View Full Version : Crittenton's gun was loaded

01-07-2010, 04:37 AM

Credit goes to the Post's Mike Wise for the schoop.


I'm going to love hearing the "What's the big deal" arguments on this one.

01-07-2010, 04:49 AM
Better and more detailed article from the Wash Post here:


01-07-2010, 05:27 AM
I dont know what happened, but it sure is disgusting. Suspend them, ban them, anything will do. Good for them

01-07-2010, 05:30 AM
who cares

01-07-2010, 05:50 AM
over gambling debt?

don't they earn enough money already...?

so this is all about "KEEPIN IT REAL" and pride? yah....not very grown up are they


01-07-2010, 05:59 AM
Well what else would you expect from primitive thugs who do not know any better? They probably grew up like this and havent changed, even though their whole life has changed because of basketball. Many change, some not, they stay like the same old 'kids' they were before being pro. But now, they are a kid with much money, so you get things like these.

It's a shame really..

Boy, am I glad the Spurs have cultural, more intelligent players. And if new players arent like that when they join, the Spurs make them like that. But the whole image of the Spurs organisation is different than most teams. It's just normal, I respect that. Some may find it boring

01-07-2010, 06:03 AM
idiots, its a shame those guys earn millions each year.

01-07-2010, 06:05 AM
Well what else would you expect from primitive thugs who do not know any better? They probably grew up like this and havent changed, even though their whole life has changed because of basketball. Many change, some not, they stay like the same old 'kids' they were before being pro. But now, they are a kid with much money, so you get things like these.

It's a shame really..

Boy, am I glad the Spurs have cultural, more intelligent players. And if new players arent like that when they join, the Spurs make them like that. But the whole image of the Spurs organisation is different than most teams. It's just normal, I respect that. Some may find it boring

It's boring to boring people

Intellectuals, classy people, and people like that APPRECIATE it. Shining beacon among garbage.

01-07-2010, 06:10 AM
Idiot. Arenas told him to choose one of two of the empty firearms on the chair to shoot him in the bad knee. Crittenton chose his own. Idiot.

01-07-2010, 06:13 AM
And the most shitty part is that there are thousands of kids who look up to these stupid asshole players more than they do to normal players. They think its cool. Nice way being a role model.

NBA should be very hard on this.

01-07-2010, 07:38 AM
And the most shitty part is that there are thousands of kids who look up to these stupid asshole players more than they do to normal players. They think its cool. Nice way being a role model.

NBA should be very hard on this.


Contrary to what Charles Barkley says, NBA players ARE role models whether they like it or not.

I know the NBA is all about $$ and marketing but until they totally purge that hip-hop/Thug environment will they ever really address this kind of stuff.

That earring (I am old school. Pop drilled it into us that earrings are for girls and girls only and still believe that to this day), tatoo, gang-sign crud is for the garbage. I was watching clips of the NBA circa late '80's early 90's and it was a much cleaner-image game. Hardly any tatoos, earrings and all that crap.

Sorry if it offends any on of the young ones in here who subscribe to that but sadly that is the state of all sports. Regardless of how you are in the inside, society still judges you by how you look on the outside. Image is still everything. That's the way it its and the way it will always be.


Halle Berry
01-07-2010, 07:53 AM
That earring (I am old school. Pop drilled it into us that earrings are for girls and girls only and still believe that to this day)

agreed. earrings are the gayest ornaments for girls as well as guys IMHO. Actually that shit doesn't add any more beauty to what a girl already has without wearing it, and even if a pair of diamond earrings do gain a girl some extra beauty outside what's naturally gifted she's still way much below me in any type of competition on beauty.

01-07-2010, 08:10 AM
agreed. earrings are the gayest ornaments for girls as well as guys IMHO. Actually that shit doesn't add any more beauty to what a girl already has without wearing it, and even if a pair of diamond earrings do gain a girl some extra beauty outside what's naturally gifted she's still way much below me in any type of competition on beauty.


01-07-2010, 10:15 AM
Who cares about Crittenton? Put Arenas back on court while the man is healthy. Suspend him once he gets injured.

Will Hunting
01-07-2010, 10:18 AM
And the most shitty part is that there are thousands of kids who look up to these stupid asshole players more than they do to normal players.

Yeah, I'm sure tons of kids look up to Javaris Crittenton.

01-07-2010, 10:20 AM
LMAO funny thing is Critterton is home free as his weapon "dissapeared" and he denies everything.

On the other hand, Arenas not only turned in his weapons but also is taking the full blame.

Funny part is Arenas makes 100 mil and Criterton.. what? $5/hour??

01-07-2010, 10:23 AM
He's missed 08, 09 and now '10 Sucks for him...

01-07-2010, 10:27 AM
i hope he gets his contract voided for stupidity.

01-07-2010, 10:32 AM
Zero proof that Jarvis had a loaded gun. We'll see if the so called eye witness proves to be more credible.

