muslims.

What are you gonna do? Seriously, what are you going to do?

I know what you will do - NOTHING. Unless you count bitching and moaning.

As you were. Please continue.

04-19-2005, 01:36 PM
Where is Small Town, USA? Surely the actual town in this account has an actual name.

Probably halfway between Metropolis and Gotham City.

04-19-2005, 03:30 PM
Why do Libbies always change the subject? They are paid to do a job and when it's time to do that job, they run away. When it isn't a free lunch anymore, people bail. The life of a Liberal.

Didn't realize I was changing the subject..... but more to the point.

This thread started out being about the difficulty of getting recruits for the Guard and Reserve. The implication also being retention was suffering as well creating a manpower crunch.

It's not terribly difficult to understand. I would offer that people who join the military do so for a myriad of reasons. A significant number of those are people who do so for economic reasons. I myself joined as a 17 year old and my motivation was economic. Other underlying reasons were my father was career military so I was somewhat familiar with the lifestyle and this "Libbie" loves his country and is proud of it as well. I recognized there would be a possiblity that I could be involved in an armed conflict and I was prepared to do my duty should it have come to that.

When Pearl Harbor was bombed, this nation reacted in a way that is nothing short of amazing. President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war which it did. Men joined the armed forces in droves. Women entered the manufacturing sector to support the war effort. The president's own sons joined the military. Food and other commodities were rationed. We were united in our resolve to turn back this enemy whom had so cowardly attacked us.

Fast forward to 2001 and once again evil struck this nation on what is now simply called 9/11. The American people were ready to do what was necessary. Many volunteered for military service to heed the call of defending this country. Yet President Bush did not lead. Oh he said we would come after the people who brought down the towers. Beyond that, no sacrifice was asked for of the American people. We were told to keep on shopping. The president's daughters continued to party on at college rather than volunteer to help this country in any way. Taxes were cut, largely for the most well-off of us.

The U.S. Military roared into Afghanistan with a ferocity that was truly awe inspiring. The same nation that had bogged down the Soviet military machine in the 70s and 80s was overwhelmed in weeks. Yet, Bin Laden remained at large. Make no mistake though, the only reason we went into Afghanistan was because the Taliban would not hand over Bin Laden. We didn't go there to build an Islamic democracy. In fact we were more concerned with negotiating with the Taliban prior to 9/11 to build a pipeline across that third world country. The persecution of women was not an issue if the Mullahs had cut a deal to give us the pipeline we wanted.

Yet despite the success of the invasion, Bin Laden remained at large. America still wanted it's revenge. But the Bush team had something else in mind.

Iraq was there for the taking and so began the rationale for going to war with Saddam. Saddam was a toothless tiger. Unable to move a truck in the desert without us knowing about it and unable to fly aircraft in his own country. Yet the drumbeats began that this madman could strike the U.S. He was alligned with Bin Laden and could turn over WMD to terrorists. The Bush team proceeded to paint visual images of mushroom clouds. Saddam was portrayed as evil incarnate. He murdered his own people, he tortured his suspected enemies.

I know, I know the standard right wing talking point that France, Germany, Russia and even Bill Clinton thought Saddam had WMDs. It was reasonable for even the regular Joe on the street to think he had them because he had had them in the past. But the French, Germans, Russians and Clinton didn't think it was necessary to invade Iraq. Saddam was defanged and posed no threat.

Well there were no WMDs, there was no connection to the 9/11 terrorists, all he had was Saddam was a bad guy and we were launching a democracy in the Middle East. Well that would never have sold in the general populace because most Americans don't want to die for some other country. Most Americans don't want to sacrifice their children for some other country. There are despots and criminals all over the world but very few want to spill our blood overthrowing tyrants in other nations.

Can't you see how a case could be made to invade Cuba because it could be used as a launching ground for terrorists attacks?

