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Spurs Brazil
11-12-2009, 01:59 PM

Who should adjust -- RJ or the Spurs?
By Buck Harvey on Nov 12, 09 10:45 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) Save & Share Yahoo! BuzzYahoo! Newsvine del.icio.us Facebook Google Reddit Fark
Someone told Richard Jefferson Wednesday night that he seemed to be fitting in nicely after all. His 29 points and seven rebounds hinted at as much.

Jefferson nodded but was also realistic. "I'll still need to adjust when Tony and Tim come back," he said.

He's right. He needs more time with them.

But the Dallas game also suggests Parker and Duncan will need to adjust to him.

No current Spur scores as easily and in as many ways as Jefferson does. He gives them versatility they haven't had at this position, and Gregg Popovich knew this from the moment the trade was official.

"Other teams post their wings on us," Popovich said in July, "and now other teams will have something else to prepare for against us."

One notable play other teams will have to prepare for: The Spurs curl Jefferson into the lane, and Jefferson takes the pass, turns and dives at the basket.

How far back do the Spurs have to go to find someone who had the body and athletic ability to do this?

There will be nights when Parker is weaving to the basket, and others when Duncan, Manu Ginobili or any number of others are in a groove. But the coaches are likely looking at film already and asking each other if they need to revise how they look at their personnel at the offensive end of the floor.


Jefferson is a bright guy, too, with his own views. Asked if he now sees Ginobili differently after competing against him in the Finals and in the Olympics, Jefferson shook his head.

"It's a respect thing," he said. "I thought so much of him before that I assumed he had great work ethic and determination. Had he been different, I would have been disappointed."

11-12-2009, 02:06 PM
Jefferson has such significant offensive firepower (and in a manner which cannot be replicated through another Spur) that he needs to be more of a player in the offense. It was nice saying he was the fourth option behind the "original" big 3, but the guy has plenty to offer. Our system is geared to work without a player like Jefferson because we haven't HAD a player like Jefferson in ages. I say make the most of it.

11-12-2009, 02:14 PM
I wanna see him post some more and draw double teams. Then kick out to parker for an open lane to the basket. That way Parker wont have to work as hard running pick n rolls trying to beat his man everytime. Instead he can feed RJ downlow and cut and get a few layups out of it.

11-12-2009, 02:20 PM
The spurs brought in Jefferson to add firepower and his skills to their mix. There was a reason for this. So the Spurs need to adjust so that Jefferson's talents can be fully utilized. Otherwise don't bring him in. Of course there is an adjustment for Jefferson too, but the Spurs of old were not that good so let RJ make them better.

Mr. Body
11-12-2009, 03:08 PM
Jefferson has such significant offensive firepower (and in a manner which cannot be replicated through another Spur) that he needs to be more of a player in the offense. It was nice saying he was the fourth option behind the "original" big 3, but the guy has plenty to offer. Our system is geared to work without a player like Jefferson because we haven't HAD a player like Jefferson in ages. I say make the most of it.

I've felt he would be 2nd or 3rd option. Duncan clearly relishes a reduced scoring load and was never a volume scorer to begin with. Ginobili is kind of a wild-card: he can go off for 30+ any time, but shouldn't be forced to do so consistently. Parker clearly has a scorer's mentality. If Parker can co-exist with Jefferson and split up the major scoring duties between themselves, we'll be in excellent shape.

For me, scoring-wise:

1. Parker
2. Jefferson
3. Ginobili
4. Duncan

11-12-2009, 03:29 PM
I noticed something last night: Not only do the Spurs move without the ball far better when Timmy's not on the floor, it seems especially so when they know Timmy's not gonna be on the floor. If they decide to rotate and move without the ball when he's got it in the post, there's gonna be an offensive explosion.

11-12-2009, 03:59 PM
I noticed something last night: Not only do the Spurs move without the ball far better when Timmy's not on the floor, it seems especially so when they know Timmy's not gonna be on the floor. If they decide to rotate and move without the ball when he's got it in the post, there's gonna be an offensive explosion.

I agree. TD has become sure a good passer out of double teams over the years that if we get that type of player movement on the floor and the opposing team doubles TD? He could lead the league in assists. To some degree I'm J/K but the point is that this will place tremendous pressure on the other team's D leading to an offensive explosion. TD passing out of double teams to players with open Js or slashing to the rim once they receive the pass. If this happens too often and they slack off TD then he can work 1 on 1. Kinda like pick your poison.

