View Full Version : Anyone Else Disappointed in George Hill Thus Far?

11-06-2009, 03:12 PM
I have been. He's made some erratic passes and is just struggling all around.

He's been okay stat-wise, but he really struggled badly last night (1-8 shooting).

It's still early, though, so there's plenty of time for him to recover. We can't judge someone based on the first four games of the season.

11-06-2009, 03:14 PM
I am not disappointed in him at all. Every player has a bad night.

11-06-2009, 03:14 PM
Other than the last game, I'm happy with his improvement.

11-06-2009, 03:16 PM
I may be overreacting a bit based on one game. He just doesn't seem like our point guard of the future, though. He was an SG in college and I think he may be best at that in the NBA, as well. We shall see how he progresses throughout the season.

By the same token, I've been disappointed by Manu's performance thus far, but that's to be expected with him recovering from injury.

11-06-2009, 03:17 PM
I was skeptical when Pop was praising Hill so much but I do see improvement for Hill.

About last night though, If your AllStar players are giving in to defeat the entire game than I dont expect too much out of a 2nd year back up PG.....

11-06-2009, 03:20 PM

11-06-2009, 03:20 PM
I may be overreacting a bit based on one game. He just doesn't seem like our point guard of the future, though.

Safe to say...you're overreacting.

11-06-2009, 03:24 PM
Hill has a per of 14.9, up from 11.6 last year.

The real dissappointment so far for the Spurs is 'Dice.

11-06-2009, 03:26 PM
Not really. I think he's been solid this season, if not as a PG than as a combo or two guard.

I was disappointed in him last game. Not only for the blown lay ups, but you can almost always count on him playing tough defense. Yesterday he was horrible defensively in addition to bringing nothing offensively.

11-06-2009, 03:27 PM
I'm all for giving him time and a lot of leeway. He showed what he is capable of last year, and he can improve. We need to throw our young 'uns into the deep end and hope they can adapt rather than relying on has-beens who will be overmatched for sure against more athletic competition.

11-06-2009, 03:28 PM
Have you forgotten about those horrible Manu and Parker games earlier in their careers?

11-06-2009, 03:31 PM
so new to twitter, so many tweets already

11-06-2009, 04:22 PM
I'm not disappointed. I do question whether he is really cut out to play the point though.

11-06-2009, 04:27 PM
Hill has a per of 14.9, up from 11.6 last year.

The real dissappointment so far for the Spurs is 'Dice.

I think the real dissapointment are the Spurs as a team at the moment. Its just frustrating to watch seeing as we all had high expectations right out of the gate. But things will be fine....we shall turn it around.

11-06-2009, 05:15 PM

11-06-2009, 05:22 PM
Hell no, I'm more disappointed in Pop for being a rockhead and using a formula that is not working and keep using it

11-06-2009, 05:23 PM
too early.

11-06-2009, 05:26 PM
too early.
you think is too early? I guess it wasn't enough from last season

11-06-2009, 05:26 PM
Trade Parker.

11-06-2009, 05:27 PM
I have been. He's made some erratic passes and is just struggling all around.

He's been okay stat-wise, but he really struggled badly last night (1-8 shooting).

It's still early, though, so there's plenty of time for him to recover. We can't judge someone based on the first four games of the season.

It seems like paragraph 3 answered paragraph 1, 2, and all of your subsequent paragraphs in this thread... no? Well since you are asking I will say that I completely agree with paragraph 3.

So how about we agree to NOT JUDGE YET? and instead, we will analyze or criticize(constructively)-sound good? Please say "Yes"

Let's organize our thoughts on George.

It is looking strongly that he will play backup PG running the offense behind

11-06-2009, 05:42 PM
I have been. He's made some erratic passes and is just struggling all around.

He's been okay stat-wise, but he really struggled badly last night (1-8 shooting).

It's still early, though, so there's plenty of time for him to recover. We can't judge someone based on the first four games of the season.

Not disappointed in Hill, per se. Just the effort and lack of physicality of the entire team.

11-06-2009, 05:51 PM
I have been. He's made some erratic passes and is just struggling all around.

He's been okay stat-wise, but he really struggled badly last night (1-8 shooting).

It's still early, though, so there's plenty of time for him to recover. We can't judge someone based on the first four games of the season.

It seems like paragraph 3 answered paragraph 1, 2, and all of your subsequent paragraphs in this thread... no? Well since you are asking I will say that I completely agree with paragraph 3.

So how about we agree to NOT JUDGE YET? and instead, we will analyze or criticize(constructively)-sound good? Please say "Yes"

Let's organize our thoughts on George.

Position-Guard-It is looking strongly that he will play backup PG running offense behind Tony Parker. He will likely play SG alongside TP in the scoring/perimeter defender role

So let's check out his performance in these categories:

Point Guard/Offense- Is he running the offense well? Does he look confident? Does the team look confident in him? How is he passing?

Shooting Guard/Offense- Is he working well off the ball? Has his jump-shot improved? Is he making good choices when to shoot and when to pass?

Point Guard/Defense- Is he defending the ball handler well? How does he pressure the ball at midcourt and in the press? Does he follow the game's strategy with pick-and-roll?

Shooting Guard/Defense- Is he following his man on the weakside? Does he alter shots without fouling? Is he getting good position to rebound?

Take all the categories and point out the strengths and weaknesses in each and ask yourself how much of a ceiling he has. This question is pretty similar to "How much has he learned since last season?"

If his positives outweigh the poor shooting game against Utah, the turnovers,-then you should be able to comfortably say, "I'm optimistic for this kid and he'll probably bounce back from a crappy game in Utah and play well in Portland. I trust him, I trust Pop, this kid is gonna work his butt off and we'll see him carve a nice, contributing role in this team.

