View Full Version : Have you heard of that money making scheme from google?

12-20-2009, 11:53 PM
I dont know if it's legit or not, but I have seen it posted on MSN, CNN, and The Daily Tribune among others.



After checking it out over the past 2 weeks, I have decided to check it out. It costs $1 for the kit. It's important to note that I have taken steps to make sure I dont get ripped off (called my bank before the transaction and had them note my account in case of strange activity).

I have read alot of people have had success with this system and it apparently is legit.

It's not selling anything or pointing to add websites. Apparently, the way it works, you just post a link (say in your signature on a message board) and google tracks it, no one has to click on the link as far as I understand it, the link just needs to be posted.

Im going to give it a try and let you all know if its a sham or not.

You know me, I have posted here for about 5 years. If you see links in my sig, dont feel obligated to click on them. In fact, DONT click on them. I want to really see how this works.

I will give a full review a month or so after recieving the kit and will post an image of the check I recieve, if I do recieve one.

I've always been skeptical of this shit, but Im willing to give this one a try. you never know.

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:19 AM
Your going to be throwing money down the drain good luck getting the company to stop charging your credit card each month.

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:22 AM

12-21-2009, 12:24 AM
As I said, my bank is already notified. As far as my bank is concerned I have only authorized the $1. Anything else is going to be blocked.

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:26 AM
dude are you fucking retarded? read the links i posted dipshit what did you post an affiliate link?

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:30 AM
if you think anyolne is going to teach you how to make significant amounts of money for only a dollar you might as well get inlin with the rest of the herd of zombies. These companies pray on those who are facing difficult times in this economy. There's a sucker born every minute and his dollar is not far behind.

JJ Hickson
12-21-2009, 12:31 AM
When are people like you going to learn? There is no such thing as free money. Anyone who falls for obvious scams like this deserve what they get. Social Darwinism at its finest.

12-21-2009, 12:33 AM
As I said, my bank is already notified. As far as my bank is concerned I have only authorized the $1. Anything else is going to be blocked.

Im going into this thinking its a scam. Im not an idiot. My bank has been notified. If shit happens nothing is going to happen to me. My bank has already been made aware of the situation.

Big P
12-21-2009, 12:39 AM
:corn: This should be epic!

12-21-2009, 12:40 AM
:corn: This should be epic!

Only if it works, if it doesnt, nothing happens to me. :toast

I used to work at a bank, Wamu, in the fraud department.

I know how this shit works.

I've already notified my bank of the situation before I even ordered it. the fraud department has flagged my account.

If shit happens, transactions will be canceled, card numbers will be changed.

I'm literally at no risk.

but if it does work?????

I've read alot of people having success with this particular "scam". If it doesnt work, I lose $1. :wakeup

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:41 AM
Wow. The links i gave you talk about the very site you signed up for. Let it go man. Your not going to be the next google cash cow.

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:43 AM
It's also pretty sad you posted your affiliate link as the url in hopes of some other dipshit spurstalker falling for the same shit so you can get paid.

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:45 AM
http://www.the-daily-tribune.com is such a credible source, go to the homepage. http://www.the-daily-tribune.com oh you can't cuz it doesnt exist.

and upon further review google has blacklisted it from showing up in its search rankings.


12-21-2009, 12:46 AM
It's also pretty sad you posted your affiliate link as the url in hopes of some other dipshit spurstalker falling for the same shit so you can get paid.

where did I ask anyone else to sign up? I'm doing this so that, if it is a scam, people dont fall into it.

I havnt even recieved the "package" yet and your accusing me of trying to scam people. Read my post again. I am actively telling people NOT to click on shit.

I am purely doing this as a test. I have actively taken precautions. I'm doing this to see if it actually works.

If it doesnt, oh well, I (AS IN ONLY ME) lose $1 fucking dollar.

Im in no way asking ANYONE to try it. Im doing it to see if it works. If not, oh fucking well. Im out a dollar. :rolleyes

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 12:49 AM

You posted your affiliate link which gives you kickbacks. You got the link when you purchased the kit, that is the only way you make money with this bullshit if by posting the link.

In the fine print when you sign up it says the $1.97 is a trial and then in a few weeks your going to be charged some $79 and then each month.

