View Full Version : Poll: Palin is still Republican's pick for President

11-30-2009, 06:03 PM
This joke of a person is still the Republican's pick for President. Just pathetic.

16. (ASKED OF LEANED REPUBLICANS) If the 2012 Republican presidential primary or caucus in your state were being held today, for whom would you vote?
Sarah Palin 17
Mike Huckabee 10
Mitt Romney 9
John McCain 7
Newt Gingrich 2
Bobby Jindal 1
Ron Paul 1
Rudy Giuliani 1
Tim Pawlenty 1
Charlie Crist *
Haley Barbour *
Jeb Bush *
Other 8
None/Nobody 12
Would not vote 2
No opinion 28


11-30-2009, 06:06 PM
ehh, maybe Hillary will try to seize the opportunity of the empty 2012.

11-30-2009, 06:06 PM
I thought Republicans didn't want Obama to get re-elected :wtf

11-30-2009, 08:02 PM
I don't think this means a lot. She's really been the only person in the mainstream discussion for the GOP nomination.

She may have a plurality but the choices are pretty heavily split. Given how much she's been in the news compared to the others, I would expect a serious candidate (or threat?) to have a higher percentage of the total votes.

All I get from this poll is that at least 17 of 100 surveyed Republicans are incurably stupid.

11-30-2009, 08:28 PM
Wow, what a joke. The GOP had some serious candidates even last year, and all they can put up now is McCain's knee-jerk panic reaction to Obama's nomination? What the hell?

And had it been a Hillary Vs. McCain ticket (sans Palin) I wouldn't have cared who won last election. How far we have fallen...

11-30-2009, 08:58 PM
One rumor has it Obama will dump Biden for Hilary.

12-01-2009, 03:01 AM
That move would be wise.

12-01-2009, 05:07 AM
One rumor has it Obama will dump Biden for Hilary.

Keep your enemies closer?

12-01-2009, 08:33 AM
I don't think this means a lot. She's really been the only person in the mainstream discussion for the GOP nomination.

Agreed. It's just name recognition. The fact that 50% of the respondents chose "other", "none", "no opinion" or "wouldn't vote" pretty much says it all.

12-01-2009, 12:31 PM
dubya had accomplished nothing, failed multiple times, and he also failed as President, so why wouldn't the Repugs not want no-accomplishment pitbull bitch follow to dubya's shit-stained footsteps?

12-02-2009, 10:25 AM
If Palin runs for the Republican nomination, she will win it.

Because every freaking Democrat in the country will know that voting for Obama to win the Dem nomination is a forgone conclusion, and will, like myself, line up around the block to register Republican and get her to the top of the ticket.

Palin 2012! :tu

12-02-2009, 11:35 AM
And Limbaugh polled this week as the most influential representative of the Repugs.

While the Repug/Stalinist attack dogs go after RNC chairman, etc for (being black) and not being "pure" enough.

12-02-2009, 12:06 PM
While the Repug/Stalinist attack dogs go after RNC chairman, etc for (being black) and not being "pure" enough.Michael Steele is a weenie and a confirmed bum-roller.

I'm no fan of the RNC, but they could've done much better. Picking a bland drone like Steele to be the face of the party and to appeal to "minorities" was bound to backfire.

12-03-2009, 06:19 PM
I think Palin's popularity has been rising among independents as well. I'm not surprised a bit. Her opponents trash and bash her in extreme terms but offer little more than childish insults. This and other threads about Mrs. Palin in this forum are a good example. There are very few compelling arguments presented by those that direct at her a creepy amount of hatred and anger. Besides the obvious cases of machismo, also evident in the last Dem primaries, all we have are ad hominem arguments. People will grew increasingly tired of this kind of stuff and the strategy will backfire.

12-03-2009, 06:39 PM
i love her.

12-03-2009, 06:57 PM
If she ever becomes President, not just America is fucked

12-03-2009, 08:03 PM
Have you heard she is gonna campaign for Perry in Texas......don't give up yet Hutch!


12-03-2009, 08:10 PM
I rest my case.

12-03-2009, 08:49 PM
Seriously, Palin IS a joke...

12-03-2009, 09:45 PM
Nbadan with another of his thorough, exhaustive, perfect, substantive, intelligent, gracious and carefully considered argument.

12-03-2009, 10:11 PM
you go with that and good luck in 2012....I mean it.

12-04-2009, 03:22 AM
I think Palin's popularity has been rising among independents as well. I'm not surprised a bit. Her opponents trash and bash her in extreme terms but offer little more than childish insults. Unfortunately, this is true of Palin too. She is more thin skinned and even less substantial, ideologically speaking, than Bush. And she lacks his political cunning. Her Republican opponents, should she choose to run in 2012, will tear her to pieces in the primaries.

Palin is a quitter and an airhead. She should rest content with the fortune celebrity brought her. Very simply, she lacks the mettle and judgment for higher office. Beside the financial fracaso last year, Palin is the main reason John McCain lost to Obama. She put off GOP realists and independents. She will again, if she runs.