My 14 year old son asked me the other day if joining the Army would be a good way to pay for college. I advised him to steer clear of the Army and Marines because I don't want him being fodder for some politicians (Bush) ambitions. If he was set on joining, go in the Air Force, he would be safer. He is my only son. I will be damned if I want him to die in Iraq because of bunch of little Napoleons in the administration envision Iraq as an important piece of strategic real estate. My ex-wife, (she's the conservative) told him don't go in the military. We would get him through college.

That is why there is difficulty recruiting at this time. Americans will die for their country. There are not as many who will die for someone else's country.

04-19-2005, 05:32 PM
Where is Small Town, USA? Surely the actual town in this account has an actual name.

Here is the writers Bio.

Laura Mansfield is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience dealing with Middle East issues. She is fluent in written and spoken Arabic, and has an excellent understanding of the complex cultural, religious and historical issues. Her experience includes nearly seven years living and working in the region for a wide range of private and government clients.

Click her name. She works for Homeland Security. Great idea. Divuldge the town so the imam and the peaceful congregation can know who she is/was. In the words of a beer commercial:


guess you don't frequent this site, smackdaddy

Nope. But I have heard and seen the founder on TV. Neat little tidbit on his site:

Taking our religion back one Muslim at a time

We believe in the re-interpretation of Islam for the 21st century where terrorism is not justified under any circumstances.

If it is a religion of peace why does it need re-interpretation? Oh thats right 90+% still believe in living like it's 600 A.D.

Christianity did this 400+ years ago. Get with the program.

We believe in the separation of religion and state.

We believe that democracy is the best form of government.

We believe in the promotion of secularism in all forms of political activity.

We believe that equality for women is an inalienable right.

We believe that religion is a personal relationship between the individual and his or her God and is not to be forced on anyone.

Here is another part of the front page.

Muslims against terrorism and extremism

The Free Muslims Against Terrorism is a nonprofit organization made up of American Muslims and American Arabs of all backgrounds who feel that religious violence and terrorism have not been fully rejected by the Muslim community in the post 9-11 era.
Free Muslims was created to eliminate broad base support for Islamic extremism and terrorism and to strengthen secular democratic institutions in the Middle East and the Muslim World by supporting Islamic reformation efforts.

Free Muslims promotes a modern secular interpretation of Islam which is peace-loving, democracy-loving and compatible with other faiths and beliefs. Free Muslims' efforts are unique; it is the only mainstream American-Muslim organization willing to attack extremism and terrorism unambiguously. Unfortunately most other Muslim leaders and organizations believe that when it comes to terrorism, the end justifies the means.

His own words. I'll say it again. Most Muslims are 'become Muslim or die' and your site PROVES I'm right. Thanks.

Kamal Nawash has a tremendous uphill battle. I'll pray he is sucessful. If the Islamakazis get a chance, the'll lop his head off.

What are you gonna do? Seriously, what are you going to do?

You call it moaning, I call it educating. Better know your enemy and their tactics, or your pushin' up daisies.

04-19-2005, 06:17 PM
Click her name. She works for Homeland Security. Great idea. Divuldge the town so the imam and the peaceful congregation can know who she is/was.

If you dig a little more, you would find that "homelandsecurityus.com" is NOT the Department of Homeland Security. As it says in their website FAQ:

The Northeast Intelligence Network is a private research agency that monitors a number of different sources for information about potential terrorist activities, especially certain Islamic jihad websites on the internet.

Divulge the name of the town and there's more legitimacy to the story, and possibly grounds for an investigation. Maybe that's going on anyway. But without knowing, it's as relevant to the reader as "some guy told me that Dr. Pepper has cans with 'Under God' censored out."

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-19-2005, 06:41 PM

Islam, by doctrine, is the religion most based on the ideal of Peace.

I think there's hope with Islam, but this statement is complete bullshit. The religion has been around 1400 years, and the only time people within it have stopped fighting each other was to fight non-Muslims.

Seriously, for 1400 years, they have been fighting with each other or with other religions the entire fucking time, all in the name of religion.

They can't even agree on which sect is the right one, and fight over that (Shi'ites vs. Sunnis). And it won't stop anytime soon with the radical Wahabbis and radical Salafis running around spewing their hate either.

