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11-10-2009, 03:25 AM
Joe Arpaio...Maricopa County...this idiot was on OAI last week, Joe Pags coudn't suck his dick hard enough cause he likes to kick out Mexicans who want work...


When his deputies aren't making up laws they spend time violating attorney-Client privileges....


Seriously, when did Judge Roy Bean law come to Arizona?

11-10-2009, 08:32 AM
Need more Joe's and less 9th curcuit court of appeals.

11-10-2009, 09:16 AM
Joe's self-aggrandizing bullshit hasn't stopped illegal immigrants, the Bankster Depression has slowed them down.

11-10-2009, 10:51 AM
Need more Joe's and less 9th curcuit court of appeals. Damn skippy.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 11:09 AM
immigrants are what made this country.

what a fucktard.

11-10-2009, 11:34 AM
immigrants are what made this country.

what a fucktard.Well yeah and a few other things like a Westeren culture, a Constitution, and a republic.
What also made it ,was the explotation of those immigrants far worse than what illegals experince today, explotation of the enviroment that threatened the health of the land.
Now that we realize that we have to have a sustainable system, and that the wieght of human activity has affects, even on such a huge land mass as our.The people are finding that the unsolicited and uncontrolled invasions of masses is neither sustainable nor most importantly invited.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 11:45 AM
how are people from the americas not part of western culture?
you don't necessarily have to exploit them to provide for them. are you familiar with what happened at the american apparel factory in LA? http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/4975/american_apparel_stripped/
but props to you for using the environment to back xenophobia.
you're right, this land can't handle the unsolicited and uncontrolled invasions of masses, i propose a new law where all people of 100% european origin are expelled to the country of their fathers

11-10-2009, 12:04 PM
how are people from the americas not part of western culture?
you don't necessarily have to exploit them to provide for them. are you familiar with what happened at the american apparel factory in LA? http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/4975/american_apparel_stripped/
but props to you for using the environment to back xenophobia.
you're right, this land can't handle the unsolicited and uncontrolled invasions of masses, i propose a new law where all people of 100% european origin are expelled to the country of their fathers

Well that is a solution has already been offered by La Mecha, and Atzlan rising, and I really suggest Americans give it a real good look, I'm sure it would help us come up with a solution to the illegal problem.

I've absolutely have zero interest in providing for them, none what so ever. I wish them the best, and hope the vision they have for their homeland is realized.However it's not my problem. I'm more interested in using the wealth, and energy of the nation working toward the well being of my country, her people, and her future generations.

I'm simply purposing we use Mexico's own immigration policy toward her citizens that are in this nation illegally. Or are you suggesting(which I know you'd never do)
that Mexico's immigration policy is xenophobic?Please explain to me why you feel it's right that Mexico and Mexicans demand a treatment that they have never, nor are now willing to extend to aliens in Mexico.

11-10-2009, 12:20 PM
Joe's self-aggrandizing bullshit hasn't stopped illegal immigrants, the Bankster Depression has slowed them down.
ever cloud has a silver lining I guess.

11-10-2009, 12:23 PM
mexican illegals are saving the down-the-toilet work ethic of america.

11-10-2009, 12:26 PM
Now that we realize that we have to have a sustainable system, and that the wieght of human activity has affects, even on such a huge land mass as our.The people are finding that the unsolicited and uncontrolled invasions of masses is neither sustainable nor most importantly invited.


11-10-2009, 12:26 PM
mexican illegals are saving the down the toilet work ethic of america. Wow you and John Mc Cain are on the same page.No they are saving the idea of the workers being a serf class for the burgeouise, and allowing them less access to capital.

11-10-2009, 12:30 PM
Wow you and John Mc Cain are on the same page.No they are saving the idea of the workers being a serf class for the burgeouise, and allowing them less access to capital.

almost everyone is a serf for the bourgeoisie in american society. how many americans really have more access to capital ?

11-10-2009, 12:31 PM
mexican illegals are saving the down-the-toilet work ethic of america. Yeah when are them there lazy Americans gonna learn to work for less than I'm willing to pay, get rid of labor laws, and let me control the supply of labor........I believe we heard this chant back during the rise of the labor movement. An oldie but a goodie

11-10-2009, 12:32 PM
almost everyone is a serf for the bourgeoisie in american society. how many americans really have more access to capital ? please offer something more than this.

11-10-2009, 12:35 PM
Yeah when are them there lazy Americans gonna learn to work for less than I'm willing to pay, get rid of labor laws, and let me control the supply of labor........I believe we heard this chant back during the rise of the labor movement. An oldie but a goodie

truth is that half of america is on the internet at this moment or texting while at work !. that, are they are claiming unemployment while illegals are paving roads, putting up buildings, picking crops, working overtime, etc. etc.

american productivity is not efficient.

11-10-2009, 12:38 PM
please offer something more than this.

well i could go out and copy and paste some worthless, and completely false, list of statistics about illegals and crime from some bookeeper-turned-housewife writing blogs for money.

but who does that ? :lol

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 12:40 PM
Joe Arpaio...Maricopa County...this idiot was on OAI last week, Joe Pags coudn't suck his dick hard enough cause he likes to kick out Mexicans who want work...

If we could trade Mexico 1 for 1 a hard working Mexican for a lazy social wealfare sucking American, I'm game. However, until we put our unemployed able bodied people to work first, I want illegal immigration stopped. If we need more workers, then give them work visas.

11-10-2009, 12:53 PM
truth is that half of america is on the internet at this moment or texting while at work !. that, are they are claiming unemployment while illegals are paving roads, putting up buildings, picking crops, working overtime, etc. etc.

american productivity is not efficient. No that's the America that you see. You don't see the America that works with their hands, that does the dirty jobs, or the tough jobs, or the jobs you don't want or the jobs you think beneath you, because these Americans are beneath you, the left,and the elite has declared war on these Americans,and have given their jobs to illegals.I believe your's and their arrogance is gonna come back to bite y'all in the ass.
It's amazing I'd bet your sensitve white bread ass would be outraged, if someone said mexicans are shiftless thieves, but you feel empowered by the lies of the left and the elite to paint the American workers who are living below what they fathers lived at, as coddeled fat ingrates.
So this is what leftist have to offer to the American worker huh. Either take the share of the nation's wealth we deem fair or we'll just starts boating cheap labor up north......Hey thanks, but I think the American worker can do without you.

11-10-2009, 01:00 PM
The guys constituents love him. They keep electing him overwhelmingly so I'd say whether you like it or not, it's Democracy at work. Something you gotta learn to live with in a Democratic Society. I personally don't like Pelosi, but as long as her people keep electing her there is exactly jack shit anyone can do about it.

Oh, Gee!!
11-10-2009, 01:05 PM
The guys constituents love him. They keep electing him overwhelmingly so I'd say whether you like it or not, it's Democracy at work. Something you gotta learn to live with in a Democratic Society. I personally don't like Pelosi, but as long as her people keep electing her there is exactly jack shit anyone can do about it.

it's true that he keeps getting elected, but if he's violating the us constitution, his state constitution, state, or federal laws the feds will end his reign regardless of what the voters want. Sounds like he's under investigation by the Justice Dept., so we'll see.

11-10-2009, 01:06 PM
The guys constituents love him. They keep electing him overwhelmingly so I'd say whether you like it or not, it's Democracy at work. Something you gotta learn to live with in a Democratic Society. I personally don't like Pelosi, but as long as her people keep electing her there is exactly jack shit anyone can do about it.They elect him because he belongs to a district of burgeouis assholes who pofit from illegal aliens,so we allow the political class to be bought of by the rich and they refuse to enforce the laws the people vote on, by not enforcing the laws we have a de facto amnesty. Great but if the rich don't expect to follow the laws they can't really complain if the poor don't follow them as well, and if the rich don't want to follow the democratic process don't complain if the poor refuses to either.welcome to anarchy.

