View Full Version : Telegraph: Most Influentual Liberals (100-81)

01-11-2010, 05:37 PM

Telegraph.co.uk (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)is presenting its second list of the 100 most influential conservatives and 100 most influential liberals in America a year after Barack Obama took the oath on the steps of the Capitol to become the 44th President of the United States.
The lists (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/6951961/top-100-US-liberals-and-conservatives.html) are both divided into five with 20 people in each 'instalment' and published over five successive days.

Most influential conservatives 2007 (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1435461/The-most-influential-US-conservatives-1-20.html)
100. JOHN EDWARDS (24)
Former presidential candidate, former vice-presidential nominee, former Senator and former trial lawyer
Few politicians have fallen so far, so fast as John Edwards, who has become a byword for sexual sleaziness even in a profession where it’s rife. Having admitted cheating on his cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth, Edwards denied fathering his mistress’s love child but the timelines didn’t make sense and no one – not even the implausibly loyal Mrs Edwards, believed him.
The former trial lawyer campaigned against poverty while enjoying ostentatious wealth and charging hefty lecture fees. It was recently revealed he tried to simultaneously cut deals with both Obama and Hillary Clinton to make him their vice-presidential running mate in 2008 – even though it could have cost his party the White House once his infidelities were revealed. The aide he allegedly tried to pay off to keep his mistress quiet has a tell-all book out next month. Watch this space.
Actress and comedienne
Took her chance at the White House Correspondents Dinner to accuse conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh of treason and said she hoped his kidneys failed – prompting laughter among many liberals and a grin from Obama. That performance catapulted her into getting her own show on Fox TV.
A Washington DC native who worked as a procurement officer for the National Security Agency for six years in her pre-Hollywood life, Sykes revels in her status as the first black lesbian talk show host. Announcing its purpose, she said: “The Obamas are all too placid to get up in people’s faces. That’s why I’m here”. Surely this was the first time an American television show has been created to defend a sitting president.
The godfather of Democratic pollsters and strategists, who coined the term “Reagan Democrats” to describe the blue collar drift to Republicanism. He was chief pollster for Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign and has also advised Tony Blair, Nelson Mandela, Gerhard Schroeder and Ehud Barak.
His polling during the 2008 campaign interpreted the electorate’s feelings with unerring accuracy. As the 2010 mid-terms approach, his dissections of independent voter opinion could prove invaluable – and highly alarming – to the Democratic Party.
Biggest compliment he has received came from Republican rival Frank Luntz: “Stan Greenberg scares the hell out of me. He doesn't just have a finger on the people's pulse; he's got an IV injected into it. He's the best."
Civil Rights Activist
When Jesse Jackson was filmed with tears streaming down his face at Obama’s inauguration, the cynics wondered whether he was weeping at least partly because the event rendered him irrelevant. Some argue that his 1984 and 1988 presidential runs paved the way for Obama. But relations between the two men have been strained, especially since Jackson was caught accusing the then candidate of “talking down to black people” and saying: “I want to cut his nuts out."
Seen by many on the Right as a race baiter and viewed with suspicion from some in the civil rights movement who believe he exaggerated his role on the day Martin Luther King died and cares only about self-promotion. Was criticised recently after taking aim against Congressman Artur Davis, another among the new breed of black politicians, when he insisted: “You can't vote against health care and call yourself a black man."
Former President
The weakness and failures of his 1977-1981 tenure remain a spectre that haunts the current White House, and provides Right-wing critics with ready material with which to bait the 44th president.
But even at the age of 85, Carter hasn’t succumbed to irrelevance or lost the knack of making headlines, as he demonstrated by becoming the first public figure to label Congressman Joe Wilson’s outburst at President Obama as racist.
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, his supporters view him as the moral conscience of the Democratic Party. He has been a staunch backer of Obama, but that could change if the President’s diplomacy doesn’t tilt away from Israel in the Middle East, one of Carter’s abiding interests.
95. ROBERT BYRD (32)
Senator for West Virginia
The 92-year-old Senator, who entered in the Senate in 1959 and has cast more than 18,500 votes, arrived for the historic healthcare vote in a wheelchair to cheers from his fellow Democrats. But his failing health has led him to miss 40 per cent of recent votes and he is clearly in his twilight years – more of a symbol than the force he once was.
He has surrendered his powerful position as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and was badly affected by the death of his friend Senator Ted Kennedy, to whom he delivered a poignant tribute on the Senate floor. A former member of the Ku Klux Klan who once said he would never serve alongside blacks in the US military, he helped Barack Obama find his feet in the Senate.
