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12-07-2009, 07:34 AM

Tony Parker : «J'ai eu beaucoup de chance dans ma carrière»

En pleine saison NBA, le meneur star des San Antonio Spurs décrit la gestion quotidienne de son rôle d’actionnaire de Villeurbanne (Pro A), sa vision des résultats et révèle qu'il a joué blessé cet été avec les Bleus. Le personnage central du basket français fait le point.

Vous êtes vice-président de l'Asvel, est-ce compatible avec votre saison en NBA ?
Tony Parker. En fin de journée, je suis joueur de basket aux Spurs mais je prépare l’avenir avec mon rôle de vice-président.
Cela a toujours été un but. J’apprends un nouveau métier avec Gilles Moretton (propriétaire) et Anthony Thiodet (vice-président). J’aime leur vision, ils sont précurseurs avec le projet de la future grande salle, et la future académie portant mon nom.

Comment gérez-vous cet emploi du temps ?
Simplement. Je consulte mes mails au petit déjeuner. J’ai Gilles et Pierre Grall (Directeur éxécutif) souvent au téléphone. Je reçois un rapport sur les aspects sportifs tous les 2 jours. Gilles Moretton arrive d’ailleurs à San Antonio avec des investisseurs. Je travaille surtout sur le développement futur du club. Je ne veux pas devenir un Mark Cuban (Ndlr : le bouillant propriétaire des Dallas Mavericks, présent au quotidien et connu pour ses charges contre les arbitres et la NBA). En fait, j’ai un bon modèle avec les Spurs. On ne voit jamais le propriétaire, Peter Holt. C’est Gregg Popovich le coach et RC Bufford, le manageur général, qui gèrent la franchise. Le propriétaire ne m’appelle que lorsqu’il me signe un gros contrat. Cela me va.

Vous parlez souvent à Vincent Collet, le coach de l’Asvel ?
Oui, il m’appelle quand il le désire.
Vous le conseillez dans la période très délicate traversée par le club ?
Jamais de la vie je n’interviendrai dans le sportif ! C’est lui qui coache. Vincent a gagné des titres. Il a toute ma confiance. Le domaine sportif doit parler d‘une seule voix : la sienne.

Comment analysez-vous les mauvais résultats ?
Là aussi, je m’inspire des Spurs. On a été critiqué mais nous sommes la franchise des sports américains possédant le plus fort ratio de victoires depuis 10 ans. Pour l’instant, je reste patient. La saison est encore longue et je préfère ne pas juger à chaud. Maintenant, je sais ce qui se passe dans un vestiaire, qui sort après les matchs ou pas. Je suis joueur de basket, qu’ils ne l’oublient pas.

Comment suivez-vous les matchs de l’Asvel ?
Je dispose d’une slim box branchée sur mon ordinateur. Je suis connecté avec mon ami le DJ Cut Killer en France. Je regarde les chaînes françaises. Je vois tous les matchs sur Sport+. Je prépare un petit plat poulet-pâtes et je m’installe devant mon ordinateur.

Une rumeur vous prête l’intention de monter en puissance dans le capital de l’Asvel …
Non. J’ai acheté 15% des parts et j’ai une option prioritaire pour racheter les parts de Gilles Moretton à la fin de ma carrière. On se donne rendez-vous dans 10 ans.

Parlons de NBA, quel est votre état de santé ?
Je ne prends jamais assez de temps pour me remettre complètement. J’ai demandé la semaine dernière au kiné combien de temps je devrais stopper pour ma voûte plantaire. Il m’a dit : un mois et demi. Je lui ai répondu : on oublie, je joue. J’ai raté 4 matchs, les Spurs ont perdu à chaque fois. J’ai une responsabilité vis-à-vis de l’équipe. Je dois me faire vieux (Ndlr : Il a 26ans). Je traîne l’entorse à une cheville depuis cet été lorsque j’étais avec l’équipe de France. Je n’ai pas pris le temps de la soigner et voilà.

Vous avez donc joué l’Euro blessé ?
Oui. Je n’en ai pas parlé car je ne cherche pas d’excuses. J’avais un bel hématome. Les Spurs savaient, ils souhaitaient que cela ne s’aggrave pas. Mes proches étaient au courant. C’est juste la vie d’un joueur de basket.

Les Spurs commencent la saison doucement, pourquoi ?
Il y a beaucoup de nouveaux joueurs, ils doivent intégrer notre système. Je ne suis pas inquiet, on sera là en fin de saison.
Votre coach semble moins vous utiliser...
Il me préserve pour la fin de saison, les gros matchs. Il veut que je sois le plus frais possible quand ça comptera vraiment. Mais je sais que contre les grosses équipes, je vais jouer plus de 38 minutes.