11-10-2009, 01:24 PM
No that's the America that you see. You don't see the America that works with their hands, that does the dirty jobs, or the tough jobs, or the jobs you don't want or the jobs you think beneath you, because these Americans are beneath you, the left,and the elite has declared war on these Americans,and have given their jobs to illegals.I believe your's and their arrogance is gonna come back to bite y'all in the ass.
It's amazing I'd bet your sensitve white bread ass would be outraged, if someone said mexicans are shiftless thieves, but you feel empowered by the lies of the left and the elite to paint the American workers who are living below what they fathers lived at, as coddeled fat ingrates.
So this is what leftist have to offer to the American worker huh. Either take the share of the nation's wealth we deem fair or we'll just starts boating cheap labor up north......Hey thanks, but I think the American worker can do without you.

you may want to juxtapose your earlier comment: Wow you and John Mc Cain are on the same page.No they are saving the idea of the workers being a serf class for the burgeouise, and allowing them less access to capital to the bolded portion above. and then rearead my response regarding how "serfdom" and limited capital is not unique to illegals.

by the way, american productivity is still rising but that is because hours are being cut at a faster pace than ever.

nice working class hero speech though.
as to my "white ass"-my father was born in mexico (and my mother is a dark sicilian so i am sure to have arab roots).

11-10-2009, 01:47 PM
you may want to juxtapose your earlier comment: Wow you and John Mc Cain are on the same page.No they are saving the idea of the workers being a serf class for the burgeouise, and allowing them less access to capital to the bolded portion above. and then rearead my response regarding how "serfdom" and limited capital is not unique to illegals.

by the way, american productivity is still rising but that is because hours are being cut at a faster pace than ever.

nice working class hero speech though.
as to my "white ass"-my father was born in mexico (and my mother is a dark sicilian so i am sure to have arab roots).

Whitebread doesn't refer to someone skin tone, it refers to a limited range of experince. your ignorant and broad assesment of the hardships of the american worker show a total ignorance of them and their lives. Like a schoolboy looking through the bars of the cages at a zoo.

By the way I thought it was you who said productivity was falling.

And so illegal aliens flooding the labor market drives up the workers access to capital how?

Nice simpering fop speech.

George Gervin's Afro
11-10-2009, 01:49 PM
Whitebread doesn't refer to someone skin tone, it refers to a limited range of experince. your ignorant and broad assesment of the hardships of the american worker show a total ignorance of them and their lives. Like a schoolboy looking through the bars of the cages at a zoo.

By the way I thought it was you who said productivity was falling.

And so illegal aliens flooding the labor market drives up the workers access to capital how?

Nice simpering fop speech.


you are such an idiot..

11-10-2009, 01:57 PM
MEXICO CITY, Jun 6, 2001

Workers in Mexico's manufacturing sector on average during March were paid 2.30 dollars per hour, government statistics agency INEGI said. By comparison, said INEGI, factory workers in Chile earned an average 2.00 dollars per hours; in France, 6.70 dollars per hour; and in the United States, 14.70 dollars per hour.

There are over one billion people on this planet that make less than 1 dollar a day. What you wanna a bet if I took a boatload of them over to Mexico, and offered them half what these mexicans make I could empty the mexicans outta those factories.

11-10-2009, 02:15 PM
If we could trade Mexico 1 for 1 a hard working Mexican for a lazy social wealfare sucking American, I'm game. However, until we put our unemployed able bodied people to work first, I want illegal immigration stopped. If we need more workers, then give them work visas. If we're going to sell citizenship like a whore, I think we can do better than mexicans, we need to shop around. I'm sure we can get cheaper labor,harder work, and people that would feel more grateful rather than entitiled.

11-10-2009, 02:16 PM

you are such an idiot.. george shouldn't you be in a corner playing with a dead puppy or something.

11-10-2009, 02:31 PM
Whitebread doesn't refer to someone skin tone, it refers to a limited range of experince. your ignorant and broad assesment of the hardships of the american worker show a total ignorance of them and their lives. Like a schoolboy looking through the bars of the cages at a zoo.

By the way I thought it was you who said productivity was falling.

And so illegal aliens flooding the labor market drives up the workers access to capital how?

Nice simpering fop speech.

you went from stating that illegals allowing cheap labor allows and low wages to thrive enables the bourgeoisie to perpetuate the exploitation of surfs to then saying that americans are experiencing hardships.

you are holding on to some myth that the labor market most affected by illegal immigrants is the one that would open up in the absence of such a labor force. or that wages would increase. but your own anthem to the american laborer demonstrated that low wages are a part of the economic niche thriving in our neoliberal economy. yet your blaming illegals as opposed to corporate america. and then you pretend to champion the american laborer in the process. what a farce ! hating on mexicans and marking them as your pariah for the social ill de jour does not make you an advocate for the american workforce. it makes you yet another gullable apostle for our out of control corporate sector.

you may actually want to read comments as well. i never said productivity was falling. i said that american productivity is not efficient.

the average worker admits to frittering away 2.09 hours per day, not counting lunch and scheduled break time. that's far more time than the roughly one hour per day employers expect the average employee to waste. the extra unproductive time adds up to $759 billion annually in salaries for which companies get no apparent benefit.

but american productivity (increased by 9.5 % in the third quarter) is up because companies are cutting hours and jobs (and no, these are not the picking blueberries in the fields or pouring tar on the roads jobs). our effective unemployment rate is at 19.18 %

11-10-2009, 02:33 PM
If we're going to sell citizenship like a whore, I think we can do better than mexicans, we need to shop around. I'm sure we can get cheaper labor,harder work, and people that would feel more grateful rather than entitiled.

So this is what leftist have to offer to the American worker huh. Either take the share of the nation's wealth we deem fair or we'll just starts boating cheap labor up north......Hey thanks, but I think the American worker can do without you.

11-10-2009, 02:36 PM
Can you say sarcasm

11-10-2009, 02:55 PM
you went from stating that illegals allowing cheap labor allows and low wages to thrive enables the bourgeoisie to perpetuate the exploitation of surfs to then saying that americans are experiencing hardships.

you are holding on to some myth that the labor market most affected by illegal immigrants is the one that would open up in the absence of such a labor force. or that wages would increase. but your own anthem to the american laborer demonstrated that low wages are a part of the economic niche thriving in our neoliberal economy. yet your blaming illegals as opposed to corporate america. and then you pretend to champion the american laborer in the process. what a farce ! hating on mexicans and marking them as your pariah for the social ill de jour does not make you an advocate for the american workforce. it makes you yet another gullable apostle for our out of control corporate sector.

you may actually want to read comments as well. i never said productivity was falling. i said that american productivity is not efficient.

the average worker admits to frittering away 2.09 hours per day, not counting lunch and scheduled break time. that's far more time than the roughly one hour per day employers expect the average employee to waste. the extra unproductive time adds up to $759 billion annually in salaries for which companies get no apparent benefit.

but american productivity (increased by 9.5 % in the third quarter) is up because companies are cutting hours and jobs (and no, these are not the picking blueberries in the fields or pouring tar on the roads jobs). our effective unemployment rate is at 19.18 % Wow what a whole lotta fluff and nothing said.
A generation ago tradesmen were middle class. The American youth aren't stupid as they see the goverment give trades jobs away to illegals and the wages and benifiets fall, they aren't going to do those jobs, because there is not future there. If the goverment upheld those laws the buregouise would have to pay a living wage for those jobs, then American kids would feel safe entering into them.That's why unions have the term scabs.Scabs were able to negate the power of organized labor.

