View Full Version : It's snowing in Frisco today

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-02-2009, 09:41 AM
I sure hope Gore, Obama, and Pelosi do something about this pesky global warming :rolleyes

12-02-2009, 09:57 AM
oh, i thought this was a euphemism about cocaine.

12-02-2009, 10:07 AM
If someone wanted to prove what a moron they are, this is exact type of thread to do it. Great for San Fransisco.

Utah's only gotten 1/3 of their average snowfall for November, I guess in light of that anecdote, global warming is real again. I mean follow your own logic.

Fuck you Aggie Hoopsfan- you're garbage. A true fucking idiot.

12-02-2009, 10:09 AM
If someone wanted to prove what a moron they are, this is exact type of thread to do it. Great for San Fransisco.

Utah's only gotten 1/3 of their average snowfall for November, I guess in light of that anecdote, global warming is real again. I mean follow your own logic.

Fuck you Aggie Hoopsfan- you're garbage. A true fucking idiot.

Yes, he should be deeply, deeply ashamed.

12-02-2009, 10:10 AM
You think I regret that. He should be ashamed for being such a lowly, moronic piece of shit. You too doobs. Offing yourselves would result in the betterment of America and humanity. Worthless conservative trash is what you are. And if I felt you were something other than such scum, I'd expect you to feel deeply ashamed.

12-02-2009, 10:16 AM
I love when people complain about a poster using an unusual weather event to disprove AGW when the Al Gore zombies use very similar anecdotal "evidence" to prove their pet theory.

I've never had anyone explain to me why the Earth once had 1000x more CO2 than today and hotter temperatures (and WAAAAY before the invention of the SUV), yet we never hit any of those mythical "tipping points".

EDIT> It might snow in San Antonio this Friday.

12-02-2009, 10:18 AM
You think I regret that. He should be ashamed for being such a lowly, moronic piece of shit. You too doobs. Offing yourselves would result in the betterment of America and humanity. Worthless conservative trash is what you are. And if I felt you were something other than such scum, I'd expect you to feel deeply ashamed.

Why are you so angry?

12-02-2009, 10:18 AM

12-02-2009, 10:22 AM
Why are you so angry?

You. You are why I'm angry. People like you, Darrins.

This thread and it's creator are so fucking stupid that it makes me enraged just knowing there is trash out there who actually buys into such shitty argumentation. It makes me sad and angry for my nation and my species knowing that the likes of 'conservative' America is allowed to exist.

You people are vermin. Call an exterminator.

12-02-2009, 10:23 AM
You. You are why I'm angry. People like you, Darrins.

This thread and it's creator are so fucking stupid that it makes me enraged just knowing there is trash out there who actually buys into such shitty arguments. It makes me sad and angry for my nation.

You people are vermin. Call an exterminator.

So, how do you feel about Climategate -- the biggest scientific fraud of our generation?

Here's a good summary:


12-02-2009, 10:25 AM
Oh... so you want to discuss something real and relevant? Too bad. This thread is about a single snowstorm in California. I'd hate to hi-jack it with logical coherence as it relates to an actual topic.

12-02-2009, 10:34 AM
Oh... so you want to discuss something real and relevant? Too bad. This thread is about a single snowstorm in California. I'd hate to hi-jack it with logical coherence as it relates to an actual topic.

For you -- not possible. Carry on with your tantrum.

12-02-2009, 10:40 AM
Sure. And every other time I see some ignorant moron pass off garbage like this an excuse for a thread, I'll be sure to check in and let him know what a piece of shit he is.

12-02-2009, 10:42 AM
Sure. And every other time I see some ignorant moron pass off garbage like this an excuse for a thread, I'll be sure to check in and let him know what a piece of shit he is.

Guess what, 1998 was a really hot year, but 1934 was the hottest year ever measured.

Have a nice day.

12-02-2009, 10:51 AM
I don't think balli is capable of having a nice day, DarrinS.

jack sommerset
12-02-2009, 10:55 AM
It's snowing here in Dallas too. Man, I am cold! lol @ global warming and Balli. People need to man up and admit the global warming was a scam. More important figure out away to pay all the money back they stole.

12-02-2009, 11:30 AM
It's snowing here in Dallas too. Man, I am cold! lol @ global warming and Balli. People need to man up and admit the global warming was a scam. More important figure out away to pay all the money back they stole.

balli is quickly turning into a clone of boutons - lots of hate and anger in that man.