US Ambassador to Afghanistan
A former commander in Afghanistan, and now ambassador, during the surge debate Eikenberry did what diplomats are never meant to do by making the headlines. Two memos, very probably leaked by the White House, indicated his deep scepticism about sending large troop reinforcements – thereby aligning himself with Vice President Joe Biden. His relationship with Hamid Karzai, and his success in persuading the Afghan president to clean up his government, will be crucial to America’s success in south Asia.
The former long-time Indiana congressman is now one of the Wise Old Men of the Democratic foreign policy establishment and a favourite of Obama. A member of the Iraq Study Group and before that the 9/11 Commission, look for Hamilton if Obama needs a respected and trusted safe pair of hands to investigate a homeland security failure.
Something of a mentor to Obama – who had a lot to learn about foreign policy when he entered office and arguably still has – Hamilton is eager to impart his experience. Just before Obama’s inauguration, Hamilton convened a small group of scholars on South Asia and the Middle East and South Asia for a meeting with the president-elect that went on into the small hours.
Cable television host
The fast-talking front man of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews wears his heart on his sleeve but knows and loves his politics. More intellectually honest than MSNBC’s kneejerk Lefties, Matthews is prepared to give Republicans a chance on occasion – though he was much mocked for announcing his passion for Obama by stating he “felt this thrill going up my leg” when he heard him speak.
Matthews decided against running for the Senate in Pennsylvania. Former Capitol Hill aide to the “all politics is local” House Speaker Tip O’Neill and a presidential speechwriter for Jimmy Carter.
A reviewer of Moore’s 2007 movie Sicko, about the American health system, summed up his career as being “a multimedia attempt to undo Reagan's great achievement: persuading blue-collar factory workers and other members of the working class to embrace his heady brew of jingoism, anticommunism, contempt for government and admiration for the virtues of unfettered capitalism”.
By that standard, the university dropout from Flint, Michigan has failed miserably. But his Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) on the war on terror (the second highest-grossing documentary of all time) and Bowling for Columbine (2002) about the gun lobby became the far Left’s contribution to key debates. But with liberalism now mainstream and in the White House (where Moore is unlikely to be a guest) the filmmaker’s influence seems to be on the wane.
90. HAROLD FORD (95)
Chairman: Democratic Leadership Council
The former congressman’s narrow defeat in the Tennessee Senate race of 2006 has led to a spell in the political wilderness. He’s clearly itching for a return and is reported to be mulling an audacious bid for Hillary Clinton’s old Senate seat in New York – currently occupied by the unimpressive Kirsten Gillibrand.
Ford’s centrist DLC is a marginal player in the Democratic party favour these days and he is regarded with intense suspicion by the Left, which could derail his Senate hopes. But he has broad electoral appeal and New York has favoured carpet backers before. He is married to blonde Manhattan fashion designer Emily Threlkeld.
Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union
Under Romero’s leadership the ACLU has seen membership, budget and staffing numbers all grow handsomely. The Bush administration’s war on terror policies gave the decades-old institution fertile ground for litigation and advocacy that it has never failed to utilise.
It has been also been a thorn in the side of the Obama administration, suing for the release of photographs documenting abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan by United States military personnel and prompting a liberal president to backtrack on an earlier commitment.
The ACLU has never been afraid to remind the media, its members and the political classes that the current president often follows his predecessor on terror policy.
88. JOE TRIPPI (39)
Political consultant
Trippi, 53, is one of the most sought-after political strategists and an ever-present on the presidential campaign circuit. Has worked for Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale and Gary Hart and turned Howard Dean into an unlikely front runner in 2004.
A former Silicon Valley consultant, Trippi was the first political operative to appreciate and then realise the potential of the internet, and as such his work in 2004 laid the foundations for Obama’s victorious campaign four years later. A key strategist in John Edwards’s 2008 campaign, he survived the subsequent debacle over the former candidate’s love child and is likely to feature prominently as Democratic Senate candidates battle to keep the party’s majority.
Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers
Her role is to examine government projects and the general economic environment before recommending policy. Hired from Berkeley because of her expertise on the Great Depression, many of her prior views however contradicted with the president’s. For instance, she believed that the Federal Reserve had little impact on the economic outlook by fiscal devices such as lowering or raising interest rates. Has maintained a low-key profile but is an important voice in guiding the president through the economic crisis.
Billionaire businessman and donor
