View Full Version : Spurs Practice Facility help

11-17-2009, 09:04 PM
anyone ever have any luck going down there and seeing/getting autos? where is it exactly?

11-17-2009, 09:05 PM
Don't go there.


11-17-2009, 09:06 PM
Spurs Practice Facility = Area 51

doesn't exist :p:

11-17-2009, 09:12 PM
I've been there, but I was blindfolded.

Kori Ellis
11-17-2009, 09:15 PM
Spurs don't like the location being talked about publicly and it's honestly not a great place to get autographs, since the parking lot is secure. You'd have been luck at the AT&T Center.

11-17-2009, 09:19 PM
I believe Duncan has moved since, but didn't they originally build it close to his home on purpose?

And before that, iirc, weren't the Spurs one of the only teams without a dedicated practice facility?

Also, I think they now have this sign outside:


11-17-2009, 09:26 PM
huebner in between fredericksburg and babcock.

no. not at all a good place for autos. much better luck at the at&t

11-17-2009, 09:31 PM
I've been there and got to meet/see a few people. I talked to some of the PR guys while I was there and one of the guys who works for spurs.com, and has been doing daily interviews at the practice facility since at least last season, has only seen a portion of the facility.

He told me there is an entire set of offices and various meeting rooms that he has never seen before. So yeah, I wouldn't expect anything if you do make it out there.

completely deck
11-17-2009, 09:34 PM
While the street name couldn't be more obvious, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out where it is, I wouldn't bother going there if I were you.


11-17-2009, 09:46 PM
I have actually been living down the street from it for about 3 years now and have yet to get any autograph. I always see them going to and from practice in their cars, but that is the closest I have gotten. It is very secure and not even worth going by.

11-17-2009, 10:09 PM
I managed to get a picture of another guy trying to get an autograph last time I was there...


11-17-2009, 10:23 PM
huebner in between fredericksburg and babcock.

no. not at all a good place for autos. much better luck at the at&t

I drive through that place all the time and never knew it was near there if that's where it is. Strange, nothing stood out to me.

But I also drove by the "Texas Hamburger Company" for like 15 years never stopping because I thought it was a meat processing plant.

11-17-2009, 10:28 PM
I drive through that place all the time and never knew it was near there if that's where it is. Strange, nothing stood out to me.

But I also drove by the "Texas Hamburger Company" for like 15 years never stopping because I thought it was a meat processing plant.

If they don't want people stopping by, why would they make it stand out?

11-17-2009, 10:28 PM
I recall players talking of people standing out on the sidewalk of the public road leading to it, but I don't know that any of them have ever stopped.

11-17-2009, 10:32 PM
If they don't want people stopping by, why would they make it stand out?

I thought just about everyone knew where it was. There was no secret where it was being built at the time and the street name is pretty obvious. Then, when Dr. Schmidt built his new building, it was very public why it was being built where it was.

11-17-2009, 10:40 PM
huebner in between fredericksburg and babcock.

no. not at all a good place for autos. much better luck at the at&t

It's on huebner? I live by there and didn't even know.

But yes, not a good place to visit I've heard.

11-17-2009, 11:13 PM
^^ yup a little past the batting cages power swing on the left. the street is like spurs drive or spurs way or something like that. its nothing huge but if you were to go searching for it, its easy to find.

11-17-2009, 11:36 PM
Spurs Lane

11-17-2009, 11:41 PM
Probably have better luck if you went to the airport when they leave/comeback from a roadtrip

11-17-2009, 11:43 PM
If they don't want people stopping by, why would they make it stand out?

it wouldn't be about 'making it stand out', but I'd like to think I'd notice a building big enough for a basketball gym all the times I drive Huebner.

And I just g-mapped it, no wonder I didn't notice it because it can't be seen from huebner.

11-17-2009, 11:46 PM
It can be seen at certain angles from Huebner but it just looks like a minimum security prison. It's just as welcoming to uninvited visitors. You'd have better luck seeing a player by hanging out at the Shops at La Cantera.

11-17-2009, 11:48 PM
stalker forum

11-17-2009, 11:52 PM
stalker forum

I agree, I thought maybe I was the only one who finds the whole business of Autographs to be strange. I don't get it.

I remember when Finley signed and was in town to do the deal some dude on SR made a thread about seeing Finley at a Target and got an autograph on a strip of Target register receipt paper. What's the point of that? I just don't get it.

11-18-2009, 12:01 AM
I agree, I thought maybe I was the only one who finds the whole business of Autographs to be strange. I don't get it.

I remember when Finley signed and was in town to do the deal some dude on SR made a thread about seeing Finley at a Target and got an autograph on a strip of Target register receipt paper. What's the point of that? I just don't get it.

I'm not a big fan either, but i'd really like to get Duncan, Ginobili, and Parker jersey Autographed and framed for my place

11-18-2009, 12:07 AM
yea I have never just randomly asked for autographs. I have had some things signed such as a Duncan Jersey, a picture of Manu and tony holding the trophy together at the finals, robinson poster, things i can frame for my office etc... to be honest though with the exception of 1 of them I have not been there in person to get the autograph, so who knows they might be fake.thanks to my wife and some friends, I have always been able to use other avenues available to me, less intrusive methods than bothering them in public. It has always depended on the situation and generally I have never asked for autographs, people just offered to get them for me when they saw my collection of memorabilia.

11-18-2009, 12:09 AM
anyone ever have any luck going down there and seeing/getting autos? where is it exactly?
i work across the street where the practice facility is. not a good idea to go there....BTW, SPURS LANE!

11-18-2009, 12:12 AM
ive been there, pop gave me the ciapopabitch interrogation techniques....

even though i didnt understand the russian language he was talkin about, i did enjoy the doghouse and tea

11-18-2009, 12:19 AM
anyone ever have any luck going down there and seeing/getting autos? where is it exactly?

If you get caught within 10 miles of the Spurs Secret Practice Facility the Matamoros Police with throw you in a secret jail buried 200' below the Rio Grande River and they throw away the keys. You will be fed one stale slice of week old bread and a bottle of water from the Rio Grande Pissing Pool every other day. They open a trap door every Sunday for one hour so you can see some daylight, even though you are 200' below ground. You get a parole hearing once every 23 1/2 years. My advice would be say the hell away. Besides Eva will shoot yer arse if she catches you around Tony.

completely deck
11-18-2009, 02:13 AM
If you get caught within 10 miles of the Spurs Secret Practice Facility the Matamoros Police with throw you in a secret jail buried 200' below the Rio Grande River and they throw away the keys. You will be fed one stale slice of week old bread and a bottle of water from the Rio Grande Pissing Pool every other day. They open a trap door every Sunday for one hour so you can see some daylight, even though you are 200' below ground. You get a parole hearing once every 23 1/2 years. My advice would be say the hell away. Besides Eva will shoot yer arse if she catches you around Tony.

So thats what happened to RMJr's game..He just got too close to the practice facility. Huh. Who'd-a-thunk it?