It's going to take some time but I see this happening. Just the addition of RJ has increased our offensive production so when everone is in sync other teams had better look out. This is gonig to be fun to watch.


11-12-2009, 04:03 PM
I think that RJ is better suited to be a good 2nd/3rd great option. May be him and Tony should be our primary scorers, with Manu and Tim being the third, depending on the matchups and situations. This will help to reduce the load on our older stars, and let them stay fresh for the importante part of the season. Let the Suns and the Nuggetsfight for the regular season title :downspin:.

11-12-2009, 04:10 PM
Timmy will need to adjust how he handles the ball. If the ball comes in and he isn't ready it needs to come back out. No more 5-10 second dribbles that slows down the motion of the other players.

11-12-2009, 04:27 PM
Absolutely love the way RJ attacks the basket. He's even a better passer than I realized. I want to see the PGs (TP and Hill) get him the ball in positions to score.

The article makes a good point. As much as RJ will adjust to TP and TD, I hope they will, in turn, adjust to him.

11-12-2009, 04:38 PM
I think Pop needs to adjust his offensive scheme when TP is the pg. These new Spurs have shown that they can really perform when they get some touches. I know Pop wants TP to handle the ball 80% of the time but I think Pop should rethink his strategy and get everyone energized like they were in the dallas game.

11-12-2009, 04:40 PM
RJ is clearly our second option on offense behind parker. It's tims team because he is our leader but the system needs reworking. Tim and manu dont have the legs to score consistently like rj. This is very obvious.

11-12-2009, 05:01 PM
I noticed something last night: Not only do the Spurs move without the ball far better when Timmy's not on the floor, it seems especially so when they know Timmy's not gonna be on the floor. If they decide to rotate and move without the ball when he's got it in the post, there's gonna be an offensive explosion.Not just Tim but Tony too. Its seem when those two guys are on the floor everyone is just kinda standing around waiting to see them do their thing.

11-12-2009, 05:11 PM
I say Manu, Jefferson, Blair, Bonner and Ratliff off the bench. This unit will mop the floor with almost all the other team's bench, build a big lead, then close out the game with Duncan, Parker, Manu, Jefferson and Dyess.

11-12-2009, 05:19 PM
I say Manu, Jefferson, Blair, Bonner and Ratliff off the bench. This unit will mop the floor with almost all the other team's bench, build a big lead, then close out the game with Duncan, Parker, Manu, Jefferson and Dyess.

so no Hill, and you want either blair or bonner as sf? That sounds great

11-12-2009, 05:32 PM
Tim and Tony need the most adjustment IMO. Last year (especially with Manu out) Tony's drive and Tim getting double-teamed was the entire offense. Either way, the other three basically had to stand still and wait for an open 3 point shot. With Manu back, and RJ on the floor, that system needs to change. I say bring Tony and Tim back slowly. If the last two games are any indication, the rest of the team is really starting to gel and we don't need people to regress back to watching Tim and Tony play their two-man game.

I agree that RJ needs to be the number two option though. Manu and Tim can't be asked to carry the load every night any more.

11-12-2009, 06:02 PM
The Spurs are in the odd position of having too many scorers.

Tim and Tony are most effective scoring in the paint. The same can be said of RJ.

Both Tony and RJ are slashers but neither one can post up and that's the problem...it's hard to get good spacing when Tony and RJ are on the floor together. Ideally, RJ should be a knockdown 3 point shooter but he's a streaky shooter. This is why Manu fits so well with Tim and Tony, he can shoot the 3 with a high percent and also slash. Players don't honor RJ's 3 ball so they back off him.

I'm not sure how to solve this problem other than putting RJ, a 20ppg scorer, on the bench with Manu. Or bringing Manu to the starting lineup but that's risky due to his injury history.

11-12-2009, 06:05 PM
Both Tim and RJ are slashers but neither one can post up and that's the problem...


11-12-2009, 06:06 PM
But the Dallas game also suggests Parker and Duncan will need to adjust to him.


Jefferson is proving...especially in the last 2 games without Duncan and Parker...that he needs to be an integeral part of the offensive scheme.

Hopefully egos won't hamper with what could be a beneficial thing for the team. Perhaps Parker evolves to a better assists PG and Duncan can be eased from expectations of the past.