Once again the same old line. Over and over I place the blame on buregiouse and the rich you just don't wanna hear it, but I also place it on the Mexican goverment and the mexican people themselves.Demanding that the people of the nation have a right to determine and write their own laws, and trying to preserve a quality of life for their children is not "hating on mexicans". Rather it is hating on Americans to ignore the American peoples wishes, and attack them with slurs of racisim because they don't wish to carry the burden of the Mexican goverments responsiblities.

11-10-2009, 03:06 PM
Wow what a whole lotta fluff and nothing said.Not street enough for micca of da streets.

11-10-2009, 03:08 PM
Not street enough for micca of da streets.trolling chimp?

11-10-2009, 03:12 PM
trolling chimp?Whining, micca of da streets?

11-10-2009, 03:16 PM
change bait or throw a lure.

11-10-2009, 03:18 PM
I think the most of the posting here is a perfect representation of rjv's inefficient productivity argument.

11-10-2009, 03:24 PM
hhhhhmmmm......I'd a gone with A Panther Martin but it's your rig.

11-10-2009, 03:35 PM
Wow what a whole lotta fluff and nothing said.
A generation ago tradesmen were middle class. The American youth aren't stupid as they see the goverment give trades jobs away to illegals and the wages and benifiets fall, they aren't going to do those jobs, because there is not future there. If the goverment upheld those laws the buregouise would have to pay a living wage for those jobs, then American kids would feel safe entering into them.That's why unions have the term scabs.Scabs were able to negate the power of organized labor.

Once again the same old line. Over and over I place the blame on buregiouse and the rich you just don't wanna hear it, but I also place it on the Mexican goverment and the mexican people themselves.Demanding that the people of the nation have a right to determine and write their own laws, and trying to preserve a quality of life for their children is not "hating on mexicans". Rather it is hating on Americans to ignore the American peoples wishes, and attack them with slurs of racisim because they don't wish to carry the burden of the Mexican goverments responsiblities.

you say you blame the bourgeoisie and "rich" and yet your arguments support their policies. NAFTA was the impetus for large migrationary trends from mexico over the past 2 decades (one-sixth of the Mexican agricultural work force has been displaced in the NAFTA years, a process that is continuing, depressing wages in other sectors of the economy and impelling emigration to the United States) and before that, civil wars caused in central america resulting in large numbers of el salvadorians, nicaraguans and guatemalans fleeing over from their respective nations into mexico (and eventually into the US). these civil wars were US backed wars benefitting the corporate interests of the US which could only thrive with the existence of US friendly governments in place. (we have not even discussed the disastrous bracero programs or the effects of the guadalupe-hidalgo treaty and their impact on the earliest trends of mexican immigration).

then you falsely assign the jobs given to most illegals as trade jobs (of course, you do have a track record of posting absolute lies when it comes to mexican illegals). i was not aware that bussing tables, dishwashing, migrant work, and hotel jobs were trades jobs and in the construction industry the trade jobs are dominated by native born citizens. the illegals are the roofers, insulation installers, and worksite helpers, mostly competing for work and wages among themselves.

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) released the third and final installment of a three-part report, Untying the Knot. The final report, by Rob Paral and Associates, reveals that unemployed natives and employed recent immigrants cannot simply be “swapped” for one another since unemployed natives and employed immigrants tend to have different levels of education, live in different parts of the country, and have experience in different occupations and different levels of work experience. The report also shows that immigrants tend to fit into the labor force in areas where there are insufficient numbers of comparable native workers. In other words, removing immigrants would not automatically lead to job openings for natives. (http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/special-reports/untying-knot-part-iii-iii-disparity-between-immigrant-workers-and-unemployed-natives )

as to the other nonsense, well what can i say. i don't even know where calling americans racist came from. perhaps just another fallacy to throw out there i suppose.

11-10-2009, 03:37 PM
I think the most of the posting here is a perfect representation of rjv's inefficient productivity argument.

i just assumed he didn't have a job. perhaps an illegal took his job as a systems analyst or actuary away from him. damn those meskins !!!

11-10-2009, 03:41 PM
i just assumed he didn't have a job.:lol

11-10-2009, 04:03 PM
you say you blame the bourgeoisie and "rich" and yet your arguments support their policies. NAFTA was the impetus for large migrationary trends from mexico over the past 2 decades (one-sixth of the Mexican agricultural work force has been displaced in the NAFTA years, a process that is continuing, depressing wages in other sectors of the economy and impelling emigration to the United States) and before that, civil wars caused in central america resulting in large numbers of el salvadorians, nicaraguans and guatemalans fleeing over from their respective nations into mexico (and eventually into the US). these civil wars were US backed wars benefitting the corporate interests of the US which could only thrive with the existence of US friendly governments in place. (we have not even discussed the disastrous bracero programs or the effects of the guadalupe-hidalgo treaty and their impact on the earliest trends of mexican immigration).

then you falsely assign the jobs given to most illegals as trade jobs (of course, you do have a track record of posting absolute lies when it comes to mexican illegals). i was not aware that bussing tables, dishwashing, migrant work, and hotel jobs were trades jobs and in the construction industry the trade jobs are dominated by native born citizens. the illegals are the roofers, insulation installers, and worksite helpers, mostly competing for work and wages among themselves.

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) released the third and final installment of a three-part report, Untying the Knot. The final report, by Rob Paral and Associates, reveals that unemployed natives and employed recent immigrants cannot simply be “swapped” for one another since unemployed natives and employed immigrants tend to have different levels of education, live in different parts of the country, and have experience in different occupations and different levels of work experience. The report also shows that immigrants tend to fit into the labor force in areas where there are insufficient numbers of comparable native workers. In other words, removing immigrants would not automatically lead to job openings for natives. (http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/special-reports/untying-knot-part-iii-iii-disparity-between-immigrant-workers-and-unemployed-natives )

as to the other nonsense, well what can i say. i don't even know where calling americans racist came from. perhaps just another fallacy to throw out there i suppose.

hhhhhhmmmmm. the" immigration policy center" impressive. let's take a look under the mask shall weeeeeeee.

Wendy Sefsaf, Communications Manager
Wendy Sefsaf is the Communications Manager at the Immigration Policy Center. Prior to joining IPC, Ms. Sefsaf served as Director of Development at New America Media, after having worked at the Open Society Institute, and public radio station WAMU as the Manager of Foundation Relations and Public Information. Ms. Sefsaf has spent much of her career in the non-profit world including with The California Hispanic Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in East Los Angeles and The Young Adult Institute and Latino Worker’s Center in New York City.Ms. Sefsaf received her M.A. in Public Communication from the American University in Washington D.C. and she holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from the New School University in New York.
[email protected]

Michele Waslin, Senior Policy Analyst
Michele Waslin, Ph.D., is the Senior Policy Analyst at the Immigration Policy Center. She has authored several publications on immigration policy and post-9/11 immigration issues. Ms. Waslin appears regularly in English and Spanish-language media. Previously, she worked as Director of Immigration Policy Research at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and Policy Coordinator at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. She received her Ph.D. in 2002 in Government and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame, and holds an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in Political Science from Creighton University.
[email protected]

HAHAHAHAHAHA, A fine collection of poverty pimps...La Raza? please.

Please point out where I supported NAFTA, you can't ,because I never have, supported that piece of treachery that Bill Clinton signed.I would like nothing more than see the repeal of something that brings more poverty to both sides of the border.

By the way Mexico makes central americans very unwelcomed there, they have no desire to share the remittance that makes up the second largest source of cash for Mexico's economy.Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why Mexico uses such Draconian immigration laws against these poor folks.
If you're interested in treaties you may wanna glance over how Mexico accquired Chiapas.

All that shit you dug up, all those tears shed and not one fucking word,not one mind you of the crushing pressure of the Mexican goverment on it's own people . Not a peep about military sweeps through Chiapas murdering people just the same old chicken shit litany about whitey.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 04:53 PM
Well that is a solution has already been offered by La Mecha, and Atzlan rising, and I really suggest Americans give it a real good look, I'm sure it would help us come up with a solution to the illegal problem.

