View Full Version : omg stfu all of ya'll

11-06-2009, 12:12 AM
The 4th game of the season and already a few spurs fans are ready to jump off a cliff. :rolleyes

Close this thread, I don't care, but some of you guys are ridiculous.
We're only 4 games into the season, calm the fuck down.

11-06-2009, 12:14 AM
I'm glad to see someone in this place kept their composure.


11-06-2009, 12:14 AM
I think people are just surprised at how the team looks. Foolishly, people thought the Spurs would just be amazing right out of the gate. It was clear from the beginning that the Spurs, more than the other contenders, had the most questions to answer.

11-06-2009, 12:18 AM
I think people are just surprised at how the team looks. Foolishly, people thought the Spurs would just be amazing right out of the gate. It was clear from the beginning that the Spurs, more than the other contenders, had the most questions to answer.

It's still early and it'll take a while before Pop gets his rotation in.
I'm pretty sure our roster will look different by april. It's pretty obvious that the spurs need some size behind Duncan.
Only a matter of time before they look at Ian during the season... I have no problem with Bonner, at the moment, but they're not winning
anything with Bonner and Finley playing over 20 minutes a game.

11-06-2009, 12:21 AM
hahaha calm the fuck down kids .... everything will be better before all you even notices it ....

11-06-2009, 01:09 AM
hahaha calm the fuck down kids .... everything will be better before all you even notices it ....

11-06-2009, 01:15 AM
4th game and Matt Bonner is still starting. Just wow.

11-06-2009, 01:16 AM
Wow a Spurstalk meltdown already? I mean, I'm pissed, but come on.

11-06-2009, 01:18 AM
The 4th game of the season and already a few spurs fans are ready to jump off a cliff. :rolleyes

Close this thread, I don't care, but some of you guys are ridiculous.
We're only 4 games into the season, calm the fuck down.


The only reason I'm pissed is because I don't have League Pass, and only get to watch the games on ESPN, TNT & abc...which the Spurs habitually seem to go and lose. :lol

Bad game tonight. LOL Spurs. Let's get this shit figured out in time for the Playoffs.

11-06-2009, 01:19 AM
The Spurs are ranked 17th in team defense. I will be surprised if they crack the top 10 by the end of the season.

11-06-2009, 01:24 AM
Hey we're 3-2!! :lmao
Watch the spurs come back against the Blazers the following day...
I feel a change coming..
This might be a good thing for the spurs. The spurs need to protect the paint, with this hopefully Pop will
realize that they need either Ian or Haslip added into the roster..
In my opinion Ian>Haslip

11-06-2009, 01:24 AM
We are FOUR (4), 4

games into the season. This isn't March or April. Christ!

11-06-2009, 01:25 AM
Hey we're 3-2!! :lmao
Watch the spurs come back against the Blazers the following day...
I feel a change coming..
This might be a good thing for the spurs. The spurs need to protect the paint, with this hopefully Pop will
realize that they need either Ian or Haslip added into the roster..
In my opinion Ian>Haslip

If he was going to realize the paint needs to be protected, he would have done it after the Chicago game. He wants 3 point shooting and poor ball handling...fuck rebounding and defense apparently.

11-06-2009, 01:26 AM
Trade bonner and timmy. fucking shit.

11-06-2009, 01:39 AM
lol at the excuses be it a b2b or early season. SPURS are not the only team that has just started their season and look at their rankings!!!

Actualy I'm not all that worried but one thing is for sure. We need to make some changes. =P We are top going to improve anywhere without effort on defence.

11-06-2009, 01:42 AM
The 4th game of the season and already a few spurs fans are ready to jump off a cliff. :rolleyes

Close this thread, I don't care, but some of you guys are ridiculous.
We're only 4 games into the season, calm the fuck down.

You beat me to it. Totally agree. The cliffjumping by Spurs fans is a sad sight to behold - I thought that as a group we were mostly smarter than that. :rolleyes

It's the 4th game of a new season in which our team is trying to integrate a bunch of new players. Yes, we looked like shit tonight (IIRC, we usually look like crap after 4 days off, no matter which season). Yes, we have a long way to go. Is the sky falling in? Not on your freakin life.


