View Full Version : fine @ss Sarah Palin's Newsweek cover

11-17-2009, 12:39 PM


11-17-2009, 12:47 PM
why did she stop hauling that kid around? is she off the sympathy vote tour?

Michael Brown
11-17-2009, 12:47 PM
That's not the proper way to display the United States flag.

11-17-2009, 01:04 PM
That's not the proper way to display the United States flag.
It's the purpose

11-17-2009, 01:13 PM
pitbull bitch answers only to an authority higher than the Constitution and the flag.

11-17-2009, 01:19 PM
lol the same guys hating on her will be the same guys choking their chicken to this cover.

11-17-2009, 01:22 PM
lol the same guys hating on her will be the same guys choking their chicken to this cover.
you need to get out, pops.

11-17-2009, 01:23 PM
lol the same guys hating on her will be the same guys choking their chicken to this cover.

Whatever. She's moderately pretty... but entirely evil. And probably the single dumbest bitch in America, which is not attractive.

I daydream about a lot of physical things happening to Sarah Palin's body. None of them are sexual.

11-17-2009, 01:27 PM
sons I'm not a big fan of her at all. she seems like a nice woman, but way too conservative for me to support politically. I'm simply saying she looks damn good for her age and I would pipe the hell out of it.

11-17-2009, 02:25 PM
Whatever. She's moderately pretty... but entirely evil. And probably the single dumbest bitch in America, which is not attractive.

I daydream about a lot of physical things happening to Sarah Palin's body. None of them are sexual. Ah....I just knew it couldn't last long......despite a herculean effort to appear normal,and,medical sciences gifts to aid the mentally unstable,you either went of your meds, or need to up the dosage.
Again with the fantasies of sensless violence on a hapless victim of your impotent rage.Dude I'm afraid you might be going Hasan on us.

11-17-2009, 02:56 PM
Who holds a phone like that?

11-17-2009, 03:25 PM
The same cover she just called sexist?

11-17-2009, 03:29 PM
Palin angered by 'sexist' Newsweek cover

For the second time since Sarah Palin stepped into the national political spotlight, a photo of the former Republican vice-presidential candidate featured on the cover of Newsweek magazine is sparking controversy. Palin herself blasted the "out-of-context" cover as "sexist" on her Facebook page.

Originally published in the August 2009 issue of Runners World, the photo features the former Alaska governor in short runner's shorts. It was part of a multi-photograph slideshow that accompanied an article about Palin and her love for the sport titled, "I'm A Runner." In her Facebook post late last night, Palin took issue with Newsweek using a photo from an article about health and fitness to promote an analysis piece contemplating her relevance as a political figure:

"The choice of photo for the cover of this week's Newsweek is unfortunate. When it comes to Sarah Palin, this "news" magazine has relished focusing on the irrelevant rather than the relevant. The Runner's World magazine one-page profile for which this photo was taken was all about health and fitness -- a subject to which I am devoted and which is critically important to this nation. The out-of-context Newsweek approach is sexist and oh-so-expected by now. If anyone can learn anything from it: it shows why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, gender, or color of skin. The media will do anything to draw attention -- even if out of context.

The reaction to the Newsweek cover has predictably sparked outrage from conservative supporters of Palin and kudos from liberals who oppose her. CBN commentator David Brady called the cover "a new low" for the "biased" magazine, adding that Newsweek has a history of portraying liberal women as "heroes for the next generation," while portraying conservative women like Palin as "nuts and dopey." Meanwhile, documentary photographer Nina Berman hailed the cover as "brilliant" and "shrewd" for using a "propped photo where Palin is an obvious participant ... to show how far out she is willing to travel on the road of self promotion" while "shield[ing] themselves from what would have been the inevitable criticism if they had dolled her up themselves and posed her the same way."

The current cover flap isn't the first time Newsweek has generated controversy with a photograph of Palin. The October 13, 2008, issue featured an extreme close-up of Palin that seemed to be devoid of the high-tech retouching often employed by magazines. Conservatives claimed this highlighted some of Palin's supposed "flaws," like wrinkles around her eyes.

Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham told Yahoo! News that the photo choice was simply the "most interesting image available":

"We chose the most interesting image available to us to illustrate the theme of the cover, which is what we always try to do. We apply the same test to photographs of any public figure, male or female: does the image convey what we are saying? That is a gender-neutral standard."

-- Brett Michael Dykes is a contributor to the Yahoo! News Blog

11-17-2009, 03:33 PM
Whatever. She's moderately pretty... but entirely evil. And probably the single dumbest bitch in America, which is not attractive.


I daydream about a lot of physical things happening to Sarah Palin's body. None of them are sexual.


11-17-2009, 03:42 PM
Palin angered by 'sexist' Newsweek cover

For the second time since Sarah Palin stepped into the national political spotlight, a photo of the former Republican vice-presidential candidate featured on the cover of Newsweek magazine is sparking controversy. Palin herself blasted the "out-of-context" cover as "sexist" on her Facebook page.

Originally published in the August 2009 issue of Runners World, the photo features the former Alaska governor in short runner's shorts. It was part of a multi-photograph slideshow that accompanied an article about Palin and her love for the sport titled, "I'm A Runner." In her Facebook post late last night, Palin took issue with Newsweek using a photo from an article about health and fitness to promote an analysis piece contemplating her relevance as a political figure:

"The choice of photo for the cover of this week's Newsweek is unfortunate. When it comes to Sarah Palin, this "news" magazine has relished focusing on the irrelevant rather than the relevant. The Runner's World magazine one-page profile for which this photo was taken was all about health and fitness -- a subject to which I am devoted and which is critically important to this nation. The out-of-context Newsweek approach is sexist and oh-so-expected by now. If anyone can learn anything from it: it shows why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, gender, or color of skin. The media will do anything to draw attention -- even if out of context.

The reaction to the Newsweek cover has predictably sparked outrage from conservative supporters of Palin and kudos from liberals who oppose her. CBN commentator David Brady called the cover "a new low" for the "biased" magazine, adding that Newsweek has a history of portraying liberal women as "heroes for the next generation," while portraying conservative women like Palin as "nuts and dopey." Meanwhile, documentary photographer Nina Berman hailed the cover as "brilliant" and "shrewd" for using a "propped photo where Palin is an obvious participant ... to show how far out she is willing to travel on the road of self promotion" while "shield[ing] themselves from what would have been the inevitable criticism if they had dolled her up themselves and posed her the same way."

The current cover flap isn't the first time Newsweek has generated controversy with a photograph of Palin. The October 13, 2008, issue featured an extreme close-up of Palin that seemed to be devoid of the high-tech retouching often employed by magazines. Conservatives claimed this highlighted some of Palin's supposed "flaws," like wrinkles around her eyes.

Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham told Yahoo! News that the photo choice was simply the "most interesting image available":

"We chose the most interesting image available to us to illustrate the theme of the cover, which is what we always try to do. We apply the same test to photographs of any public figure, male or female: does the image convey what we are saying? That is a gender-neutral standard."

-- Brett Michael Dykes is a contributor to the Yahoo! News Blog:lol She's angry that they used a picture she posed for?

She loves running, holding phones like a hand of cards and using American flags to dust furniture. What context is being missed?

11-17-2009, 04:16 PM
Whatever. She's moderately pretty... but entirely evil. And probably the single dumbest bitch in America, which is not attractive.

I daydream about a lot of physical things happening to Sarah Palin's body. None of them are sexual.

LOL at this sons.

She's just a politician. This is the equivalent of a redneck saying he dreams of Obama getting assasinated; something you would surely get butthurt about.

I seriously LOVE how much pure unadulterated HATRED she draws out of a lot of the fa*gots (no homo) in this country.

Who gives a fuck about the American Flag. It's just colored fabric. You don't think the angels in D.C. disrespect "the flag" on a daily basis? Obama could smelt every american flag pin in the Milky Way if he was doing honest work in D.C.

11-17-2009, 04:19 PM
I guess she can write this off as an "error of youth", huh?

She needs to work on those legs a some, they're getting pretty heavy.

11-17-2009, 04:26 PM

11-17-2009, 04:43 PM
That is not an age appropriate outfit. Badly done.

Sarah Palin has had some very attractive outifts and pictures taken. That is not one of them though.

11-17-2009, 04:49 PM
her classiness ranks right up there with her mastery of English language and her intellect

11-17-2009, 04:49 PM
newsweek is probably guilty of purposely picking that photo for reasons more than "it was the most appropriate" and their spin on this is awful but palin needs to grow up. she's whoring around the talk show circuit pushing her book and then when the media suddenly goes against her wants she throws a hissy fit disguised as a defense of the stereotyped. she is quite the narcissist.

11-17-2009, 04:50 PM
That is not an age appropriate outfit. Badly done.

Sarah Palin has had some very attractive outifts and pictures taken. That is not one of them though.

Age appropriate outfit? She posed for that picture for a Runner's World photoshoot. Not sure what you find inappropriate about it.

Nice job by Newsweek, by the way.

11-17-2009, 04:55 PM
Age appropriate outfit? She posed for that picture for a Runner's World photoshoot. Not sure what you find inappropriate about it.

Nice job by Newsweek, by the way.

She could have worn a designer sweatsuit, covered up more.

She is too old to be parading outside around anywhere in short shorts like that, in my opinion.

Is she wearing pantyhose?

baseline bum
11-17-2009, 05:00 PM
It's unreal to me how much this woman complains. All she does is sling mud constantly and then whine like a child anytime she gets hit with a clump. Palin really needs to grow up before anyone outside of the extreme Republicans will take her seriously.

11-17-2009, 05:02 PM
It's unreal to me how much this woman complains. All she does is sling mud constantly and then whine like a child anytime she gets hit with a clump. Palin really needs to grow up before anyone outside of the extreme Republicans will take her seriously.

what's unreal to me is how much americans are obsessed with a below average IQ, below average looking, uninteresting, pretty much vanilla white broad

11-17-2009, 05:05 PM
She could have worn a designer sweatsuit, covered up more.

She is too old to be parading outside around anywhere in short shorts like that, in my opinion.