One can't help to realize that this would help both not only extend their perspective careers but allow them to play with less physical demands while being just as productive in the per minute area.

Oh yeah...and have a better chance at winning number 5.

11-12-2009, 06:09 PM

Sorry, Tony, my bad.

11-12-2009, 06:13 PM
I noticed something last night: Not only do the Spurs move without the ball far better when Timmy's not on the floor, it seems especially so when they know Timmy's not gonna be on the floor. If they decide to rotate and move without the ball when he's got it in the post, there's gonna be an offensive explosion.

I noticed that to, the Spurs are a quicker team when Duncan is not on the floor. However the Spurs can perhaps find away to adjust to playing this way with Duncan on the floor, it's possible.

11-12-2009, 06:23 PM
The Spurs are in the odd position of having too many scorers.

Tim and Tony are most effective scoring in the paint. The same can be said of RJ.

Both Tony and RJ are slashers but neither one can post up and that's the problem...it's hard to get good spacing when Tony and RJ are on the floor together. Ideally, RJ should be a knockdown 3 point shooter but he's a streaky shooter. This is why Manu fits so well with Tim and Tony, he can shoot the 3 with a high percent and also slash. Players don't honor RJ's 3 ball so they back off him.

I'm not sure how to solve this problem other than putting RJ, a 20ppg scorer, on the bench with Manu. Or bringing Manu to the starting lineup but that's risky due to his injury history.

Allanon, I'm with you...only let's reverse things by making Kobe come off the bench for the Lakers...preferrably having him only play in the 2nd and 3rd quarters. Having Kobe, Gasol and Bynum on the floor at the same time is not good. Maybe have Gasol come off the bench and only play the last half of the 1st and first half of the 3rd quarter. And to show what good sports us Spurs fans are we'll get Pop to only play Bonner and Finley in the 2nd and 3rd quarters!

Tou-che' :toast

11-12-2009, 06:24 PM
Tim needs to rebound and defend. Anchor the middle much like Drob did when Timmy came on board.

11-12-2009, 06:29 PM
Allanon, I'm with you...only let's reverse things by making Kobe come off the bench for the Lakers...preferrably having him only play in the 2nd and 3rd quarters. Having Kobe, Gasol and Bynum on the floor at the same time is not good. Maybe have Gasol come off the bench and only play the last half of the 1st and first half of the 3rd quarter. And to show what good sports us Spurs fans are we'll get Pop to only play Bonner and Finley in the 2nd and 3rd quarters!

Tou-che' :toast

Hahah, I'm not sure Philip would go for that :lol

All jokes aside, let's hypothetically compare. Pau and Bynum in a sense are conflicting for sure. But Pau has learned to play the high post (free throw line extended) while leaving the low post for Bynum.

In your scenario likening Kobe to RJ is not quite right. I'd compare Kobe more to Manu. Both can knock down the 3 ball at a dominating rate if left open. RJ on the other hand, will still miss open 3's at a good clip.

Therefore, defenders can back RJ and help defend the paint which both negates RJ's slashing ability while closing the paint a bit for Tim and Tony. Kobe and Manu don't have this problem because they're both superior 3point shooters to RJ.

Kobe & Manu would both be perfect fits to play alongside Tim and Tony; I'm not sure if RJ would be. And it's not so much Tim but more of Tony.

That of course, is just 1 Lakerfan opinion. :toast

11-12-2009, 06:36 PM
RJ needs to adjust.

He can be a complimentary piece, and that's all he should be. He's no go-to-guy.

11-12-2009, 06:36 PM
Sorry Sir, I can see where you're coming from and it's indeed similar but not quite the same. Pau and Bynum in a sense are conflicting for sure. But Pau has learned to play the high post (free throw line extended) while leaving the low post for Bynum.

In this scenario likening Kobe to RJ is not accurate. I'd compare Kobe more to Manu. Both can knock down the 3 ball at a dominating rate if left open. RJ on the other hand, will still miss open 3's at a good clip.

Therefore, defenders can back RJ and help defend the paint which both negates RJ's slashing ability while closing the paint a bit for Tim and Tony. Kobe and Manu don't have this problem because they're both superior 3point shooters to RJ.

