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11-16-2009, 11:01 AM

Monday November 16, 2009 6:04 AM
Pure Joy Personified
Rockets reveal a secret to their success while beating Lakers 101-91

Jason Friedman
Rockets.com Staff Writer

Los Angeles - About a month ago, ESPN.com's Bill Simmons sent a query out into the Twitterverse, asking readers to help him figure out what it is that makes this backstage video of Stevie Nicks seem so "riveting." The footage, shot in 1981, shows Fleetwood Mac's captivating young songstress at the height of her powers, spontaneously singing along to an early demo version of the song "Wild Heart."

The scene is stripped bare of pretense and artifice. There are no screaming crowds or laser lights. It simply offers a brief glimpse into the life of someone doing precisely what they were put on this planet to do. You hear it in Nicks' voice and you see it in her eyes. For those precious two minutes and thirty seconds, you're watching the expression of pure joy. That is what makes the video so riveting.

And that (for those of you wondering how this belongs in a basketball column) also happens to be the element which makes this particular Rockets' team such a thrill to observe. It most definitely was on full display Sunday night in Los Angeles, while Houston was in the process of knocking off the defending champion Lakers 101-91 in front of their shocked (and lifeless) fans.

There's just something about this group which grabs and demands your attention. Forget for a moment their style of play, even though it unquestionably appeals to the senses as well. Just go micro for a minute and check out the finer details. Watch the way Aaron Brooks happily skips down the court after knocking down a three-pointer on his way to torching the Lakers for a career-high 33 points. Listen to the roar unleashed by Kyle Lowry after grabbing two offensive rebounds on one possession and then finishing it off with an and-one. See how the bench deliriously responds in unison to every big play the Rockets produce. This, then, is basketball as an expression of pure joy. And it's a sight to behold.

"We just play team ball," says Brooks. "That’s the way the game is supposed to be played. That’s the way it was invented. We don’t have the superstars or that one go-to guy at the end of the game, so we have to play collectively. Any game it can be anybody."

Adds Lowry: "We’re happy to be around each other. I think we all feel that way and when you feel like that, you just go out there, play hard and try to win games because that’s all that matters. It helps everything. It helps the camaraderie and everything you could possibly think of. It’s fun to be out there with a group of guys like this. When you bring what you have off the court on to the court, it’s magical."

That description certainly applies to the events which unfolded at Staples Center Sunday night. Just check out the Rockets' complete and utter domination of the boards, where Houston outrebounded L.A. 60-38 despite the Lakers' significant advantage in the size department. Survey the way the Rockets responded after falling behind 16-2 to start the game during an opening eerily reminiscent of last season's nightmare Game 7 elimination contest. They could have wilted. Instead they rose. Examine Trevor Ariza's effort, which never once waned despite an off night (2-12 shooting) on the offensive end, especially during a key first quarter possession when he didn't simply settle for blocking Kobe Bryant's shot, he stole the ball from him too.

And last but certainly not least, recognize yet another sterling performance from the Rockets' bench. David Andersen was a revelation, not just because he poured in a career-high 19 points, but also for his willingness to battle Andrew Bynum down low. Then throw in Carl Landry's double-double (15 points, 10 rebounds), Chase Budinger's all-around game (11 points, 6 boards, 3 assists) and Lowry's virtuoso playmaking (8 assists) and you've got the recipe behind Houston's 48-18 shellacking of the Lakers in bench points, in addition to the perfect response to Friday's disappointing performance in Sacramento.

"I talked to Carl and Chase and told them we can’t ever have a game like the one we had in Sacramento again," said Lowry.

Apparently that message was received loud and clear.

Sunday's win is sure to kick off another steady stream of "the little team that could" stories, for such is life when you're a relatively star-less squad unencumbered by great expectations. Words like "heart," "hustle," and "hard-working" will be tossed Houston's way which, while complimentary (and accurate), often tend to thinly veil the fact that the giver of such bouquets believes the beneficiary is overachieving with a roster of middling talent. Don't be so deceived. These guys can play, as the rest of the league is (hopefully) beginning to learn. What's more: they love to play together.

How much is that worth in the win column? Thus far it's been good for a 6-4 record which includes a handful of quality victories over top-notch competition. And we're sure to learn much more about this club in short order with the red-hot Phoenix Suns coming to town Tuesday, kicking off a 4 games in 5 nights stretch certain to tax the Rockets both physically and mentally.

But when you love what you're doing, you're more likely to embrace those challenges rather than shrink from them. And there's no question these guys are having a blast, as evidenced by their actions both on the court - and off.

Following the euphoric bus ride back to the team hotel after the game, several Rockets' players and staff made their way over to In-N-Out Burger (because where else would you celebrate a big win?) for a late-night meal. Just as Jermaine Taylor was preparing to order his food at the counter, late-arrival Aaron Brooks suddenly burst into the restaurant and bounced onto the rookie's shoulders from behind. The playful greeting couldn't help but conjure images of the exuberant enthusiasm Brooks and his teammates had shared on the Staples Center court hours earlier.

Both scenes left the lasting impression of pure joy.

And the only way to describe it: Riveting.



