View Full Version : Approval Ratings: Obama 48%, Palin 43%

11-23-2009, 11:29 AM
Sarah Palin vs. Barak Obama: The approval gap silently shrinks to a few points.

Not that it matters politically because obviously she's a female Republican dunce and he's a male Democrat genius.

But Sarah Palin's poll numbers are strengthening.

And President Obama's are sliding.

Guess what? They're about to meet in the 40s.

Depending, of course, on which recent set of numbers you peruse and how the questions are phrased, 307 days into his allotted 1,461, the 44th president's approval rating among Americans has slid to 49% or 48%, showing no popularity bounce from his many happy trips, foreign and domestic.

Riding the wave of immense publicity and symbiotic media interest over her new book, "Going Rogue," and the accompanying promotional tour, Palin's favorable ratings are now at 43%, according to ABC. That's up from 40% in July.

One poll even gives her a 47% favorable.

Most recent media attention has focused on the 60% who say she's unqualified to become president. Her unfavorable rating is 52%, down from 53%, which still doesn't ignite a lot of optimism for Palin lovers.

On the other hand, 35 months before the 2008 election, that Illinois senator was such a nobody that no one even thought to ask such a question about him. Things seem to change much more quickly these days.

Saturday night Palin's book bus swung by a mall in Roanoke, Va., a state Obama won a year ago but just recently elected a Republican governor to replace departing Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. The former Alaska governor wanted to greet the hundreds of fans already lining up in 39-degree weather for her Sunday morning signing.

"She brings out a different crowd," Salem Republican Party Chairman Greg Habeeb told the Roanoke Times. Habeeb was struck by the numerous non-Republicans he spotted in the line snaking all over the mall. "She taps into something that the Republican Party really needs to tap into."

Sunday, Palin flew ahead of her bus to visit the Rev. Billy Graham and his son Franklin at the father's North Carolina home before her appearance today at Fort Bragg.

Overall, Palin's, well, campaign will visit 25 states, most of them politically crucial. Florida gets the most stops, three.

Everybody thinks 2012 when they think of Palin, who last week pushed Oprah Winfrey's television show to....

... its highest ratings in nearly three years. Remember, though, in 2012 the first hurdles a rehabbed candidate Palin would face are her own party's primaries, where diligent conservatives conscientiously come out to play.
If she somehow mobilized Iowa's white evangelicals as Mike Huckabee did to win the 2008 season-opening caucus, many bets would be off about her unelectability. Right now, Palin holds 65% approval among white evangelical Protestants, not a bad place to start, if she decides to.

Anyway, Palin says 2012's not on her radar. Which is a good idea. The year 2010 is much more important for both of these political personalities.

No longer holding any office and personally set financially by the book's runaway success, Palin can devote her SarahPac and the entire year to collecting chits from local Republicans.

As Mitt Romney has already been quietly doing. Other Republicans will no doubt nominate themselves to join along the way, especially if Obama looks vulnerable after November 2010.

Although presidential incumbency has hardly kept Obama chained to the Oval Office, he and Vice President Joe Biden now own the U.S. economy, where their much-vaunted $787 billion economic stimulus package has so far stimulated unemployment to grow by from 8% to more than 10%.

And then there's the growing deficit dread and the mounting costs -- human and financial -- in the increasingly unpopular Afghan conflict, where Obama is about to commit more U.S. troops at the end of the eighth and worst casualty year of the war.

We'll all hear much next year about how jobs are the last thing to improve in a sour economy, even in congressional districts that don't actually exist. Which is too bad for Democrats because jobs are the obvious first measure the public uses to measure the economy.

Historically, the White House party loses about 17 House seats in a normal midterm election cycle. That wouldn't change control of the House.

George W. Bush's GOP actually gained seats in 2002. Democrat Bill Clinton's first midterm election was a political Katrina, producing the Contract with America and so-called Republican revolution that saw the GOP take control of both houses of Congress after years of minority status.

Much of that turnaround was attributed to Clinton having run in 1992 as a centrist and then immediately pushed a more liberal agenda involving healthcare reform. Just like Obama is now doing

But that couldn't possibly happen again because of the popularity of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose current favorable poll ratings are -- let's see here -- OMG, only about half of Palin's.

By Andrew Malcolm - Los Angeles Times

11-23-2009, 11:31 AM
Palin's 40% are guaranteed to vote, whereas dem's, in Presidential contests, never get the same percent vote as they do poll for them.

11-23-2009, 01:47 PM
Doesn't matter. Palin isn't going to run.

11-23-2009, 01:58 PM
Am I reading that right? Are they comparing apples to oranges?

