View Full Version : Manu interviewed about his injury

11-25-2009, 09:34 AM
-¿Cómo está la lesión?

-Es sólo una contractura en el aductor (izquierdo), que nunca había tenido... Me tiró mucho y como estaba preocupado, paré. Ahora estoy tratando de recuperarla. Aún la tengo un poco dura pero la siento mucho mejor. Dentro de poco volveré, pero viste como son acá, super cautelosos...

-¿La fecha tentativa es el 3 de diciembre como dijeron en la transmisión?

-Nooo. Creería que antes. Si no me tiro del octavo piso en el próximo hotel... Pero acá son capaces de no hacerme jugar hasta diciembre. Esperemos que no. -¿Cómo tomás la quizás excesiva cautela de los Spurs en el manejo de tus temas físicos? ¿Te irrita, te preocupan?

-Preocupar no. Lo aprecio porque buscan lo mejor para mí, no quieren arriesgar porque me necesitan y temen algo peor, pero en el momento uno se impacienta. A mí me gusta jugar y más después de lo del año pasado. Yo pretendía jugar todos los partidos.

-El otro día Gregg Popovich no te dejó jugar el último cuarto y vos querías. ¿Hablás con él sobre el tema de que vos precisás jugar, demostrar?

-Esa vez ni me preguntó. No me puso y ni sabía por qué... Luego me di cuenta de que era por precaución. En Dallas sí pedí el cambio porque no podía más. Igual, hablamos bastante. Cuando los dos estamos muy firmes en nuestro punto de viste, se resuelve... Y si no, debatimos mucho.

-¿Cómo tomás que haga tanto hincapié en que le sorprenden tus lesiones? ¿No te deja expuesto para que te critiquen?

-¿Expuesto? No sé, ni sé qué dijo, pero seguro que está preocupado, como yo. Los dos queremos que yo esté en la cancha.

-¿Cuál es hoy tu sentimiento dominante?

-Un poco triste y frustrado. Quería jugar la mayor cantidad posible de partidos y no es para nada agradable que, luego de estar en nueve, ya tenga tres o cuatro para perderme.

-¿Pensaste por qué se dan tantas lesiones?

-No tengo ni idea. Cosas que pasan...

-¿Una mala racha?

-Sí, una mala racha, porque todas han sido lesiones diferentes.

-¿Cómo tomás que te consideren frágil o digan que estás viejo?

-Obviamente no me gusta que digan que soy frágil o estoy viejo. Pero tampoco me hiere tanto. Tengo que probar lo contrario, jugar 70 partidos... Por un lado es entendible. Estoy pasando una muy mala racha que arrancó hace dos años y ahora sigue...

-¿Se exagera?

-No sé, yo creo que exageran, pero hasta que no juegue, no podré decirlo. Y si me sigo lesionando, no habrán exagerado.

-¿Se te cruza que puedan tener algo de razón?

-Por dentro mío creo que no, pero puede ser...

-¿El objetivo N° 1 es llegar a los 70 partidos, más que los puntos, rebotes o asistencias?

-Claro, eso nunca me interesó. Lo imporante es jugar, estar sano y salir campeón porque el equipo está armado para eso.

-Hasta la lesión, ¿cómo habías notado tu nivel?

-No del todo bien... En líneas generales no estaba mal, los promedios eran normales (NdeR: 14.1 puntos, 4.2 asistencias y 2.7 rebotes en 23.4m), pero creo que lo puedo hacer mucho mejor. Aún me encontraba en el período de readaptación y agarrando ritmo luego de mucho tiempo sin jugar. Me estaba costando más de lo esperado volver a mi ritmo habitual y ahora habrá que empezar todo de nuevo...

Otro desafío, Emanuel.

11-25-2009, 09:40 AM
I hope someone can fully translate it...Here's probably what's more relevant of all the interview.

-Have you thought of why have been having all these injuries?

-No clue, things happen...

-Bad streak?

-A bad streak, yes, because they've all been diferent injuries

-How do you take the comments about you being fragile or old?

