View Full Version : Duncan= Vince Carter

Walton Buys Off Me
04-24-2005, 09:57 PM
Overrated, injury prone, no balls MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!

Fuck you Spurs, you disgust me.

Props to Mohammed and Ginobili for being the only ones that gave a shit tonight.

Duncan and Parker's nuts shrivel up in the clutch- what else is new?

04-24-2005, 10:00 PM
Duncan is still recovering from an injury and was what, in his fifth game back?

04-24-2005, 10:01 PM
fuck you, you dirty canadian cocksucker..

Walton Buys Off Me
04-24-2005, 10:03 PM
Dirty Canadian cocksucker? That's all you got? You must be from Texas. You're probably you're own father.

Mr. Peabody
04-24-2005, 10:03 PM
Overrated, injury prone, no balls MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!

Fuck you Spurs, you disgust me.

Props to Mohammed and Ginobili for being the only ones that gave a shit tonight.

Duncan and Parker's nuts shrivel up in the clutch- what else is new?

Yeah that's why he's a 2x MVP and 2x Finals MVP.

LustyLove (http://camslivesexy.com/cam/LustyLove)

04-24-2005, 10:04 PM
have some love....

04-24-2005, 10:04 PM
Walton, you always cure my post Spurs choke depression. Dude, you are too funny!

"You're probably your own father"!!!!???

OMG, that was hilarious!!!! ha ha ha

04-24-2005, 10:04 PM
Vince Carter has two rings now?

Tims legs were shot. He hasn't played that many minutes in months.

Walton Buys Off Me
04-24-2005, 10:05 PM
On the decline............this cannot be overlooked.

04-24-2005, 10:05 PM
Like clockwork.

04-24-2005, 10:05 PM
I'm just gonna wait and relax and wait for the 5 game sweep.

04-24-2005, 10:06 PM
Dirty Canadian cocksucker? That's all you got? You must be from Texas. You're probably you're own father.

what more do you want?

p.s. your last sentence should be "you're probably your own father"

i guess they don't teach that shit to you wannabe americans..

04-24-2005, 10:07 PM
Walton, you always cure my post Spurs choke depression. Dude, you are too funny!

"You're probably your own father"!!!!???

OMG, that was hilarious!!!! ha ha ha

i can 100% say that i have never been told that before...

04-24-2005, 10:08 PM
p.s. your last sentence should be "you're probably your own father"

i guess they don't teach that shit to you wannabe americans..
You sure got him there! :lol

04-24-2005, 10:08 PM
Clandestino, nothing personal by my comments, btw. Walton is just too much is all.

04-24-2005, 10:08 PM
And I cannot help by LMAO!

Walton Buys Off Me
04-24-2005, 10:10 PM
Wannabe american? Sorry I don't feel like knocking all my teeth out, eating seven Big Macs and fucking my kid sister in our trailer while watching Fox?

I doubt there are any wannabe Americans left in the world anymore. Matter of fact, since your last election, I seem to have noticed quite a larger number of American plates around these parts lately......maybe that's because your dollar is declining faster than Tim Duncan's career.

04-24-2005, 10:12 PM
Wannabe american? Sorry I don't feel like knocking all my teeth out, eating seven Big Macs and fucking my kid sister in our trailer while watching Fox?

I doubt there are any wannabe Americans left in the world anymore. Matter of fact, since your last election, I seem to have noticed quite a larger number of American plates around these parts lately......maybe that's because your dollar is declining faster than Tim Duncan's career.

your fucking dollar is barely worth more than the peso...so i'd stfu about that...

04-24-2005, 10:14 PM
Walton is laying the SMACKDOWN!!!


04-24-2005, 10:15 PM
either way you cut it, spurs = lost

04-24-2005, 10:17 PM
it's one game. i'm not worried. we'll win atleast two in denver. it's no big deal.

04-24-2005, 10:19 PM
Duncan and Parker's nuts shrivel up in the clutch- what else is new?

Manu, on the other hand, was lights out in the 4th.

The great thing about a loss where just about every player was below average is you can watch as the blowhards come out of the woodwork to blame the same people they always blame.

What else is new indeed.

T Park
04-24-2005, 10:50 PM

Spurm, always there to bring the smart post.

Spurm = MVP

04-24-2005, 10:57 PM
Wow.. Walton the turd with his timely PMS bitch post.

Jesus, will you just pl,ease STFU and go watch hockey or continue to hide behind the back of America as the bully tries to kick your ass.