View Full Version : You think its bad here

11-17-2009, 12:09 PM
I drool in amazement about the levels of ignorance on this message board.

This is a fishing site i frequent, that also has a political type board on it. Every once in a while i migrate down to the shallow end, and look at what is going on.

Found this gem about the presidents "bow" the other day


im just dumbfounded at the level of stupidity of some of these people.

Hang around and read some of the other stuff. These guys are one baby step away from admiting their affiliation to the KKK...its wierd and scary at the same time.

11-17-2009, 12:45 PM
that place is pretty tame compared to here.

11-17-2009, 04:41 PM
Older generation.

11-17-2009, 05:56 PM
I agree with them on this OBama issue

Obama is a fucking faggot. he is the POTUS, why is he bowing? he is not subservient to them. He is EQUAL LEVEL. You do NOT bow down that low. a half bow MAYBE but not like he did.

Obama's reasoning is "We have to respect other cultures, be humble" etc but that's all bullshit because he is the president. He's not a civilian like you and me.

eh, I actually might miss Bush if Obama keeps it up.

I cant believe i am saying that.

11-17-2009, 06:04 PM
my god obama is a fucking moron. I'm a Democrat who voted Republican for the first and only time in my life because obama is a fucking asshat.

he is proving me right. he's incompetent for the job and he used the "im black" pity card during the campaign, and idealistic fucking sheep voted for him because they feel good about themselves for being a part of 'progress' and 'changing the world'

fucking idiots.

World leaders DO NOT BOW to each other.

in case you didn't know, the TYPE of BOW IS IMPORTANT to japanese. No eye contact while bowing = subservient. Deep low bow = subservient.

I actually miss George Bush, I'd rather have his corrupt ass in the white house right now. I can't believe it.

panic giraffe
11-17-2009, 06:15 PM
I agree with them on this OBama issue

Obama is a fucking faggot. he is the POTUS, why is he bowing? he is not subservient to them. He is EQUAL LEVEL. You do NOT bow down that low. a half bow MAYBE but not like he did.

Obama's reasoning is "We have to respect other cultures, be humble" etc but that's all bullshit because he is the president. He's not a civilian like you and me.

eh, I actually might miss Bush if Obama keeps it up.

I cant believe i am saying that.

I think that was word for word michael savage last night. good job drone.

11-17-2009, 06:33 PM
who is michael savage? yes, to your fucking surprise, i have never heard of him before.

I am the farthest thing from a 'drone' you will ever meet. I think of everything I do BY MYSELF.

so if an opinion I have has been said before, that's because I'm not the only logical person on earth.

11-17-2009, 06:37 PM

fuck their culture, what about OUR culture?

in our culture, we see bowing like that as a sign of SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY

you cannot LOGICALLY defend this piece of shit fake president for bowing like that to a japanese politician

11-17-2009, 06:40 PM
so if an opinion I have has been said before, that's because I'm not the only logical person on earth.

You should probably read-up on Michael Savage before you pat yourself on the back for being logical.

11-17-2009, 06:41 PM
Also, can you LOGICALLY defend being this irate about a gaffe in fucking Japan? Doesn't mean shit, bub.

11-17-2009, 06:42 PM
you sound like laura, too.

good job, little drone.

11-17-2009, 06:45 PM
You should probably read-up on Michael Savage before you pat yourself on the back for being logical.

I will now flex my muscles on you, smart ass

I just read on wikipedia that he is a radio talk show host. big whoop.

I don't care if fucking ADOLF HITLER HIMSELF said it, the MESSAGE counts.

Can't a moron say something logical for once?

Isn't Forrest Gump responsible for "shit happens" (yes i know its just a movie)?

so, your attempt to discredit my claim of logic by insinuating that Michael Savage is not a logical man the other 99% of the time is IRRELEVANT

Thank you very much. Come again.

11-17-2009, 06:48 PM
Also, can you LOGICALLY defend being this irate about a gaffe in fucking Japan? Doesn't mean shit, bub.

it means a lot. the POTUS represents me and you, our country

just like I was irate at Bush for shit like "Bring em on", I am irate at obama for this

he's a fucking disgrace. he might as well give him a blow job while he's down there. he's such a fucking pussy caught up in the 'humility' and 'sensitivity' and being 'sorry for us lousy americans' getting people to like us...

he has no idea how to be a fucking man and gain American's RESPECT THROUGH ACTIONS, not by sucking their cocks to get them to like you

11-17-2009, 06:50 PM
I stand in awe of your syllogistic mastery, oh great one.

But you still haven't made a logical case for your anger. The world's a fucking mess right now and you care about this?