Obviously I imposed a bit of my own thoughts in this and hopefully it was more productive than, "YOU'RE OUTTA YR GODDAMN MIND! THIS KID IS GREAT, GIVE 'EM A BREAK. HE'S GONNA BE FANTASTIC"

I think yours and others' anxiety about players like George help realize why Popovich is starting Finley/Bonner. There are so many players with lots of potential to make a splash this year(George himself, McDyess, Jefferson, Blair, Haislip, Hairston, Ratliff, Bogans) but need some time to get comfortable that it is ABSOLUTELY A GOOD THING to start them and give 'em 20-25MPG to help get the big 3 in rhythm and set the tone/example for the 'newbies'

The early struggles each has should dissipate and you'll see them get more playing time, better production, and less Bonner/Finley. You might see someone like Hill work his way in quickly while Bogans and Jefferson might take til midseason)

I actually George playing a big "Fearless Youth Leader" role and fitting into it quickly. He's got the year of experience and Popovich's glowing endorsement to do what he's doing and run with it. The new guys will probably use his example to get over their intimidation from the vets. Blair has amazing raw talent. He's got a lot to learn on 1-on-1 defense, as well as the rotation strategies. Don't you see George guiding him a bit? With discipline Blair is an easy 25MPG double-double machine. I mean, he's a double-double threat playing freestyle. Imagine him as a team defender, with developed passing skills and decision making! George will definitely play a part in Blair's success.
aka NO I'M NOT DISAPPOINTED IN GEORGE. I'm only disappointed in the Spurs fans getting all bipolar with wins/celebration and losses/swallow a bottle of Ativan. I know we all want the same thing-Great season, Great postseason(destroying everyone especially Dallas and LAL), and a monstrous Finals run. Do you guys remember the FIRST FOUR? It wasn't ever a piece of cake. And the Title was sweet validation after all the 'trials and tribulations' with injury, losing streaks, etc. What would a title be without the bad games, the bad press?
What is the proverb about success being measured not by NOT getting knocked down, but by how you get up from being knocked down?

11-06-2009, 05:52 PM
We may get our asses handed to us tonight. I am surprised at how poor the defense is. As for George Hill, he's not the worst guy on the court. Tim looked pretty bad and so did Manu. This may take time or we just might suck (as compared to contenders).

11-06-2009, 06:07 PM
I think Hill was the fourth surprise of the offseason, didn't really expect an improvement from him. I do see a lot of what I saw last season though: Performs well when the team as a whole is doing well, but coming from behind in nerve-wrecking situations he misses easy layups and passes leads to turnovers.

11-06-2009, 06:42 PM
Some improvement but so far the same patttern as last year.
Some pretty good games in front of the home crowd.
Gets scared on the road.

Not sure that this leads to a championship back-up point guard.

But then again, Udrih has won titles.

11-06-2009, 06:54 PM
are you kidding me!!! dissapointed hell no did you see him in i think the second quarter shut down williams, the kid actually likes to play defense!! when have you seen tony defend someone or actually stop a pg? never. hill is going to be our next really really good defender, he is really young too so im thinking hes going to get really good this year. do you not remember vaughn last year?

11-06-2009, 07:04 PM
Hill looks fine, and he's at the bottom of the concerns list at this point..

11-06-2009, 07:11 PM
He's been great. You need to settle down.

11-06-2009, 08:31 PM
I have been. He's made some erratic passes and is just struggling all around.

He's been okay stat-wise, but he really struggled badly last night (1-8 shooting).

It's still early, though, so there's plenty of time for him to recover. We can't judge someone based on the first four games of the season.

Do you have a burning lust for the return of Speedy Claxton, Beno and J. Vaughn? All had their moments--and their bad nights.

George isn't the perfect player and never will be, but he's probably as good a backup as we can get right now.

11-06-2009, 08:34 PM
I hope he doesn't miss too many point blank layups tonight.

The Truth #6
11-06-2009, 08:59 PM
Utah, for some reason, is an incredibly intimidating place to play. Everyone sucked last night, except Blair and Tim. Way too soon to give up on him. He's not a bad option and he's better than Mason at PG. He'll get better, not worse, which can't be said for a lot our players. He's the least of our concerns right now.

11-06-2009, 09:03 PM
He played horrible last game. But that's only because he sucks.

Hill looks fine, and he's at the bottom of the concerns list at this point..

I hope you don't mean last game. He was getting burned on backcuts and every other play. His jumpshot is still one of the worst in basketball.

11-06-2009, 09:04 PM
Oh absolutely Hill is pissing me off, starting with the fact he's already in his 2nd year and hasn't usurped Parker for the starting PG position.

11-06-2009, 09:12 PM
I have been. He's made some erratic passes and is just struggling all around.

He's been okay stat-wise, but he really struggled badly last night (1-8 shooting).

It's still early, though, so there's plenty of time for him to recover. We can't judge someone based on the first four games of the season.

There are 78 more games to qualify your statement. Cool it...

11-06-2009, 09:15 PM
Trade Parker.


He really is stunting Georgie's growth. :smokin

Seriously though, George's game last night had more to do with the particular team he was playing than anything else.

Maybe the biggest issue George has on defense is getting over and through screens without getting hung up, and the Jazz happen to be the best screening team in the league. Combined that with some inexperience that had him expecting some foul calls (that ended up turnovers) and blowing a couple of gimme's at the rim, and it was just a bad night.

11-06-2009, 09:23 PM
Not at all. George has played well to start the season. Last night just wasn't that good of a game.