-Obviously I don't like them, but they don't hurt me that much: I gotta prove them wrong and Play 70 games...on the other side is understanable. Im having a bad streak that started two years ago and Im still going thru it.

11-25-2009, 10:10 AM
I'll work on it. What's the source?

11-25-2009, 10:22 AM
It's Ole, thank you Elnono.


11-25-2009, 10:38 AM
- How's the injury?

It's just a strain in the groin (left), that I never had before… It hurt a lot that night, I got worried, and I stopped. Now I'm recovering. The adductor is still a little hard but I feel a lot better. I'll be back soon, but you know how they are here, super cautious…

- Is the return date December 3, like it was said on TV?

Nooo. I think it should be earlier than that, if I don't jump from the 8th floor of a hotel before then… But over here, the way they are, they might just not play me until December. Let's hope not.

- How do you deal with the perhaps excessive caution that the Spurs handle your injuries? Does it irritate you? Worry you?

Not worried. I appreciate it because they are looking for the best for me, they don't want to take risks because they need me and they're afraid something worse could happen, but I can't say I'm not impatient. I like to play and after what happened last season, I wanted to play every game.

- The other day Gregg Popovich didn't let you play the last quarter and you wanted to. Do you talk to him about needing to play, needing to show you can play?

That time he didn't even ask. He didn't play me and I didn't know why… afterwards I realized it was just precautionary. In the Dallas game I did ask to be replaced because I couldn't play. At any rate, we do talk a lot. When we're both stuck in our ways, we find a middle ground… If we're not, we debate a lot.

- How do you take that he keeps pointing out so much how surprised he is about your injury? Does it expose you to criticism?

Exposed? I don't know, I don't even know what he said, but I'm sure he's worried, just like me. We both want me to be out there on the court playing.

- What is your most dominant feeling these days?

A little sad and frustrated. I wanted to play the most amount of games I could and it's not fun at all that after playing nine, that I'm going to miss three or four.

- Have you thought why you got injured so often lately?

I have no idea. Stuff that happen...

- A bad streak?

Yeah, a bad streak, because they all have been different injuries.

- How do you deal with being considered fragile or being told that you're old?

Obviously I don't like people to be saying that I'm fragile or old. But it doesn't hurt me as much either. I have to prove the contrary, play 70 games… On the other hand, it's understandable. I'm going through a bad streak that started two years ago and continues today...

- Does people exaggerate?

I don't know, I think some people do, but until I play, I can't say. If I keep on getting hurt, then they probably didn't exaggerate.

- Do you even think they might be somewhat right?

Inside of me, I don't. But could be…

- The Number 1 objective is to get to 70 games, more than points, rebounds or assists?

Right, the other stuff never really interested me. The important part is to play, be healthy and win it all because the team was put together for that.

-Up until the injury, how well you think you were playing?

Not very well… In general I wasn't bad, the averages were normal (ED:14.1 pp., 4.2 apg, 2.7 rpg in 23.4mins), but I think I can play a lot better. I was still adapting and trying to get some rhythm after not playing for a long time. It was harder for me to get back to my normal rhythm and I'm going to have to start all over again...

Another challenge, Emanuel.

11-25-2009, 10:44 AM
Thanks El Nono for the translation

11-25-2009, 10:45 AM
Manu, from the heart.

I can guess why he is so frustrated, the competitor that he is. If his fans are impatient for him to return - knowing the consequences - I can imagine how itchy he must feel about the need to play and win.

Bad streak, it indeed is. But once Manu is back, I think this time it won't take much for him to get to his "normal rhythm" except that he won't be dunking or be "el contusion" so much no more. With Richard Jefferson to do that, Manu can do some creating and be efficient on the floor. El Contusion will automatically take over after say, 30 games.

Spurs Brazil
11-25-2009, 11:31 AM
Is the return date December 3, like it was said on TV?

Nooo. I think it should be earlier than that, if I don't jump from the 8th floor of a hotel before then… But over here, the way they are, they might just not play me until December. Let's hope not.