There are good people in Islam, but they've largely stood back and let a bunch of thugs hijack their religion.

The only place Islam is a religion of peace is in the brochures.

04-19-2005, 06:44 PM
There are good people in Islam, but they've largely stood back and let a bunch of thugs hijack their religion.

Sounds like the Republican party!

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-19-2005, 06:53 PM
Gimme a break. Both major political parties in this country are guilty of the same thing.

04-19-2005, 07:02 PM
Gimme a break. Both major political parties in this country are guilty of the same thing.

Yup, you are absolutely correct. No fucking question.

But it was more fun to say Republican in this particular thread.


04-20-2005, 01:17 AM
That is why there is difficulty recruiting at this time. Americans will die for their country. There are not as many who will die for someone else's country.

Amen brother.

04-20-2005, 01:36 AM
Why do Libbies always change the subject? They are paid to do a job and when it's time to do that job, they run away. When it isn't a free lunch anymore, people bail. The life of a Liberal.
Ah, yes! Isn't it all the fault of the liberals? Bill Clinton is to blame for oral sex, which has been practised for about a thousand years...
And, shall we blame George W Bush for unilateral, unprovoked war? Nah!
Did not George W enlist in the Texas Air National Guard because he believed he would never be called into active duty? Did not thousands of rich boys enlist in the National Guard under the same delusion?
Of course people who don't really want to be involved in a kill-or-be-killed situation choose to pretend that they're A-1 Ready, Steady. It's just something boys do, especially, sons of politicians.
I'm not changing the subject, smackdaddy, I'm calling you out. Have you enlisted in any way shape or form? Tell me you've served in a real war environment; tell me all about the horrors you experienced as a result of being on the front lines. I joined the Air Force for the same reason most people join the service in peace time. It's not the call to service that ticks people off; it's the relentless call to service, over and over and over again, while no one else :wtf is volunteering for service...

Guru of Nothing
04-20-2005, 07:55 AM
If you dig a little more, you would find that "homelandsecurityus.com" is NOT the Department of Homeland Security. As it says in their website FAQ:

That's extremely funny.

04-20-2005, 10:13 AM
If you dig a little more, you would find that "homelandsecurityus.com" is NOT the Department of Homeland Security. As it says in their website FAQ:

My fault, Sperminator. See what happens when you are forming opinions when you don't have at least most the facts?

Divulge the name of the town and there's more legitimacy to the story, and possibly grounds for an investigation. Maybe that's going on anyway. But without knowing, it's as relevant to the reader as "some guy told me that Dr. Pepper has cans with 'Under God' censored out."

What is the difference in this and "a source"? You said yourself "possibly grounds for an investigation. Maybe that's going on anyway." She completelty divulges her Bio and explains her experience. She could work for Homeland security for all we know. Are you saying there is no truth to this? From what i've read about the animals, this is their strategy. I do understand wanting to know the town but if it is a small town as discussed, maybe she lives there and there is only one mosque there. Do you think they would remember the girl "reading" the book?

The whole point is this "religion of peace" is a bunch of hoooey. MOST muslims want non believers dead or converted, both having the same weight.

I'm still waiting for jackass to address the quotes from his Free Muslim site.

04-20-2005, 10:34 AM
I am saying that the story is not credible. Considering all of the cynicism about "Main Stream Media," I'm sorry if I'm skeptical towards someone who works for a website with a name meant to mislead readers like you into thinking they are a government agency. "homelandsecurityus.com?" Seriously. If what you're doing is unbiased and credible, use your real fucking name in the URL. Is that too much to ask?

But pretending everything she says is true... "Small Town, USA" reads like a not-so-subtle scare tactic for people living in rural areas.... ("They're all around yoooooou... BOOGA BOOGA!!") Saying that she's keeping it secret for her own protection is a cop-out. Why not a state? A region? I'll tell you why not, because then you couldn't equally scare the Depends off of people in Maryhill, Washington and Stamford, Texas.