Is she wearing pantyhose?
You've got to be kidding. Sarah Palin is NOT old and she's in great shape. She posed in a RUNNING outfit for a RUNNER'S magazine! Have you seen what the women wear when running marathons? You're buying into the double standard - I didn't hear all this flak when Obama was photographed without his shirt - and that surely seems inappropriate for the President of the United States.

Newsweek shouldn't have used the photograph for their article - it was completely unrelated to the article.

baseline bum
11-17-2009, 05:09 PM
You've got to be kidding. Sarah Palin is NOT old and she's in great shape. She posed in a RUNNING outfit for a RUNNER'S magazine! Have you seen what the women wear when running marathons? You're buying into the double standard - I didn't hear all this flak when Obama was photographed without his shirt - and that surely seems inappropriate for the President of the United States.

Newsweek shouldn't have used the photograph for their article - it was completely unrelated to the article.

It's pretty clear what the image is meant to convey; that Palin is more a sex symbol than a serious political mind.

Viva Las Espuelas
11-17-2009, 05:12 PM
her classiness ranks right up there with her mastery of English language and her intellect

Maybe she should ad "magic Negro" to her vocabulary.

Viva Las Espuelas
11-17-2009, 05:14 PM
"palin's a non factor"

yeah. Hypocrisy, heal thy liberal.

11-17-2009, 05:17 PM
The point of that picture on Newsweek is to display Sarah Palin in a sexy manner, not to promote running.
I guarantee you the guys who look at her are not going to think, " Man, seeing that makes me want to go running. "
Sarah Palin is a GRANDMOTHER, let's not forget.

I don't care to see President Obama without his shirt on, although he appears to be pretty fit. And where he is not fit, I am sure photoshop would alter him as it does everyone on the cover of a magazine.

If I had seen the picture you are referring to, I would have made similar comments about President Obama as I did Sarah Palin. The president is close to ( or is) 40 years old, he is a father, and he is the leader of the United States of America.

It goes to credibility with me. I don't need or want my politicians to be sex symbols. I want them to be effective public servants. I want them to look the part of the consummate professional, as well as act it at all times.

On the same token of age, I don't like it when movie stars refuse to graduate into age appropriate roles.
You can still be very attractive even while being age appropriate. Richard Geer is an excellent example of that. So is Diane Lane.

I myself have stopped wearing certain styles and brands of clothing now that I am nearing 30.
Just because something is cute, does not mean everyone should be wearing it.

11-17-2009, 05:21 PM
The point of that picture on Newsweek is to display Sarah Palin in a sexy manner, not to promote running.
I guarantee you the guys who look at her are not going to think, " Man, seeing that makes me want to go running. "
Sarah Palin is a GRANDMOTHER, let's not forget.

I don't care to see President Obama without his shirt on, although he appears to be pretty fit. And where he is not fit, I am sure photoshop would alter him as it does everyone on the cover of a magazine.

If I had seen the picture you are referring to, I would have made similar comments about President Obama as I did Sarah Palin. The president is close to ( or is) 40 years old, he is a father, and he is the leader of the United States of America.

It goes to credibility with me. I don't need or want my politicians to be sex symbols. I want them to be effective public servants. I want them to look the part of the consummate professional, as well as act it at all times.

On the same token of age, I don't like it when movie stars refuse to graduate into age appropriate roles.
You can still be very attractive even while being age appropriate. Richard Geer is an excellent example of that. So is Diane Lane.

I myself have stopped wearing certain styles and brands of clothing now that I am nearing 30.
Just because something is cute, does not mean everyone should be wearing it.

SPANDEX! It's a priviledge, not a right!

11-17-2009, 05:23 PM
pitbull bitch is a HUGE factor

... in ripping apart the Repugs, extreme assholes fighting with less extreme assholes.

electoral disaster, and the somewhat "adult" Repugs realize what's happening to their party.

11-17-2009, 05:25 PM
SPANDEX! It's a priviledge, not a right!

Spandex is of the devil. :lol I abhor the stuff.

11-17-2009, 05:26 PM
again, if she were homely like Golda Meir or Bella Abzug, she'd still be in Wasilla.

11-17-2009, 05:26 PM
I myself have stopped wearing certain styles and brands of clothing now that I am nearing 30.
Just because something is cute, does not mean everyone should be wearing it.

Well good for you - now you're saying that just because Sarah is a grandmother she needs to dress like Barbara Bush?

And you're missing the point - Sarah DIDN'T WANT that picture on the cover of Newsweek. And from what I understand, the picture in question wasn't even on the cover of Runner's World - it was for a one-page article inside the magazine.

I have 4 grandchildren - but I don't dress like a grandmother. I don't look my age, and people have complimented me because I don't dress like a grandmother.

There is nothing inappropriate with what Sarah is wearing - it was just inappropriate for Newsweek to use the picture on their cover.

11-17-2009, 05:32 PM
she posed for it. stop being such a cunt.

11-17-2009, 05:33 PM
Well good for you - now you're saying that just because Sarah is a grandmother she needs to dress like Barbara Bush?

And you're missing the point - Sarah DIDN'T WANT that picture on the cover of Newsweek. And from what I understand, the picture in question wasn't even on the cover of Runner's World - it was for a one-page article inside the magazine.

I have 4 grandchildren - but I don't dress like a grandmother. I don't look my age, and people have complimented me because I don't dress like a grandmother.

There is nothing inappropriate with what Sarah is wearing - it was just inappropriate for Newsweek to use the picture on their cover.

I have seen worse outfits to be sure.

I don't know why you feel such a need to defend Sarah Palin.

I don't mean to attack or degrade her. I am simply stating the fact: I don't like her outfit.
It is not an outfit I would agree to be photographed in at her age, especially for a publication- especially seeing how they can be used out of context, as you are saying happened with this photo.

But to each her own: To Sarah to wear the outfit, To me to disapprove, And to you to disagree with me.

11-17-2009, 05:42 PM

No one conservative of the flag pin importance will even touch on the complete disregard Patin has for the flag huh? I remember when runners world first ran the pictures from the shoot that no one pointed that out and it continues.

Its obvious why Newsweek ran the cover they did and its apparently a great move since its getting a ton of publicity. If they truly wanted to be sexist they would be running Palin's stupid swimsuit competition photos.

Also, comparing a picture from a photo shoot one takes voluntarily to a picture of the president with his shirt off he did NOT pose for and was taken from quite a distance is a stretch of a comparison. Apparently the president is never allowed to take his shirt off.

Palins a trip. That part is damn sure.

11-17-2009, 05:44 PM
she posed for it. stop being such a cunt.

I HATE that word - and I despise men who think it's cool to just throw it out there and use it to criticize a woman. :nope

Why do you think it's okay to use such an offensive word just because I disagreed with Newsweek using the photo? I wish we would go back to the days when people didn't use such obscene and offensive language - especially to a person they don't even know. :bang

11-17-2009, 05:48 PM
I HATE that word - and I despise men who think it's cool to just throw it out there and use it to criticize a woman. :nope

Why do you think it's okay to use such an offensive word just because I disagreed with Newsweek using the photo? I wish we would go back to the days when people didn't use such obscene and offensive language - especially to a person they don't even know. :bang

Don't be such a sanctimonious hypocrite, fag.

11-17-2009, 05:49 PM
Crookshanks, whats your opinion on the flag being displayed in that manner?

11-17-2009, 06:16 PM
Don't be such a sanctimonious hypocrite, fag.
Don't even try to compare those two words.

Crookshanks, whats your opinion on the flag being displayed in that manner?
I've thought about it and I'm not sure. I know you're not supposed to let the flag touch the ground and I know there are specific guidelines for folding and disposing of flags; but is there anything that says it shouldn't be draped over a chair? Is it any different from an Olympic athlete wrapping themselves in the flag when they win a gold medal?

I guess it doesn't look to me like she's disrespecting the flag - but there may be some people who think she is. It's an interesting question. I had to write a paper in college on the issue of flag burning. And while I find that act reprehensible, after all my research, I had to come to the conclusion that the flag is the symbol of our freedom - and that freedom includes burning the very symbol of freedom.

11-17-2009, 06:19 PM
Don't even try to compare those two words.

You're right. One is derogative towards you, the other is derogative towards others. Totally different.


11-17-2009, 06:22 PM
Don't even try to compare those two words.

I've thought about it and I'm not sure. I know you're not supposed to let the flag touch the ground and I know there are specific guidelines for folding and disposing of flags; but is there anything that says it shouldn't be draped over a chair? Is it any different from an Olympic athlete wrapping themselves in the flag when they win a gold medal?

I guess it doesn't look to me like she's disrespecting the flag - but there may be some people who think she is. It's an interesting question. I had to write a paper in college on the issue of flag burning. And while I find that act reprehensible, after all my research, I had to come to the conclusion that the flag is the symbol of our freedom - and that freedom includes burning the very symbol of freedom.


11-17-2009, 06:23 PM
And yes, using the word fag while complaining about the use of cunt is extremely hypocritical.

11-17-2009, 06:26 PM
If I had seen the picture you are referring to, I would have made similar comments about President Obama as I did Sarah Palin. The president is close to ( or is) 40 years old, he is a father, and he is the leader of the United States of America.

The "annointed one" is 48.

11-17-2009, 06:26 PM
:lol She's angry that they used a picture she posed for?

What context is being missed?


“the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election.” - Obama's campaign

Wild Cobra
11-17-2009, 06:27 PM
That is not an age appropriate outfit. Badly done.

Sarah Palin has had some very attractive outifts and pictures taken. That is not one of them though.
It was taken for a fitness magazine. Her's the original photo. See the running shoes by chance?

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x262/Wild_Cobra/People/sarahpalin.jpg (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=runners+world+sarah+palin&FORM=BIFD)

11-17-2009, 06:29 PM
I wonder how much cushion that flag provides her elbow?

11-17-2009, 06:42 PM
Manny the flag thing is lame. While you are right the flag isn't being shown proper respect, I don't get the sense it is being disrespected.

It's not like she's burning it.