The 78-year-old Hungarian-born speculator who helped bring down communism in Poland and Czechoslovakia and the Bank of England – on Black Wednesday in 1992 - failed to do the same to George W Bush in 2004 after stating the previous year that this was the "central focus of my life".
In 2008, he was determined that Hillary Clinton would win back the White House for Democrats but had to settle for an Obama win instead. Thanks to his substantial donations to Democratic-supporting organisations, such as MoveOn.org (http://spurstalk.com/forums/MoveOn.org) and the Centre for American Progress, he remains a bogeyman for the Right, with bloggers deriding him as Obama’s puppetmaster. But he has criticised the Obama administration for falling short in its efforts to overhaul the financial system.
White House adviser on Middle East
Having managed the push for an Israeli-Palestinian deal during the Clinton administration, he is regarded as one of the sagest voices on foreign affairs in Washington. Palestinians and their supporters note that he is Jewish and view him as unwaveringly pro-Israel but grudgingly respect his negotiating skills.
The veteran statesman started life in the Obama administration as the State Department's Iran envoy before moving in June 2009 to the White House as a special assistant on the “Central region”, which includes the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia. Although low-profile, he is central to Obama’s foreign policy ambitions, which include – eventually – a Middle East peace settlement.
Former Governor of New York
Few falls from grace have been as shocking, or have attracted as much schadenfreude, as Spitzer’s. But when the moralistic, workaholic self-appointed enforcer was revealed to be a regular client of a high-priced prostitution ring, it was perhaps not quite a lethal blow to his political hopes.
After more than a year out of the limelight, he has begun teaching a law and public policy class at City University of New York and writing a column for Slate website. Rumours abound that he may run for state comptroller or another state-wide office later in the year. It’s a far cry from being a rising figure on the national political stage and potential President, but we probably have not seen the last of a man who once told an opponent: “Listen, I'm a f---ing steamroller and I'll roll over you and anybody else."
83. EVAN BAYH (10)
Senator for Indiana
Clever, personable and centrist former governor of a red state, Bayh was on Barack Obama’s vice presidential shortlist but lost out in part because of Joe Biden’s foreign policy experience. He also lost out in 2004 when John Kerry picked John Edwards as his running mate.
Though Bayh has repeatedly been tipped for great things, since Obama took office, he has found himself at odds with the Democratic party’s senate leadership and the White House. Late in the health care debate he came off the fence and threatened to filibuster against any bill that contained a public option. Left-wing blogs pointed out that his wife had amassed a fortune in stock payments from Wellpoint, an insurance company in Indiana.
The son of former Senator Birch Bayh, he is set for a long career in the Senate but is considered by Democratic power brokers to have moved too far to the Right to have a realistic chance of the White House or even the veep slot
Mayor of Houston
The first openly gay mayor of one of America’s top 10 biggest cities, polls found that the Democrat’s orientation mattered to only 18 per cent of voters, but it helped that she had been open about her sexuality throughout her public career, which began with election to the city council in 1997.
Formerly the city’s controller, she campaigned on her expertise and financial acumen, rarely mentioning the potential uniqueness of her bid. After her victory she joked that she was "very proud to have been elected the first ... graduate of Rice University to be mayor of Houston".
Aged 53, she has adopted three children with her longtime companion. She arguably has done more for the gay rights cause than a president who has infuriated the community by putting their preoccupations firmly on the back burner.
81. BEN NELSON (-)
Senator for Nebraska
When he became the 60th vote for the Democrats on their healthcare bill in the Senate, Nelson was vilified by the Right and received precious little credit from the Left. A former Nebraska governor and one of the most successful Democratic politicians ever in a very conservative state, the signs are that the voters will punish him when he is up for re-election in 2012. His approval rating in his home state has plummeted to 40 per cent.
Nelson is that rare creature – a senior Democrat who is against abortion rights. The Right hoped that this would lead him to oppose the healthcare bill but a string of financial gifts for Nebraska (which became known as the "Cornhusker Kickback") helped sway him. Now, Nelson says he wants this deal to be extended to all other states. Could he change his mind again and vote against final passage of the bill?

Lists compiled by the Telegraph staff in Washington – Toby Harnden, Alex Spillius, Rachel Ray, Andrea Viola and Meghan Cassin.

Marcus Bryant
01-11-2010, 05:42 PM
Don't really see any true revolutionaries here, at least among the politicos. Just as I expect not to see many true conservatives on the other list. We kid ourselves that there are major differences between the party establishments.

baseline bum
01-11-2010, 05:43 PM
These threads should be merged into a list of the 200 most influential neoliberals.

01-11-2010, 05:49 PM
Soros needs to be way higher. There is no way that a guy who bankrolls the DNC doesn't have more influence.

01-11-2010, 06:04 PM
You just noticed?