View Full Version : Why isn't most of the country Independent?/Official Become Indy Thread

An Unbiased Fan
11-27-2009, 02:27 PM
Seriously, the Democrat & Republican cults are a mess, and nothing but two corporately owned monopolies stealing our money and freedoms.

What have either of these psuedo-religions done in the last 25 years? Obama is a joke and a schill. Bush was a disaster. Clinton was ok only because no one trusted him. Congress never gets anything worthwhile done because everything is based on bean counting Dem & Rep votes.

The truth is that there are more than just two viewpoints on an issue. The media loves to say they are presenting "both" sides when in reality there are 50 -100 sides to an issue not being covered. If people voted Indys into office, politicians would actually have to deal with issues and not just party attacks.

If 75%+ of America was Independent, our government would actually have to do their job.

11-27-2009, 03:06 PM
If 75%+ of America was Independent, our government would actually have to do their job.

That's what you think...

11-27-2009, 03:17 PM
The people who say they are independents, generally aren't. Particularly all the 'former' GOP members who claim to be indy, but still pulled the lever for the abomination that is Sarah Palin. The same people who take no responsibility for the crimes they perpetrated against humanity by electing George W. Bush, twice. For them, self identifying as 'independent' is just a miserable attempt to wash the blood from their own twisted legacy.

11-27-2009, 03:22 PM
Let's all be independent together!

11-27-2009, 04:04 PM
and I think Abraham Lincoln would be very impressed with San Dimas 1988, heh, I know i am...

An Unbiased Fan
11-27-2009, 04:53 PM
The people who say they are independents, generally aren't. Particularly all the 'former' GOP members who claim to be indy, but still pulled the lever for the abomination that is Sarah Palin. The same people who take no responsibility for the crimes they perpetrated against humanity by electing George W. Bush, twice. For them, self identifying as 'independent' is just a miserable attempt to wash the blood from their own twisted legacy.
Independents come from all walks of life. There is no united ideology with us, we just vote for whom we feel is the best on the issues. The only thing we all agree on is that the Dem/Rep parties are corrupt and care nothing for the people, only reelection and power.

Typical Dem party logic - "We must pass ANY health bill to save the asses of the corrput Dems in office, even when the bill isn't real reform, is too expensive, and doesn't actually fix the problem of skyrocketing costs. ANY bil is better than no bill..brp".

Typical Rep Party logic - "Sure our party is supposed to be against massive spending, intervention in foreign countries, stripping our rights & freedoms.......but, Bush is a Repug so we need to defend him from the evil liberals who will continue our spending, wars, and facisism...or something like that, brp".

Both parties are cults/religions, and America is drunk on their spiked koolaid. :wakeup