Besides, her son is in the military and she is patriotic(or at least toes that line, is pro-military) so there's just not a sense of disrespect.

So while you have a technical argument, it has no soul.

Bad angle to take. You guys will never be able to paint that image while you have a guy whose minister says godamn America.

It's always going to be...who do you think you're kidding?

Def Rowe
11-17-2009, 06:42 PM
I wonder how much cushion that flag provides her elbow?


11-17-2009, 07:00 PM
And yes, using the word fag while complaining about the use of cunt is extremely hypocritical.
You really think those two words are equally offensive? But then again - you are men - so what should I expect?

11-17-2009, 07:00 PM

11-17-2009, 07:25 PM
sons the fumes in new orleans is clouding your mind

11-17-2009, 07:27 PM
You really think those two words are equally offensive? But then again - you are men - so what should I expect?

Out of respect to you I've never called you a cunt. What I personally believe isn't important because you are the one who fines it offensive. To me words are just words and nothing anyone calls me on this board is going to effect me but if you set a standard you would like others to obey then you should follow the same standard yourself out of the same respect you demand.

But sure, dismiss me because I'm a man. :rolleyes

11-17-2009, 07:31 PM
I daydream about a lot of physical things happening to Sarah Palin's body. None of them are sexual.
Have we met?


11-17-2009, 07:37 PM
Manny the flag thing is lame. While you are right the flag isn't being shown proper respect, I don't get the sense it is being disrespected.

It's not like she's burning it.

Besides, her son is in the military and she is patriotic(or at least toes that line, is pro-military) so there's just not a sense of disrespect.

So while you have a technical argument, it has no soul.

Bad angle to take. You guys will never be able to paint that image while you have a guy whose minister says godamn America.

It's always going to be...who do you think you're kidding?

Whottt, I personally coudln't care less about that photo one way or another. But I'm one a person who gives a shit about flag pins either. That is the point.

11-17-2009, 08:37 PM

“the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election.” - Obama's campaignSo accusing Obama of being a secret Muslim sleeper agent Manchurian candidate is the same as accusing Palin of jogging, holding phones and leaning on the American flag.

11-17-2009, 09:34 PM
Jesus Christ almighty this woman is fucking hot.

The only way she can claim sexism is because most people picking up this issue are like, "I'd like to help her have her next triploid baby."
Wish it showed some cleavage.

11-17-2009, 09:45 PM
So accusing Obama of being a secret Muslim sleeper agent Manchurian candidate is the same as accusing Palin of jogging, holding phones and leaning on the American flag.

Huh? They were merely talking about publishing the photo.

11-17-2009, 09:50 PM
would have been nice if she turned around. gotta see the ass too

11-17-2009, 09:53 PM
yeah, some ass crack, and titty crack, why would she not flaunt her sex to the slobbering bubbas.

11-17-2009, 09:55 PM
Hannity played part of Sarah's interview with Barbara Walters. He played the part where Barbara asked her about the Newsweek cover. Sarah said she thought it was cheesy and that Newsweek is supposed to be more about substance. She also said it was demeaning. She said if she knew that photo would be used in that manner, she would've never posed for it.

As a side note - Newsweek basically stole that picture. They used it without the knowledge or permission of Runner's World.

11-17-2009, 09:58 PM
boo fucking hoo, you crying ass bitch.

11-17-2009, 10:00 PM
This is a picture of a healthy, athletic woman who just happens to be a politician that was a vice presidential candidate.

The attire is neither sexual or over bearing and less reveiling than many of the outfits joggers wear today in public.

She is an attractive woman. So she's to be condemed and/or scrutinized for being that way?

Smart move on her part getting publicity. Or is it dumb by the media for giving her the attention?

She's taking a lesson from Obama...she's getting the attention and popularity regardless of her "qualifications" in the political realm. But wait...what "qualifies" somebody to be a politician other than garnishing votes?

"And the whole world will love you just as long as you are...a shooting star"

11-17-2009, 10:01 PM
That is not an age appropriate outfit. Badly done.

Sarah Palin has had some very attractive outifts and pictures taken. That is not one of them though.

oh please. for a 46 year old woman she looks damn good. stop hatin

11-17-2009, 10:01 PM
would have been nice if she turned around. gotta see the ass too

mothafuckin co-signed!

11-17-2009, 10:05 PM
Hannity played part of Sarah's interview with Barbara Walters. He played the part where Barbara asked her about the Newsweek cover. Sarah said she thought it was cheesy and that Newsweek is supposed to be more about substance. She also said it was demeaning. She said if she knew that photo would be used in that manner, she would've never posed for it.

As a side note - Newsweek basically stole that picture. They used it without the knowledge or permission of Runner's World.


11-17-2009, 10:06 PM
Well guys - even the women on the view (with the exception of that shrew Joy Behar) said it was sexist and inappropriate. They said it trivialized her views and Whoopi said they'd be upset if it was a liberal woman. She also said it wasn't a liberal versus conservative issue - it was a women's issue.

So where are the feminists - where's NOW. Shouldn't they be defending the sexualization of a strong, independent woman?

11-17-2009, 10:06 PM
sons the full photo shoot is here ...


11-17-2009, 10:09 PM
What's so funny Manny? I just saw that clip again on Greta's show and what Sarah actually said was that if she knew that picture would be used that way, she would've never allowed Runner's World to profile her.

I'd really laugh if Runner's World sued Newsweek for stealing the photo.

11-17-2009, 10:12 PM
Shouldn't they be defending the sexualization of a strong, independent woman?
She is not a strong, independent woman. She is a stupid bitch who represents the most disgusting, bigoted and moronic segment of the American populace.

On top of that she is a trashy attention whore. Which is why that photo exists.

11-17-2009, 10:15 PM
What's so funny Manny? I just saw that clip again on Greta's show and what Sarah actually said was that if she knew that picture would be used that way, she would've never allowed Runner's World to profile her.

I'd really laugh if Runner's World sued Newsweek for stealing the photo.

son I gotta admit that Sarah should have known better that they would use her photo as a "sexy" picture. you see son she doesn't think twice about it because she knows that she is attractive ... Democratic women don't have to worry about that problem because most of them look like total dog shit AND OR fat as Manny. sons Rosie O'Donnell is a perfect example of your typical liberal, Democrat ... like I have said before, there is a reason why most liberal women are so damn bitter.

11-17-2009, 10:16 PM
She is not a strong, independent woman. She is a stupid bitch who represents the most disgusting, bigoted and moronic segment of the American populace.

On top of that she is a trashy attention whore. Which is why that photo exists.

LMAO this coming from someone who supports a fucking Mormon basketball team.

11-17-2009, 10:18 PM
LMAO this coming from someone who supports a fucking Mormon basketball team.

Son. Nobody on the Jazz is mormon and I do not support them. I hope they lose every game left on their schedule. Fuck those losers.

11-17-2009, 10:19 PM
Son. Nobody on the Jazz is mormon and I do not support them. I hope they lose every game left on their schedule. Fuck those losers.

son why so much hate in your heart ?

11-17-2009, 10:21 PM
She is not a strong, independent woman. She is a stupid bitch who represents the most disgusting, bigoted and moronic segment of the American populace.

Ahh the irony.

11-17-2009, 10:23 PM
son why so much hate in your heart ?

Son. The country is full of evil conservative morons. Between listening to Palinites and watching a Jazz team that takes it's money and goes home, I'm left as a very angry individual. Nothing wrong with it IMO, but hate is f'ing right.

11-17-2009, 10:25 PM
Whottt, I personally coudln't care less about that photo one way or another. But I'm one a person who gives a shit about flag pins either. That is the point.

Eh...people did that because it fit with the negative perceptions about Obama. I personally don't think the pin was all that big of deal compared to his Rev and that picture where he doesn't have his hand over his heart.

Stuff like that is always going to stick to Obama easier then anything else until he manages to convince people otherwise, his cross to bear so to speak.

No one will even think twice about that sort of accusation with Palin just because of the way she comes off.

The stupid/ditz image is her cross to bear.

11-17-2009, 10:28 PM
Ahh the irony.

I have no interest in extending PC to Sarah Palin. For me to respect her as a woman I'd have to think of her as having human worth. As I consider her sub-human, any gender specific attack I use is basically irrelevant; the dignity of gender does not apply to something that is sub-human.

11-17-2009, 10:28 PM
Son. The country is full of evil conservative morons. Between listening to Palinites and watching a Jazz team that takes it's money and goes home, I'm left as a very angry individual. Nothing wrong with it IMO, but hate is f'ing right.

lol son this country is not "full of evil conservative morons" ... the majority of this country is in the middle or to the left. although son I can understand your anger with the Utah WhiteJazz, but imagine being in my shoes right now? ... CP3 is badly hurt, we are stuck with Peja, and Devin fucking Brown is in our starting lineup. seriously son, go get drunk and appreciate the little things in life.

Wild Cobra
11-17-2009, 10:31 PM
I have no interest in extending PC to Sarah Palin. For me to respect her as a woman I'd have to think of her as having human worth. As I consider her sub-human, any gender specific attack I use is basically irrelevant; the dignity of gender does not apply to something that is sub-human.
Funny how the "party of tolerance" forgets who they are when dealing with powerful women who are not tokens for the democrat party.

11-17-2009, 10:34 PM
Funny how the "party of tolerance" forgets who they are when dealing with powerful women who are not tokens for the democrat party.

You want me to call Pelosi a bitch too? Cause I have.

11-17-2009, 10:57 PM
What's so funny Manny? I just saw that clip again on Greta's show and what Sarah actually said was that if she knew that picture would be used that way, she would've never allowed Runner's World to profile her.

I'd really laugh if Runner's World sued Newsweek for stealing the photo.

I'm sure you believe every word she says but I don't. She knew exactly what she was doing BUT if we are to believe her then I question how you want someone so naive in the White House? You want some one who misses the brutality obvious to lead our country?

As I said, I don't believe what she's saying, I just think its pretty ironic.

11-17-2009, 11:09 PM
I'm sure you believe every word she says but I don't. She knew exactly what she was doing BUT if we are to believe her then I question how you want someone so naive in the White House? You want some one who misses the brutality obvious to lead our country?

