View Full Version : All that "CHANGE" bs rings pretty hollow.

Marcus Bryant
01-13-2010, 10:11 PM
Remember that shit?


Oh well, America was a sucker. Again.

01-13-2010, 10:13 PM
It rang plenty dman hollow before I pulled the lever for the guy. Anyone who voted for Obama because of his one word campaign slogan, is probably an idiot. And I hope they're disappointed.

Marcus Bryant
01-13-2010, 10:18 PM
But where's the payoff? Other than aesthetically?

01-13-2010, 11:13 PM
The only real change I expecting, the minimum change, was the murderous, lying, asshole Repugs being voted out of the WH.

Nevertheless, the negative power of the all-obstructionism all-the-time and $Bs spent by the corps to maintain their profits always mitigated against serious change.

Marcus Bryant
01-13-2010, 11:16 PM
As if the current occupant was an agent of anything but.

jack sommerset
01-13-2010, 11:20 PM
Vote Obama out. Start over.


01-13-2010, 11:43 PM
say hello to new boss just like the old boss

01-13-2010, 11:47 PM
There are $Ts invested and in play by maintaining the status quo.

01-13-2010, 11:47 PM
i voted against mccain not for obama

jack sommerset
01-13-2010, 11:54 PM
i voted against mccain not for obama

Did u think McCain would die in office?

01-14-2010, 12:33 AM
i voted against mccain not for obama

the fundamental problem lies in that those are the same thing

01-14-2010, 12:55 AM
the fundamental problem lies in that those are the same thing

No. Sarah Palin does not belong in an American public office, forget the Vice Presidency- however trivial some might find it- that stupid whore isn't qualified to run a DMV.

What her election would have meant about America's character would have been far more damaging than the worst Obama, Biden or anyone else on earth could ever possibly do. In fact, I think that almost holds true about her candidacy even.

01-14-2010, 03:34 AM
If McCain were president, things would be better... :rolleyes

01-14-2010, 07:30 AM
you didn't understand what i was referring to - the two party system is fail

Barry O'Bama
01-14-2010, 10:46 AM
[quote=balli;3995217]No. Sarah Palin does not belong in an American public office, forget the Vice Presidency- however trivial some might find it- that stupid whore isn't qualified to run a DMV.

I find it amusing how you refer to Mrs Palin, when the topic is about Barry, who has proven to be an idiot in his own right he just speaks well.

01-14-2010, 10:55 AM
I find it amusing how you refer to Mrs Palin, when the topic is about Barry, who has proven to be an idiot in his own right he just speaks well.
Barack Obama is a smart man. Compared to Sarah Palin, he's Stephen fucking Hawking. We all are actually.

And this thread is about the 2008 election.

01-14-2010, 11:08 AM
Barack Obama is a smart man. Compared to Sarah Palin, he's Stephen fucking Hawking. We all are actually.

And this thread is about the 2008 election.

Either way, we ended up with a VP that is a complete MORON!

01-14-2010, 11:20 AM
as long as it takes $$$$$$$$$ to be president then those with the $$$$$$$$$ will continue to run the show, no matter how much "change" the one elected into office promises.

01-14-2010, 11:50 AM
Barack Obama is a smart man. Compared to Sarah Palin, he's Stephen fucking Hawking. We all are actually.Overblown. Obama isn't that smart, and Palin isn't that dumb.

And, we're not all that smart, actually. You missed all three targets, balli. :lol

And this thread is about the 2008 election.Ostensibly. People can say whatever they want.

01-14-2010, 11:54 AM
Did i tell you all? Marcus Bryant is his own man and doesn't need either parties.

Barry O'Bama
01-14-2010, 11:54 AM
Overblown. Obama isn't that smart, and Palin isn't that dumb.

And, we're not all that smart, actually. You missed all three targets, balli. :lol

Ostensibly. People can say whatever they want.

Thanks Wine.

01-14-2010, 11:55 AM
Overblown. Obama isn't that smart, and Palin isn't that dumb.

And, we're not all that smart, actually. You missed all three targets, balli. :lol

Ostensibly. People can say whatever they want.

Everyone knows your smart, you own a thesaurus.

01-14-2010, 11:57 AM
Overblown. Obama isn't that smart, and Palin isn't that dumb.

And, we're not all that smart, actually. You missed all three targets, balli. :lol
I disagree. I think Palin is incredibly dumb, very under-educated and cares for absolutely nobody but herself. Less smart than the average internet schmuck. On top of that she is an intellectual nihilist, proud of stupidity, devoid of any ideas or anything reasonable to contribute.

As a matter of policy or pragmaticism- it people want to call Obama 'an idiot' fine. I'd disagree, but I understand the sentiment. As a matter of intellect? He's doing just fine in the IQ department. Comparatively? He's a genius.