I live in Ft. Worth and I couldn't believe it when I looked out the window this morning and saw huge snowflakes falling in abundance. There was close to an inch of wet snow on my car when I left for work.

As for climategate - does anybody really think this "little" scandal is going to stop the church of man-made global climate change? A majority of people already thought it was a hoax, and the numbers are growing. But our beloved leaders think they know what's best for us, so they're going to cram this crap down our throats whether we like it or not.

12-02-2009, 11:36 AM
I hope y'all live to see Victoria TX as a coastal town.

12-02-2009, 11:41 AM
I'm still fishing in shorts at the coast in December on the weekends. Global Warming is awesome.

12-02-2009, 11:43 AM
I can't decide which I like more. The "it's cold today, global warming is bullcrap" threads we get in the winter, or the "it's hot today, global warming will kill us all" threads we get in the summer.

12-02-2009, 11:48 AM
I hope y'all live to see Victoria TX as a coastal town.


12-02-2009, 11:52 AM
I'm still fishing in shorts at the coast in December on the weekends. Global Warming is awesome.

Enjoy it while it last. Someone out there is about to buy a Prius.

George Gervin's Afro
12-02-2009, 12:32 PM
So, how do you feel about Climategate -- the biggest scientific fraud of our generation?

Here's a good summary:


Actually many of these claims have been debunked already. You do know that right?

12-02-2009, 02:02 PM
Actually many of these claims have been debunked already. You do know that right?

Of course they are going to deny any wrong doing. They are in damage control mode right now.

Did they debunk the last 10 years of temperature data?

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-02-2009, 02:17 PM
First, for you geographically inclined folks, I was talking about Frisco, TX. A suburb of Dallas. Not San Fran. :lol

Second, balli, go get laid or something. You are going boutons on us. My post was tongue in cheek. It cracks me up that you liberal lap dogs fall all over yourselves when something like Katrina or Rita happens to tell us it's all because of global warming. Then when I bring up a singular event such as early December snowfall in north Texas, you get your panties in a bunch.

Typical and tired. You and boutons should become life partners, you'd be a perfect fit.

12-02-2009, 02:23 PM
First, for you geographically inclined folks, I was talking about Frisco, TX. A suburb of Dallas. Not San Fran. :lol

Second, balli, go get laid or something. You are going boutons on us. My post was tongue in cheek. It cracks me up that you liberal lap dogs fall all over yourselves when something like Katrina or Rita happens to tell us it's all because of global warming. Then when I bring up a singular event such as early December snowfall in north Texas, you get your panties in a bunch.

Typical and tired. You and boutons should become life partners, you'd be a perfect fit.
When I read your opening post, I thought you were talking about Texas, but then people starting talking about San Fran - and I thought I was wrong. :lol

You and boutons should become life partners, you'd be a perfect fit. :lmao

12-02-2009, 02:23 PM
lol @ Frisco = San Fransico.
lol @ the little ball of hate not knowing his geography.

Oh, Gee!!
12-02-2009, 02:25 PM
First, for you geographically inclined folks, I was talking about Frisco, TX. A suburb of Dallas. Not San Fran. :lol

I can understand the confusion given the following: (1) "Frisco" is a common nickname for San Francisco; and (2) you didn't specify "Frisco, TX" in your OP/Thread Title; and (3) you referenced Pelosi who is from San Francisco, CA.

Oh, Gee!!
12-02-2009, 02:27 PM
I thought it wasn't uncommon for Dallas to get some snow.

12-02-2009, 02:29 PM
I thought it wasn't uncommon for Dallas to get some snow every year.

We don't have "snow days" in DFW. We have "snow appreciation days"! :lol

If we ever get snow, it's usually not anywhere this early. Generally we'll see some in mid Jan to Feb.

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-02-2009, 03:17 PM
We don't have "snow days" in DFW. We have "snow appreciation days"! :lol

If we ever get snow, it's usually not anywhere this early. Generally we'll see some in mid Jan to Feb.

This. January's usually the month for snow/watch the news highlights of people wrecking on the High 5.

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-29-2009, 08:15 PM
Two more good snows in DFW in the past week.

Help us Gore, Pelosi, Reid, and Obama, you're our only hope

Wild Cobra
12-30-2009, 12:57 AM
First, for you geographically inclined folks, I was talking about Frisco, TX. A suburb of Dallas. Not San Fran. :lol

Too bad.

When it rains in SF, the streets reek of urine. Snow might have covered the stench.