As I said, I don't believe what she's saying, I just think its pretty ironic.

LOL Manny you crack me up on this board ... you more than anyone on here Democrat or Republican SHAMELESSLY bow down to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the Democratic party tells you to. I'm all for supporting your party and all, but dude grow some balls and think for yourself. The same can be said for those who only support Republicans.

11-17-2009, 11:10 PM
Huh? They were merely talking about publishing the photo.Palin is a secret jogging, phone fanning, flag-leaner.

11-17-2009, 11:10 PM
LOL Manny you crack me up on this board ... you more than anyone on here Democrat or Republican SHAMELESSLY bow down to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the Democratic party tells you to. I'm all for supporting your party and all, but dude grow some balls and think for yourself. The same can be said for those who only support Republicans.


11-17-2009, 11:12 PM

k thanks

11-17-2009, 11:31 PM
Well guys - even the women on the view (with the exception of that shrew Joy Behar) said it was sexist and inappropriate. They said it trivialized her views and Whoopi said they'd be upset if it was a liberal woman. She also said it wasn't a liberal versus conservative issue - it was a women's issue.Why is it a women's issue?

She posed for the damn picture. She knew it would be used somewhere.

So where are the feminists - where's NOW. Shouldn't they be defending the sexualization of a strong, independent woman?What makes it sexualized?

Your perception?

The perception of other women?

It certainly can't be the perception of men, because they can sexualize any picture of a moderately attractive woman -- unless you think that outfit is somehow more sexual than her usual outfit.

It's astounding that a person can consider a picture she posed for and approved for use in a national magazine sexist.

Tell me Crookshanks, did you shriek with righteous fury at the explicitly sexualized picture on this magazine cover?


11-17-2009, 11:32 PM
Who gives a fuck about the American Flag. It's just colored fabric.

You can keep your ass in Canada talking like that.

11-18-2009, 10:22 AM
this sarah palin character sure does generate some profound discourse. take this thread for instance. it's just oozing with substantive dialogue.

11-18-2009, 10:40 AM
Palin is a secret jogging, phone fanning, flag-leaner.

So, you're completely unable to explain why was Obama so furious with that photo of him being published. Noted.

11-18-2009, 12:34 PM
So, you're completely unable to explain why was Obama so furious with that photo of him being published. Noted.Already did. You're completely unable to understand why. Noted.

11-18-2009, 01:43 PM
Already did. You're completely unable to understand why. Noted.

Do you mind to quote your explanation? As far as I understood, you're implicitly stating that publishing that photo without due context would lead to the popularization of wrong stereotypes of Obama, right?

11-18-2009, 03:30 PM
Do you mind to quote your explanation? As far as I understood, you're implicitly stating that publishing that photo without due context would lead to the popularization of wrong stereotypes of Obama, right?Right. A picture of Palin in running attire would lead to the popularization of the right stereotype for Palin, as she is indeed a runner.

11-18-2009, 05:34 PM
Right. A picture of Palin in running attire would lead to the popularization of the right stereotype for Palin, as she is indeed a runner.

Except that the goal of the magazine using that photo was to raise doubts about Palin's gravitas and seriousness and not to illustrate an article about her passion for physical activity.

11-18-2009, 05:48 PM
Except that the goal of the magazine using that photo was to raise doubts about Palin's gravitas and seriousness and not to illustrate an article about her passion for physical activity.With respect to the bolded:

I think Palin did that well enough herself during last year's campaign and this year when she resigned. Her public pronouncements since then have not notably augmented whatever gravitas and seriousness she might still have IMO.

11-18-2009, 06:01 PM
With respect to the bolded:

I think Palin did that well enough herself during last year's campaign and this year when she resigned. Her public pronouncements since then have not notably augmented whatever gravitas and seriousness she might still have IMO.

Subjective - I disagree and irrelevant: the point in case is how is any different Palin's reaction to the use of the photo to Obama's reaction to the use of his photo.

11-18-2009, 06:37 PM
Subjective - I disagree and irrelevantPalin resigned because the adversity of the press and politicians in Juneau had become too much for her. That goes to seriousness -- she wasn't tough enough to fulfill the duties of office, so she quit. How is anyone supposed to take her seriously after that?

Also, that you think there is any objective basis for claiming Sarah Palin has gravitas, well, that's the funniest thing I've heard in quite some time. Perhaps you can explain that one to us. On its face it's ridiculous.

11-18-2009, 06:45 PM
Palin resigned because the adversity of the press and politicians in Juneau had become too much for her. That goes to seriousness -- she wasn't tough enough to fulfill the duties of office, so she quit. How is anyone supposed to take her seriously after that?

Also, that you think there is any objective basis for claiming Sarah Palin has gravitas, well, that's the funniest thing I've heard in quite some time. Perhaps you can explain that one to us. On its face it's ridiculous.

Aren't you trying to present as a fact your opinion on why she resigned?

I don't have the patient nor the charitable mood to explain my opinions to those who a priori label them as ridiculous and hilarious.

Once again, this is all beyond the scope of the discussion. It's irrelevant if some believe that Palin lacks seriousness. The point is that the magazine used the photo to cast doubts about her seriousness as a public servant by trying to link taking photos in a running attire to lack of gravitas.

11-18-2009, 06:47 PM
Aren't you trying to present as a fact your opinion on why she resigned?

The point is that the magazine used the photo to cast doubts about her seriousness as a public servant by trying to link taking photos in a running attire to lack of gravitas.

Those two statements within a mere paragraph from each other is some more delicious irony for this forum.

11-18-2009, 06:54 PM
Those two statements within a mere paragraph from each other is some more delicious irony for this forum.

Why? Don't you think it's a fact they used that photo to raise questions about Mrs. Palin's (lack of) gravitas?

11-18-2009, 06:57 PM
Aren't you trying to present as a fact your opinion on why she resigned?Palin said much the same herself.

I don't have the patient nor the charitable mood to explain my opinions to those who a priori label them as ridiculous and hilarious.Yet, you do the very same to others. You dish it out but you can't take it. Pity. I thought you were made of stronger stuff. You shouldn't mock others so lightly, if you dislike being ill-used yourself.

Once again, this is all beyond the scope of the discussion. It's irrelevant if some believe that Palin lacks seriousness.Attempts to enforce strict topicality rarely work here. The conversations tend to be fluid and wide-ranging. Pity your forbearance is too pinched to deal with anything not directly on topic. People will think you're ducking issues -- which quite literally, you are.

The point is that the magazine used the photo to cast doubts about her seriousness as a public servant by trying to link taking photos in a running attire to lack of gravitas.So what? About 60% of Americans already think Palin unqualified for high office, so apparently Palin's gravitas was ailing far before Newsweek's editors scurrilously attempted to sink it with the frame from the Runner's World shoot.

I seriously doubt the tendentiousness of Newsweek's editorial choices has changed anyone's mind -- but it has inflamed crybaby Palinistas. Of that there is no doubt whatsoever.

11-18-2009, 06:58 PM
Why? Don't you think it's a fact they used that photo to raise questions about Mrs. Palin's (lack of) gravitas?

What I believe or don't is completely irrelevant to what is or isn't a fact. I was more amused by your unequal application of your initial standard to what you said a mere few sentences later.

11-18-2009, 07:08 PM
Palin said much the same herself.

No she didn't.

Yet, you do the very same to others. You dish it out but you can't take it. Pity. I thought you were made of stronger stuff. You shouldn't mock others so lightly, if you dislike being ill-used yourself.

Proof. When did I mock others opinions aprioristicaly? When did I, having mocked others opinions, demanded, afterwards, a lecture on the issue?

Attempts to enforce strict topicality rarely work here. The conversations tend to be fluid and wide-ranging. Pity your forbearance is too pinched to deal with anything not directly on topic. People will think you're ducking issues -- which quite literally, you are.

You should calm down. I wasn't trying to duck issues - in fact, I've been answering to your posts, meaning that your suggestion is nonsensical. I was just pointing out that the issue was irrelevant to the point in case. From now on, every time you use a similar phrase, I'm going to accuse you of trying to enforce strict topicality and that your forbearance is too pinched to deal with anything not directly on topic.

So what? About 60% of Americans already think Palin unqualified for high office, so apparently Palin's gravitas was ailing far before Newsweek's editors scurrilously attempted to sink it with the frame from the Runner's World shoot.

So what? I'm not one to believe that majorities are always right. That is not a valid reason to justify Newsweek behaviour.

I seriously doubt the tendentiousness of Newsweek's editorial choices has changed anyone's mind -- but it has inflamed crybaby Palinistas. Of that there is no doubt whatsoever.

Are you a crybaby Palinista? Considering the amount of ad hominem remarks you have been making you certainly seem to be inflamed by the issue. Personally, I'm just discussing Newsweek editorial choice and if Palin's reaction is similar to Obama's reaction some months ago.

11-18-2009, 07:09 PM
What I believe or don't is completely irrelevant to what is or isn't a fact. I was more amused by your unequal application of your initial standard to what you said a mere few sentences later.

So, what is relevant to what is or is not a fact?

I dispute that I applied different standards.

11-18-2009, 07:15 PM
If you want to compare the Palin and Obama photos you can do so on many fronts. First of all, being portrayed as Muslim carries with it obvious negative aspects in politics today. Sarah Palin's picture was in the context of a woman who is healthy and was a runner but she feels it was used in a sexist manner in which I assume she means she's being presented as a mere sex symbol. I think one can judge for themselves which is far worse especially in the context of an active political campaign.

Secondly, the Plain picture is recent and was posed for in a photo shoot. The Obama photograph was neither. I also believe the Obama picture was used actively in a directly political manner during an active political campaign where as the Palin cover was used by a magazine unaffiliated with any political organization during a book campaign (the cover has already done far more good to her than harm).

These are large and substantive differences.

11-18-2009, 07:20 PM
So, what is relevant to what is or is not a fact?

I dispute that I applied different standards.

Are we really having to define what a fact is? Unless you were present for the Newsweek decision you are making an assumption and presenting it as a fact. No matter how informed you may view your assumption to be it does not make it a fact and is exactly the same type of behavior you accused WH of.