I've absolutely have zero interest in providing for them, none what so ever. I wish them the best, and hope the vision they have for their homeland is realized.However it's not my problem. I'm more interested in using the wealth, and energy of the nation working toward the well being of my country, her people, and her future generations.

I'm simply purposing we use Mexico's own immigration policy toward her citizens that are in this nation illegally. Or are you suggesting(which I know you'd never do)
that Mexico's immigration policy is xenophobic?Please explain to me why you feel it's right that Mexico and Mexicans demand a treatment that they have never, nor are now willing to extend to aliens in Mexico.

what the fuck is "la mecha" and "atzlan rising" sheesh if you're gonna be a bigot, at the very least get the names of the organizations right, or better yet, the right organizations.

how in the hell, do you, yourself provide for illegal immigrants? do you own a home depot? or some sort of warehouse or a apartment complex where you give free rent?

illegals are the backbone of this nation, hell i challenge you to show me your ancestors documents.

they pay taxes(sales, prop, gas, etc) and have no way of claiming any of that tax money back, so in essence they're building our roads, both physically and financially and only getting a meager wage in return, with the promise of a better life for their next generation. a win for all. if any native born American thinks an illegal immigrant will take their job, they need to get a better education and move up the totem pole.

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:07 PM
If we're going to sell citizenship like a whore, I think we can do better than mexicans, we need to shop around. I'm sure we can get cheaper labor,harder work, and people that would feel more grateful rather than entitiled.
Price wasn't my concern. The point many advocates come back to and argue is that immigrants are doing the jobs Americans don't want. Therefore, if Americans don't want to work the jobs available to them, I say trade them for someone who wants that job.

Goodbye wealfare!

11-10-2009, 05:11 PM
hhhhhhmmmmm. the" immigration policy center" impressive. let's take a look under the mask shall weeeeeeee.

Wendy Sefsaf, Communications Manager
Wendy Sefsaf is the Communications Manager at the Immigration Policy Center. Prior to joining IPC, Ms. Sefsaf served as Director of Development at New America Media, after having worked at the Open Society Institute, and public radio station WAMU as the Manager of Foundation Relations and Public Information. Ms. Sefsaf has spent much of her career in the non-profit world including with The California Hispanic Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in East Los Angeles and The Young Adult Institute and Latino Worker’s Center in New York City.Ms. Sefsaf received her M.A. in Public Communication from the American University in Washington D.C. and she holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from the New School University in New York.
[email protected]

Michele Waslin, Senior Policy Analyst
Michele Waslin, Ph.D., is the Senior Policy Analyst at the Immigration Policy Center. She has authored several publications on immigration policy and post-9/11 immigration issues. Ms. Waslin appears regularly in English and Spanish-language media. Previously, she worked as Director of Immigration Policy Research at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and Policy Coordinator at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. She received her Ph.D. in 2002 in Government and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame, and holds an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in Political Science from Creighton University.
[email protected]

HAHAHAHAHAHA, A fine collection of poverty pimps...La Raza? please.

Please point out where I supported NAFTA, you can't ,because I never have, supported that piece of treachery that Bill Clinton signed.I would like nothing more than see the repeal of something that brings more poverty to both sides of the border.

By the way Mexico makes central americans very unwelcomed there, they have no desire to share the remittance that makes up the second largest source of cash for Mexico's economy.Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why Mexico uses such Draconian immigration laws against these poor folks.
If you're interested in treaties you may wanna glance over how Mexico accquired Chiapas.

All that shit you dug up, all those tears shed and not one fucking word,not one mind you of the crushing pressure of the Mexican goverment on it's own people . Not a peep about military sweeps through Chiapas murdering people just the same old chicken shit litany about whitey.

Latino Labor Report, 2008: Construction Reverses Job Growth for Latinos

by Rakesh Kochhar, Associate Director for Research, Pew Hispanic Center
Report Materials

http://pewhispanic.org/images/pdficon.gif (http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/88.pdf) Complete Report (http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/88.pdf)
Transcript (http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/88.1.pdf)
Other Resources (http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=88#OtherTitle)

Due mainly to a slump in the construction industry, the unemployment rate for Hispanics in the U.S. rose to 6.5% in the first quarter of 2008, well above the 4.7% rate for all non-Hispanics. As recently as the end of 2006, the gap between those two rates had shrunk to an historic low of 0.5 percentage points--4.9% for Latinos compared with 4.4% for non-Latinos, on a seasonally adjusted basis.1

The spike in Hispanic unemployment has hit immigrants especially hard. Their unemployment rate was 7.5% in the first quarter of this year,2 marking the first time since 2003 that a higher percentage of foreign-born Latinos was unemployed than native-born Latinos. Some 52.5% of working age Latinos (ages 16 and older) are immigrants. Latinos make up 14.2% of the U.S. labor force.
Despite the disproportionate impact that the economic slowdown has had on immigrant Latino workers, there are no signs that they are leaving the U.S. labor market. Their labor force participation rate--that is, the percentage of the immigrant working-age Latino population either employed or actively seeking employment--has remained steady. However, they now play a smaller role in the growth of the Hispanic workforce than in recent years.

The latest trends in the labor market represent a dramatic reversal for Latino workers. Hispanics lost nearly 250,000 jobs over the past year because of the recent slump in the construction sector. For several years, construction was the mainstay of job growth for Hispanic workers, especially those who are immigrants. Even as home building stumbled in 2006, Hispanics found nearly 300,000 new jobs in the construction industry from the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2007. The ongoing slump in construction over the past year has wiped out those gains, virtually in their entirety.
Mexican immigrants have suffered the effects of the construction downturn most keenly. Latino workers who exited construction in 2007 included about 221,000 immigrants. Some 152,000 of those workers had migrated from Mexico. Latino immigrants who entered the U.S. in 2000 or later (from any country) lost 69,000 jobs in construction. For each of these groups of immigrants the jobs lost in construction accounted for the majority of losses from the first quarters of 2007 to the first quarter of 2008.
Labor market outcomes for Hispanic women appear to be worse than for men during 2007. They left the labor force in greater proportion and experienced greater increases in unemployment than did Hispanic men. Some 130,000 more Latino women became unemployed in 2007, and their unemployment rate increased from 5.6% to 7.0%.
Weekly earnings for most groups of Hispanic workers also slipped backward in the past year. Again, Latino construction workers suffered most from the decline in wages. Their earnings tumbled in 2007 and they now earn less than they did two years ago in the first quarter of 2006.
These findings emerge from the Pew Hispanic Center's analysis of the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau. Most of the data are from the Current Population Survey, a monthly Census Bureau survey of approximately 60,000 households. Data from three monthly surveys were combined to create larger sample sizes and to conduct the analysis on a quarterly basis.
1The estimates for Hispanics in this paragraph are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Estimates for non-Hispanics are derived by the Pew Hispanic Center from BLS data for all workers and Hispanic workers. Both are seasonally-adjusted.

these samples match to what the IPC research indicates but i suppose you'll find a way to apply an argument ad hominem to an agency as well.

and yes, the mexican government is cupable as well. they bent over for NAFTA (which was just an extension of the neoliberal economic policies that started with carter and took off with reagan and have continued on since then when it comes to international trade). they also had a heavy hand when it came to the chiapas uprising. so, what is your point? i never said that the mexican government was not culpable. i stated that the root of our illegal immigration woes is corporate america. hell, the mexican government is corporate america and has been since portfirio diaz. technocrat after technocrat has opened up mexico's resources to foreign investment and especially the US.

but it seems as if you are conceding that: the free enterprise system is responsible for holding millions of people in poverty and exploitation and that only the working class on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border has the power to bring the system to its knees. if so, more power to you and mecha and the council of la raza unida are with you !