Close the windows. I think he'll only be back against the Celtics

Lebowski Brickowski
11-25-2009, 11:38 AM
Great interview but it's bad news.

Manu is doubting himself, is without confidence, and doesn't know if he can even play 70.

Manu has got to be "Fearless" and with the utmost confidence in himself for him to be himself consistently.

Otherwise he'll never really find his rhythm,-- we'll still get some great games from him, they'll just be only every now and then.

Kori Ellis
11-25-2009, 11:46 AM
Great interview but it's bad news.

Manu is doubting himself, is without confidence, and doesn't know if he can even play 70.

Well at this point, IMO it's unlikely he'll play 70 games this year. That's only missing 12 games. He's already missed three (right?) and he'll probably miss three more for this injury. Just on general bumps and bruises, he'd probably miss another six (hopefully sporadically) throughout the season.

I don't think Manu is someone who lacks confidence once he's back on the court. However, he does usually say that it takes him a pretty long time to get his rhythm back.

If he's healthy and hitting stride in Feb/March, all will be well.

11-25-2009, 11:51 AM
As much as I loved Manu when he's healthy; if he can't keep fighting the injury bugs and play most of a season in good condition...he's not going to be resigned nor should he be if the Spurs front office are truly serious about making the most of Duncan's later years.

Not going to be easy to find someone to fit in Manu's shoes but he can't even fit 'em nowadays.

11-25-2009, 12:05 PM
If we don't re-sign Manu I'm sure a lot of team will be interested. Can you guys imagine if he's signed by the Suns and play as a starter 30 mpg for 82 games :bang

11-25-2009, 12:09 PM
Close the windows. I think he'll only be back against the Celtics

He'll be back in 3 days. I hope! :lol

11-25-2009, 12:11 PM
Adductor muscle controls lateral movement, jumping. I have had screwed up adductors and piriformis syndrome. Can't run or jump anymore. Hope Manu gets some good therapy and balances out that entire muscle group.

Taking it to the Hole
11-25-2009, 12:18 PM
Great interview but it's bad news.

Manu is doubting himself, is without confidence, and doesn't know if he can even play 70.

Manu has got to be "Fearless" and with the utmost confidence in himself for him to be himself consistently.

Otherwise he'll never really find his rhythm,-- we'll still get some great games from him, they'll just be only every now and then.

I don't know if he is so much as doubting himself as he is being realistic about his chances of playing 70 games. To me, obviously, you would want Manu to play in as many games as possible to develop chemistry with his new teammates, but ultimately, you want him to be healthy when he steps on the court.

The issue isn't how many games he plays, but whether he is productive in the games he does play in. I believe that after this season, the FO will determine how to gauge his worth in terms of another contract, but I would be shocked if he wasn't re-signed.

I feel bad that he has had to over come so many injuries these past years, but I think Manu's days of playing 50+ games a year are behind him. All the international play has taken a toll on his body as well and as it stands right now, our bench is playing well. If we get a fully healthy Manu back, then it is just icing on the cake. I think if everyone fulfills their roles on this team, then you have as good as of a chance of anyone of beating the Lakers and getting to the Finals.

11-25-2009, 12:19 PM
If we don't re-sign Manu I'm sure a lot of team will be interested. Can you guys imagine if he's signed by the Suns and play as a starter 30 mpg for 82 games :bang

I don´t think so... but, he like Phoenix, Houston and LA. Herb Rudoy will work for it.

Mmm... keep him or leave him...is a risk! :lol

11-25-2009, 12:58 PM
Manu will be fine. :hat

11-25-2009, 01:22 PM
one reason why he gets injured so often is because he's been playing bravely but wrecklessly for years. for years he was constantly taking hard hits to the floor to get that layup. it's not worth it, and his body can't handle it anymore. tony parker needs to stop falling on the floor also. they need to rework their game to stop falling on the floor, those are hard falls

richard jefferson malik hairston and george hill can all drive inside the paint and get fouled without fouling on the floor. for the future of our franchise i hope manu and tony do the same

no manu no championship

11-25-2009, 01:36 PM
...All the international play has taken a toll on his body...