That of course, is just 1 Lakerfan opinion. :toast

No, no...it was tongue-in-cheek. Getting Kobe off the court period is/was my goal. :lol

In all seriousness though I have faith that Pop will figure it all out and come the rodeo road trip we'll be firing on all cylinders. The Spurs under Pop have never been a 'I must start' type team. It could be that the way Hill and RJ are playing together that RJ may end up coming off the bench but....he'll still get the minutes of a starter just like Manu. Blair started last night and he didn't look all that comfortable. I think he plays his best coming off the bench where he is the main body under the basket...where he becomes a Monster!

Bottom line is we'll see many lineup changes over the next few weeks until Pop and his staff feel real comfortable with what works best.

11-12-2009, 06:37 PM
No, no...it was tongue-in-cheek. Getting Kobe off the court period is/was my goal. :lol

I'm stupid, I didn't "get" it until I read it again. I changed my post while you were writing this...dang you're fast. :lol

11-12-2009, 06:41 PM
No, no...it was tongue-in-cheek. Getting Kobe off the court period is/was my goal. :lol

That was strange. This part of your post did not show up when I was responding. First time that has happened to me on this website.

"Hahah, I'm not sure Philip would go for that :lol

All jokes aside, let's hypothetically compare. Pau and Bynum in a sense are conflicting for sure. But Pau has learned to play the high post (free throw line extended) while leaving the low post for Bynum.


11-12-2009, 06:42 PM
I'm stupid, I didn't "get" it until I read it again. I changed my post while you were writing this...dang you're fast. :lol

I think Kori and TIMVP are messin' with us! :rollin

11-12-2009, 07:58 PM
I agree. TD has become sure a good passer out of double teams over the years that if we get that type of player movement on the floor and the opposing team doubles TD? He could lead the league in assists. To some degree I'm J/K but the point is that this will place tremendous pressure on the other team's D leading to an offensive explosion. TD passing out of double teams to players with open Js or slashing to the rim once they receive the pass. If this happens too often and they slack off TD then he can work 1 on 1. Kinda like pick your poison.

It's going to take some time but I see this happening. Just the addition of RJ has increased our offensive production so when everone is in sync other teams had better look out. This is gonig to be fun to watch.

I agree with u very much they need to use TD just like this let RJ,Parker, and ginobli roam free and do what they please and use Timmy for rebounds and to draw double teams. Our offense would be unstoppable.

11-12-2009, 09:08 PM
We have already asked RJ to commit most on defense. I am just not sure if he still has a lot left for offense.

11-12-2009, 10:09 PM
I'm not sure how to solve this problem other than putting RJ, a 20ppg scorer, on the bench with Manu.

I'd love to see that. Last night, those two were a major handful (aside from the dry spell in the 4th when no one was hitting). Manu's passing ability will find RJ on those curls in the lane. RJ's penetrations will leave some open threes for Manu.

11-12-2009, 10:26 PM
Duncan doesn't really have to adjust..Timmy has only been used in a ball-dominant way when we've needed scoring this year..when everybody else can't do anything, we've thrown it into Duncan to do the damage..

Tim's the best passer on this team IMO..he can play the high post as well as most big men, he passes out of the doubles as well as anybody, he can still score on the block..Duncan has tried to get RJ involved since the preseason..an unselfish big man is always good for chemistry..

Tony is going to be the tough one here..he's our best scorer at this point, but he's a scoring PG, which makes him have to be ball-dominant..he isn't exactly the best passer, so that's a problem..we've seen problems between them on fast breaks together..when Tony has the ball and dribbles for too long, we often see the offense stalling, and it's ended with more turnovers and misses than anything so far this season..

Pop's gonna have to get RJ off the ball and in the post more often..we're gonna have to see Tony without the ball more often, especially when Tim's at the high post, since they're mastered that together..it's going to be tough..

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
11-12-2009, 10:41 PM
Spurs have played better because their offense hasn't been at all predictable. With Manu having a wing man in RJ, and George Hill and adequate bigs, the defenses have to guess more (Dallas)

It's up to the coaching staff make it work, because in the last two years, Timmy and Tony and Manu being a One man facilitator off the bench has been TOO EASY to come up a defensive scheme for....so boring and predictable especially when we relied on guys like Finley, Bonner for offensive support.

With RJ utilized it just screws up the coaching plans of other teams. Dallas was a good indication of that. Hopefully Pop brings his A-Game a la 2005 year where we have a versatile offense again.