11-18-2009, 07:24 PM
No she didn't. Yeah, she did.

Proof. When did I mock others opinions aprioristicaly? When did I, having mocked others opinions, demanded, afterwards, a lecture on the issue? When you do it, there is some objective basis; when others do it, it is subjective and aprioristic. Gotcha.

You should calm down. I wasn't trying to duck issuesYou're still ducking the fact that Palin's resignation makes her objectively less serious.

- in fact, I've been answering to your posts, meaning that your suggestion is nonsensical. I was just pointing out that the issue was irrelevant to the point in case. Hairsplitting. You're saying Palin's behavior in office, and her resignation from it, is unrelated to the discussion of her gravitas and seriousness. You're wrong. So obviously wrong, that you could not possibly be right.

So what? I'm not one to believe that majorities are always right. That is not a valid reason to justify Newsweek behaviour. I did not justify it. Most everyone here seems willing to concede Newsweek is less than objective. So what are you still conmplaining about?

Are you a crybaby Palinista? Considering the amount of ad hominem remarks you have been making you certainly seem to be inflamed by the issue.I find the Palinistas amusing and somewhat pathetic. You certainly are not dispelling the impression now.

Personally, I'm just discussing Newsweek editorial choice and if Palin's reaction is similar to Obama's reaction some months ago.You'd be the only one. Good luck finding someone to discuss it with. It was never of much interest to me.

11-18-2009, 07:24 PM
Are we really having to define what a fact is? Unless you were present for the Newsweek decision you are making an assumption and presenting it as a fact. No matter how informed you may view your assumption to be it does not make it a fact and is exactly the same type of behavior you accused WH of.

Why did I need to be present for the Newsweek decision? They said they decided to purposely pick that particular photo in order to raise questions about her seriousness and gravitas! What do you need to consider this a fact? A personal message from God himself?

11-18-2009, 07:28 PM
Winehole, I finnaly understood: you wrote all those posts to tell me that nobody is interested in discussing the Newsweek editorial behaviours and if her reaction to it isn't similar to Obama's (this while I was and am discussing those exact same issues with another posters) while trying to force to discuss your emotional anti-Palin traumas - and accusing me of ducking issues if I don't comply.

Personally I don't give a damn if it's of much interest to you or not. Am I allowed to do not giving a damn about your preferences about what should be discussed in this forum?

11-18-2009, 07:30 PM
I was ignorant of the further comments made this morning on behalf of Newsweek and my understanding was the only comments made were the ones by the editor as of yesterday. I now understand why your statement is a fact and I admit you've been correct and weren't applying inconsistent standards in your post.

I apologize.

11-18-2009, 07:31 PM
you're ducking who palin is.

11-18-2009, 07:35 PM
Personally I don't give a damn if it's of much interest to you or not.All the better.

Am I allowed to do not giving a damn about your preferences about what should be discussed in this forum?You were never required to care in the first place.

11-18-2009, 07:49 PM
Except that the goal of the magazine using that photo was to raise doubts about Palin's gravitas and seriousness and not to illustrate an article about her passion for physical activity.And the goal of the people who wanted to use that photo at that time was to raise doubts about Obama's citizenship and religion, not to illustrate that he once visited a country to which he had no previous ties whatsoever.

I think both subjects overreacted and a come off as whiners. They're public figures. Live with it.

11-18-2009, 08:09 PM
"raise doubts about Palin's gravitas and seriousness"

no doubts, she has neither, nor any other qualifications, like enough votes to win on a national ticket.

11-18-2009, 08:38 PM
she is just doing what she has to do cry sexism but the damage or sucess has been made, people are looking at her picture and talking about it. she got the press and kept in mind to have her principles out there

11-18-2009, 09:24 PM
I think this thread represents fairly well what she is: A very polarizing person.
IMHO, that's actually what goes against her as far as being presidential.

11-18-2009, 10:03 PM
I think this thread represents fairly well what she is: A very polarizing person.

She's really not the polarizing figure. The polarizing figure was Bush.

#1. Presidents who don't win the popular vote are always polarizing.
#2. He's a very naturally polarizing person.
#3. That whole "pre-emptive" war was a very polarizing manuever.

But the extreme polarity has existed for quite some time now.

IMHO, that's actually what goes against her as far as being presidential.

I don't really agree with that.

11-18-2009, 10:28 PM
Palin resigned because the adversity of the press and politicians in Juneau had become too much for her. That goes to seriousness -- she wasn't tough enough to fulfill the duties of office, so she quit. How is anyone supposed to take her seriously after that?

That she intends to fight the problem by going above it's head. She has a track record of doing that.

You might as well conclude that Pop should not taken seriously as a GM since he resigned the post. I assure you, he should be taken quite seriously as a GM, rather it was the job he truly wanted or not.

Horrible logic.

She also resigned her position on the Oil and Gas board of Alaska...did that mean she couldn't hack it? Too much for her? Because that was a Governorship and VP candidacy ago.

You are jumping to a conclusion but it's not a particularly well thought out conclusion. It's actually a pretty narrow conclusion. Tunnel-like.

Take it however you want of course, but you are ignoring a great deal of other possibilities in jumping to that conclusion.

I take it as a positive...if she wants to be the President and her political enemies are abusing our legal system purely for political advantage, and they are of course, then I think she clearly did the right thing, for the people of Alaska, for herself.

I don't know, I'm just not getting a slinking off in defeat vibe, I don't think that's the accurate description of what is transpiring at all. Maybe I'll go watch one of the 600 interviews she has done lately just to see if I am off on that, but somehow I don't think my opinion is going to change.

11-18-2009, 10:39 PM
why did she stop hauling that kid around? is she off the sympathy vote tour?

Probably got sick you guys going, well she shouldn't trot them out there like props if she doesn't want us to attack them.

Obviously...you guys are still going to go after the kids whether they are around or not.

Because it's the type of person you are.


11-18-2009, 10:59 PM
would you or wouldn't you impregnante her
i want this to finally be settled

11-18-2009, 11:06 PM
Not just for the sake of impregnating her.

<<<<Not an anti-abortionist.

11-19-2009, 12:20 AM
Probably got sick you guys going, well she shouldn't trot them out there like props if she doesn't want us to attack them.

Obviously...you guys are still going to go after the kids whether they are around or not.

Because it's the type of person you are.


she thought it would help. actually, they likely told her to carry it.

it didn't help.

so she flushed it.

like a piece of shit.

11-19-2009, 12:23 AM
Just can't leave the little children alone can you clammy?

11-19-2009, 12:30 AM
Just can't leave the little children alone can you clammy?

i'm worried about the kid that she dumped.

11-19-2009, 12:31 AM
come on whottt.

beg me.

11-19-2009, 01:23 AM
Beg you to what? Stop using Palin's children to attack her?

Way I look at it...

You're either the kind of man(and I use that term loosely) that goes after kids or else you aren't...and you obviously are.

I am sure it is totally justified in your mind...it always is with people like you...clammy.

Cry Havoc
11-19-2009, 01:56 AM
Watching Winehole clean house around here is just awesome. :lol

This thread reminds me of why I visit this forum less and less these days. The arguments, save for a select few, just make my brain hurt with stupid.

11-19-2009, 02:10 AM
Praise Winehole. Praise his name. Slurp slurp..

So what do you have to add?

Cry Havoc
11-19-2009, 02:36 AM
So what do you have to add?

Does it matter? Anything worthwhile I have to say is going to be mocked, ridiculed, and strawmanned into oblivion anyway.

But if you really want to know, I think it's kind of an overreaction on everyone's part. Was the photo even that bad? She's wearing a hell of a lot more than most female runners I see during long-distance races (I've seen many runners her age that are wearing just a bit more than a bikini. It's part of running.). I don't understand how Sarah Palin can continue to pose for photographs and then whine when the press gives her attention. And I don't understand how she wants to be taken seriously when she quit her job.

Most of all, I don't understand why this country is so offended by sex. I mean, really? Isn't it all how we got here? ZOMG A WOMAN IS BEING PORTRAYED AS A SEXUAL CREATURE WHO'S ATTRACTIVE. There are far worse things to me than what is happening to Sarah Palin, and I really wish America would stop treating sex like a horrible thing. There are 6,000,000,000 people on the planet, so to act like sex is the evil abused pink elephant in the room is kind of sad, to me. So I guess I really don't understand her outrage. She chose to step onto the national stage, and she continues to enjoy making waves in the news, but the instant media takes her in a way she didn't intend, she gets upset about it. She's invites attention and then cries when she gets too much of it.

Ms. Palin -- perhaps if you don't want things wrote, said, or transmitted in any way by the media -- it might be a prudent idea to not publish a huge novel to cash in on your new found fame and then do an interview for a nationally published magazine. I'm a little confused that you seem to be upset for what essentially amounts to being called a hottie, and if you really had some political chops, you would likely have no problems swinging this around to your advantage, instead of sulking, as it appears that is what you are presently doing. Mr. Obama, who you have criticized so candidly, did not even bother to mention the shirtless photo of himself that was also published on a major magazine, and that was one he did not even voluntarily pose for. So I'm really curious what you are attempting to accomplish by this, unless it's just to get more attention. Which is kind of sad, really, since you purport yourself here to be about promoting a healthy women's image, and I fail to see how being an attention-whore could do that.

The "tl; dr" version: You want out of the media? Stop voluntarily putting yourself in a position where you're going to be talked about. Just stop. Period.

Just my opinion. You did ask.

11-19-2009, 03:51 AM
Does it matter? Anything worthwhile I have to say is going to be mocked, ridiculed, and strawmanned into oblivion anyway.

But if you really want to know, I think it's kind of an overreaction on everyone's part. Was the photo even that bad? She's wearing a hell of a lot more than most female runners I see during long-distance races (I've seen many runners her age that are wearing just a bit more than a bikini. It's part of running.). I don't understand how Sarah Palin can continue to pose for photographs and then whine when the press gives her attention. And I don't understand how she wants to be taken seriously when she quit her job.