11-23-2009, 02:05 PM
The GOP will just as well nominate Glenn Beck, either way it would mean wrapping 2012 into a nice bow for Obama and the DEMs, not that they need the help, the way things are headed economically, and people do vote their wallets first, Obama could coat-tail a number of Democrats in 2012...

panic giraffe
11-23-2009, 02:11 PM
Doesn't matter. Palin isn't going to run.

um...do you even watch tv? if she isn't leading a "campaign before the campaign", then i must be blind. i don't think she really cares about the future of her party, if she did, she would just sit in a helicopter and shoot bears, but she likes her name in headlines, likes the money and fame it brings. she's definitely running, what's yet to be seen, is if there will be any other candidates that have the same star power as her.

11-23-2009, 02:15 PM
um...do you even watch tv? if she isn't leading a "campaign before the campaign", then i must be blind. i don't think she really cares about the future of her party, if she did, she would just sit in a helicopter and shoot bears, but she likes her name in headlines, likes the money and fame it brings. she's definitely running, what's yet to be seen, is if there will be any other candidates that have the same star power as her.

She doesn't need to run to keep her name in the headlines. She just needs people to think that she might run. She's going to wait until the last minute and then announce that she's not running.

11-23-2009, 03:03 PM
This OP post is comical. Unlike Obama who everyone pretends they have a 'informed' opinion about because he is the President, I believe that many people are enigmatic about Sarah Palin because she doesn't effect their lives, but if she ran in 2012, those negative numbers would sky-rocket...with the bouncing economy, the President's approval can only go up...

11-23-2009, 03:35 PM
If Palin ran she would get crushed. She would have had an uphill battle to begin with, but quitting on Alaska would absolutely bury her.

Oh, Gee!!
11-23-2009, 03:37 PM
she will run in 2012, and she won't survive the primaries

11-23-2009, 03:46 PM
If Palin ran she would get crushed. She would have had an uphill battle to begin with, but quitting on Alaska would absolutely bury her.

The problem is that she would also leave the republican party completely polarized.

panic giraffe
11-23-2009, 03:51 PM
The problem is that she would also leave the republican party completely polarized.

and probably make room for a third party "conservative" candidate. once again recreating clinton's history for obama. anyone remember h.ross perot?

11-23-2009, 03:57 PM
There's no way an inexperienced black guy named Hussien is going to beat the Clinton machine....oh wait wrong thread.

panic giraffe
11-23-2009, 04:09 PM
There's no way an inexperienced black guy named Hussien is going to beat the Clinton machine....oh wait wrong thread.

11-23-2009, 05:31 PM
If Palin ran she would get crushed. She would have had an uphill battle to begin with, but quitting on Alaska would absolutely bury her.
Agreed. Running for president isn't her endgame anyway.

11-23-2009, 06:13 PM
I didn't read anything posted on this thread but I just wanted to say I didn't know you could have an approval rating while not holding any office of any kind.

11-23-2009, 06:24 PM
I didn't read anything posted on this thread but I just wanted to say I didn't know you could have an approval rating while not holding any office of any kind.They approved of her quitting her political office. I don't blame them.

George Gervin's Afro
11-23-2009, 06:51 PM
Sarah Palin vs. Barak Obama: The approval gap silently shrinks to a few points.

Not that it matters politically because obviously she's a female Republican dunce and he's a male Democrat genius.

But Sarah Palin's poll numbers are strengthening.

And President Obama's are sliding.

Guess what? They're about to meet in the 40s.

Depending, of course, on which recent set of numbers you peruse and how the questions are phrased, 307 days into his allotted 1,461, the 44th president's approval rating among Americans has slid to 49% or 48%, showing no popularity bounce from his many happy trips, foreign and domestic.

Riding the wave of immense publicity and symbiotic media interest over her new book, "Going Rogue," and the accompanying promotional tour, Palin's favorable ratings are now at 43%, according to ABC. That's up from 40% in July.

One poll even gives her a 47% favorable.

Most recent media attention has focused on the 60% who say she's unqualified to become president. Her unfavorable rating is 52%, down from 53%, which still doesn't ignite a lot of optimism for Palin lovers.

On the other hand, 35 months before the 2008 election, that Illinois senator was such a nobody that no one even thought to ask such a question about him. Things seem to change much more quickly these days.

Saturday night Palin's book bus swung by a mall in Roanoke, Va., a state Obama won a year ago but just recently elected a Republican governor to replace departing Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. The former Alaska governor wanted to greet the hundreds of fans already lining up in 39-degree weather for her Sunday morning signing.

"She brings out a different crowd," Salem Republican Party Chairman Greg Habeeb told the Roanoke Times. Habeeb was struck by the numerous non-Republicans he spotted in the line snaking all over the mall. "She taps into something that the Republican Party really needs to tap into."

Sunday, Palin flew ahead of her bus to visit the Rev. Billy Graham and his son Franklin at the father's North Carolina home before her appearance today at Fort Bragg.