Purple & Gold
12-04-2009, 06:16 AM
When Palin is the face of the Party you are in trouble. I don't think the repubs are dumb enough to let her win the nomination. She's viewed by way to many as a quitter that left the Governers job to sell a book and go on talkshows. Even if she runs as an independent it will ensure an Obama reelection.

12-04-2009, 10:21 AM
I think Palin's popularity has been rising among independents as well. I'm not surprised a bit. Her opponents trash and bash her in extreme terms but offer little more than childish insults. This and other threads about Mrs. Palin in this forum are a good example. There are very few compelling arguments presented by those that direct at her a creepy amount of hatred and anger. Besides the obvious cases of machismo, also evident in the last Dem primaries, all we have are ad hominem arguments. People will grew increasingly tired of this kind of stuff and the strategy will backfire.

Ok, a lot of this post is true about the childish insults and bashing just to bash Palin.

But for you to insinuate that there are only a "few compelling arguments" against her as a credible politician is laughable.

12-04-2009, 10:28 AM
I think Palin's popularity has been rising among independents as well. I'm not surprised a bit. Her opponents trash and bash her in extreme terms but offer little more than childish insults. This and other threads about Mrs. Palin in this forum are a good example. There are very few compelling arguments presented by those that direct at her a creepy amount of hatred and anger. Besides the obvious cases of machismo, also evident in the last Dem primaries, all we have are ad hominem arguments. People will grew increasingly tired of this kind of stuff and the strategy will backfire.
Sounds very similar to McCain's jaundiced reasoning for picking Palin - because the media had betrayed such sexism towards Clinton, the electorate would naturally transfer their affections to Palin, regardless of her aptitude. It was cynical then, and still is. She is wholly unqualified for office, regardless of gender, and most sane people see that.

12-04-2009, 10:31 AM
I'd like to see actual proof that independents suddenly started to like her. I don't know anybody that changed the way their think about her since last year's election.

12-04-2009, 12:04 PM
Ok, a lot of this post is true about the childish insults and bashing just to bash Palin.

But for you to insinuate that there are only a "few compelling arguments" against her as a credible politician is laughable.

Yep. I think it was a bold last-ditch effort by the GOP to nominate Palin, knowing that the inevitable onslaught of media scrutiny of her personal life and qualifications would embolden a good number of Republicans.

For a while I thought it might work.

12-04-2009, 12:17 PM
I'd like to see actual proof that independents suddenly started to like her. I don't know anybody that changed the way their think about her since last year's election.

Ditto. As an independent I'm not buying that she's suddenly becoming popular with independents. Those on the far right that love her and those on the far left that love to hate her are keeping her in the spotlight, but that has nothing to do with indepenedents.

12-04-2009, 04:34 PM
Unfortunately, this is true of Palin too. She is more thin skinned and even less substantial, ideologically speaking, than Bush. And she lacks his political cunning. Her Republican opponents, should she choose to run in 2012, will tear her to pieces in the primaries.

Palin is a quitter and an airhead. She should rest content with the fortune celebrity brought her. Very simply, she lacks the mettle and judgment for higher office. Beside the financial fracaso last year, Palin is the main reason John McCain lost to Obama. She put off GOP realists and independents. She will again, if she runs.

I actually think that she IS content to pursue the fortune that celebrtiy brought her, and that is the reason she left the Alaska Gov. office. You are right on in your assessment that she lacks the mettle and judgment for higher office, and you are correct that McCain's wretched judgment regarding the financial mess and the Palin pick is mostly what doomed his candidacy.

She does not care about governing, as evidenced by her decision to leave office when it got tough in favor of 'cashing in' on her fame with books and speaking engagements. She can make a potload of money catering to the populist extreme right ( see Limbaugh, Beck, etc.), but that does not mean she wants to govern. She just wants to make a lot of money for opining. And the extreme right will support her in that endeavor. Playing coy about a possible run in the future for higher office keeps the far right interested and willing to continue to pay to hear her. They have that right. But I really, really believe that the Republican Party will not allow her to be their candidate.

If, for some incredibly stupid reason the Republicans actually DID pick her as a presidential candidate, I would be forced to do something that I have never in my life done prior to this moment...I would be forced to give financial support to a politician...whoever ran against her.

12-04-2009, 04:42 PM
Sounds very similar to McCain's jaundiced reasoning for picking Palin - because the media had betrayed such sexism towards Clinton, the electorate would naturally transfer their affections to Palin, regardless of her aptitude. It was cynical then, and still is. She is wholly unqualified for office, regardless of gender, and most sane people see that.

You know I was struck by the cynicism of the selection at the time, also. I thought I was the only one who recognized it. McCain really, really blew it badly with that pick, and with his position during the fiscal crisis.

Some Republicans want to believe that the public was infatuated with Obama and that is why he won. Actually, I think that a lot of us who had voted Republican in the past were so appalled at the last 8 years of Republican misrule, and at the decisions McCain made repeatedly during the campaign, we voted against him to try to communicate something to the republican party.

I have tried over and over again to convince Republicans that the last vote reflected more anger at Republicans than it did endorsement of democrats or Obama.

I have to say that I think they've missed the message, however.

12-05-2009, 07:44 AM
Fuck Palin. What a ditzy bitch