Most of all, I don't understand why this country is so offended by sex. I mean, really? Isn't it all how we got here? ZOMG A WOMAN IS BEING PORTRAYED AS A SEXUAL CREATURE WHO'S ATTRACTIVE. There are far worse things to me than what is happening to Sarah Palin, and I really wish America would stop treating sex like a horrible thing. There are 6,000,000,000 people on the planet, so to act like sex is the evil abused pink elephant in the room is kind of sad, to me. So I guess I really don't understand her outrage. She chose to step onto the national stage, and she continues to enjoy making waves in the news, but the instant media takes her in a way she didn't intend, she gets upset about it. She's invites attention and then cries when she gets too much of it.

Ms. Palin -- perhaps if you don't want things wrote, said, or transmitted in any way by the media -- it might be a prudent idea to not publish a huge novel to cash in on your new found fame and then do an interview for a nationally published magazine. I'm a little confused that you seem to be upset for what essentially amounts to being called a hottie, and if you really had some political chops, you would likely have no problems swinging this around to your advantage, instead of sulking, as it appears that is what you are presently doing. Mr. Obama, who you have criticized so candidly, did not even bother to mention the shirtless photo of himself that was also published on a major magazine, and that was one he did not even voluntarily pose for. So I'm really curious what you are attempting to accomplish by this, unless it's just to get more attention. Which is kind of sad, really, since you purport yourself here to be about promoting a healthy women's image, and I fail to see how being an attention-whore could do that.

The "tl; dr" version: You want out of the media? Stop voluntarily putting yourself in a position where you're going to be talked about. Just stop. Period.

Just my opinion. You did ask.

Almost everything ends up as strawmen and ad hominem attacks here while people push their party line like they are being paid to do so.

The offensiveness to sex and nudity is also hilarious. There are 3 billion other people on the planet with the same parts you have, yet you are taught to be ashamed of them. That is no small number. There are more genitals per square mile than there are murderers. How is something so common and natural vilified?

Also, the whole Palin "woe is me" thing is a deliberate political move IMO, and it is being used by most of the GOP. Their ranks are down and its easy to bring back the stray sheep and a few moderates by playing the victim card against the opposition. While she is polarizing, it isn't clear that she is actually unelectable or that her strategy harms her or the GOP. The left got a strong base established due to Bush and the war. This pulled a lot of people from the right and center; but many of the left's policies are disliked by the same group and it is easy for them to swing back.

I honestly don't think she wants out of the media. Her book wouldn't have sold nearly as well if she wasn't on the front pages every couple days. She also isn't nearly as hate-able as the left makes her out to be, especially to the general voting public. The GOP has no leader, but Palin has become a household name. The amount of dollars spent campaigning is proof positive that name recognition is important, and Palin is getting an enormous amount of it for free.

I personally dislike her and the left is playing into her hands by constantly attacking or replying to her. They have made themselves look like aggressors and are contributing to her attention whoring. Ripping apart Bush was a good strategy because of the widespread disenchantment of the war, but Palin has no such baggage other than some stupidity. Yet if history is any indicator, people do not mind electing the inept.

tldr: People are retards in politics, sex, and debating.

11-19-2009, 10:45 AM
Beg you to what? Stop using Palin's children to attack her?

Way I look at it...

You're either the kind of man(and I use that term loosely) that goes after kids or else you aren't...and you obviously are.

I am sure it is totally justified in your mind...it always is with people like you...clammy.

that was easy.

i just can't get enough of whottt's delusional relationship with palin.

11-19-2009, 12:00 PM
that was easy.

i just can't get enough of using children.

No shit...and you stand out among your peers like Obama at a KKK rally.

11-19-2009, 12:03 PM
too easy.

11-19-2009, 12:11 PM
too easy.

I know you are but what am I?

Geez...I suppose you do it because you feel they are mental equals. And you are probably wrong about that.

11-19-2009, 12:19 PM
throw a fit. you know you want to.

11-19-2009, 12:28 PM
throw a fit. you know you want to.

Go after the litttle children again. You know you want too...like you did earlier in this thread. The only person to do so.

11-19-2009, 12:38 PM
how can i go after a little kid thats appears to have vanished?

what will she use for sympathy?

11-19-2009, 12:51 PM
she's taking a lot of flak over this empty book.

i bet she breaks the kid out any day now.

11-19-2009, 12:53 PM
how can i go after a little kid thats appears to have vanished?

what will she use for sympathy?

Stupid question, the catfish that feel her kids are fair game are going to go after her kids to get to her whether they are in the picture or not.

Do you need a link?

Somehow...I actually think you do.

11-19-2009, 12:58 PM
so, it's the baby's fault that it's mom uses him as a prop. gotcha!

11-19-2009, 01:21 PM
I don't see Sarah Palin using her child as a prop...I do however still see you USING the child to attack her.

Plain and simple that is what you are doing, and that is the kind of person you are.

11-19-2009, 01:24 PM
i'm trying to protect the kid.

any day now, she'll feel the heat and put the kid between her and the flame.

poor kid.

11-19-2009, 01:25 PM
oh, i forgot.

2 e z

11-19-2009, 01:28 PM
No you aren't...that's not what you are doing at all. You are a political bottom feeder who believes he can mask the obvious reality he is a political bottom feeder by hiding behing a mask of shitty, unfunny and tedious glibness.

11-19-2009, 01:52 PM
you should change your name to "palin's panty shield".

11-19-2009, 01:54 PM
you should change your name to "palin's panty shield".

And you should change your name to...infants are fair game, and ez.

11-19-2009, 02:12 PM
And you should change your name to...infants are fair game, and ez.

don't put me in palin's group.

i don't use my kid as a prop.

11-19-2009, 02:40 PM
sons I'm not a big fan of her at all. she seems like a nice woman, but way too conservative for me to support politically. I'm simply saying she looks damn good for her age and I would pipe the hell out of it.

I understand that is a photo over 1o years old, from a photo shoot from 'Runners World' that the photographer did not have the permission to sell to Newsweek. They've recieved criticism for using this photo. As they should. I'm not a Palin fan and I dont think she's the answer because of a vareity of reasons, but I don't have the hate towards her that so many whack jobs seem to have. To describe her as 'evil' is ludicrous.

11-19-2009, 02:51 PM
I understand that is a photo over 1o years oldThe article was from last August's issue of Runner's World. I believe the pictures were taken around the same time.

11-19-2009, 02:57 PM
The article was from last August's issue of Runner's World. I believe the pictures were taken around the same time.

Not according to what I saw on the Today show yesterday. Lauer(sp) said it was a decade old photo.

11-19-2009, 03:03 PM
Not according to what I saw on the Today show yesterday. Lauer(sp) said it was a decade old photo.
Matt Lauer is wrong. Sarah was profiled for that article back in August and the photos were taken then. Read the article in Runner's World - she talks about the campaign and trying to find time to get in a run every day. How can that be 10 years ago?

11-19-2009, 03:05 PM
I think Trig was in one of those pictures, and the phones from the cover shot are too new.

Alex Jones
11-19-2009, 05:40 PM
you should change your name to "palin's panty shield".


11-19-2009, 07:31 PM
I think this thread represents fairly well what she is: A very polarizing person.
IMHO, that's actually what goes against her as far as being presidential.

Is she more polarizing than Obama? I don't think she's more polarizing than Reagan in the late 70s or W in 2004, for example.

11-19-2009, 07:41 PM


They should profile crazy Alaskan ex-governors who think they have foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her front window...

11-19-2009, 10:29 PM
I bet she'd have no problem being profiled. I know I don't...profile away.

Wild Cobra
11-19-2009, 10:32 PM


They should profile crazy Alaskan ex-governors who think they have foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her front window...
She's not crazy.

I watched the entire interview. Did you?

If not, you haven't a clue.

The Franchise
11-20-2009, 12:31 AM
what's unreal to me is how much americans are obsessed with a below average IQ, below average looking, uninteresting, pretty much vanilla white broad

This should have been the last post. :lol

11-20-2009, 12:42 AM
Ode to Sarah....(stolen from another website)...

Being the week of the official launch of Sarah Palin’s book, it is an opportune time to step back and analyze why this woman has attracted, although not unsurprisingly, the kind of scorn usually reserved for – well, for people who can’t put two coherent sentences together, but “write” books nonetheless.

Perhaps it is simply this: Sarah Palin personifies all that is wrong with a political system that allows for anyone so obviously incompetent to rise within its ranks, a political party so devoid of circumspection it would not merely allow such a person to come within a heartbeat of the presidency, but would actively support her pursuit of same, and a citizenry so bereft of insight so as to actually encourage and applaud her political aspirations.

The evidence is more than plentiful. Palin is as ill-informed as it is possible to be in today’s environment of easily-accessible information. She is an unethical hypocrite who lacks any empathy for her fellow citizens, who has often used her political clout as a means to destroy her perceived enemies and enrich herself financially, a woman who has no qualms about reducing her own children to mere props when it is politically expedient.

There is no doubt in this writer’s mind that Palin’s rise in popularity among the intellectually impaired was a natural follow-up to the G.W. Bush years, when the road to a form of political insanity was paved – a time when abject stupidity was passed off as down home charm, ignorance of world events was accepted as a sign of being just simple folk, and stubbornness and an incapacity to admit mistakes was lauded as strength of character and commitment to whatever the most recent poll results defined as American ideals.

But Palin, unbelievably it would seem, took up the torch of Olympian stupidity and not only ran with it, but managed to go the distance – not to the White House, but undeniably far beyond the fifteen minutes of fame usually relegated to those whose every utterance results in a self-inflicted slap-to-the-head and an incredulous cry of no, really, you’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.

Even W, in his glory days, never went so far as to proffer the ability to see Russia from one’s front porch as experience in international affairs – perhaps a testament to his handlers who knew where to draw the line of incredulity; maybe just an opportunity missed due to never having attained the true maverickitude that would allow for making such outlandish statements and expecting them to be not only believed, but embraced.