PS Those of you new to the NBA - it usually takes 20+ games for teams to gel. The first 2 months of the season are just early prep, and no indication whatsoever of what a team will show in April and beyond. 2007 was a perfect example of this - our team struggled mightly before the ASB then put it all together and ground the competition into dust to win the trophy. And if you are an old NBA head and you are panicking, WTF?

11-06-2009, 01:45 AM
Spursfan cliff-jumps on championship years too, nothing new here. Always band-wagoners that just started following bball. I don't see how anyone that has followed the NBA for any length of time can take a 4 game stretch seriously. There's a score of examples in the past 2 years alone of it meaning nothing.

11-06-2009, 01:46 AM
thank you for this thread. so many moronic threads [or are they fans?]

11-06-2009, 03:16 AM
Some fuckers need to realize its only four games before climbing to the ledge.

11-06-2009, 03:18 AM
There should be concern. Spurs have some major problems.

11-06-2009, 03:20 AM
You beat me to it. Totally agree. The cliffjumping by Spurs fans is a sad sight to behold - I thought that as a group we were mostly smarter than that. :rolleyes

It's the 4th game of a new season in which our team is trying to integrate a bunch of new players. Yes, we looked like shit tonight (IIRC, we usually look like crap after 4 days off, no matter which season). Yes, we have a long way to go. Is the sky falling in? Not on your freakin life.


PS Those of you new to the NBA - it usually takes 20+ games for teams to gel. The first 2 months of the season are just early prep, and no indication whatsoever of what a team will show in April and beyond. 2007 was a perfect example of this - our team struggled mightly before the ASB then put it all together and ground the competition into dust to win the trophy. And if you are an old NBA head and you are panicking, WTF?

Knee jerk overreacting is a hallowed Spurs-fan tradition: Especially for the pedantic axe-grinders and the one week in after one week out no0bs.

11-06-2009, 04:03 AM
it happens every year. no need to make threads about how useless all the inevitable whining is after every bad loss early in the season.

11-06-2009, 05:56 AM

11-06-2009, 05:59 AM
78 games to go and everyone is freaking out. It will take at least 20 games before the rotation can be figured out. In fact, we'll probably press on the gas around January and I still believe we're going to be just fine. For the noobs in this board, nobody wins championships in November

11-06-2009, 06:18 AM
Seriously. Chill the fuck out, stick your head in the freezer, drop your dong in the pool, whatever it takes for all you cliffjumpers to relax a bit. The OP is on it here. At ease.

Listen to some soothing music

Perhaps visit a relaxing locale

Maybe pills are your thing

Whatever you do, please, please, Relax and chill.

If not, then by all means...

...At least until mid-december

11-06-2009, 06:56 AM
Kneejerk reactions are one thing. Seeing the same failsauce rotations that already got the Spurs an early playoffs exit last year is a bit disheartening to say the least.

Allowing time for a team to gel is one thing. Seeing the Spurs going yet again for a "live by the 3, die by the 3" approach (mostly "die by the 3", though) and playing lackluster defense just plain sucks.

11-06-2009, 07:08 AM
The 4th game of the season and already a few spurs fans are ready to jump off a cliff. :rolleyes

Close this thread, I don't care, but some of you guys are ridiculous.
We're only 4 games into the season, calm the fuck down.

I got your back

Spurs Brazil
11-06-2009, 07:30 AM
You beat me to it. Totally agree. The cliffjumping by Spurs fans is a sad sight to behold - I thought that as a group we were mostly smarter than that. :rolleyes

It's the 4th game of a new season in which our team is trying to integrate a bunch of new players. Yes, we looked like shit tonight (IIRC, we usually look like crap after 4 days off, no matter which season). Yes, we have a long way to go. Is the sky falling in? Not on your freakin life.


PS Those of you new to the NBA - it usually takes 20+ games for teams to gel. The first 2 months of the season are just early prep, and no indication whatsoever of what a team will show in April and beyond. 2007 was a perfect example of this - our team struggled mightly before the ASB then put it all together and ground the competition into dust to win the trophy. And if you are an old NBA head and you are panicking, WTF?