I see. It's the international play only. He never played balls out for the Spurs. Gotcha.

11-25-2009, 01:57 PM
Thanks again, ElNono. :tu

The pride he has and the competitor he is just jumps off the page when asked about being injury-prone. He wants to refute it with every ounce of his being but, sadly, for the first time I've been able to gather, he's showing some signs of doubt.

He's made plenty of comments about him lacking confidence (which I've felt, at times, have been blown out of proportion because of his choice of words) and him being pretty critical of himself and where he thought his game was at, but he's never come off to me as questioning his body; there was always a sense of anger and a confidence to come back stronger..

Manu's too good of a guy and player to have his career come to an end this way. The Spurs have never had a greater warrior.

Hopefully Manu's able to get right and, even if it's not for the 70 games he desired, stay right for the stretch-run so that this team either reaches it's goal or comes up short on it's own merit; training-table's need-not-apply.

Get well, Manu..

11-25-2009, 02:22 PM
- How's the injury?

It's just a strain in the groin (left), that I never had before… It hurt a lot that night, I got worried, and I stopped. Now I'm recovering. The adductor is still a little hard but I feel a lot better. I'll be back soon, but you know how they are here, super cautious…

- Is the return date December 3, like it was said on TV?

Nooo. I think it should be earlier than that, if I don't jump from the 8th floor of a hotel before then… But over here, the way they are, they might just not play me until December. Let's hope not.

- How do you deal with the perhaps excessive caution that the Spurs handle your injuries? Does it irritate you? Worry you?

Not worried. I appreciate it because they are looking for the best for me, they don't want to take risks because they need me and they're afraid something worse could happen, but I can't say I'm not impatient. I like to play and after what happened last season, I wanted to play every game.

- The other day Gregg Popovich didn't let you play the last quarter and you wanted to. Do you talk to him about needing to play, needing to show you can play?

That time he didn't even ask. He didn't play me and I didn't know why… afterwards I realized it was just precautionary. In the Dallas game I did ask to be replaced because I couldn't play. At any rate, we do talk a lot. When we're both stuck in our ways, we find a middle ground… If we're not, we debate a lot.

- How do you take that he keeps pointing out so much how surprised he is about your injury? Does it expose you to criticism?

Exposed? I don't know, I don't even know what he said, but I'm sure he's worried, just like me. We both want me to be out there on the court playing.

- What is your most dominant feeling these days?

A little sad and frustrated. I wanted to play the most amount of games I could and it's not fun at all that after playing nine, that I'm going to miss three or four.

- Have you thought why you got injured so often lately?

I have no idea. Stuff that happen...

- A bad streak?

Yeah, a bad streak, because they all have been different injuries.

- How do you deal with being considered fragile or being told that you're old?

Obviously I don't like people to be saying that I'm fragile or old. But it doesn't hurt me as much either. I have to prove the contrary, play 70 games… On the other hand, it's understandable. I'm going through a bad streak that started two years ago and continues today...

- Does people exaggerate?

I don't know, I think some people do, but until I play, I can't say. If I keep on getting hurt, then they probably didn't exaggerate.

- Do you even think they might be somewhat right?

Inside of me, I don't. But could be…

- The Number 1 objective is to get to 70 games, more than points, rebounds or assists?

Right, the other stuff never really interested me. The important part is to play, be healthy and win it all because the team was put together for that.

-Up until the injury, how well you think you were playing?

Not very well… In general I wasn't bad, the averages were normal (ED:14.1 pp., 4.2 apg, 2.7 rpg in 23.4mins), but I think I can play a lot better. I was still adapting and trying to get some rhythm after not playing for a long time. It was harder for me to get back to my normal rhythm and I'm going to have to start all over again...

Another challenge, Emanuel.

Thanks, man :toast