Of course, W also lacked something that Sarah has in spades – her talent for playing the role of the persecuted victim, a part that is still deemed unacceptable for those of the male persuasion. In other words, if W had been endowed with Sarah’s tits, he could have persuaded a lot more of the populace that his detractors were not merely unpatriotic observers who pointed to his ineptitude, but die-hard conspirators out to silence the very voice of reasoned democracy – and, in the doing, sought to besmirch the good name of a fair maiden deserving of more genteel treatment. Simply put, W, by virtue of his gender, couldn’t play girl (although there are some of us who think he did a damned fine job trying), while Sarah d’Arc can throw herself on the pyre of persecution at a moment’s notice, and field dress a moose on her way to the conflagration.

Palin, to her credit – or the discredit of the loyalists who cling to her – never allows anything to stand in her way: not the truth, not the facts, not current events as they play themselves out, not history as it is known to have unfolded. Saucy Sarah simply creates her own reality – replete with things that never happened, or happened to the contrary of how she spins the tale – and smiles into the camera as her small-but-idolizing group of fans swoon to her rendition not of how things were or are, but how they are perceived in her own narrow little world.

Make no mistake. I come to bury Palin, not to praise her – nor even suggest that she deserves a modicum of sympathy or a minute’s respite from the well-deserved pilin’ on she is being subjected to.

As the personification of a political image created by half-truths and out-and-out lies, coupled with creative embellishment of questionable skills and accomplishments and ignorance that is not only blissful but a source of blatant pride – all neatly packaged in smoke-and-mirrors, a party-funded wardrobe, and presented to the world as the real deal – Sarah has come to represent all that is abhorrent in today’s political landscape, and deserves to be treated accordingly.

However, there is something truly pitiable about a woman whose claims-to-fame are, in the greater scheme of things, unremarkable at best – and, at worst, completely fabricated out of whole cloth. To hear her minions tell it, Sarah is the only woman to have given birth to a special-needs child, to have “dealt with” a teen-aged daughter’s pregnancy, to have smilingly survived the slings-and-arrows of a media that had the audacity to actually ask questions and expect a few answers.

To me, Sarah Palin is that guest at a dinner party who was invited only to balance the seating arrangements when it was realized that the party was one female short, and somehow convinced herself that she was wanted – that she was included because of her scintillating personality, her legendary wit, and her talent for initiating intelligent conversation.

Unfortunately for Sarah, she took these “truths” about herself to be self-evident, while the rest of the country, and the world, saw her for what she was – a shallow, vain, inept opportunist too wrapped up in her own ego to notice that she’d served her purpose the minute she accepted the GOP vice presidential nomination as the proud owner of a vagina – no further credentials necessary.

However, life being as full of irony as it often is, Sarah went on to become much more than the dumb broad from central casting, who played her role and caught the next train for her hometown, scrapbook in hand, ensconced in memories of a short-lived but much publicized cinematic career. She is now the face of everything the Republican Party wants us to forget its association with: right-wing religious extremists, lying hypocrites, ignorant-and-proud-of-it spokespeople who so obviously have less than nothing to say.

And.Now.She.Has.A.Book. And the media is eating it up with all the fervour reserved for other stories of equal substance – like an alleged boy allegedly set aloft in an alleged balloon.

All of this being said, I just want to add: “Congratulations on your new book, Sarah!”

I stand in awe of your ability to make a faux-silk, knock-off ‘designer’ purse out of the proverbial sow’s ear – and I applaud your contribution to the success of the Party – not yours, but mine.

You betcha!

11-21-2009, 06:40 PM
You guys are just jealous...here's the last Democrat photographed anywhere near exercise and, I think he was on his way to McDonald's.


Wait, that was a SNL routine, right? But, hey, if SNL skits are what informs you on Sarah Palin, why not Bill Clinton.

By the way, what did that picture have to do with Newsweek's story? It was relevant several months earlier when Palin did an interview for the running magazine that originally ran the series but, seriously, did Newsweek not have any other stock photos from which to choose?

Interesting choice, I'd say.

11-21-2009, 06:45 PM
Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, mmmmmm.
Sarah Louise Palin.

11-21-2009, 06:46 PM
Mmmmm Mmmmm MMmmm Yo*Ni*Vore!

11-21-2009, 06:48 PM
mmmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm.

11-21-2009, 06:49 PM
MMmmm Mmmmm MMmmm G town Spur!

11-21-2009, 06:50 PM
:lol, sucker.

11-21-2009, 06:52 PM
:lol, sucker.

:lol, did you call me buttface? Oh nooooess!

11-21-2009, 06:53 PM
:lol, did you call me buttface? Oh nooooess!

11-21-2009, 06:55 PM
:lol, did you call me buttface? Oh nooooess!

You are too prone to Internet crushes. Get out more.

11-21-2009, 06:56 PM
Not the internet crush anyone would hope for. :lolYou have a crush on me?

That explains a lot :lol

11-21-2009, 06:57 PM
You have a crush on me?

Nah, i said you had one on me, you just regurgitate everything i say. Don't give yourself away like that chump.

11-21-2009, 06:59 PM
Nah, i said you had one on me, you just regurgitate everything i say. Don't give yourself away like that chump.I don't have a crush on you. You must want me to have one on you since you are the one who brought it up and always bring up such things.

11-21-2009, 07:00 PM
You must want me to have one on you since you are the one who brought it up and always bring up such things.

Don't get so pissy when you give good reasons to bring it out.:lol

11-21-2009, 07:01 PM
Don't get so pissy when you give good reasons to bring it out.:lolI'm not pissy at all. I accept the fact that you are sweet on me, but the answer to your advances is a polite "no."

11-21-2009, 07:09 PM
I'm not pissy at all. I accept the fact that you are sweet on me, but the answer to your advances is a polite "no."

More regurgitation of my material. Exhibit A.


11-21-2009, 07:10 PM
I'm not pissy at all.

It's ok.:lol

Cry Havoc
11-21-2009, 09:33 PM
Nah, i said you had one on me, you just regurgitate everything i say. Don't give yourself away like that chump.

Do you ever have anything worthwhile, on-topic to say about threads in this forum? Just curious.

11-21-2009, 10:16 PM
I bet she'd have no problem being profiled. I know I don't...profile away.

she's white. A white person not having a problem being profiled in the US... really. How about being profiled in China? or the Middle East. Yeah, you'd have a problem with it then, wouldn't you.

11-21-2009, 10:56 PM
More regurgitation of my material. Exhibit A.

thanks:toastNah, you have been all over me for years now.

Thanks for always making it about me :toast

11-22-2009, 12:04 AM
she's white. A white person not having a problem being profiled in the US... really. How about being profiled in China? or the Middle East. Yeah, you'd have a problem with it then, wouldn't you.

No I wouldn't. You see I was already profiled by the US Military and was kept out of it because of the profile and no other reason.

I totally accept that and what ever I can do to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem I am happy to do. I don't want to make things more difficult for the military you see, I realize they operate on my behalf.

And whatever instinct I might have to being an oversensitive fucking pussy, pales in comparison to my disdain of these guys dying stupidly and needlessly for absolutely no reason other than oversensitive pussies being oversensitive pussies.

So sorry to disappoint you smart ass but I was already profiled and kept out of the military. If I can do it, so can the oversensitive pussies.

Let me weigh the options...troops dying needlessly and stupidly VS some oversensitive pussy getting upset at his race religion or ethnicity being profiled...

Oh that's tough one...allow me to wipe my ass with their fucking race, religion and ethnicity. Any race, religion or ethnicity.

11-22-2009, 10:30 PM
No I wouldn't. You see I was already profiled by the US Military and was kept out of it because of the profile and no other reason.

I totally accept that and what ever I can do to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem I am happy to do. I don't want to make things more difficult for the military you see, I realize they operate on my behalf.

And whatever instinct I might have to being an oversensitive fucking pussy, pales in comparison to my disdain of these guys dying stupidly and needlessly for absolutely no reason other than oversensitive pussies being oversensitive pussies.

So sorry to disappoint you smart ass but I was already profiled and kept out of the military. If I can do it, so can the oversensitive pussies.

Let me weigh the options...troops dying needlessly and stupidly VS some oversensitive pussy getting upset at his race religion or ethnicity being profiled...

Oh that's tough one...allow me to wipe my ass with their fucking race, religion and ethnicity. Any race, religion or ethnicity.

You're talking out of your ass. The kind of profiling you are suggesting be allowed against muslims is something your sorry fucking ass has never experienced.

but keep talking like you know what the fuck you ARE talking about. Make you'll convince someone you've got a clue about anything...EVER.

Was that smart ass enough for ya, you ignorant piece of crap?

11-23-2009, 12:12 AM
You're talking out of your ass. The kind of profiling you are suggesting be allowed against muslims is something your sorry fucking ass has never experienced.

Stupid 3rd world piece of shit, when was the last time you tried to join the US Military? Don't fucking tell me I am talking out of my ass when you are sitting in your fucking dustbowl acting like an expert on shit I know you don't have a fucking clue on you penis envying pissant arrogant 3rd worlder.

but keep talking like you know what the fuck you ARE talking about. Make you'll convince someone you've got a clue about anything...EVER.

Oh yeah because you have your finger on the fucking pulse of America from your peanut gallery in the next hemisphere don't ya?

Furthermore there is no bigger fucking joke than an Argie attempting to be racially sensitive.

Tell you what slick, you get one of your countrymen who is of African ancestry to post in your place, and then I'll take you as more than just an incredible short sighted and deluded joke.

Was that smart ass enough for ya, you ignorant piece of crap?

No, in fact it was even stupider than your what if I lived in China and was profiled for being white comment.

I mean did you realize what a stupid fucking thing you uttered out of your mouth when you said it?

Don't act like you know jack shit about integration or diversity or any thing of that sort, you're a thired world know it all whose own country stamped an entire race out of existence within it's borders...

Go fuck yourself.

Oh yeah...I wipe my ass with your race, religion and ethnicity to you ignorant piece of trash...I wipe my fucking ass with it.

I remember one day sitting in a chat full of Argies and they told me the difference between America and the US...

"No blacks" they said almost in unison.

Go fuck yourself.