12-21-2009, 12:52 AM

You posted your affiliate link which gives you kickbacks. You got the link when you purchased the kit, that is the only way you make money with this bullshit if by posting the link.

In the fine print when you sign up it says the $1.97 is a trial and then in a few weeks your going to be charged some $79 and then each month.

Dude, Im serious. I literrally just purchased the kit 2 minutes before posting this thread. I didnt even purchase it from that link! I just literally googled it and that link came up.

I've been on this site 5+ years. Im not here to all of the sudden fuck people over. Im simply just giving it a try, if it works I will let people know. If its a scam, I will let people know.

thats seriously all this post is about.





there. Is that enough for you?

Im seriously just trying to test it, I've heard it works. If it doesnt work, Im the only one thats out $1. My bank has only authorized the $1. a note has been placed on my bank account. If something fishy comes up I can tell them to immediately cancel my card and issue me a new one.

12-21-2009, 01:01 AM
Im serious. DO NOT click on any links from me.

Its an experiment.

If at the end of one month its bullshit or the real deal, I will post about it.

At worst, Im out $1 and have to switch cards.

12-21-2009, 01:29 AM
Wow! I love my bank!

Security Service Federal credit Union!

Their Fraud department, which works 24/7, just e-mailed me and told me this is, in fact, a scam and they are blocking all charges on my account! they provided me with this link in an email.


that was a fun experiment!

they where glad I took due dilagence and called them before the purchase.

12-21-2009, 02:37 AM
haha that didn't last very long.

Gotta love the comments from the original link you posted.
This was at the bottom of the comments section:

"Comments Closed Due To Spam (back soon)"

Basically saying that none of the comments were even real.

Blue Jew
12-21-2009, 04:00 AM
I wonder if your FTP server you offered mouse was a scam also.

12-21-2009, 04:05 AM
I wonder if your FTP server you offered mouse was a scam also.

You will never know since the dumbass, who calls himself a tech, didnt even know how to access it. :wakeup

It's equivelant to a car mechanic not being able to change your oil.

It's basic internet shit for a tech.

thats how fucking stupid it is.

Blue Jew
12-21-2009, 06:52 AM
I read in a topic he said no thanks to your offer. And that was many months ago, You decided later on in a NASA topic where mouse was owning your ass in a debate to tell everyone about your offer, like it had anything to do with NASA.

The fact is you couldn't take some pot smoking high school drop out asking you questions about NASA you had no answers for. Your blood was boiling so you got upset and pulled out the FTP server card out of frustration.

Like the 11 year old kid who is losing at a game of horse so he takes his ball and goes home. I can only imagine the look on your redneck face when mouse was waxing your ass all over the topic.

Then mouse called you out and said what does an offer to use your FTP server have to do with NASA and you said some flaky excuse that you was drunk and blamed the booze.

But that was not true because you kept on his ass and even told him a week later not to post in anymore NASA topics. Was that more booze again,or the fact you got butthurt and got tired of looking like a fool when mouse pulls out the smack bat on your ass in the debate topics?

You don't think mouse knows what a FTP server is? Did it ever occur to you he really didn't want the responsibility of sharing someone's data and was just trying to be polite and turn your offer down without hurting your feelings?

And even if mouse had no idea what a FTP server was why couldn't you just tell him instead of being a real douche about it? It must be nice to go through life knowing everything and never having to ask questions I envy you!

You know not everyone was born with an A+ certification and had it stapled on to their birth certificate . Some of us had to actually ask questions growing up in life like..."excuse me, how do you post an image in a forum?" Something you did in your playpen when your parents got your first laptop at the age of 2

many of us had to look like idiots and ask how to post a photo and someone friendly and nice like Duncan228 or Slomo would post a link on how it's done, They wouldn't wait until they was losing a debate in a NASA topic to say "hey guess what everyone I had to show this dumb ass poster how to post a picture on on a forum"

Like it has anything to do with NASA. I know a man right now who runs the Bulldog computers off Medical drive, the man fixes and sells computers for a living and he has no idea how to post a photo in a topic. Should I email his costumers?

