View Full Version : Blazers have a ploy to give Brandon Roy the ball more

11-13-2009, 11:07 AM

The Blazers have begun to implement a new series of plays for guard Brandon Roy (left).

The play was an isolation designed for Roy, with the center posting, then clearing out.

Turns out McMillan had talked about the play in meetings, but had never fully implemented the call into the Blazers' playbook.

"He must have thought we put it in already," Blake said, noting that he rarely, if ever, is stumped by a play call. "Coaches have mishaps too, just like players."

It was a subtle and early evolution of this year's Blazers: McMillan was beginning to implement a new wrinkle to the team's attack -- a series of isolation (or "ice") plays for Roy.

The idea is to make the Blazers' halfcourt offense more varied. With Roy, the Blazers had become so pick-and-roll dominated that they became predictable. Teams would routinely trap Roy in an effort to force him to either retreat from penetration or pass.

"They aren't even hesitating," McMillan said of the traps. "So we have to give him some space and let him operate."

Now, with the "ice" series, Roy will get the ball in different areas of the court and instead of having either Greg Oden or LaMarcus Aldridge come and set a screen for him, the entire Blazers team will clear out the middle of the court. This allows Roy to break down his man.

"Throughout the whole season you have to use new stuff," Blake said. "Teams get used to what you are running so you have to throw new stuff in there. That's what this is: Brandon can pretty much beat most of the guys in the NBA 1-on-1, and this is just a way of us to take advantage of that."

The Blazers worked on the new sets during Thursday's practice in New Orleans, but Roy said it's unlikely the team will use the plays heavily tonight against the Hornets. But by midseason, the idea is to have the option of either a Roy isolation or Roy coming off a pick-and-roll, whereas last year the Blazers almost exclusively ran pick and rolls.

"I like the opportunity of it," Roy said. "This is a new wrinkle; we can mix it up. Teams won't be just getting a heavy dose of one thing."

Basically, we are saying we are open to the idea of letting me go one-on-one more. We're just not screening as much."

The plays are not designed to enhance Roy's game specifically. In fact, the idea came from a play earlier this season when Roy found himself isolated in front of the Blazers' bench during a home game against Minnesota. With Roy preparing to breakdown his man, Aldridge cut through the middle of the lane. Roy hit him with a pass and Aldridge scored while being fouled.

The idea, then, is for the isolation plays to spread out the defense to allow Roy more room, while also creating lanes for Aldridge or Oden to flash through the lane.

"Basically, we are saying we are open to the idea of letting me go one-on-one more," Roy said. "And hopefully this helps the team out, especially with Greg or LaMarcus cutting. It can get us easier baskets."

Interestingly, the new isolation plays are a throwback to Roy's second season. At that time, however, McMillan scrapped the plays because he felt it killed the team's movement because everyone cleared out and watched Roy go to work.

That's when he started putting the ball in Roy's hands more and started calling heavy amounts of pick-and-roll sets to get more people moving.

But now, with an older and more savvy team, McMillan feels Aldridge and Oden can read the spacing and make better cuts. Also, he has given Roy the freedom to call for a pick off an isolation.

"It's just like any other team, if LeBron (James) has the ball, or Carmelo (Anthony) has the ball, you have to make a decision: Are you going to play him straight up or do you go and get the ball out of his hands (by doubling)? So we want to put Brandon in that situation, because I don't think you can guard him off the dribble."

So whatever happened to the "Weak 25 ice" play call?

McMillan had to start explaining the call from the sideline -- likening it to another clear-out play for the power forward -- and once Blake got the picture, he got Roy the ball on the wing. However, Przybilla forgot to clear out, so when Roy got past his man, he was met by the Minnesota center. The obstacle forced Roy to pass out to Rudy Fernandez, who made a three-pointer.

"It worked out, but tomorrow we will do it smoother," Roy said after Thursday's practice. "But the biggest thing out of all of this is I don't want anybody to feel pressure to get me shots. I say keep playing the way we have been playing: Be efficient and just win. I want everyone to stay with sharing the ball and passing it. That makes us more dangerous."

11-13-2009, 11:08 AM

The Franchise
11-13-2009, 01:26 PM
So instead of him having the ball in his hands 65% of the time it will now be 70%.

11-13-2009, 08:45 PM
that's what LBJ does, though.

crap, is every black coach bad at offense? that's not good.

11-13-2009, 08:56 PM
This will require master planning, they will fly in tacticians and strategists from around the world. The Blazers will run amok on offense, no rhyme or reason to their movements.

They will cry out to Andre Miller, "Give Roy the ball".

And he will whisper, "no".

11-13-2009, 09:00 PM
who the fuck cares?