And I still don't see the point of all of this... you believe you are "educating"... well, who? What are good Patriotic Americans supposed to do with this "education"? Look upon brown-skinned ragheads with more aprehension? That's a great idea... let's further alienate those who we believe might not be as sympathetic to our cause. Nothing makes me feel safer than a nation-wide shunning of Muslims.

Islam has some fundamental problems as a religion, only beginning with the number of radical followers. But the way to battle these problems is not by isolation. By all means, go after the extremists with full force. But for those who have not presented a credible threat to anyone (and going to a Mosque does not constitute a credible threat), I would suggest a more Christian approach... Love. Maybe if they actually got to know some non-Muslims (and you got to know them), there wouldn't be so much wide and senseless animosity.

04-20-2005, 10:55 AM
I wonder what they say about people an hour before mass at everyones church.

04-20-2005, 11:18 AM
smackdaddy up to his good ole hatin!!!! Nice. Only, not.

Yet, I ask him what I asked him on this subject before.

Have you visted a mosque yet?

04-20-2005, 11:54 AM
smackdaddy up to his good ole hatin!!!! Nice. Only, not.

Yet, I ask him what I asked him on this subject before.

Have you visted a mosque yet?

Have you visited a KKK rally? :lol :p

04-20-2005, 04:31 PM
even cnn is forced to admit that 2/3 of muslims worldwide didn't support 9/11 attacks

And 77% felt going into Afghanistan wasn't justified. So, 77% of the Muslim World thinks we should sit on our collective asses and do nothing after thousands die by going to work. Nice mindset in that part of the world.

They also view American values as deeply materialist and secular and American culture as a corrupting influence on their societies, the poll found.

I can see how the U.S. could corrupt their society since they don't want to move out of 400 A.D.

The people of the Muslim world have this opinion because of Israel. What they DON"T say is if we didn't support Israel, we could have a sequel to a trajic historical event:

Holocaust II.

Soon as you address the actual words of Free Muslims site that backup my side, we'll talk.


And I still don't see the point of all of this... you believe you are "educating"... well, who? What are good Patriotic Americans supposed to do with this "education"? Look upon brown-skinned ragheads with more aprehension? That's a great idea... let's further alienate those who we believe might not be as sympathetic to our cause. Nothing makes me feel safer than a nation-wide shunning of Muslims.

Nice comment. I haver NEVER insulted a person based on race, sex or religion. The issue with Islam is it isn't a religion on the whole. It's a gang.
Go read the front page of Free Islam and He AGREES with me and he is a Muslim. His effort should be supported to the maximium but you do realize it could be a few decades to eliminate the crap to get to the heart. He states himself Islam needs to move into the 21st century. Most Muslims are basakwards. The only people able to fix that religion are Muslims. I'll support anyone who wants to get rid of their neanderthal mindset.

Islam has some fundamental problems as a religion, only beginning with the number of radical followers. But the way to battle these problems is not by isolation. By all means, go after the extremists with full force. But for those who have not presented a credible threat to anyone (and going to a Mosque does not constitute a credible threat), I would suggest a more Christian approach... Love. Maybe if they actually got to know some non-Muslims (and you got to know them), there wouldn't be so much wide and senseless animosity.

2 Groups. Modern Muslims (Free Muslim site) and basakwards dumbshits who deserve grenades up their asses and the pin pulled. Sorry to knock down the show the Love theory. Just like at the Free Muslim site. The Middle East blames all their issues on the U.S. and Israel. Never their own doing. Always someone elses fault for this reason or that reason. (hmmm. Where have I heard excuses like this before? That's right. The Socialis.........er democrats)

I see Muslims doing, not talking, to correct their own internal issues, I'll be the first to lend my support. Words mean jack.

smackdaddy up to his good ole hatin!!!! Nice. Only, not.

Yet, I ask him what I asked him on this subject before.

Have you visted a mosque yet?

And I'll ask you again, joined the school board yet? You think Eco terrorists should be given a break since they are smart and make bad choices? :rolleyes So what if they destroy 125 vehicles? Ever been a business owner yet? Analytical skills ani't your forte'.

Have you visited a KKK rally?