Overall, Palin's, well, campaign will visit 25 states, most of them politically crucial. Florida gets the most stops, three.

Everybody thinks 2012 when they think of Palin, who last week pushed Oprah Winfrey's television show to....

... its highest ratings in nearly three years. Remember, though, in 2012 the first hurdles a rehabbed candidate Palin would face are her own party's primaries, where diligent conservatives conscientiously come out to play.
If she somehow mobilized Iowa's white evangelicals as Mike Huckabee did to win the 2008 season-opening caucus, many bets would be off about her unelectability. Right now, Palin holds 65% approval among white evangelical Protestants, not a bad place to start, if she decides to.

Anyway, Palin says 2012's not on her radar. Which is a good idea. The year 2010 is much more important for both of these political personalities.

No longer holding any office and personally set financially by the book's runaway success, Palin can devote her SarahPac and the entire year to collecting chits from local Republicans.

As Mitt Romney has already been quietly doing. Other Republicans will no doubt nominate themselves to join along the way, especially if Obama looks vulnerable after November 2010.

Although presidential incumbency has hardly kept Obama chained to the Oval Office, he and Vice President Joe Biden now own the U.S. economy, where their much-vaunted $787 billion economic stimulus package has so far stimulated unemployment to grow by from 8% to more than 10%.

And then there's the growing deficit dread and the mounting costs -- human and financial -- in the increasingly unpopular Afghan conflict, where Obama is about to commit more U.S. troops at the end of the eighth and worst casualty year of the war.

We'll all hear much next year about how jobs are the last thing to improve in a sour economy, even in congressional districts that don't actually exist. Which is too bad for Democrats because jobs are the obvious first measure the public uses to measure the economy.

Historically, the White House party loses about 17 House seats in a normal midterm election cycle. That wouldn't change control of the House.

George W. Bush's GOP actually gained seats in 2002. Democrat Bill Clinton's first midterm election was a political Katrina, producing the Contract with America and so-called Republican revolution that saw the GOP take control of both houses of Congress after years of minority status.

Much of that turnaround was attributed to Clinton having run in 1992 as a centrist and then immediately pushed a more liberal agenda involving healthcare reform. Just like Obama is now doing

But that couldn't possibly happen again because of the popularity of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose current favorable poll ratings are -- let's see here -- OMG, only about half of Palin's.

By Andrew Malcolm - Los Angeles Times


panic giraffe
11-23-2009, 06:55 PM


but when she finally announces her run, ten bucks says she'll invoke Hillary and her leaving the NY senate for a "bigger purpose" and an additional ten says she'll say god told her to do it.

11-23-2009, 07:08 PM
How can one compare the approval rating of someone in office with the favorable rating of someone not in office?

11-23-2009, 09:43 PM
How can one compare the approval rating of someone in office with the favorable rating of someone not in office?

Are you stupid?

Mr. Peabody
11-23-2009, 09:54 PM
What are people "approving" of when it comes to Palin? Her book tour?

11-23-2009, 09:57 PM
What are people "approving" of when it comes to Palin? Her book tour?

What is one accomplishment Obama had before being elected?

11-23-2009, 09:57 PM
I hate em both. I doubt we see either of them in the 50s again any time soon

11-23-2009, 09:58 PM
How can one compare the approval rating of someone in office with the favorable rating of someone not in office?

The answer is easy my dear.

A politician out of office is automatically better than a politician in office. They are guaranteed not to fuck things up.

Mr. Peabody
11-23-2009, 10:10 PM
You can't compare the two. One is based on performance in office and the other is based on . . . what?

11-23-2009, 10:29 PM
You can't compare the two. One is based on performance in office and the other is based on . . . what?

Palins is based on how many yokels she can line up at a book signing in bum-fuck egypt

11-23-2009, 11:53 PM
You can't compare the two. One is based on performance in office and the other is based on . . . what?

That's what they said about obama pre Jan 20 09.

I'm glad you agree with them.:toast

Mr. Peabody
11-24-2009, 12:10 AM
That's what they said about obama pre Jan 20 09.

I'm glad you agree with them.:toast

I wasn't aware Obama ran against the sitting-president in 2008.

11-24-2009, 12:10 AM
she left b 4 sy nin mi boook.

11-24-2009, 12:11 AM
she will run in 2012, and she won't survive the primaries


11-24-2009, 12:15 AM

No, she'll write another book or dictate it to her ghost writer. In fact, I hear it's called "Dreams of my Daughter". It's of a pornographic nature.

11-24-2009, 12:53 AM
shouldnt her rating be higher? all she is doing is selling books. not like she has a job as gov right?

11-24-2009, 01:09 AM
her husband is tired of competing with all the bats flying out of her cave.