11-23-2009, 02:02 AM
:lol do you ever read what you post? Seriously

Your marathon rants of fucking idiocy might scare the newbies, but anyone with a couple weeks of posting in here knows what you are all about.

You spew your ignorance with such conviction as to fool people into thinking that you know your shit. "Otherwise, how the fuck would he have the gall to speak like that" is what they think, "he must actually know what the fuck he's going on about". You're not the first idiot to use that technique whottt, but you certainly get points for how you deliver it. You're a fucking clown... but I'll humor you. Let's see, how to break down the whole mess of dumbassery you just vomited back there...

Stupid 3rd world piece of shit, when was the last time you tried to join the US Military? Don't fucking tell me I am talking out of my ass when you are sitting in your fucking dustbowl acting like an expert on shit I know you don't have a fucking clue on you penis envying pissant arrogant 3rd worlder.

I couldn't give two shits about the US military, or why the fuck they wouldn't let an asshat like you join, though I could probably venture a guess. What you are suggesting the Muslim people be put through I'm willing to bet you've NEVER endured. Otherwise you wouldn't so casually suggest it as an option. That's how I know you're talking out of your ass. Then again, you're always talking out of your ass on practically every wrong side of every fucking argument in history. You are on a roll!!

Oh yeah because you have your finger on the fucking pulse of America from your peanut gallery in the next hemisphere don't ya?

I don't pretend to have my finger on the fucking pulse of America whottt. Though I have a pretty good understanding of what common sense looks like, all the way from my peanut gallery in the next hemisphere... want an introduction? I could set it up. Perhaps then you'd learn to apply some before you post.

Furthermore there is no bigger fucking joke than an Argie attempting to be racially sensitive.

so you contend that because Argentina isn't as racially diverse as the US, I am unable to comprehend how much of a fucking violation it is to be racially profiled? you think the US is the only place where there's racial diversity? Gee... how fucking arrogant, presumptous and all around ignorant of you whottt... how normal of you.

Tell you what slick, you get one of your countrymen who is of African ancestry to post in your place, and then I'll take you as more than just an incredible short sighted and deluded joke.

:lol you're a fucking joke, you know that? yes, understanding the escense of racial integration and diversity boiled down to "show me how many black guys you know"... brilliant.

On top of this, let me assure you, I couldn't give a fuck what you "take me" for :lmao Its been 5 years of this same bullshit, you'd think that little fact would have stuck.

Don't act like you know jack shit about integration or diversity or any thing of that sort, you're a thired world know it all whose own country stamped an entire race out of existence within it's borders...

You keep going on about my country... for five years you've done the same bullshit. Has it ever paid off for you? I mean, sure at the beginning you used to manage to rile me up, back when I didn't know what you were, but even then, did you ever manage to make a fucking point by doing it? Only you would think so.

Oh yeah...I wipe my ass with your race, religion and ethnicity to you ignorant piece of trash...I wipe my fucking ass with it.

That would be a whole lot more convincing if you actually knew what the fuck they were. :lol See what I'm talking about when I say you talk out of your ass.

I remember one day sitting in a chat full of Argies and they told me the difference between America and the US...

"No blacks" they said almost in unison

Want me to find some American racists? that wouldn't take me long. How about homophobes? Your point? You have none, don't you? Par for the course with you.

11-23-2009, 02:23 AM
:lmao I'm still cracking up about whottt accusing me of not having a fucking clue about racial diversity and integration, while he advocates racial profiling. Fucking hilarious!

11-24-2009, 01:31 PM
:lmao you are so fucking transparent, about as transparent as ArgScolaFan but with slightly better social skills.

Your insecure wannabe ness shines through and it is easy to provoke, it's basically like provoking a child.

But all that is neither nor there, the simple fact is you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking when it comes to profiling in the context it is being dicussed in this thread...you also, stupidly, seem to be operating under the conclusion that people have a constitutional right to be inducted into the military...and guess what?

They do not.

If they don't want to be profiled, don't join the fucking military. If you are such an oversensitive pussy that you can't hack, the military doesn't need your oversensitive pussy ass in it anyway.If that bothers you just imagine how much being sent to your potential death is going to upset you.


A guy who was profiled, and disciminated against on the basis of that profile by the Military, you fucking idiot.

07-11-2011, 11:55 AM
Sarah Palin ups her own gravitas and that of Newsweek by posing in Edge Fitness sweats for the cover story.


07-11-2011, 01:42 PM
New Alaska Poll Portends Sarah Palin’s Dark Political Future

A new poll by Ivan Moore Research shows that Sarah Palin’s popularity continues to decline in her home state of Alaska. The poll found that only 39% of Alaskans approve of Palin, and 49% of those who know her best disapprove of her. There was an additional 12% who had neutral feelings about the former governor. The Moore Research poll has Palin’s negatives holding steadily between 49% and 51% since March of 2010.

The Dittman Research Alaska Poll taken in March measured Palin’s negatives to be at 61%, but it is telling for a figure to have such low approval ratings in her home state. Part of the Alaskan disapproval is likely related to the fact that half way through her first term Sarah Palin quit on the state in order to go get rich in the lower 48, but mostly we often hear from Alaskans who are willing to speak up about the damage that Palin has done to the reputation of their state.

http://www.politicususa.com/en/sarah-palin-dark-future?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politi cus+USA+%29

07-11-2011, 02:12 PM
Sarah Palin ups her own gravitas and that of Newsweek by posing in Edge Fitness sweats for the cover story.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2011/07/11/sarah-palin-s-newsweek-cover-shoot.htmlShe is destroying marriage by not wearing her wedding ring.

Nice to know her priorities these days. At least they shopped out the mustache this time.

07-11-2011, 02:17 PM

speaks for itself.

07-11-2011, 02:18 PM

07-11-2011, 02:20 PM
speaks for itselfMessage not received. Maybe you could gloss it for us, CC.

07-11-2011, 02:21 PM
Is that a posed cover shot, CC?

Wild Cobra
07-11-2011, 02:29 PM
Why isn't Palin wearing Her Wedding Ring (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/why-wasnt-obama-wearing-his-wedding-ring-today/)?

07-11-2011, 02:29 PM

What does this say for itself?

07-11-2011, 02:30 PM
Why isn't Palin wearing Her Wedding Ring (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/why-wasnt-obama-wearing-his-wedding-ring-today/)?That's not about Palin.

You have no integrity.

07-11-2011, 02:38 PM
It's an oblique answer to my question about relevance anyway, so thanks for that. I don't keep up with the President's love life.

Wild Cobra
07-11-2011, 02:47 PM
It's an oblique answer to my question about relevance anyway, so thanks for that. I don't keep up with the President's love life.
I don't see it as relevant at all for her, but why didn't Obama have his on? Is he hunting and camping so much, taking it off for various legitimate purposes, as to maybe lose or misplace it?

I don't know what the truth is, but I find it pretty low that people have to speculate to the nth degree of negativity.

Wild Cobra
07-11-2011, 02:52 PM
That's not about Palin.

You have no integrity.
It's just a comparison.

Did conservatives make a deal out of that like liberals are about Palin?

07-11-2011, 02:53 PM
but I find it pretty low that people have to speculate to the nth degree of negativity.Me too. Every day. What are message boards for, lol.

Wild Cobra
07-11-2011, 03:00 PM
Me too. Every day. What are message boards for, lol.

We are a terrible lot, aren't we?

07-11-2011, 03:12 PM
CC may be whinging about the ding to Sarah Palin's marriage in CD's sarcasm and possibly even more about the plain disinterest of other posters in this topic, so he's set up Michelle Obama/Obama's marriage to Ms. Obama as a tacking dummy in retaliation for the hurt.

(ho hum)

07-11-2011, 03:12 PM
Tribal resentment is real.

07-11-2011, 05:31 PM
It's just a comparison.

Did conservatives make a deal out of that like liberals are about Palin?You are.

Wild Cobra
07-11-2011, 06:09 PM
You are.

No, I just showed an equivalent story on the other side. I'm not harping about it.

Tell me. How have I criticized Obama for not wearing his ring, or his wife for that matter.

You're just pissed because I took away your thunder.

07-12-2011, 02:03 AM
No, I just showed an equivalent story on the other side. I'm not harping about it.Sure you are. Look at you.

Tell me. How have I criticized Obama for not wearing his ring, or his wife for that matter.You did it Drudge style, rather hamfistedly.

You're just pissed because I took away your thunder.Not at all. We all know Obama is out to destroy marriage -- it's a surprise Palin is doing the same.

Sarah Palin
07-12-2011, 09:28 AM
Everyone knows CC wants to pound my hot, conservative ass.

08-12-2011, 09:24 AM
Palin just won't give up. She'll be in Iowa to keep the money flowing in when she knows damn well she won't be running for president.

08-12-2011, 09:27 AM
She's ignorant, stupid, venal money-grubber. She's as sincere as TV evangelists sucking $100Ms out of ignorant, mostly poor people, esp black people (see Popoff).

01-26-2015, 11:12 AM
Gravitas: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/gop-faces-its-palin-problem/article/2559245

01-26-2015, 11:53 AM
Bumped? Why?

01-26-2015, 11:54 AM

01-26-2015, 11:59 AM
Bumped? Why?

Worth laughing at twice tbh.

01-26-2015, 06:37 PM
Bumped? Why?Sarah Palin recently made a speech and declared her interest in a 2016 presidential run. Didn't you catch it?

01-26-2015, 06:46 PM
Funny how much Lisa Ann the porn star and Sarah Palin look alike...


01-26-2015, 06:51 PM
http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243776&goto=newpostnot much meat on the bone

01-26-2015, 06:58 PM
compared with the vicious takedown by Byron York? no comparison.

01-26-2015, 07:04 PM
own side criticism is another animal. if there was ever any doubt about it, the honeymoon is over.

where are the ST Palinistas now?

01-26-2015, 07:04 PM
none to be seen here...

01-26-2015, 07:04 PM
upstream -- you know, in the past -- there were passionate fans.

01-26-2015, 07:27 PM
other than porno takes, please. there's been quite enough of that.

06-25-2015, 03:02 AM