“It was a great game for us. Our guys had a tough game in Sacramento the other night and then to come out against these guys. They jumped all over us in start of the game and then we got our composure and got back in it. The third quarter was terrific. The whole second half was terrific.”

(on how big a win tonight’s game was):
“Well I think it’s a big win. With a team like this when we’re just trying to find out about ourselves and you have a couple of tough games and you lose; here we’re playing the world champs and they had a tough game with their last game. It’s just a huge win because our schedule is really difficult right now. To get a win here like this is, is real similar to when we beat Utah at the beginning of the year. This just gives our guys more confidence and shows what they can do.”
(on out rebounding the Lakers by 22):
“Well we got hammered the other night by Sacramento, so we did discuss that a little bit. But the guys did their job. They were really solid tonight. We had guys come out… David Anderson was terrific. He battled Bynum and made huge shots for us to stretch their defense. Aaron had a terrific game. It was just a solid win and I’m really happy for these guys.”
(on the Rockets keeping their poise in the game):
“Yeah, I think there was. They jumped on us but we got back in it. I thought we were really impatient at the start of the game. Everybody was trying to do it for themselves and then once we caught them and then just the whole second quarter, it seemed like we got better and better. I really liked the fact that the group that started the first quarter and didn’t do very well, had a solid third quarter for us. Then we got the guys off the bench who contributed – that’s how we’re going to win.”
(on Aaron Brooks’ Performance tonight):
“He was terrific. He made some long threes. That’s how we have to play. We have to take shots like that. We don’t have the inside game that those guys do in the other locker room. So we have to play a little bit different. Aaron has all the ability in the world to put a run together like that.”
(on Trevor Ariza’s feelings about coming back to Los Angeles):
“He was really happy. He got the ring and the win…I don’t know which one he’s more happy about. I was really happy for him.”
(on Andersen):
He really battled Bynum. He’s got to learn how to play people like that. He’s got to hold his own at that end so he can be a factor at the other end. That’s what’s crucial. You just saw what he did: he stretched them out and he was always the guy open. It’s important that he can compete at that defensive end though.
(on rebounding):
We did a much better job of having everybody come back and getting the ball. We told them after the Sacramento game, ‘If you can’t get it, don’t let your guy get it.’ Then our perimeter people have to come in and clean it up.
(on what changed from last time):
They really hurt us on the boards last time because we were trying to do certain things. I have to give Elston Turner a lot of credit because he really does our defense and he came up with some really good schemes. I won’t say what they were but they were the difference maker and he’s always been able to do that.
(on Kobe):
I’m just glad every once in awhile he has a bad shooting game against us because I’ve had enough games where he hasn’t had bad ones.


on his ring ceremony and standing ovation:

“It was great. It is nice to know the fans appreciate what I have done here. Los Angeles will always be home. The coaches showed their appreciation for what I did or what I helped do and they let me know that I was a good part of the team and I am very appreciative of that.”

on the Rockets’ performance:

“We are a team that keeps fighting not matter what. Whether we are not shooting well or not playing well, we keep fighting. We try to find a way to win.”

on the Lakers:

“You know they have so much talent, but with Pau out, that takes a lot of offense away. I do not think there is anything to worry about. Once Pau comes back they will be right where they need to be. But I meant they are still at the top.”

On the win:
It’s a big win. To come in here and get a win is great. We had to respond after that loss in Sacramento, so I thought we did a good job of coming out. We were a bit flat at the start but then we stepped it up in the second quarter. Our guys did a great job off the bench – Kyle, Carl and everyone – that’s what we needed to do and we came away with a big win.

on his improvement:

“It’s a good thing. You come in here, it’s a new league and I’ve been a bit tentative when I get out there. But I have the confidence to come in and get going every day, the guys are getting used to me a bit more and I am getting used to them. It is all a learning curve and I am enjoying it. You have to play good defense, you can’t just be shooting. So I had to go against Bynum, he’s a big body and I’ve got to bang with him. It’s hard to stop a guy like that once he gets into the low block but I tried to fight with him and slow him down a little bit. At the other end, it’s good to get my rhythm going and help the team. I am confident in that, but I mean it is not easy. It is not like it just happens. You have to keep working at it and I am working on it with the coaches.”

on having a break-out game against the Lakers:

“They are a great team but I am not trying to get ahead of myself too much. It is still early in the season and we had a loss in Sacramento so we have to come back from that and win. For us it’s an important win but you can’t get too up or too down. It’s a big win and I feel good about it. I contributed in a good victory, but like I said we have to keep working to get more wins.”
on turning the game around:

It reminded me of Game 7. They got out to a big lead and they just sustained that lead and it grew the whole time. I think we took big steps and after they got off to their run, we made a run of our own.
“We got hot. We just ran around and got the lead. You know we were down by four and pretty much stayed down by four the whole game after they made their run and then when you get to a point like that you start making a couple shots and push the intensity. We did a good job of making our own shots, which is how we got the lead.”