11-10-2009, 05:23 PM
what the fuck is "la mecha" and "atzlan rising" sheesh if you're gonna be a bigot, at the very least get the names of the organizations right, or better yet, the right organizations.

how in the hell, do you, yourself provide for illegal immigrants? do you own a home depot? or some sort of warehouse or a apartment complex where you give free rent?

illegals are the backbone of this nation, hell i challenge you to show me your ancestors documents.

they pay taxes(sales, prop, gas, etc) and have no way of claiming any of that tax money back, so in essence they're building our roads, both physically and financially and only getting a meager wage in return, with the promise of a better life for their next generation. a win for all. if any native born American thinks an illegal immigrant will take their job, they need to get a better education and move up the totem pole.

What kind of idotic rant are you on ...take a deep breath...Illegals are the backbone of the nation.... are you on drugs you putz? This nation wasn't built by Mexicans.

If illegals are the backbone of the nation you can please explain why Mexico is the absolute shit hole that it is where half of northeren Mexico has become a shooting gallery.
Please illegals don't come close to paying into the tax pool what they take out.

('if any native born American thinks an illegal immigrant will take their job, they need to get a better education and move up the totem pole.')

So by this I take it that you think we should take Mexico as a model and have a class of serfs, and when they won't work cheap enough for the fat and rich will just open the door till they're desperate enough to fight for crumbs.

All americans provide for illegals by having the social services and schools and hospitals the nation has created gutted by them.

And please, please if unfettered movements of masses is such a boon to the nation please explain to me why Mexico has and enforces such harsh immigration laws.

11-10-2009, 05:27 PM
Price wasn't my concern. The point many advocates come back to and argue is that immigrants are doing the jobs Americans don't want. Therefore, if Americans don't want to work the jobs available to them, I say trade them for someone who wants that job.

Goodbye wealfare! and what do you call the bussiness class buying our poiticians out not to enforce immigration laws, and therefore providing illegal cheap labor, anything else but welfare for the rich.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 05:34 PM
What kind of idotic rant are you on ...take a deep breath...Illegals are the backbone of the nation.... are you on drugs you putz? This nation wasn't built by Mexicans.

If illegals are the backbone of the nation you can please explain why Mexico is the absolute shit hole that it is where half of northeren Mexico has become a shooting gallery.
Please illegals don't come close to paying into the tax pool what they take out.

('if any native born American thinks an illegal immigrant will take their job, they need to get a better education and move up the totem pole.')

So by this I take it that you think we should take Mexico as a model and have a class of serfs, and when they won't work cheap enough for the fat and rich will just open the door till they're desperate enough to fight for crumbs.

All americans provide for illegals by having the social services and schools and hospitals the nation has created gutted by them.

And please, please if unfettered movements of masses is such a boon to the nation please explain to me why Mexico has and enforces such harsh immigration laws.

don't let your racism against mexicans show too much, ok?

i mean, where in that "rant" did i even mention mexico by name? watch too much dobbs, eh?

i said illegal immigrants, and if you think that it was native born americans who built our railroads, toiled during the industrial age in sweatshops, picked our crops, etc, then you really must have slept during history class, or at least too busy jerkin off to mein kampf to pay attention to how this country was built. immigrants made and will remake this country, thats just what happens when you have a country built on a ideal instead of a national identity, same goes when you have a living document as the backbone of you're law and not the bible or koran. this country was based on the theory that you adapt to make your life better, thats all that immigrants want, why do you hate the idea of america so much?

and please give me an example of how an illegal immigrant has taken money from our tax system.

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:34 PM
and what do you call the bussiness class buying our poiticians out not to enforce immigration laws, and therefore providing illegal cheap labor, anything else but welfare for the rich.


Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:37 PM
Latino Labor Report, 2008: Construction Reverses Job Growth for Latinos

by Rakesh Kochhar, Associate Director for Research, Pew Hispanic Center
Report Materials

http://pewhispanic.org/images/pdficon.gif (http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/88.pdf) Complete Report (http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/88.pdf)
Transcript (http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/88.1.pdf)
Other Resources (http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=88#OtherTitle)

I'm not concerned about legal immigrants, and I didn't see your quoted material distingush between legal and illegal hispanics.

I don't care where they are from. I want illegal immigration to be stopped.

11-10-2009, 05:40 PM
they also had a heavy hand when it came to the chiapas uprising. so, what is your point?

Typical, and ridiculous. A bunch of American minutmen go down to the border to assist the border patrol, and have never killed a single person, and they are called blood thirsty white racist looking to shoot brown babies.

Meanwhile the Mexican army is stuffing bodies in ditches in Chiapas and it's called........heavy handed........ Dude you can't be taken seriously.

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:41 PM
don't let your racism against mexicans show too much, ok?

i mean, where in that "rant" did i even mention mexico by name? watch too much dobbs, eh?

i said illegal immigrants, and if you think that it was native born americans who built our railroads, toiled during the industrial age in sweatshops, picked our crops, etc, then you really must have slept during history class, or at least too busy jerkin off to mein kampf to pay attention to how this country was built. immigrants made and will remake this country, thats just what happens when you have a country built on a ideal instead of a national identity, same goes when you have a living document as the backbone of you're law and not the bible or koran. this country was based on the theory that you adapt to make your life better, thats all that immigrants want, why do you hate the idea of america so much?

and please give me an example of how an illegal immigrant has taken money from our tax system.

My God, you are such a putz.

Immigration back then was controlled and welcomed. Ever hear of Ellis Island (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellis_Island)?

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 05:42 PM
they also had a heavy hand when it came to the chiapas uprising. so, what is your point?

Typical, and ridiculous. A bunch of American minutmen go down to the border to assist the border patrol, and have never killed a single person, and they are called blood thirsty white racist looking to shoot brown babies.

Meanwhile the Mexican army is stuffing bodies in ditches in Chiapas and it's called........heavy handed........ Dude you can't be taken seriously.

what's your obsession with mexican border laws?

11-10-2009, 05:43 PM
I'm not concerned about legal immigrants, and I didn't see your quoted material distingush between legal and illegal hispanics.

I don't care where they are from. I want illegal immigration to be stopped.

:lol i never heard the term "legal hispanic" before. that would make a nice mantra for some groups i'm sure.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 05:44 PM
:lol i never heard the term "legal hispanic" before. that would make a nice mantra for some groups i'm sure.

haha so am i a legal hispanic?

god i hate that word, hispanic.

in my mind its no better than wetback.

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:45 PM
what's your obsession with mexican border laws?

I don't know about Hope, buy the Mexican government actually tells there citizens how to get here, but place a tight, heavy handed control, on their other borders.

I wonder how they would respond if we treated their citizens like they treat Guatamalians crossing their border?

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:46 PM
:lol i never heard the term "legal hispanic" before. that would make a nice mantra for some groups i'm sure.

What was the pont of the report you linked?

We are talking about illegal immigrants. Not legal ones.

11-10-2009, 05:48 PM
they also had a heavy hand when it came to the chiapas uprising. so, what is your point?

Typical, and ridiculous. A bunch of American minutmen go down to the border to assist the border patrol, and have never killed a single person, and they are called blood thirsty white racist looking to shoot brown babies.

Meanwhile the Mexican army is stuffing bodies in ditches in Chiapas and it's called........heavy handed........ Dude you can't be taken seriously.

it was blood thirsty, as was that of everything the governments of nicaragua, el salvador and guatemala did as well. all to benefit corporate interest in the US. in fact, many covert operations against the indigenous of the america's were conducted by the CIA. so you agree, this was unethical and immoral and should be condoned at all levels from the US to the mexican government to corporate interests...

as i stated: you are on the same page as mecha. do not be so quick to condone.

