View Full Version : LeBron wants max money and a title contender

11-09-2009, 06:43 PM
LeBron wants max money and a title contender (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=afp-basketnbacavaliersjames&prov=afp&type=lgns)

Winning comes first for LeBron James. Money ranks a close second. But the NBA club that expects the superstar to play for it next season had better be prepared to offer both.

That was the message the reigning NBA Most Valuable Player had Monday after some weekend speculation that he might be willing to settle for less than the maximum amount of money he could make under NBA rules.

"Let's get this clear," James said. "I said the max contract doesn't mean more than winning.

"I didn't say, 'I don't need a max contract' or 'I'm not going to get a max contract.' All I'm saying is that winning is more important to me than money at the end of the day."

That has been the expected dynamic all along for James, who can opt out of his contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers after the current season, which would open the door for every team in the league to make a run at "King James".

Before last Friday's game at New York, James said "a max deal" did not really matter to him.

New York has long been one of James's favorite places to play and he scored 33 points in Cleveland's 100-91 victory over the Knicks, who have gutted their roster expenses for two seasons to make a financial run at the king's ransom it would take to entice him.

That, however, has not led to success on the court, which is also one of the things James values.

Clubs also realize that landing James could inspire other players to come and play for less money for the chance to play on a championship squad, a goal James desperately wants to achieve in his already much-lauded career.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 07:08 PM
why are people so hung up on Lebron 2010, dude hasnt won shit

11-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Man, Lebron is a quintessential bigmouth.

Dude knows he's going to get max money next season. When you've got teams lining up to drop salary and an offseason sweepstakes all but being planned in your name, you're gonna get your big, fat check. Do you really need to come out with this kind of backpeddling statement?

"It's not about the money...but I'm not saying it's not about the money"

Dude better hope he could dunk his way out of a paper bag, because he sure couldn't think it.

11-09-2009, 08:04 PM
Whoa, shocking news. I feel better about the situation now.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:06 PM
Man, Lebron is a quintessential bigmouth.

Dude knows he's going to get max money next season. When you've got teams lining up to drop salary and an offseason sweepstakes all but being planned in your name, you're gonna get your big, fat check. Do you really need to come out with this kind of backpeddling statement?

"It's not about the money...but I'm not saying it's not about the money"

Dude better hope he could dunk his way out of a paper bag, because he sure couldn't think it.

I don't think Lebron brings any of this up, it's reporters asking him questions and he answers them. He has never said he is leaving Cleveland or he wants to leave, it is just all answering questions. They will ask him if he would like to play for the Thunder, he will say he loves Durant and Westbrook, the following morning there are 5 articles written about how is wants to play for the Thunder.

So in fairness to Lebron, he is just answering questions, it's just the writers and local media asking questions because Lebron going to the_______ in 2010 sells papers.

Look at our Cavs beat writer's twitter, he is poking fun at it http://twitter.com/PDcavsinsider

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:08 PM
Also, he said the same thing last year, he said he admired guys who took less money to win but didn't know if he would do it. Basically the same thing he just said. All the 2010 talk is recycled, he just answers the same questions with the same answers that don't lead to anywhere. Every city he goes to they ask him if he wants to play for their team, the next morning there are 10 articles written about how he is going to go play for ..... and .....

11-09-2009, 08:08 PM
I don't think Lebron brings any of this up, it's reporters asking him questions and he answers them. He has never said he is leaving Cleveland or he wants to leave, it is just all answering questions. They will ask him if he would like to play for the Thunder, he will say he loves Durant and Westbrook, the following morning there are 5 articles written about how is wants to play for the Thunder.

So in fairness to Lebron, he is just answering questions, it's just the writers and local media asking questions because Lebron going to the_______ in 2010 sells papers.

Look at our Cavs beat writer's twitter, he is poking fun at it http://twitter.com/PDcavsinsider

Eh, you make a good point. Lebron has probably been asked about his intentions for next year six ways from Tuesday, so sooner or later you're bound to kind of stumble and put your foot in your mouth.

Seriously though, the guy has the talent to let his game do the talking. And he should let it do so more often.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:12 PM
Eh, you make a good point. Lebron has probably been asked about his intentions for next year six ways from Tuesday, so sooner or later you're bound to kind of stumble and put your foot in your mouth.

Seriously though, the guy has the talent to let his game do the talking. And he should let it do so more often.

people are forgetting how much stars love the spotlight. People make millions a year being publicists for these people where their whole career is getting these guys in magazines and newspapers. So as long as Lebron leaves that door open to play in all 30 NBA cities, he is the biggest story in the NBA, and his name is in every headline for over a year. I mean look at all these articles and all this speculation. Pro Athletes LOVE this. This is why Lebron won't sign an extension, he would be passing up the ability to be the biggest news story in the basketball world. If there was no Lebron 2010 talk, he would be just another star player. This is all marketing

11-09-2009, 08:16 PM
...kinda like professional rasslin'.

11-09-2009, 08:16 PM
I fully expect Lebron to stay a Cav after the season. Like Thunder Dan said, he is basking in the spot light as much as possible. The idea of being on the market and all these teams clearing up cap room to try to get you. It is something most stars would love to experience. The Cavs can offer Bron the most cash. Bron will resign for that max deal with the Cavs at the end of the day. $$$$ will be the deciding factor and no one can offer close to what the Cavs can.

An Unbiased Fan
11-09-2009, 08:21 PM
why are people so hung up on Lebron 2010, dude hasnt won shit
Agreed. Prince James needs to check himself before he wrecks himself cause it's bad for his health.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:32 PM
I fully expect Lebron to stay a Cav after the season. Like Thunder Dan said, he is basking in the spot light as much as possible. The idea of being on the market and all these teams clearing up cap room to try to get you. It is something most stars would love to experience. The Cavs can offer Bron the most cash. Bron will resign for that max deal with the Cavs at the end of the day. $$$$ will be the deciding factor and no one can offer close to what the Cavs can.

plus, if he is going around flirting with another team while he is already on one, then actually leaves to go to that team, it makes him look like an asshole which is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to sell basketball shoes and stuff.