Peut-on dire que désormais San Antonio est votre équipe ?
Mon père m’a dit cela aussi. Tant que Tim Duncan sera là, les Spurs resteront son équipe. Lorsqu’il prendra sa retraite, ce sera mon équipe.
Quels objectifs personnels vous fixez-vous pour cette saison ?
Je continue de travailler avec Chip, mon shooting coach. Surtout les tirs à trois points car en vieillissant je vais perdre de la vitesse et je me reposerai plus sur mon tir. Et puis je veux enfin dépasser les 80% de réussite aux lancers-francs. Je progresse mais il existe encore une marge.

Vous ne parlez pas du All star Game ?
Bien sûr que j’y pense, mais en premier, je mettrai un titre avec les Spurs et après seulement des récompenses individuelles. Tout ce que je veux, c’est aggraver mon palmarès si je peux le dire ainsi. Les titres restent, les distinctions individuelles, moins.

C'est votre neuvième saison. Gardez-vous toujours le même regard sur la NBA ?
Le basket reste ma passion. J’aime toujours autant jouer. Mais les années passent, j’ai bien compris que l’on participe à un gros business. Jusqu’à présent, j’ai eu beaucoup de chance dans ma carrière. Je m’en rends compte.

12-07-2009, 07:37 AM
Interresting interview.

I don't have time to translate but he says :

- He played injured with the NT but the spurs knew it
- He should have stopped 1 month and a half after his injury but the Spurs was loosing too many game
- His priority is to work on his 3 pointer

12-07-2009, 07:38 AM
Using Google translate. I don't think the meaning will change much with a better translation:

Talking about the NBA, what is your health?

I never take enough time for me to fully recover. I asked the physio last week how long should I stop for my arch. He said a month and a half. I told him forget it, I play. I missed 4 games, the Spurs have lost every time. I have a responsibility vis-à-vis the team. I must be getting old (Editor's note: It was 26 years old). I drag the sprained ankle this summer when I was with the team of France. I did not take time to heal and now.

So you've played the Euro hurt?

Yes. I have not spoken since I do not want excuses. I had a nice bruise. The Spurs knew they wanted it not getting worse. My relatives were informed. It's just the life of a basketball player.

12-07-2009, 07:38 AM
I would appreciate it if someone translated this. Actually, to be honest, he has no buisness thinking about the All-Star game at this point if he keeps sucking.

12-07-2009, 07:56 AM
Tony has every right to play on the FNT. That's guaranteed by the CBA. If the owners had a problem with that, they would have changed it. What we see is the NBA actively marketing the participation of it's players in these tournaments and providing millions in support to USA basketball.

That being said, there is now no way that anyone can say Tony's summer activities have not had a negative impact on the level of his play this season. This interview makes it clear that he did not allow proper time for an injury to heal. So he was not in good health when training camp started and missed valuable opportunities to mesh with new teammates in camp and in preseason games in order to allow time for a previous injury to heal.

12-07-2009, 08:08 AM
I am OK with this. If TP is injured and not healed then I can't really rag on him about his play.

If he was not injured or fatigued then I couldn't understand why he is playing like this.

So he is saying that he is still injured right and needs more time to heal?

12-07-2009, 08:11 AM
yeah, he says that he is not fully recovered, but he needs to play for the Spurs to win games.

12-07-2009, 08:17 AM
Once again, another example why playing hurt would decrease your team's overall performance.

12-07-2009, 09:03 AM
I would appreciate it if someone translated this. Actually, to be honest, he has no buisness thinking about the All-Star game at this point if he keeps sucking.

so you should be happy because he said his priority is the spurs not the individual honors.

12-07-2009, 09:10 AM
I wonder if Pop reads this thing... We actually did win with him sitting out (just merely pointing it out. We need Tony and a healthy Tony at that).

12-07-2009, 09:19 AM
I'm going to try to translate the spurs related part:

What about your health ?

I never took enough time to heal 100% before returning to action. I've asked to a doctor how much time I should rest to heal totally. He told me one month and half, I responded: forget it, I play. I missed 4 games and the spurs lost. I have a responsability with the team. I begin to be old, I'm with a strain ankle since this summer with the french NT. I didn't take time to heal it.

You played the Euro injured ?

Yes. I didn't talk about because I'm not looking for excuses. I had an hematom, spurs knew it, they just wanted me to be cautious to not worse the situation. It's just part of BB player life.

Spurs are beginning slowly, why ?

There a lot of new players, they have to understand the system. I'm not worried, we will be there when it counts.

Pop seems to limit your minutes

He wants me to be fresh for the POs but I know that against the good teams I will play more than 38 mn.

Can we say the spurs are your team ?

My father told me that too but this is Tim team untill he retires. When he will retire it will be my team.

What are your personnal objectives ?

I keep on training with Chip especially the 3 point because with the age Im going to loose speed so I will need more my JS and 3s. I also want to be above 80% FTs, I'm progressing but there is room to improve.