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:48 PM
god i hate that word, hispanic.

in my mind its no better than wetback.
I know what you mean. How many belong to Spain?

Do you prefer Latino?

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 05:49 PM
I don't know about Hope, buy the Mexican government actually tells there citizens how to get here, but place a tight, heavy handed control, on their other borders.

I wonder how they would respond if we treated their citizens like they treat Guatamalians crossing their border?

so true, and i didn't know that til i tried to go to mexico.

i just remember thinking "what the fuck are you talking about permiso i got fuckin american money just let me go to the interior.

but i fail to see what this has to do with our border policy or enforcement.

11-10-2009, 05:50 PM
What was the pont of the report you linked?

We are talking about illegal immigrants. Not legal ones.

then read the IPC report or go to the bureau of labor and look at the statistics on the wages for illegals compared to foreign born in the construction industry and then compare the jobs assigned to illegals (predominantly non skilled) versus to who the trade and skilled jobs go to.

11-10-2009, 05:52 PM
I know what you mean. How many belong to Spain?

Do you prefer Latino?

maybe you can suggest legal mexicans to the census bureau

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:52 PM
then read the IPC report or go to the bureau of labor and look at the statistics on the wages for illegals compared to foreign born in the construction industry and then compare the jobs assigned to illegals (predominantly non skilled) versus to who the trade and skilled jobs go to.I don't need to look it up. I have friends in the construction industry put out of work by illegal construction workers years ago.

Fuck the illegals.

11-10-2009, 05:54 PM
I don't need to look it up. I have friends in the construction industry put out of work by illegal construction workers years ago.

Fuck the illegals.

of course, personal testimonies are always so much less biased than actual statistics.

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:55 PM
of course, personal testimonies are always so much less biased than actual statistics.
I don't care what the statistics for illegals are.

They should be ZERO!

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 05:55 PM
it was blood thirsty, as was that of everything the governments of nicaragua, el salvador and guatemala did as well. all to benefit corporate interest in the US. in fact, many covert operations against the indigenous of the america's were conducted by the CIA. so you agree, this was unethical and immoral and should be condoned at all levels from the US to the mexican government to corporate interests...

as i stated: you are on the same page as mecha. do not be so quick to condone.

stop judging MEChA or claim to know what they stand for. i was a mechista throughout college and still consider myself one.

All the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán want is to advance our own communities through scholarship and academics, anyone who believes anything else watches too much bill o.

seriously, fundraiser, student awareness, mentorship, and about as radical as we got was protest and getting laborers organized. reconquista is a completely different movement. of course you're gonna have those that subscribe to both, but that's like branding all teabaggers racist and not singling out the real racists and those who just disagree with the presidents policies.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 05:57 PM
I know what you mean. How many belong to Spain?

Do you prefer Latino?

um, born in sa, vet, american or texan works fine for me.

do you consider yourself euro or american?

i dunno, "of chicano/tejano origin"?

Wild Cobra
11-10-2009, 05:59 PM
um, born in sa, vet, american or texan works fine for me.

do you consider yourself euro or american?

i dunno, "of chicano/tejano origin"?
I think American then suits both of us.

A friend of mine calls himself a Tex-Mex.

11-10-2009, 06:23 PM
Joe Arpaio...Maricopa County...this idiot was on OAI last week, Joe Pags coudn't suck his dick hard enough cause he likes to kick out Mexicans who want work...


When his deputies aren't making up laws they spend time violating attorney-Client privileges....


Seriously, when did Judge Roy Bean law come to Arizona?

I am as white male irish middle aged republican conservative as there is...and I can't stand either the sheriff or joe pags and have gone so far as to write a letter to WOAI complaining of this dufus.

It didn't work. But I tried man, I tried.

11-10-2009, 07:07 PM
stop judging MEChA or claim to know what they stand for. i was a mechista throughout college and still consider myself one.

All the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán want is to advance our own communities through scholarship and academics, anyone who believes anything else watches too much bill o.

seriously, fundraiser, student awareness, mentorship, and about as radical as we got was protest and getting laborers organized. reconquista is a completely different movement. of course you're gonna have those that subscribe to both, but that's like branding all teabaggers racist and not singling out the real racists and those who just disagree with the presidents policies. HAHAHA even the national council of la raza cut la mecha loose because of it's racist credo.Take pride HAHAHA

11-10-2009, 07:11 PM
it was blood thirsty, as was that of everything the governments of nicaragua, el salvador and guatemala did as well. all to benefit corporate interest in the US. in fact, many covert operations against the indigenous of the america's were conducted by the CIA. so you agree, this was unethical and immoral and should be condoned at all levels from the US to the mexican government to corporate interests...

as i stated: you are on the same page as mecha. do not be so quick to condone.

Boy you just can't cop to the fact that mexicans don't need the yanquees to supress them they been doing just fine on their own native greed. Spreading hate America bullshit might make you feel better but the denial of reality does nothing to help the people of Mexico.

11-10-2009, 07:17 PM
stop judging MEChA or claim to know what they stand for. i was a mechista throughout college and still consider myself one.

All the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán want is to advance our own communities through scholarship and academics, anyone who believes anything else watches too much bill o.

seriously, fundraiser, student awareness, mentorship, and about as radical as we got was protest and getting laborers organized. reconquista is a completely different movement. of course you're gonna have those that subscribe to both, but that's like branding all teabaggers racist and not singling out the real racists and those who just disagree with the presidents policies.

MEChA isn't at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan" (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):

"In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. ... Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. ... We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."

That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: "For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing."

Like I said even la raza cut these haters loose, well at least publicly, I'm sure they're still in bed togther.

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 07:44 PM
HAHAHA even the national council of la raza cut la mecha loose because of it's racist credo.Take pride HAHAHA

gawddamnit!!! stop calling it that. there is no such thing as "la mecha" there is however a MEChA. racist credo? really show me? you really hate people of mexican decent huh? educating our young is racist?

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 07:48 PM
MEChA isn't at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan" (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):

"In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. ... Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. ... We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."

That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: "For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing."

Like I said even la raza cut these haters loose, well at least publicly, I'm sure they're still in bed togther.

so do tell...what does bill o'riley's cock taste like? cause you seem to be all over it. go to a MEChA meeting and tell me how many racist you see. i'll even offer to go to a minutemen meeting and do the same reporting, i'll guarantee you i'll see more racists then you do. what do you have against chicanos going to college?

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 07:51 PM
seriously do these kids look like domestic terrorist or racists aimed at taking back the motherland to you? http://studentorgs.utexas.edu/mecha/index.html

panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 07:53 PM
sheriff joe's lil capt in the youtube originally posted however, looks like he wasn't against breaking a few laws to get what he wants.......................

11-10-2009, 07:53 PM
so do tell...what does bill o'riley's cock taste like? cause you seem to be all over it. go to a MEChA meeting and tell me how many racist you see. i'll even offer to go to a minutemen meeting and do the same reporting, i'll guarantee you i'll see more racists then you do. what do you have against chicanos going to college?

You're unraveling my little brown beret. Please how you view the motto of mecha as anything but racist. La Raza finally had to dissolve ties to them publicly because of their racist rhetoric.

