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12-08-2009, 04:24 PM
Sen. Coburn and Sen. McCain published a second report on 100 projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

You can read it here (http://coburn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id=a28a4590-10ac-4dc1-bd97-df57b39ed872)and you should. Some of the stuff is simply hilarious (at least if you forget it's your money that is being used for those ridiculous things, I guess).


Good jobs for millions of Americans.

Investments in priorities that create sustainable economic growth for the future.

Those were the promises made to uneasy Americans when Congress approved the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or economic stimulus bill, in February.

Nine months later, with over $200 billion of stimulus funding already spent,1 the rolls of the unemployed have grown by millions and, by any measure, more jobs have been lost than created.

Since the stimulus bill was enacted in February, nearly three million Americans have lost their jobs2 and the percentage of people who are without work has risen to 10 percent.3 Many who had been looking to the government for help have already lost hope.

As this and the last report, 100 Stimulus Projects: A Second Opinion,4 suggest, billions of dollars of stimulus funding have been wasted, mismanaged, or directed towards silly and shortsighted projects. Many projects may not produce the types of jobs that most Americans had hoped for or expected.

Some of the close to seven billion dollars in projects in Stimulus Checkup create few jobs; benefit private interests over the public good; or make improvements where they are not necessary. Some send money to companies facing fraud charges. Others take millions of dollars to do work local officials and experts admit are not needed or will not help.
Stimulus money has been, or will be, spent on dinner cruises, golf courses, puppet shows and stimulus road signs. Many Americans will question whether investing $787 billion in these projects are the highest national priorities.

Spending $25,000 for a puppet show may not seem like a big deal in Washington, for most Americans it is a lot of money. Washington, D.C. politicians blithely spend billions of dollars a week, but every dollar wasted is also a dollar borrowed—and a dollar to be paid back with interest in the future.

Over the past ten years, the national debt more than doubled as Congress went on a spending spree—and yet we still find ourselves in the midst of an economic downturn.

Americans who have lost their job, health insurance, or home, are facing mounting personal debts, but are also faced with the question of who will pay off the staggering national debt that has grown by more than $1.4 trillion over the past year.

The federal government must join American families in prioritizing its spending by making tough decisions. When we downplay wasting money on a $6 million project, it is easy to do it again ten more times. Once $60 million is out the door, it is easy to spend another $60 million and before you know it, billions of dollars we do not have are spent on things we do not need. Sadly, this type of spending is excused in Congress because ―it‘s always been done that way.‖

The American people have always rejected arguments based on ―it‘s always been done that way,‖ and will continue to do so. Congress needs to make hard choices and eliminate things that are a low priority—even if doing so is unpopular—so we can preserve this country for future generations.

In the previous report, one hundred questionable projects were identified that did not appear to hold out promise for helping the economy grow. The Administration was quick to review these projects and to its credit addressed a number of them. In the months that followed, many more questionable stimulus projects costing millions and even billions of dollars were identified. This follow-up, Stimulus Checkup, takes a closer look at 100 more projects that raise questions about how stimulus money has been used so far.

By the way, I had never noticed that the logo for the stimulus program is so closely... inspired, let's put it this way, on Obama's campaign logo. Talk about permanent campaign. I wonder if the company owned by the WH chief of staff was hired and paid by public money to design this logo as well.

12-08-2009, 05:06 PM
But the neo-c*nts and pissed-off McLiar don't GAF about $600B spent by DoD EVERY YEAR without any effective auditing, controls, anti-fraud enforcement.

12-08-2009, 05:10 PM
This is one of my favourites so far:

DTV Advertising Agency Generates Three Jobs ($5.9 million)

An advertising agency that ultimately reported little job creation received a multi-million dollar contract to help the government overcome a poorly managed transition to digital television, only to report three jobs created.

With little more than a month to go before the nation switched over from analog to digital television (DTV), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) awarded a nearly $6 million stimulus contract to the New York advertising firm Young & Rubicam to manage outreach for ―hard to reach‖ populations unready for DTV.21 Leaving little time to help prepare, the multi-million dollar media relations contract was awarded on May 5, 2009, preceding the DTV switch on June 12, 2009, by only 39 days.22
For some time, Americans had been told by both government and television networks that the DTV switch would occur on February 18, 2009, only to see it pushed back to June, just one week before the deadline.23 Concerns were raised that up to 20 million people were not quite ready for the transition, while large telecommunications firms such as Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable saw a delay as an opportunity to generate new ―pay-TV‖ subscribers.24

At least one previous attempt to advertise the DTV transition went badly when in October 2008, then-FCC Chairman, Kevin Martin, spent $350,000 to sponsor NASCAR driver David Gilliland, only to see the car crash into a wall with just 15 laps to go.25 Young and Rubicam surely hoped for a better outcome. As an economic stimulus, some may have their doubts. The advertising agency reported creating only three jobs.26


The $5 millions to the incredible shrinking mall is also quite hilarious. The money to allow an external party to control the energy use of one's house is kind of creepy .

12-08-2009, 05:12 PM
Few security analysts see the dinner cruise industry as a key vulnerability in our nation‘s efforts to combat terrorism. But, that did not stop the Department of Homeland Security from awarding nearly $1 million to the privately-held Entertainment Cruises, LLC, to step up its security efforts.67

In an interview on the company‘s blog, Dan Russell, General Manager for Chicago, said that his favorite cruise ship was the Mystic Blue: ―It is very laid back atmosphere (which I really need right now), casual, good food. It‘s like a lounge on the water.‖71

Entertainment Cruises vice president, Gary Frommelt, noted that it was unusual for his company to get terrorism-prevention funding, ―We feel that we‘re really a low threat for a terrorist incident. But the stimulus was a nice perk.‘‘:rollin:rollin

12-08-2009, 05:16 PM
Grant to Fund Search for Fossils . . . In Argentina ($1.57 million)

Move over Indiana Jones! Penn State University is sending a team of researchers to search for plant fossils in Patagonia, Argentina using a $1.57 million stimulus grant

Anti-Capitalist, Socially-Conscious Puppet Shows ($100,000)

Each spring, Minnesota is home to a nationally known Mayday parade put on by In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre (HOTB), which includes artists that advocate for socially progressive causes such as the elimination of fossil fuels and ―free market fundamentalism.‖98 The theatre derives its name from a quote popularized by Che Guevara, who in a thinly-veiled reference to the United States said, ―I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all – you live in the heart of the beast.‖

Keep Daily Journal of Malt Liquor and Marijuana Use ($389,357)

Researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo will receive nearly $390,000 to study young adults who drink malt liquor. Malt liquor consumption is an understudied topic, according to the researchers‘ application, making it an obvious choice for economic stimulus funding.