View Full Version : The Switch

04-22-2005, 09:34 AM
All year long, this team at times looked like it was floating on autopilot until the playoffs came along. They lost quite a few games because they just weren't motivated and mentally there. I jumped up and down saying they would regret it immensely when the Suns got home court advantage because of a few blown games against the worst teams in the league.

Well, sure enough, the Suns got back home court by a few games and the Spurs are now matched up with a stronger opponent in the 7th slot. While the Suns will face a Memphis team that has practically fallen to pieces towards the end of the season, the Spurs face a Denver team that has the best record since after the All Star game. Knowing this, you probably assume I would be worried about the outcome of this series.......

But I'm not.

When you look back at this season, you can definitely see the Spurs do in fact have an extra gear. They are capable of throwing the proverbial switch. When push comes to shove, the players on this team find a way to win. You saw it in Phoenix when down by double figures in the fourth. You saw it against Houston in yet another comeback victory. You saw it in back to back double OT games. But generally, you saw the way this team stepped up when it finally came down to it.

Well, the Nuggets are going to be the first to find out what sixth gear is like.

04-22-2005, 10:27 AM
Good observations Manny.

Watching some of the "predict the outcome of this series" sports television this morning (read as Cold Pizza) I found myself becoming incensed at the fact many "knowledgeble" analysts were jumping on the Denver bandwagon so fast the wheels are coming off.

Some of the insights that will lead to the Spurs demise include
the transition game (which is to fast for us because of TD's ankle).
the improved play of Kenyon Martin.
the split series between the teams with Denver winning the last two (which gives them the momentum aganst us).
And finally their new found belief in Karls system.

That's it!? Those are your reasons!?
Of all these points only the last one has any credibility to me. Weren't we the overwhelming favorites to win it all two months ago????

I guess we present no match up problems at all....
Manu has no intestinal fortitude or leadership abilities
Tony didn't learn a thing about trying to carry this team on his own
Brent Barry proved to be the total bust everyone thought he was.

You're right Mannny what about heart? what about determination? This team could have given up when Timmy went out and NO ONE would have thought any less about it. The two OT wins were enourmous in the fact that it proved to every player on this team that they are capable when thier backs are against the wall that they can win.

If reasons as those mentioned above are why we will lose this series then bring it on. I now feel more confident that the Spurs will win this series in five games or less.

That, plus I wanna stuff those predictions down thier throats.

04-22-2005, 10:39 AM
Preach it, Johnny and Manny!

I'm getting more excited the closer we get... Go SPURS Go

04-22-2005, 10:47 AM
Excited already!! Spurs will come so fast from all directions. Denver's gonna wish the were Minnesota! SPURS in 4! :spin

04-22-2005, 11:12 AM


04-22-2005, 11:16 AM
This may have already been mentioned...but the Spurs are in the same situation as last year. the Memphis Grizzlies were the "HOT" team of the moment and rolling under a resurgent coach in HUbie Brown. The Grizzlied has beaten the Spurs 3 our of 4 during the regular season, and were on everyones list of "the team nobody wants to face in the first round".....look what happened to the Grizzlies.

We may not sweep Denver....but there getting ready to be in for a world of hurt!

04-22-2005, 11:19 AM
Well leave the light on for you!


Motel 6 Official Motel of the San Antonio Spurs. Where the SWITCH always stays ON in the playoffs.

T Park
04-22-2005, 11:32 AM
I do think Denver has come back to earth after a couple ass whoopings.

This team BTW, barely beat the Blazers.

The Spurs toyed with the blazers without Tim Duncan come n.

Duncan on one leg could beat the blazers by himself.

I expect that the Spurs do throw it into 6th gear sunday,

04-22-2005, 11:41 AM
Analysts like to hype up underdogs. After all, you can't talk about them any more once they lose.

04-22-2005, 11:45 AM
This may have already been mentioned...but the Spurs are in the same situation as last year. the Memphis Grizzlies were the "HOT" team of the moment and rolling under a resurgent coach in HUbie Brown. The Grizzlied has beaten the Spurs 3 our of 4 during the regular season, and were on everyones list of "the team nobody wants to face in the first round".....look what happened to the Grizzlies.

We may not sweep Denver....but there getting ready to be in for a world of hurt!

This might not be the same thing, but remember all the media pressure on Minnesota last year? Could they beat the Nuggets? Could they get out of the first round? T-Wolves beat Denver in 5, right?

Now, I know this is not the same Nugget team as last year. But if the T-Wolves can do it, then there's no doubt in my mind the Spurs can, too!

04-22-2005, 11:56 AM
I have no doubt the Spurs can turn flip it ON to provide an awesome, overpowering NBA-championship level of basketball. Think back this season to the first Suns@Spurs game, Wiz@Spurs, etc.

Any fan who was around last April/May would have had exactly the same view, until the switch went OFF vs Lakers.

There's some serious coaching ahead for Pop, to get past AJ/Jeff or Stan/Larry. Pop better damn well show up better than last May. No more wasting of Duncan's prime years.

04-22-2005, 12:05 PM
This may have already been mentioned...but the Spurs are in the same situation as last year. the Memphis Grizzlies were the "HOT" team of the moment and rolling under a resurgent coach in HUbie Brown. The Grizzlied has beaten the Spurs 3 our of 4 during the regular season, and were on everyones list of "the team nobody wants to face in the first round".....look what happened to the Grizzlies.

We may not sweep Denver....but there getting ready to be in for a world of hurt!

Thats a great analogy! It is a similar situation.

I think we might only lose the first one in Denver getting used to the altitude and maybe one more since Denver is a better team than they were last year and have a little more playoff experience than the Grizzlies team we faced last year. Other than that the Spurs should be able to force their will on the Nuggets and close out this series in about 5 or 6 games. But if the Spurs go into this series with the "switch on" so to say, i could see them sweeping the Nuggets, it would be difficult and they would have to be extremly focused but it could happen.

04-22-2005, 02:11 PM