11-10-2009, 08:01 PM
If we could trade Mexico 1 for 1 a hard working Mexican for a lazy social wealfare sucking American, I'm game. However, until we put our unemployed able bodied people to work first, I want illegal immigration stopped. If we need more workers, then give them work visas.


panic giraffe
11-10-2009, 08:10 PM
You're unraveling my little brown beret. Please how you view the motto of mecha as anything but racist. La Raza finally had to dissolve ties to them publicly because of their racist rhetoric.

nationalist or sepratist in the sense that they are trying to help their own, but by that logic, you would probably find the NAACP just as racist. but i forget that i'm talking to the same guy who probably thinks acorn are like brownshirts.

if this "la raza" you keep referring to is the national council of la raza, and if by denouncing you mean distancing themselves from certain statements from certain individuals or documents created by individuals(any movement is going to have their own passionate radicals), then that's their choice, it doesn't mean that MEChA is trying to takeover anything. Besides, if they were after the southwest US, they would stop holding their national conferences in the pacific nw.

so i answered your questions.

please answer mine.

what do you have against chicano college students?
what do you have against education?
what did bill o's cock taste like? like a loofah or was that falafel?

Wild Cobra
11-11-2009, 07:41 AM
HAHAHA even the national council of la raza cut la mecha loose because of it's racist credo.Take pride HAHAHA

That's odd considering La Raza (the race) is a racist group. MEChA claims to want to unify, but I would ask Panic how does dynamite do that:


11-11-2009, 08:22 AM
Please. Saying La Raza is a racist group is like saying the NAACP is a racist group -- they are groups that focus on the advancement of minorities in a country that often defines minorities on the basis of skin color and genetic provenance.

11-11-2009, 08:25 AM
Wow you and John Mc Cain are on the same page.No they are saving the idea of the workers being a serf class for the burgeouise, and allowing them less access to capital.

That idea never went anywhere, and is in full force today, illegals or no illegals.

11-11-2009, 12:18 PM
i just assumed he didn't have a job. perhaps an illegal took his job as a systems analyst or actuary away from him. damn those meskins !!!


11-11-2009, 12:25 PM
I don't need to look it up. I have friends in the construction industry put out of work by illegal construction workers years ago.

Fuck the illegals.

you never seem to need to look things up.

I don't need to look it up to know that you win every argument in every thread.

Fuck the facts.

11-11-2009, 07:58 PM
nationalist or sepratist in the sense that they are trying to help their own, but by that logic, you would probably find the NAACP just as racist. but i forget that i'm talking to the same guy who probably thinks acorn are like brownshirts.

if this "la raza" you keep referring to is the national council of la raza, and if by denouncing you mean distancing themselves from certain statements from certain individuals or documents created by individuals(any movement is going to have their own passionate radicals), then that's their choice, it doesn't mean that MEChA is trying to takeover anything. Besides, if they were after the southwest US, they would stop holding their national conferences in the pacific nw.

so i answered your questions.

please answer mine.

what do you have against chicano college students?
what do you have against education?
what did bill o's cock taste like? like a loofah or was that falafel?

Ahhhhh.... but you side stepped. please answer why you don't find the motto of mecha racist.

" Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."

I mean this was why La Raza distanced themselves from mecha to begin with.

I have nothing against chicano college students.
I have nothing against education.
If your third question is any example of the scholastic mentorship that mecha has to offer, you could of saved your self thousands of dollars by hanging out in dives and spending your money on the jukebox. Hell you could of reached that intellectual zenith in the second grade where I came from, you wouldn't have needed to go to college, not much of a mentorship.

11-11-2009, 08:29 PM
Please. Saying La Raza is a racist group is like saying the NAACP is a racist group -- they are groups that focus on the advancement of minorities in a country that often defines minorities on the basis of skin color and genetic provenance. Wow that was impressive...you say that with such authority...like the sun is coming up tommorrow! but Please, at the risk to spitting on one of your tin GODS I as well as a lot of other people think the NAACP is a bunch of self serving race baiters who've co-opted a legitamate orginization so they could perpetuate hate in order to fill there own pockets, and who don't give a tinker's damn about anybody,or anything other than, perpetuating a cash cow.

11-12-2009, 03:24 AM
Wow that was impressive...you say that with such authority...like the sun is coming up tommorrow! but Please, at the risk to spitting on one of your tin GODS I as well as a lot of other people think the NAACP is a bunch of self serving race baiters who've co-opted a legitamate orginization so they could perpetuate hate in order to fill there own pockets, and who don't give a tinker's damn about anybody,or anything other than, perpetuating a cash cow.

Wow, you say that as if you aren't a shit-head.

11-12-2009, 10:36 AM
that's it...lame

11-12-2009, 12:39 PM
Boy you just can't cop to the fact that mexicans don't need the yanquees to supress them they been doing just fine on their own native greed. Spreading hate America bullshit might make you feel better but the denial of reality does nothing to help the people of Mexico.

i have no problem with codemning the mexican government at all.

...and irony just goes over your head. you accuse me of spreading "hate america" bs and yet your own disgust with the handling of chiapas and NAFTA is tied into a stark criticism of corporate interest within america because that represents the very 'bourgeois' faction you have antipathy towards. when you spew it out you believe yourself to be the incarnate of walt whitman. when someone else states it they are a dissident. the problem is you are so utterly confused by your online indoctrination from "patriot" sites (and bookepeer's 'factual essays') that your intellect has no compass and you have no bearings. you can not even recognize that you are essentially on the same page as the council of la raza unida on many points of opposition.

11-12-2009, 03:18 PM
Wow dude a whole lotta nothing there.....play to your strengths...... one liners and drive bys.

11-12-2009, 03:45 PM
Wow dude a whole lotta nothing there.....play to your strengths...... one liners and drive bys.

see what i mean about being indocrinated by patriot sites and radio talk show. no intellectual compass.

get a library card.

11-12-2009, 04:17 PM
see what i mean about being indocrinated by patriot sites and radio talk show. no intellectual compass.

get a library card.There you go ...that's much better....easier than trying to string all those thoughts and sentences together and winding up with your head up your ass.....just remember play to your strengths.

11-12-2009, 04:28 PM
There you go ...that's much better....easier than trying to string all those thoughts and sentences together and winding up with your head up your ass.....just remember play to your strengths.

well... we can't all be the champion of copy and pasting from housewives blog sites, logical fallacies and cheezy pro-american rants.

Wild Cobra
11-13-2009, 03:54 PM
you never seem to need to look things up.

I don't need to look it up to know that you win every argument in every thread.

Fuck the facts.
Where do you live? Disneyland?

I live in the real world. Not cyberspace either. Not everything in life can be looked up on the web.

11-13-2009, 04:03 PM
Where do you live? Disneyland?

I live in the real world. Not cyberspace either. Not everything in life can be looked up on the web.

Not everything in life is fact based on what happens to a few of your friends.

11-13-2009, 04:22 PM
Where do you live? Disneyland?

I live in the real world. Not cyberspace either. Not everything in life can be looked up on the web.

he never said you had to look up facts on the web.

11-13-2009, 04:26 PM
he never said you had to look up facts on the web.

about 90% of the posters on this board would save themselves from getting owned if they would simply look up facts from reputable sources on the web.

I don't need to look that up to know it's true. I live in cyberspace.

Wild Cobra
11-13-2009, 05:22 PM
Not everything in life is fact based on what happens to a few of your friends.

he never said you had to look up facts on the web.
My God.

I see this shit in the city I live in. In fact, the city even pays for a service to get employment for illegals.

"CELEBRATING" the PDX Illegal Alien Job Center (http://victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/2008/06/celebrating-pdx-illegal-alien-job.html).

Day labor center still getting traction on anniversary (http://www.portlandtribune.com/news/print_story.php?story_id=122845731714403400)

Not very successful? Maybe because so many people made a stink also!

After this place opened, concerned citizens would photograph and document construction businesses hiring these people. It caused such a stir among those seeking work there, that violence has broken out a few times, with people with cameras being assaulted. The cameras had a huge effect. Employers knowing they were be photographed would stop, then leave when they saw the camera.

Some contractors have gone in specifically asking for verification that the workers are legal to work here, and an never get it.

We not only have a large illegal construction force in Portland, but the city illegally helps them find employment, when there are legal workers in regular job centers looking for work.

