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12-29-2009, 02:18 PM

12-29-2009, 02:21 PM
I'd probably have to say the 1970's were worse.

12-29-2009, 02:31 PM
70's were the worst in my lifetime...Nixon and Carter.

Obama's starts this decade worse than I've ever seen tho. Depends on who gets in after as to how the decade will end up. Reagan followed Carter and the 80's turned out pretty damned good.

Get someone as good as Reagan following Obama, and the decade has a chance.

Doubt it tho...

12-29-2009, 03:37 PM
How lazy. Dividing history up into decades based on the magnitude of the ten's place is like suggesting that the progression of time depends somehow on winding your watch.

History doesn't care about the fucking calendar. Generalizations about ten year chunks of time are worthless, except as a marketing gimmick for regurgitated cultural kitsch.

12-29-2009, 04:12 PM
How lazy. Dividing history up into decades based on the magnitude of the ten's place is like suggesting that the progression of time depends somehow on winding your watch.

History doesn't care about the fucking calendar. Generalizations about ten year chunks of time are worthless, except as a marketing gimmick for regurgitated cultural kitsch.

Yeah but a black man was elected President!.
If that's not rock bottom what is it then?

12-29-2009, 04:24 PM
Yeah but a black man was elected President!.
If that's not rock bottom what is it then?

12-29-2009, 04:44 PM
How lazy. Dividing history up into decades based on the magnitude of the ten's place is like suggesting that the progression of time depends somehow on winding your watch.

History doesn't care about the fucking calendar. Generalizations about ten year chunks of time are worthless, except as a marketing gimmick for regurgitated cultural kitsch.

smug much?

12-29-2009, 04:48 PM
It could be worse. My posts could be utterly devoid of any content but smugness, like yours.

12-29-2009, 05:01 PM
It could be worse. My posts could be utterly devoid of any content but smugness, like yours.

I posted what I thought was a humorous video. You went off on some strange rant about lumping time into decades. I guess you don't care for the Gregorian calendar.

12-29-2009, 05:05 PM

:lmao Well played, Sir...

12-29-2009, 05:13 PM
I posted what I thought was a humorous video.There's no accounting for taste.

You went off on some strange rant about lumping time into decades. In response to completely vapid posts like this:

70's were the worst in my lifetime...Nixon and Carter....

...Reagan followed Carter and the 80's turned out pretty damned good.

I'd probably have to say the 1970's were worse.
Yeah, that's pretty strange.

I guess you don't care for the Gregorian calendar.
I don't care for arbitrary periodization. Ten year blocks coinciding with changes in the tens' place are historically trivial and frankly uninformative, but that point seems to be lost on you.

Marcus Bryant
12-29-2009, 05:20 PM
1910s. Then 1930s and 1900s. The 1940s weren't that great either.

For better or worse, we Americans like to rank, sort, categorize, and chop things to make mass consumption painless. Or, today we put it in a video.

Marcus Bryant
12-29-2009, 05:25 PM
The 1850s weren't that great. And, the 1860s cemented the rise of the state - not to mention how would a decade in which secession and war occurred not qualify as the worst political decade, regardless of its benefits?

baseline bum
12-29-2009, 05:28 PM
Even worse if we looked at it in base-60 (whose influence can still be seen in how we measure time and which came from counting on the 12 non-thumb knuckles on one hand in combination with our 5 fingers on the other).

Our new period would start at the Reagan revolution that first began to rob our middle class and begin our descent into becoming Mexico North.

12-29-2009, 05:43 PM
Our new period would start at the Reagan revolution that first began to rob our middle class and begin our descent into becoming Mexico North@SouthernFried:


12-29-2009, 06:15 PM


What would you like me to say? He's a moron?

I'm just enjoying listening to the outrage of lumping events into decades. All a sudden I'm really pissed about that too.

Dunno why tho, I really enjoyed the 70's.

What I can remember of it...


12-29-2009, 07:38 PM
After all was said and done, Gore was right about the lock box.

12-29-2009, 10:12 PM
After all was said and done, Gore was right about the lock box.

Still cracks me up when he ushers in a blizzard whenever he speaks about global warming.

Wild Cobra
12-30-2009, 01:07 AM
I'd probably have to say the 1970's were worse.
Well, only the later 70's were really bad. Nixon should have never covered for those trying to expose the corruption of the democrats. They did it illegally. It was congress that refused to fund the Viet-Nam war, so Nixon had no choice to pull us out of it. I would say the only two bad decisions Nixon made was covering up Watergate, and allowing the price freezes. Maybe there were more, but that's all I can think of at the time. He was otherwise a good president. Made less mistakes in office than most, but they were both pretty bad mistakes.

I'll tell you. I'd rather have another Nixon than any president we have had since the 90's.

12-30-2009, 06:34 AM
I dunno wild...

I don't really care about Watergate. Clinton did worse. But, when thinking Nixon, people often forget certain things, especially leftists blinded by their 30 ecstasy over watergate. Hell, I was talking to an 8th grade teacher who didn't even know 'Nam ended under Nixon, she thought Johnson got us out. A friggin' teacher...

But, Nixon did much worse than Watergate...much, much, much worse.

Nixon Created the worst govt agency outside of the IRS...The EPA.
Nixon took us off the Gold standard.
Nixon Implemented Wage and Price Controls.

And mebbe the most harmful...

