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View Full Version : want to make a difference in the nba?

12-08-2009, 05:53 PM
I have only posted once before, and it was about the refs changing their act all of a sudden. well thats all out the window and as some of you guys warned me, it resumes it's extremely biased agenda. When i was at the boston game, i saw dick Bavetta call very lopsided calls, and the other refs as well. Dont believe me look at the fouls on each end and review the game it'll make you sick.If you watched it on tv you werent able to catch pop yelling his ass off at the refs during the commercials.

If you are a fan of the nba and absolutely dont care to help out you can stop reading now. if you are the few that are absolutely disgusted and sick and tired of not being able to do anything about it, i need your help.This is not just for the spurs game this is every lopsided game thats going on against the elite teams. oh and if you think s.a is an elite team to the refs your very much mistaken.

How convenient for the nba to make it nearly impossible to send in anything to do with NBA officiating, and these actions not only support, but solidify the notion that nba finals are now geared towards ratings and has nothing to do with competition. ever wonder why we have game changing no calls (wcf) since we had made the finals in 07' (3 of the 5 lowest rated finals came from the spurs) do you honestly think they will let us back in? its ok at least we got an apology saying the refs were in the wrong, for making us lose the wcf!

so i have resorted to emailing the nba, of course no reply, and have now emailed tim donaghy to see what the best way to petition this leagues officiating! im willing to pay for a secure website that will show our concerns for the nba. if we gather enough petitioners nationwide they can have someone to answer to for once the People!!!.afterall if the nba didnt have your (my) support there would be no nba. this organization is corrupt from the top plain and simple.I think everyone just wants a fair game, and right now you arent getting it if your not in their plans. heres what you can do:

***i did not take the time, to make this post, grammatically correct so sue me****

*send me any info on web space, good secure sites that are the best buy, or any info for that matter that you think might help.
*please write to the nba relentlessly until i have the site up.
*encourage all fans to write, and Do talk about the poor officiating.
*send me typed letters of your personal experiences watching these nba games via email.I will put together a section of indiv. statements regarding offic.
*if we dont talk about these issues its just like major politics, its never resolved. do your part.
*email me at [email protected]

12-08-2009, 09:57 PM
well, i guess i'll be doing this on my own lol i hope no one here complains about officiating!!

12-08-2009, 10:12 PM
Refs blow plain and simple. Nothing will change that.

12-08-2009, 11:49 PM
I applaud your effort and concern. I wish I was in a position to help but as you may know, this is an uphill battle. Unfortunately, most people have their heads stuck in the sand.

This is one of the main reasons I am a Spurs fan to begin with. Despite the disadvantages of the bogus calls, the Spurs were able to stick together as a family and come out with the win. I remember Pop yelling from the sidelines "NO FOULS! NO FOULS!" and the Spurs turned defense into an art form. If any of you dont understand the "hands up" defense, this is your answer.

I'd like to leave you with a word of caution though. Before you go off on your crusade to stop the 3 blind mice...I would hope you don't bring up the "Spurs" in your effort to make a claim because we don't need an already bigger target painted on the team's head. Know what I mean?

Instead you can make arguements about those pre-madonnas like Dirk and Kobe who ALWAYS seem to be at the free throw line. Or how a certain player whom I won't name(Gasol) got traded to the lakers and disrupted ballance in the west for probably the next 4-6 years.

In the end, maybe we're the fools who continue to watch this "product."

Good luck:ihit

12-09-2009, 12:52 PM
It's not necessarily the calls they make, but the non-calls they don't make that pisses me off.

How many times have we seen Duncan or Parker in the lane, getting the shit knocked out of them, and no whistle?

Either way, it can change the outcome of a game.

And no one, not Stern or anyone else will ever convince me that refs aren't biased. Hell, they are human beings, and human beings are just naturally biased to some extent. What player, other than Duncan, has ever been tossed from a game for sitting on the bench clapping his hands? Tell me Crawford isn't one biased son of a bitch and I'll say you are a liar.