I bet you can find many folks at NASA who don't even know how to create a MySpace web page. You think because mouse fixes laptops he has to be an expert on FTP servers?

I bet there are many people here at ST who are very educated some doctors and have no clue on how to use a torrent, does that mean they can't make a comment or two about NASA?

WTF does one have to do with the other? Do you treat all your friends like this?
If your friend next door to you doesn't agree with Obama's health care plan do you go take back the rake you lent him? And then go get a bullhorn and drive up and down the streets yelling to everyone how he doesn't know how to rake leaves?
And how you offered to lend him your lawnmower?

Are you that shallow and immature, or are you just one of the most ignorant rude persons here at ST?

wait!..don't answer that.....if your the guy who actually made this topic in the first place and actually thought it was really a cool way to make money?

then I can see now why mouse turned your FTP server down.

12-21-2009, 07:38 AM
It must be nice to go through life knowing everything and never having to ask questions I envy you!

It actually is pretty nice. I highly reccomend it :tu

12-21-2009, 08:08 AM
That Mary Steadman woman lives in a small central European town 10 miles from me, just like all half dressed hotties in pop-ups. What's up with that? :downspin::lol

Heath Ledger
12-21-2009, 08:16 AM
Way to cover your own ass and your tracks. You're not fooling me wise guy. :wakeup

12-21-2009, 11:51 PM
Thanks for the link I hope I hear something soon. :toast

David Bowie
12-22-2009, 12:29 AM
It's a fraud. I actually signed up for it. After I did, there was a note that said that they would bill my credit card $80 each month. I googled it, a bunch of people were saying it was a scam. I canceled my credit card immideatly.

12-22-2009, 02:04 PM
Even after that long ass post by Blue Jew this Phyzix guy still doesn't know when to let it go. :lmao

In the geek forum:


Now that I think about it though, it is Ironic. Mouse already doesnt know shit about computers, getting him a Shirt that says he will not fix it is spot on.

It's like taking your computer to Best Buy's geek squad. They will format the drive, reload the OS, and claim its fixed while expecting to get paid.

Queue Mouse making some joke about me removing his access from my FTP server which he didnt even know how to access to begin with. :rolleyes


12-22-2009, 02:04 PM
In this topic you blame the booze for bringing up the FTP server and yet every day you bring it up no one can be that drunk your just an asshole.



Blue Jew
12-22-2009, 02:33 PM
Hey Phyzix turn this into a GIF ..


so I can tell everyone you know nothing about computers. That's how you sound when you keep talking about FTP servers and how mouse can't fix computers beacuse he turned you down or did not know how to use it.

If your so smart why not tell him how to use it instead of being a dick head about it?

Mouse might have lost some laptop jobs because of your childish Beauvoir in the Geek zone. I may not agree with B2B but I don't tell his coustumers he doesn't believe in God and don't do business with him WTF are you thinking dude?

12-22-2009, 02:42 PM
You will never know since the dumbass, who calls himself a tech, didnt even know how to access it. :wakeup

It's equivelant to a car mechanic not being able to change your oil.

It's basic internet shit for a tech.

thats how fucking stupid it is.

ohhh la la can i have access to your 30kb/s upload ftp? oh pretty please! have any software by fosi on it?

dudes are you running a servu ftp? awesome! way better than any other ftp!


Suns Fan
12-22-2009, 03:54 PM
:lol @ koriwhat

I have seen pictures mouse posted of him swapping out the platters to a Hard Drive to me that is not something everyone can do. In fact in San Antonio you have to ship your HD to Austin to get it done. I would rather know that then to use a FTP server any day.

12-22-2009, 05:46 PM
I might give it a try soon.BTW click on my link in my sig...it's legit.

12-22-2009, 06:41 PM
I'm up to 20 swagbucks after 2 weeks. I want that $50 Amazon gift card :downspin:

12-22-2009, 06:44 PM
I do lockerz. Up to 380 ptz. I don't think the chances of me getting anything are too great, but the reward might be worth the 2 minutes a day I spend on the site.

12-22-2009, 06:49 PM
eh...i like lockerz but their always "Fresh Out".So it's hard to ever redeem anything.

12-24-2009, 09:55 AM