Agree, in December of 2003 that team looked bad. Even in January we were playing that good. The 2003 team picked after the rodeo trip. Give Pop and the guys some time.
PS: Pop needs to bench Finley:)

11-06-2009, 08:25 AM

11-06-2009, 09:37 AM
The more terrible we are now, the more work we have to do to get better, the more work we have to do, there will be more wear and tear, the more wear and tear we get, the less healthy they will be, the less healthy they will be, the less likely we will win a championship.

11-06-2009, 10:48 AM
There should be concern. Spurs have some major problems.

Truth be told all teams (except Celtics, Nuggets, Magic) have major problems at this point. It's way too early in the season to jump ship

11-06-2009, 10:56 AM
seriously people need to chill....I was frustrated too last night too but i know it is early especially with trying to fit the new players into our system. It takes time and i mean game playing time

11-06-2009, 11:10 AM
Most poster on here are not about to jump off the cliff after 4 games. However, what I think bothers most of us is that Pop is not correcting the problems that destoryed the Spurs last year. Everyone knew that the Spurs could not be a serious team when two of the starters are Finley and Bonner. Finley cannot stop anyone who is five years younger then him and sadly, thats most of the sg he defends. Bonner is not hitting shots and even when he is he cannot defend or rebound. Neither of these things have changed yet pop is so stubborn and doesn't want to admit that his style isn't working that he will sacrifice 10 losses before he makes the change.

The second issue is that the Spurs still run small ball lineups. It is ok to do it for a stretch in a game but Pop still runs the Spurs through most of the game with a small ball lineup. It doesn't work. Last year we had to because we had no one else to fill in the gaps. The Spurs have a lot of big men, but two are on IR. Blair was in the game yesterday for a portion of the game as our big on the floor. We played well for two plays before Utah when on a 7-0 run.

The Spurs have young blood that we can infuse into the lineup, why not give some of these guys a chance. If Mahimi can come in and get 2 blocks and make it more difficult for guards to penetrate and make layups, why not give it a shot? I know he has a foul problem but so does Bonner. Yet Bonner gets to play 20 minutes a game.

At this point in the season, the Spurs should be trying all of their pieces to see how they fit. There are three players not dressing that i would love to see get 10-15 minutes of playing time. If it doesn't work, bring back FInley and Bonner and we can go down in the 1st round again, I am prepared to live with that. Lets not make the same mistakes that killed us last year and forced us to go out and go over the cap.

11-06-2009, 11:15 AM
Most poster on here are not about to jump off the cliff after 4 games. However, what I think bothers most of us is that Pop is not correcting the problems that destoryed the Spurs last year. Everyone knew that the Spurs could not be a serious team when two of the starters are Finley and Bonner. Finley cannot stop anyone who is five years younger then him and sadly, thats most of the sg he defends. Bonner is not hitting shots and even when he is he cannot defend or rebound. Neither of these things have changed yet pop is so stubborn and doesn't want to admit that his style isn't working that he will sacrifice 10 losses before he makes the change.

The second issue is that the Spurs still run small ball lineups. It is ok to do it for a stretch in a game but Pop still runs the Spurs through most of the game with a small ball lineup. It doesn't work. Last year we had to because we had no one else to fill in the gaps. The Spurs have a lot of big men, but two are on IR. Blair was in the game yesterday for a portion of the game as our big on the floor. We played well for two plays before Utah when on a 7-0 run.

The Spurs have young blood that we can infuse into the lineup, why not give some of these guys a chance. If Mahimi can come in and get 2 blocks and make it more difficult for guards to penetrate and make layups, why not give it a shot? I know he has a foul problem but so does Bonner. Yet Bonner gets to play 20 minutes a game.

At this point in the season, the Spurs should be trying all of their pieces to see how they fit. There are three players not dressing that i would love to see get 10-15 minutes of playing time. If it doesn't work, bring back FInley and Bonner and we can go down in the 1st round again, I am prepared to live with that. Lets not make the same mistakes that killed us last year and forced us to go out and go over the cap.

Perfect thinking!