11-17-2009, 06:51 PM
he has no idea how to be a fucking man and gain American's RESPECT THROUGH ACTIONS, not by sucking their cocks to get them to like you


Yeah, look how well that worked out for the Bush administration..

panic giraffe
11-17-2009, 06:52 PM

fuck their culture, what about OUR culture?

in our culture, we see bowing like that as a sign of SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY

you cannot LOGICALLY defend this piece of shit fake president for bowing like that to a japanese politician

our "culture"? the US is based on a ideal, no national identity or culture. and that ideal is freedom and liberty.

and that wasn't a japanese politician, it was the emperor, who i believe has no real authority, more of a cultural hanger-on, similar to queen elizabeth. it was just a sign of respect, not like he made a declaration that all US bases in japan would be closing immediately after the bow.

but back to that site, damn those people are backwards, kinda like reading craigslist rants and raves. hell one thread was dedicated to why mexican restaurants have more red, white, and green instead of red, white and blue. and the thread about the kahlid sheik trials was titled "nyc trails" and the op didn't even say anything about new york bike trails, just a trial. tisk tisk. damn rednecks give my state a bad name, can't we just ship them all to that lynch pin of culture known as oklahoma?

11-17-2009, 06:52 PM
The world's a fucking mess right now and you care about this?

He doesn't. MH is just here to fish for an argument.

11-17-2009, 06:53 PM
But you still haven't made a logical case for your anger. The world's a fucking mess right now and you care about this?

I will now flex my logic on you once again, you make it too easy you know?

The fact that I am "irate" about this situation, how does that imply that I am not concerned about 'the world in a fucking mess' ?

How does it imply that I only care about this?

You have serious logical flaws that you need to address before you try to correct others, brah man

11-17-2009, 06:54 PM
Yet you're posting here, brah man.

11-17-2009, 06:57 PM
Yet you're posting here, brah man.

You dodged the question

and now add another logical fallacy

how exactly does me posting here imply I don't care about anything else?

I am only one human, right, one place at one time? You acknolwedge that or you want to smart ass that too?


11-17-2009, 06:59 PM
our "culture"? the US is based on a ideal, no national identity or culture. and that ideal is freedom and liberty.

and that wasn't a japanese politician, it was the emperor, who i believe has no real authority, more of a cultural hanger-on, similar to queen elizabeth. it was just a sign of respect, not like he made a declaration that all US bases in japan would be closing immediately after the bow.

but back to that site, damn those people are backwards, kinda like reading craigslist rants and raves. hell one thread was dedicated to why mexican restaurants have more red, white, and green instead of red, white and blue. and the thread about the kahlid sheik trials was titled "nyc trails" and the op didn't even say anything about new york bike trails, just a trial. tisk tisk. damn rednecks give my state a bad name, can't we just ship them all to that lynch pin of culture known as oklahoma?

Now the USA has no culture?


In the USA, bowing before another man is a sign of submission. Same as kneeling before another man.

and just because a person is X, doesn't mean they can't say something logical sometimes. attack the message... not the ...

11-17-2009, 07:00 PM
go heat your pizza.

11-17-2009, 07:00 PM
Obama is too much of a fucking pussy I can't stand him.

11-17-2009, 07:06 PM
The point is you continue to post in this thread. Your attention is here, not on the economy, not on healthcare, not on any number of more important issues in this forum. You're frothing mad about it, evidently. And it entertains me.

11-17-2009, 07:10 PM
Ad hominem

get on topic or be cast aside as useless spam

11-17-2009, 07:12 PM
Do you even know what ad hominem means? Oh wait, you just answered my question.


11-17-2009, 07:18 PM

Yeah, look how well that worked out for the Bush administration..

Bush was another idiot. How does deflecting blame from Obama to Bush help Obama?

Bush was terrible. I don't see how that changes anything with Obama?

By the way, do you realize the japanese official didn't bow back to Obama?

"The emperor bows to no one" says the article.

How hilarious is that? Obama, the pussy

11-17-2009, 07:25 PM
Bowing itself does not hurt the country. Therefore, it means nothing.

Sun Tzu said to appear weak when you are strong. Perhaps Obama is a genius.

11-17-2009, 07:33 PM
Sun Tzu said to appear weak when you are strong.


War tactics about deception when pertaining to greetings? wha?

that makes no sense. if anything, body posture and body language should emit strength.

Sun Tzu was talking about masking the strength of your ARMY so the enemy underestimates and attacks you when he isn't prepared to win.

so no, obama is an idiot.

11-17-2009, 09:34 PM
do you want machiavelli as president?

11-18-2009, 11:05 AM
you are right admiral: the funniest thing about this thread is miami heat complaining about logical fallacies (or at least the ad hominem fallacy) without even really being able to distinguish between an actual formal argument and what appears to be nothing but an exchange of insults or comical banter.