You don't speak about the all stars

Of course I'm thinking about the AS but first I want a ring with the spurs then I will be more focus on individual honors. Rings stay the individual stuff not so much.

Its your 9th season, how you look at the NBA evolution ?

Basket is my passion. I like to play but years are running, I understood well that NBA is a business first. Untill now I'm really lucky with my career and I know that.

12-07-2009, 09:54 AM
Anybody that has watched him this season can tell that he's visibly slower than usual..I don't know what the solution is going to be, but it would help to get him rested..we have a relatively easy schedule this month..

BTW, it's good to see that he's focusing on his 3-point shot..he's definitely going to need it going forward in his career..

12-07-2009, 10:15 AM
If he's working on his 3, hopefully he can work on it from the top of the key. We have enough guys who shoot the corner 3, and I'm sick of them stepping on the baseline when they're over there.

12-07-2009, 10:15 AM
I like how TP answers to questions in interviews. He is honest and straight forward. No BS.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-07-2009, 11:55 AM
I hate it when Tony plays hurt. You can always tell when he can't put it in 5th gear.

If anyone needs a reason why the Spurs are 9-8 you need look no further than Tony and Manu. Tony looks to be 85% to me, and Manu around 60%. Get those guys healthy, along with Tim, and there's enough supporting talent for this team to be good.

12-07-2009, 11:58 AM
I like how TP answers to questions in interviews. He is honest and straight forward. No BS.


12-07-2009, 12:05 PM
Ok, I translated some parts of the interview:

- I can confirm that RJ is not gay; however I've seen hin naked, and I can tell you he is a hermaphrodite

- That guy, Tim Duncan, he thinks we are friends

- George Hill has freakishly long arms, but they are not his only freakishly long bodyparts.

- You want to know why Bonner is getting so many minutes? Because it was my idea; who's the idiot now :eyebrows

12-07-2009, 04:46 PM
Ok, I translated some parts of the interview:

- I can confirm that RJ is not gay; however I've seen hin naked, and I can tell you he is a hermaphrodite

- That guy, Tim Duncan, he thinks we are friends

- George Hill has freakishly long arms, but they are not his only freakishly long bodyparts.

- You want to know why Bonner is getting so many minutes? Because it was my idea; who's the idiot now :eyebrows


12-07-2009, 05:04 PM
the thing I really don't understand is why he doesn't shoot more 3 ???

He is at only 0,2 3PA and 0,0 3PM per game (3 desperated attempts at the end of quarter)

He said he worked it this summer in another interview. Why doesn't he show it ?

CIA pop ? :lol

12-07-2009, 07:42 PM
Ok, I translated some parts of the interview:

- I can confirm that RJ is not gay; however I've seen hin naked, and I can tell you he is a hermaphrodite

- That guy, Tim Duncan, he thinks we are friends

- George Hill has freakishly long arms, but they are not his only freakishly long bodyparts.

- You want to know why Bonner is getting so many minutes? Because it was my idea; who's the idiot now :eyebrows


12-07-2009, 07:44 PM
the thing I really don't understand is why he doesn't shoot more 3 ???

He is at only 0,2 3PA and 0,0 3PM per game (3 desperated attempts at the end of quarter)

He said he worked it this summer in another interview. Why doesn't he show it ?

CIA pop ? :lol

he doesn't shoot the 3 because it's not a strength of his. earlier in his career he took too many, and he didn't have a consistent shot from that range, so he matured and stopped shooting so many.

12-07-2009, 08:09 PM
^I think he will begin to shoot them when he will feel comfortable enough

12-07-2009, 08:12 PM
Probably Parker working on his 3 range may have been screwing up a little with his 18 footer that was money last year... it makes sense to me now :tu

12-07-2009, 08:17 PM
Probably Parker working on his 3 range may have been screwing up a little with his 18 footer that was money last year... it makes sense now to me :tu

You may be right because his form has been off lately.

12-08-2009, 03:07 AM
Ok, I translated some parts of the interview:

- I can confirm that RJ is not gay; however I've seen hin naked, and I can tell you he is a hermaphrodite

- That guy, Tim Duncan, he thinks we are friends

- George Hill has freakishly long arms, but they are not his only freakishly long bodyparts.

- You want to know why Bonner is getting so many minutes? Because it was my idea; who's the idiot now :eyebrows

roflmao :lmao

12-08-2009, 03:09 AM
so you should be happy because he said his priority is the spurs not the individual honors.
I am cool with that.

12-08-2009, 08:01 AM
He will have to work a lot with the JS if he still want to be one of the top PG of the league because his legs are not going to be the same after all these games since he became to SA.
He is going to have more problems every year as he is getting older because his style of play.He's still young but he had a lot of games behind.A lot of more than most of the NBA players at his age.