11-06-2009, 11:17 AM
We will have a W tonight

11-06-2009, 11:42 AM
We will have a W tonight

Now wouldn't that be some shit? I think people were expecting a split with the win in Utah and a loss in Portland.
What would happen if it was the other way around? I'm guessing all those who jumped off
the bandwagon would be running to jump back on..
Typical bandwagon spurs fan.

11-06-2009, 11:45 AM
The 4th game of the season and already a few spurs fans are ready to jump off a cliff. :rolleyes

Close this thread, I don't care, but some of you guys are ridiculous.
We're only 4 games into the season, calm the fuck down.

I agree. I acquaint such up and down emotions (when we win, we're champions, when we lose, we suck) with chicken little..."The sky is falling, the sky is falling." :lol

11-06-2009, 11:58 AM
I understand its early, damn its extremely frustrating right now. I didn't get excited for the start of this season to see the 2 most hated guys on the Spurs to be starting. WTF...

I thought this was a new year? Aren't we supposed to put that year behind us?? And start fresh?? Then why are we using the same lineup that got us NOWHERE last year. It does not make sense to me to start off with a lineup that you KNOW that will not be or hopefully not be the one u want to use when it counts...

Fuck taking baby steps with the new guys...we have toooooo many home games this early in the season, we need to take advantage of this and get the new guys comfortable ASAP before those road long trips hit us and were actually ready for it. Starting Bonner and Finley does us NO GOOD. NONE.

We know what they provide, and well that can be helpful in spot minutes off the bench.

I thought it was pretty obvious to everybody that we made some "big" changes but we have nothing to show for it.



I would rather have us struggle starting the season with this lineup and say OK its because the new pieces have to gel. But I cant stand the terrible coaching at the moment, I mean we all know that this will be the lineup by playoff time so why not get the chemistry going now???


11-06-2009, 12:16 PM
Yep it's early and yeah a lot of people get angry seeing their team lose. But it's the way they are losing. I don't care who you are, you can't win when you let the other team shoot 53%. Spare me the statistical anomalies where a team has won doing such by going nuts with 3's. Let's just agree that is not the norm and a W is not the xpected result.

We have new players and they are trying to learn the defensive system. What is alarming is how our boys are losing (opponent's FG % and rebounding). Seeing Fin and Bonner start is still unsettling but honestly when others come in, there is not a huge defensive lock down. Are we going to try and use the old Spurs defensive system with two bigs with Dyess and Duncan and we're lettign Bonner start until Dyess is up to speed? Or are we going to use a Euro style set where our second big man is outside settign up for jumpers? I think these are things that Pop is trying to figure out right now. Althought it's frustrating, I'm glad we're having this growing period at the beginning of the season and not later. Our early schedule is littered with home games. We better take advantage of that with some W's.


11-06-2009, 12:17 PM
i would think that mason would be in the starting line up as well but its pretty easy to see why dice is not starting he doesnt come into the season in shape cuz he saves his legs but you can tell he is trying to get used to the system as well. I think in a couple of weeks hopefully he will be starting

11-06-2009, 08:39 PM
Knee jerk overreacting is a hallowed Spurs-fan tradition: Especially for the pedantic axe-grinders and the one week in after one week out no0bs.

Yeah, over the offseason I forget just how stupid most people are, and how little they understand the big picture, and I get hopeful that maybe, just maybe, the cliff-jumping will lessen... only every year it gets worse! :lol

Maybe we need two STs - one for the cliff-jumpers, and one for the old heads who realise that the NBA, like life, is something to be regarded with patience over the long term. :D

11-06-2009, 08:45 PM
Spurs have played too few games going into Jazz games and it showed, as they looked rusty and had no legs for their shots.

Don't worry people....all is good.

11-06-2009, 09:05 PM
hahaha calm the fuck down kids .... everything will be better before all you even notices it ....


11-06-2009, 09:12 PM
if theres one thing i know about spurstalk is people love to start threads like this, aka, back up off the ledge, put down the gun threads. the only threads with more self satisfaction with exactly zero substance are the, its just one game, we havent won anything yet, its a long season lets wait till june to hand them the trophy, threads