01-07-2010, 10:34 AM
LMAO funny thing is Critterton is home free as his weapon "dissapeared" and he denies everything.

On the other hand, Arenas not only turned in his weapons but also is taking the full blame.

Funny part is Arenas makes 100 mil and Criterton.. what? $5/hour??

Arenas is being very classy. He's showing what leadership and loyalty are about. Unban the man.

Will Hunting
01-07-2010, 10:35 AM
LMAO funny thing is Critterton is home free as his weapon "dissapeared" and he denies everything.

On the other hand, Arenas not only turned in his weapons but also is taking the full blame.

Funny part is Arenas makes 100 mil and Criterton.. what? $5/hour??


01-07-2010, 10:44 AM
idiots, its a shame those guys earn millions each year.

Herein lies the problem: Crittenton does NOT make millions each year. He makes about a million, a single million per year after taxes.

01-07-2010, 10:55 AM
Herein lies the problem: Crittenton does NOT make millions each year. He makes about a million, a single million per year after taxes.
I believe he actually earns less because of his expenses as an NBA player. He was owed 200k and Arenas thinks it is funny. Arenas obviously feels remorse for the incident and wanted to shoulder all the responsibility, the problem is that his action screws with the law.

01-07-2010, 11:01 AM
Arenas is being very classy. He's showing what leadership and loyalty are about. Unban the man.

Arenas is still being an idiot for still joking around on the matter AND trying to protect Critterton from federal investigation. 2 dumb ass decisions after 1 bad joke gone wrong.

He should have stopped with the jokes and told federal investigators 100% truth.

He is now fucked.

BTW, what does it tell you that the 1st NBA player Arenas brandishes weapons to, pulls out their own gun? I would bet a LOT of NBA players have guns in their lockers.

01-07-2010, 11:01 AM
That Criterton guy lacks a sense of humour.

01-07-2010, 11:32 AM
damn sons can you imagine what the Denver Nuggets lockers have (or now had) in them? I would love to have seen the lockers of gang bangin, friend murdering JR Smith and thuggin n buggin Kenyon Martin. guns, weed, a few hundred grand in cash from drug money, etc.

01-07-2010, 02:45 PM
Neither witness said the gun was ever pointed at Arenas, but both said Crittenton began singing as he held the gun.

Arenas began laughing, the witnesses said, telling Crittenton, "Look at that little shiny gun," as two other players slowly retreated to the training room.

Javaris was singing? :lol

01-07-2010, 02:56 PM
:lmao ................ about 75% of all NBA players frantically went through their lockers yesterday and got rid of their glocks, tech 9's and AK-47's !!! :makemyday

01-07-2010, 03:46 PM
JR Smith's locker:


01-07-2010, 04:36 PM
I believe he actually earns less because of his expenses as an NBA player. He was owed 200k and Arenas thinks it is funny. Arenas obviously feels remorse for the incident and wanted to shoulder all the responsibility, the problem is that his action screws with the law.


I don't say I make less than my actual salary because of my "bills".

"If" he decides to floss that lifestyle...that doesn't mean he earns a cent left. It's on him.

01-07-2010, 07:05 PM
Arenas taking full repsonsibility for the incident ws a stand up thing to do in terms of talking to the media, and perhaps even to Stern. He was trying to protect his team mate and obviously felt bad about it. From what I heard this morning (mike and mike) Arenas was 100% forthcoming with the police about Crittenton and his gun. He only lied to the media and the wizards. If he had lied to the police he would be screwed.

I will give Arenas props for trying to protect Crittenton like that. The problem is he turned around and made a joke out of whole thing. He obviously did not realize he was in serious trouble here until it was far too late. Calling David Stern mean, making pistol gestures at your team mates before a game and calling out the media and demanding an apology is DUMB. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The more this story unfolds the more I think it was just a very very stupid joke, and a potentially life threatening over-reaction by Crittenton(if true). Gilbert has always been a stupid but seemingly harmless guy. I think he was just joking, and a stupid "prank" is going to end up costing him big time.

01-07-2010, 07:18 PM
You won't see anything like this unless you roll a penny down the streets of San Antonio. Then all hell just breaks loose.

01-07-2010, 07:24 PM
D Rob brought bigger guns into the Spurs lockeroom than all of these chumps combined


01-07-2010, 07:42 PM
And... for the lame post of the week...

You won't see anything like this unless you roll a penny down the streets of San Antonio. Then all hell just breaks loose.

01-08-2010, 01:38 AM
Does Crittenton being a spare help or hurt his cause? It seems like the NBA is being harder on Arenas because he's popular and an all-star. And how are NBA players role models? They get paid millions of dollars to play a game. I've always thought kids were kinda stupid for looking up to athletes as role models. If you want a role model, why not pick a person that actually does something is important and matters like a cop, firefighter, or doctor? Or what about your mom or dad?

01-08-2010, 06:18 PM
You won't see anything like this unless you roll a penny down the streets of San Antonio. Then all hell just breaks loose.

Don't you have another asinine trade rumor to start?