Nope. They all need grenades up their asses also. How can I be a supporter of Israel and frequent KKK rallies? Another Einstein.

04-20-2005, 04:41 PM
Actually, I've been a successful business owner. At the age of 18 I owned and sold my own company, and made a pretty nice profit.

And reading comprehension isn't one of your best abilities. Go back and read the ecoterrorism thread again.

Also, while I haven't joined a school board yet, I've been to a bunch of meetings.

And that KKK comment was directed at me by Chris as a joke. Jesus, you are dense.

Anything else?

04-20-2005, 05:40 PM
I haver NEVER insulted a person based on race, sex or religion.

LOL... Your whole diatribe has had the sole purpose of insulting people based on religion!

The issue with Islam is it isn't a religion on the whole. It's a gang.


Muslims aren't going to change their attitudes about the US as long as people in the US have the same attitudes towards them. I'm all for efforts like freemuslims.org, but those are Muslims policing Muslims. White people with computers spreading fear to other white people with computers don't help matters, they only create more tension.

Words mean jack.

04-20-2005, 08:45 PM
I'm all for efforts like freemuslims.org, but those are Muslims policing Muslims. White people with computers spreading fear to other white people with computers don't help matters, they only create more tension.

DING DING DING!!!!! You win the prize. Unless MUSLIMS clean up their majority who believe in the hatred and destruction of anything not Muslim, you better get ready to batten down the hatches. I'm rooting for those good Muslims. Unfortunately, they are a tad outnumbered right now.

you say that muslims support terrorists. i give you a website by muslims who do not.

I show you a quote FROM THAT SITE where the founder says his religion needs to join the civilized world. He is a Muslim who now realizes the teachings of his religion are HORRIBLE and need reform.

and i'm sure that the percentage of muslims who do support violence would probably love to go on a grenade-shoving-up-ass spree with you.

And when they get me because I stand and fight and all that are left are the "show love and tolerance" crowd. Nobody left but pacifists and what a shock they will get.

O.K. know it alls. Bookmark coming:


I'm there reading EVERY DAY.

Go read for a year and a half and get caught up.

04-20-2005, 10:11 PM
Must be nice to pick and choose what you want to believe.

04-21-2005, 12:47 AM
DING DING DING!!!!! You win the prize. Unless MUSLIMS clean up their majority who believe in the hatred and destruction of anything not Muslim, you better get ready to batten down the hatches. I'm rooting for those good Muslims. Unfortunately, they are a tad outnumbered right now.


It would seem to me that it is the fundamentalist Islamist which are the ones who are a 'tad outnumbered'. If the reverse we true, both the entire M.E. and Indonesia would be in a hell of mess about now

04-21-2005, 03:29 AM

It would seem to me that it is the fundamentalist Islamist which are the ones who are a 'tad outnumbered'. If the reverse we true, both the entire M.E. and Indonesia would be in a hell of mess about now

Nothing really to add to the thread, I just find the irony of that statement amusing. :spin

04-21-2005, 07:08 AM
No doubt it is tougher to recruit right now but I was under the assumption that this would not happen considering all the support Bush got in the election.

Not trying to be an asshole but I was expecting plenty of recruits after the election.

Wha happen?

The Ressurrected One
04-21-2005, 01:26 PM
Wha happen?
The prospect of dying is scary and not many volunteer for danger. It's only natural.

The further we are removed from September 11th, the fewer that are impassioned enough to disregard the hazards in favor of patriotism/revenge/duty/etc...

Of course, it doesn't help that Democrats have used the military as a political chew toy for the past few years.

04-21-2005, 01:30 PM
And the republicans haven't? :rolleyes

:lol Whoooooooo...

The Ressurrected One
04-21-2005, 02:19 PM
And the republicans haven't? :rolleyes

:lol Whoooooooo...
Nope. They haven't...

04-21-2005, 02:40 PM
Nope. They haven't...

The Ressurrected One
04-21-2005, 02:46 PM
That certainly supports your position...

04-21-2005, 02:58 PM
Well, you could post that the sun orbited the earth and would I really need to post anything more than that emoticon? I think not.