It's like a guy going around flirting with girls who is cheating on his wife. Just looks bad. That's why I say that the more Lebron flirts and talks, the more likely he is to stay. Now, if he was going around and refused to answer questions and stuff, I would see that as a sign of him wanting out....like Chris Paul in New Orleans.

11-09-2009, 08:34 PM
I guess this new development rules out LeBron coming to the Lakers.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:37 PM
I guess this new development rules out LeBron coming to the Lakers.

why would you guys want him, all the Laker fans on here ever talk about is how he sucks and is overrated. I wouldn't want a shitty, overrated player to come to my team.

11-09-2009, 08:39 PM
why would you guys want him, all the Laker fans on here ever talk about is how he sucks and is overrated. I wouldn't want a shitty, overrated player to come to my team.

A solid role player like LeBron would be a steal for the vet minimum.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:41 PM
A solid role player like LeBron would be a steal for the vet minimum.

in all honesty, if Lebron leaves, he won't go to the West coast. Marketable players are on the East coast when people can see them.

11-09-2009, 08:45 PM
in all honesty, if Lebron leaves, he won't go to the West coast. Marketable players are on the East coast when people can see them.

I agree. I don't think LeBron will ever leave the East Coast. If he does leave the East, it will never be teaming up with Kobe. LA is really the only market that could tempt LeBron but with Kobe already there, it's not happening.

Dallas though is a very marketable place. High profile billionaire owner willing to spend whatever it takes.

Aside from Dallas, nobody in the West has a chance.

Thunder Dan
11-09-2009, 08:48 PM
I agree. I don't think LeBron will ever leave the East Coast. If he does leave the East, it will never be teaming up with Kobe. LA is really the only market that could tempt LeBron but with Kobe already there, it's not happening.

Dallas though is a very marketable place. High profile billionaire owner willing to spend whatever it takes.

Aside from Dallas, nobody in the West has a chance.

Lebron does own a house in LA, I wonder why nobody ever brings that up when they talk about him joining the Clippers. I think it proves how little they know about the actual story, they just write "Lebron" "2010" and a team, and write up an article and that alone gets people to read it. I don't think there is much thought or research that goes into it.

And he is a huge Cowboys fan, as much a Yankees fan, and everyone likes to assume he is going to New York bc he wears a Yankees hat, but he was on the Cowboys sideline last year in Cleveland and nobody is assuming he is going to Dallas.

He also listed the Bulls as his favorite NBA team (did it 2 years ago) and nobody has him going to the Bulls which would be a logical choice because they are his favorite NBA team

11-09-2009, 08:54 PM
i dont think he will EVER win a title

11-09-2009, 08:55 PM
Can ya imagine it?

DJ Mbenga
11-09-2009, 11:45 PM
good to hear, i would have been cut to make room for the prince

The Gemini Method
11-10-2009, 01:32 PM
Wait a minute, Mbenga wrote that last response in manageable English...that can't be him ;)

11-10-2009, 01:35 PM
Lebron is such a douchebag

I thought Kobe was a douche for openly criticizing the Lakers FO or for asking to be traded, but I now think that he was trying to shake things up

11-10-2009, 01:54 PM
<yawn> Another day. Another LeBron story.
Seriously, when is he retiring? I can't wait until he just goes away.

11-10-2009, 02:05 PM
He will never go to the Mavs.

Either he will stay in cleveland, which I think. Or he will join Knicks or Nyets.

11-10-2009, 02:09 PM
i say miami or he stays. he and wade would be a force

sedale threatt
11-10-2009, 03:47 PM
Jerry West is working on a deal to bring Lebron to the Lakers for Luke Walton, Sasha Vujacic, and Adam Morrison. Cleveland wants Adam Morrison's expiring contract because it will give them cap room for next year.

The salaries work and it could be announced early next week.

Thunder Dan
11-10-2009, 03:57 PM
everyone is forgetting what happens if he leaves Cleveland without a Championship......yes he can go wherever and team up with whomever to win a title, nobody is arguing that, but no matter how many titles he wins elsewhere, he will always have the "He couldn't with in Cleveland without(insert name)" As someone who wants to be known as the greatest player ever, someone better than Jordan, it's hard to imagine him wanting that label for his career. This is why I'm hoping for the Cavs to not win a Championship this year (I know I know, I have nothing to worry about) because I think that has alot to do with it. If he leaves Cleveland without a ring, he will always have the label as a title chaser.

And it's not like the Cavs haven't given him the opportunities. They have given him just about everything he has asked for. He asked for Shaq, he got him. He didn't want to trade Wally last year, we didn't trade Wally. The Cavs have spent the money, and done what it takes to win, but Lebron still hasn't won here. So if he leaves, he will always have that over his head. It would be different if he was in New Orleans and had an owner who didn't want to spend.

11-10-2009, 06:54 PM
All this conversation about the summer of 2010 has been going on for nearly 2 years! Why LBJ or anyone else keep talking about this story is a mystery to me. He isn't going anywhere. The professional thing to do would be to shut his mouth and try to get past the Magic. He can talk all about it this offseason.

11-10-2009, 07:41 PM
He's not going anywhere. The only teams that could be in the running for him (and have the cap space to sign him) have less talent than what the Cavs currently have. He would be making it more difficult for himself to win with the Knicks or the Nets.

Plus, the Cavs have the ability to offer him the highest contract.

11-10-2009, 11:49 PM
can you believe this guy?