On his confidence:
Most of my threes came off dribble penetration kick-outs. We’re able to spread the floor with four shooters, so you can’t key on one guy. Some games it’s going to be me open for the three, most games it’s been Chase open for the three. That’s just the way our offense works.
on tonight’s game:

We did a good job penetrating. We wanted to attack Bynum with the pick-and-rolls the way he was attacking us in the post. I know we did a good job handling the ball. David Anderson came in a played great; he did a good job allowing us to raid the floor and get those outside shots. As a team we just moved the ball and did a good job playing defense.
(on team chemistry):

I love everybody on this team. We’ve added some quality guys with quality attitudes. The whole key is to win games and it doesn’t matter who shines – it’s all about winning games.
Team chemistry. We’re friends and want to see each other do well. One time I passed up a wide-open shot to hit Chase and get his rhythm going and next time he’ll probably do the same for me. That’s how it is. You feed off each other and that positive energy.
We just play team basketball. That’s the way the game is supposed to be played. That’s the way it was invented. We don’t have the superstars or that one go-to guy at the end of the game, so we have to play collectively. Any game it can be anybody.

on Trevor Ariza’s ring:

“We see the ring and being that we did play them last year, it is bitter sweet. We are happy Ariza got the ring, but we are a little salty that he got the ring. We are proud of him.”
After the game in Sacramento, I talked to Carl and Chase and told them we can’t ever have a game like the one we had in Sacramento again.
It’s a regular season game. It’s a good win for us but we still have a long, long season so you take it as you’re happy to win a game but you’ve got another one Tuesday.
(on his big And-1 play in the fourth quarter): I just wanted to do whatever it takes to win the game. That’s what that play was – just do whatever you have to do.
(on the team’s chemistry): We’re happy to be around each other. Aaron is my guy and I really enjoy being around him and all my teammates. I think we all feel that way and when you feel like that, you just go out there, play hard and try to win games because that’s all that matters. It helps everything. It helps the camaraderie and everything you could possibly think of. It’s fun to be out there with a group of guys like this. When you bring what you have off the court on to the court, it’s magical.

on Kobe Bryant leaving the game early:

“He strained a groin a couple games ago and it bothered him tonight in the second half.”

on the extend of Kobe Bryant’s injury:

“I wanted to take him out at the 2 minute mark. He wanted to fight his way through it. But probably in the fourth quarter, it affected him.”

on the Rockets out-rebounding the Lakers and the Lakers shot selection:

“They pursued the ball really well. They just chased it. I was upset at halftime. I thought they forced shots. In the second half, they had wide open shots. Much better selection. But they just didn’t make shots.”

on David Andersen:

“We obviously didn’t know the scouting report that well on Andersen. We knew he’s a shooter but we didn’t see him play at that level.”

on the second halves in the last two games:

“I think that we have to look at what we’re doing. Kobe struggled tonight shooting from the field and we didn’t get any seconds from that because of the position on the floor where he shot the ball. You only end up getting 6 offensive rebounds on the night when you shoot 38%. That’s not supposed to be like that. You’re supposed to have numbers of second opportunity chances. So we’re going to have to work on where we’re getting our shots from.”

on Derek Fisher:

“He made so many good defensive plays for us out there tonight. I thought he saved or stole or knocked balls around in the first half numbers of times. I thought in the second half he started to get a couple shots and that means things started to get going. It just didn’t work out.”

on Bynum:

“I thought he was open. I don’t think we delivered the ball well. I think there were times when he got surrounded and had to kick the ball out, but he only got 2 shots in the second half. He’s the most effective scorer we had out there. It’s a shame we didn’t get it in.”

on how this game was similar to Friday’s loss at Denver:

“Both games our transition defense wasn’t too good. Gave them a lot of easy opportunities.”

on what went wrong tonight:

“It’s transition defense. Once you give a team easy opportunities their confidence gets higher. Their basket gets bigger. Their three point shots fall a bit more easily. We got to do a better job stopping them from getting easy points and just holding them down.

on getting out rebounded 60-38 by the Rockets tonight:

“It’s a combination of hustle. It’s a combination of balls bouncing their way. They have a couple guys down there that do a great job rebounding. Ball just bounced their way tonight.

on Aaron Brooks and what the Lakers need to do differently:

“He was hot all game. I think defensively we need to step it up. That’s what we’re lacking right now. Offensively we’re going to work the kinks out. Very stagnant. We’re allowing that to take away from our energy. We need to have a couple of good practices.”

on rebounding difficulties:

“They’re running out and then we’re all over the place on defense. We got guards trying to box out bigs. Bigs trying to box out guards. We’re all over the place right now.

on what went wrong with tonight’s game:

“I have to look at the tape, look at the tape and just see what happened. We definitely wanted to win. We tried to win. And they beat us. Just got to bounce back.”

on the Lakers’ last two games:

“We definitely don’t like to lose two in a row at all. We’ll get it back.”

Got a question for Rockets.com? Send it to Jason Friedman. And for up to the second news and injury updates follow the Rockets and Jason on Twitter.

11-16-2009, 12:06 PM
The Rockets are probably my 2nd favorite team this year. I'm sure this comes as a shock to Rox fans. :lol

11-16-2009, 05:05 PM
The Rockets are probably my 2nd favorite team this year. I'm sure this comes as a shock to Rox fans. :lol

like they care