Nixon and Kissinger "opened" up China. Kissinger, especially, help create the largest transfer of wealth/jobs/productivity in history. The transfer of jobs, productivity, and wealth...from the US to China.

One of the more interesting, and more hidden, aspects of US/China relations, is how much Kissinger has controlled and managed it over the last 30 yrs. If you do business in China, you do business with Kissinger's firm.

Nixon was a govt control leftist. EPA, wage and price controls, are leftist govt control wet dreams come true. Plus, Clinton was enamored with Nixon and talked to him more than any other ex-president. Learned to. Clinton got away with his govt file thefts...and more.

Nixon sucked...but, not for the reasons kids in school are taught.

12-30-2009, 07:01 AM

12-30-2009, 07:08 AM
The immigrant population was 38.8 million in 2007, only 7.7 million bigger than the same number of year 2000. While the 1990's saw a 50% increase in immigrant population, thanks particularly to Asian immigrants. immigrant population also had a considerable growth in the prior decade of 1980's, during which this dumber jumped from 14.1 straight to 19.8. we all know what happened during Nixon's administration between US and commie china.

If the jobs sent oversea are to be blamed for the lameness of economy, immigrants deserve it more.

Wild Cobra
12-30-2009, 12:25 PM
I dunno wild...

I don't really care about Watergate. Clinton did worse. But, when thinking Nixon, people often forget certain things, especially leftists blinded by their 30 ecstasy over watergate. Hell, I was talking to an 8th grade teacher who didn't even know 'Nam ended under Nixon, she thought Johnson got us out. A friggin' teacher...

But, Nixon did much worse than Watergate...much, much, much worse.

Nixon Created the worst govt agency outside of the IRS...The EPA.
Nixon took us off the Gold standard.
Nixon Implemented Wage and Price Controls.

And mebbe the most harmful...

Nixon and Kissinger "opened" up China. Kissinger, especially, help create the largest transfer of wealth/jobs/productivity in history. The transfer of jobs, productivity, and wealth...from the US to China.

One of the more interesting, and more hidden, aspects of US/China relations, is how much Kissinger has controlled and managed it over the last 30 yrs. If you do business in China, you do business with Kissinger's firm.

Nixon was a govt control leftist. EPA, wage and price controls, are leftist govt control wet dreams come true. Plus, Clinton was enamored with Nixon and talked to him more than any other ex-president. Learned to. Clinton got away with his govt file thefts...and more.

Nixon sucked...but, not for the reasons kids in school are taught.
I agree with the reasons you list above, until you get to China. Now he didn't start globalization, and it is the improper currency value and method of taxation that hurts us in the world community. Not because we established relationships with China.

As for the EPA, it is one of the few regulatory agencies that have done us good, until bad science started controlling them.

Marcus Bryant
12-30-2009, 12:36 PM
Well, other than opening up the American working class to competition from the Chinese slave class.

And Nixon was, yes, yet another "conservative" who expanded the scale and scope of the state on his watch.

12-30-2009, 02:46 PM
Well, other than opening up the American working class to competition from the Chinese slave class.

And Nixon was, yes, yet another "conservative" who expanded the scale and scope of the state on his watch.

To be a conservative, you have to do conservative things. The EPA, Wage and Price controls, etc...are not conservative things. Hence, Nixon was no conservative. He was a leftist, like 90% of anyone in politics.

baseline bum
12-30-2009, 02:53 PM
To be a conservative, you have to do conservative things. The EPA, Wage and Price controls, etc...are not conservative things. Hence, Nixon was no conservative.

Ah, the good old reliable no true scotsman fallacy.

12-30-2009, 03:05 PM
I agree with the reasons you list above, until you get to China. Now he didn't start globalization, and it is the improper currency value and method of taxation that hurts us in the world community. Not because we established relationships with China.

As for the EPA, it is one of the few regulatory agencies that have done us good, until bad science started controlling them.

You may have a point. It wasn't the opening of China that got us into trouble, it was the fact we allowed them to import manufactured goods into the US that are made without regard to any of the regulations, restrictions, etc. we put on our Manufacturers. Therefore the "method of taxation" you mentioned, or the lack thereof (we needed to adequately tarriff those products,) could actually be the better cause of American losses to China. Currency valuation, ditto. Since China never allowed their currency to float in the free markets...proper tarriff implementation could have made up for this as well.

Not sure when the EPA ever did anyone any good tho. I remember the 60's and 70's quite well. The events that happened would have happened, been cleaned up, and regulations imposed without the EPA ever needing to be created. The EPA of today is the most gestapo-like, gun-toting, authoritarian agency outside of the IRS that we have. Case study of an agency run amok.

And you do know that our water restriction here in San Antonio have nothing to do with availability of water, but 100% due to the Endangered Species Act? Another idiot NIXON move that has affected the lives of everyone for the last 30 yrs.

Did I mention how much Nixon sucked? ;)

01-02-2010, 11:48 AM
Fuck politics and politicians. They are all corrupt plutocrats (until proven innocent, but no one will prosecute).

Look how conservative "principles", of war on employees, free (monopolistic, cartelized) markets, globalization (buy cheap over there rather than make here), tax cuts for super wealthy and corps, and unending wars have concentrated (conservatives') wealth and fucked over everybody else.


01-03-2010, 08:58 PM
" nearly twice as many Americans view 2000 to 2009 negatively than positively,"