Stand Up for What's Right. Join the Fight to Close the Day Labor Center (http://victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/2008/07/stand-up-for-whats-right-join-fight-to.html):

The Portland illegal alien day labor center, the PINKO Detention Center, is illegal. As reported in the Portland Tribune recently we find that, even by the limited criteria set by the City and its proxy, Voz, it's a failure. Taxpayer dollars are being used for this illegal activity. It must stop.

You may not have the wherewithal to file a lawsuit, as Tom Wenning did, or go out and take pictures of employers and employees at the center as many of us have done. But you can do something.

Please read our proclamation and send a note, giving us some identifying information, such as name and address, to take to the Rainbow City Council and demand they stop this criminal enterprise.

This is just one of the several things we're undertaking to put a stop to this.


On June 16, 2008, the City of Portland opened a day labor center for use by people who are illegally in the United States.

The city has contracted with its proxy, The Voz Workerʼs Rights Education Project, to operate the center with $200,000.00 of taxpayer funds.

According to attorneys with the legal group Judicial Watch, Portland City officials are in defiance of a number of U.S. statutes and certainly operate this center in defiance of the spirit of the law. Among the complaints are:

* Subsidizing criminal activity with taxpayer funds Encouraging and inducing illegal aliens to come to, enter, or reside in the US
* Acting in reckless disregard that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of US law
* Facilitating or aiding and abetting the illegal employment of undocumented aliens
* Unlawfully allowing the hiring of individuals for employment without complying with federal employment eligibility verification requirements
* Acting in defiance of state employment requirements
* Giving government preference to companies or individuals that hire illegal aliens and others at the government day labor center and allowing them to ignore the law

We call on the City of Portland to cease using taxpayer funds in this illegal enterprise and further call on the City to cease its aiding and abetting people who broke the law to get into and stay in this country and in the City of Portland.

Please stand up for what's right and be counted. Send some identifying info (so city offiicials know you're legit) to: email [email protected]

11-15-2009, 08:14 PM
My God.

I see this shit in the city I live in. In fact, the city even pays for a service to get employment for illegals.

"CELEBRATING" the PDX Illegal Alien Job Center (http://victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/2008/06/celebrating-pdx-illegal-alien-job.html).

Day labor center still getting traction on anniversary (http://www.portlandtribune.com/news/print_story.php?story_id=122845731714403400)

Not very successful? Maybe because so many people made a stink also!

After this place opened, concerned citizens would photograph and document construction businesses hiring these people. It caused such a stir among those seeking work there, that violence has broken out a few times, with people with cameras being assaulted. The cameras had a huge effect. Employers knowing they were be photographed would stop, then leave when they saw the camera.

Some contractors have gone in specifically asking for verification that the workers are legal to work here, and an never get it.

We not only have a large illegal construction force in Portland, but the city illegally helps them find employment, when there are legal workers in regular job centers looking for work.

Stand Up for What's Right. Join the Fight to Close the Day Labor Center (http://victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/2008/07/stand-up-for-whats-right-join-fight-to.html):

I'm betting you looked this up on the web.

Wild Cobra
11-15-2009, 09:12 PM
I'm betting you looked this up on the web.
Some things can be looked up. It would be hard to link people I know in construction who have lost jobs, or accurate information of illegals do the work that Americans want, and a cheaper rate.

11-16-2009, 08:48 AM
that's it...lame

If you expected a more thoughtful reply, maybe you should have backed up your claim that the NAACP "perpetuate[s] hate in order to fill there[sic] own pockets, and who don't give a tinker's damn about anybody,or anything other than,[sic] perpetuating a cash cow."

Until you can do that, you just sound like the average crypto-racist talk-radio-listening boor I run into at bars now and then. :toast


11-16-2009, 09:52 AM
If you expected a more thoughtful reply, maybe you should have backed up your claim that the NAACP "perpetuate[s] hate in order to fill there[sic] own pockets, and who don't give a tinker's damn about anybody,or anything other than,[sic] perpetuating a cash cow."

Until you can do that, you just sound like the average crypto-racist talk-radio-listening boor I run into at bars now and then. :toast

http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll320/snackbar50/q9XGNBP8JkjxzrttV8OZlSg9o1_400.jpgYou sound like Jesse jackson or al sharpton or better yet the rev. wright.America is bored by chickenshit race baiters who in the end don't serve America white,black,or otherwise.You're hanging onto a corrupt ,.political coalition whose time has passed

11-16-2009, 11:08 AM
You sound like Jesse jackson or al sharpton or better yet the rev. wright.America is bored by chickenshit race baiters who in the end don't serve America white,black,or otherwise.You're hanging onto a corrupt ,.political coalition whose time has passed

If that's the way America feels, the market should phase them out of existence eventually, don't you think? They aren't like some creepy mega-churches that demand tithes for admission into heaven or divine interventions or anything -- people who give to the NAACP usually do it because they happen to believe it still serves a purpose. If they stop believing that, they'll stop giving.

Have a look at their front page (http://www.naacp.org/home/index.htm): is it anywhere near as inflammatory and divisive as you clearly seem to think it should be? Are the tactics employed or issues brought up in any way those of virulent race baiters? If they aren't, maybe you need to think about where your prejudice stems from.

11-16-2009, 11:48 AM
micca likes to run everybody he doesn't like into the same ditch so he can take them out in one pass. Making distinctions really isn't his thing.

panic giraffe
11-16-2009, 12:21 PM
That's odd considering La Raza (the race) is a racist group. MEChA claims to want to unify, but I would ask Panic how does dynamite do that:


if my memory serves me right, its not an outwardly violent gesture, why the talon holding the dynamite is pulled back, but more of a "by any means necessary" sort of way. same way the teabaggers have started to use the old republic 13 colony "don't tread on me" flag....

but i might be wrong.

as with any group or movement, you're going to have your crazy's and people you don't want representing the whole group. while these people may have a more nationalistic agenda, and i must admit, i was of the more radical type back then (i used to want to move into a more "young lords" territory and the idea of "taxing" a useless church by making it provide a social service to our community or take over the property) but MEChA and just real community involvement talked me down from that.

panic giraffe
11-16-2009, 12:28 PM
Ahhhhh.... but you side stepped. please answer why you don't find the motto of mecha racist.

" Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."

I mean this was why La Raza distanced themselves from mecha to begin with.

I have nothing against chicano college students.
I have nothing against education.
If your third question is any example of the scholastic mentorship that mecha has to offer, you could of saved your self thousands of dollars by hanging out in dives and spending your money on the jukebox. Hell you could of reached that intellectual zenith in the second grade where I came from, you wouldn't have needed to go to college, not much of a mentorship.

because its not like they're trying to earn money for the "european-american" scholarship fund. I have heard of polish american groups that only provide scholarships for polish american's only, do you want to do away or condemn such groups as well?

as for my third question how come when you wanna be crass it's ok, but when i respond in kind, i get a stern talking to? ah, there is no justice on the interwebs........

11-26-2009, 04:42 AM
I wonder if Sheriff Joe is carrying a big stick?

"Politicians, county employees and private citizens claim the sheriff launched investigations into their personal lives after they criticized him.

Terri Leija, who is chief of staff for Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox, said she is under criminal investigation because of her employer.

“They’re trying to scare me to go after my boss,” she told 5 Investigates.

Leija has not been charged with a crime.

“I walk around some days thinking, ‘How is this allowed to be happening?’” she asked.

Susan Schuerman, deputy administrator for Supervisor Don Stapley, echoed this sentiment.

“I don’t have any criminal history,” Schuerman said. “Why I should be tainted is outrageous."

Schuerman said the investigation makes it difficult for her to come to work.

“This has been an absolute nightmare,” she said:

KPHO (http://www.kpho.com/news/21729886/detail.html)