01-14-2010, 12:34 PM
i voted against mccain not for obama

01-14-2010, 12:37 PM
you didn't understand what i was referring to - the two party system is fail
In a way yes, but what is the alternative? I don't want a Parliamentary system because I don't want to vote for a party.

01-14-2010, 12:51 PM
I disagree. I think Palin is incredibly dumb, very under-educated and cares for absolutely nobody but herself. Less smart than the average internet schmuck. On top of that she is an intellectual nihilist, proud of stupidity, devoid of any ideas or anything reasonable to contribute.This puts her in squarely within America's proud, ample middle IMO. Variations from this mean are construed as deviant now.

As a matter of policy or pragmaticism- it people want to call Obama 'an idiot' fine. I'd disagree, but I understand the sentiment. As a matter of intellect? He's doing just fine in the IQ department. Comparatively? He's a genius.People can differ over how important that is.

01-14-2010, 12:56 PM
Everyone knows... you own a thesaurus.I seldom use it anymore, but yes, I do. I mainly use it to remember words now.

01-14-2010, 12:59 PM
People can differ over how important that is.
Absolutely. But even Malcolm fucking Gladwell would tell you that it isn't irrelevant. Not so irrelevant that a complete lack of [IQ] is acceptable in a would-be American president.

Or maybe it is acceptable; as you alluded to the populace. But if that's the case (and it isn't) America's really fucked.

(btw gtown, attacking people for using a thesaurus can be quite complementary, if the person you're attacking, doesn't indeed use a thesaurus to type on an internet forum. Since you can't be sure, why try?)

01-14-2010, 12:59 PM
Common sense w/ conviction > I.Q. w/ a shitty agenda

01-14-2010, 01:05 PM
I think there has been change....but let's not kid ourselves, lobbist's money run amok in Washington undermines the people's interest....it's not the two party system..

...in some countries there is no two-party system, and you get elected-officials like Mr. 39%, Rick 'Goodhair' Perry....candidates who cater mainly to fringe elements of parties...

01-14-2010, 01:06 PM
Not so irrelevant that a complete lack of [IQ] is acceptable in a would-be American president.Like GWB, the master before her, or even like Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin uses her intellectual *plainness* as a smokescreen for the ambitions of her political cunning.

Apparently people are still falling for this act.

01-14-2010, 01:13 PM
Common sense w/ conviction > I.Q. w/ a shitty agenda
Then give me a Ron Paul. For the left? A Kucinich. Some Constitution Party Candidate who at least, y'know, has some of that valuable common sense. I mean anybody really, who at least has something to say and/or do and can speak coherently.

Don't give me Sarah Palin. I mean are you kidding me Teabaggers? Sarah fucking Palin?

I will get behind the notion that I might be wrong about which side I'm on. Who knows, maybe some ultra libertarian could do a lot of good. Someone with a lot of common sense. But don't tell me that person is Sarah Palin. You do that, it's no wonder people shut down and hurl vitriol. Her very viability is an insult. The suggestion that she's somehow more equipped, by any means, than anyone else, is a ludicrous insult.

I said it on the first page. No matter how much Obama could fuck this country up, he couldn't do near the damage that Palin's very presence in office would wreak upon our national character. If she ever takes office, we can go ahead and call this country a fully fledged dystopian nuthouse. And luckily, most people get that.

01-14-2010, 01:14 PM
Just as high intelligence may be relatively overvalued by <<smart people>>, perhaps low intelligence is insufficiently appreciated by all.

01-14-2010, 01:16 PM
Just as high intelligence may be relatively overvalued by <<smart people>>, perhaps low intelligence is insufficiently appreciated by all.


01-14-2010, 01:19 PM
I should have blued it. 70% jocular, 30% serious. hard call.

01-14-2010, 02:49 PM
The war on terror is rapidly expanding beyond any reasonable definition under Obama. I don't really see how you can say there's a great substantive difference between the foreign policy of GWB and that of Obama, that the neocons have somehow been marginalized. Obama has amplified both wars, and just now is making noises about Somalia and Yemen, between bouts of lecturing Iran sternly in public.

The theme is continuity, as forshadowed by Obama's reappointment (sic?) of Robert Gates. Obama has upheld his predecessor's amplifications of his own office, and now even seeks to extend them, using the very same arguments that he scorned during the campaign. The flip-flop on FISA last year told the tale.

Leading to this: in what meaningful sense is Obama *not* a neocon? By accelerating and amplifying their wars? By rigorously maintaining GWB's approach to privacy, extraconstitutional powers of government and the law of war? How?

By giving a warlike speech about the solemn responsibilities of power at his Peace Prize ceremony?


01-14-2010, 03:02 PM
Besides definitively spurning harsh interrogation tactics that had already been *discontinued* in 2004. Anybody.

Marcus Bryant
01-14-2010, 03:16 PM

Malcolm "Fucking" Gladwell

01-14-2010, 05:13 PM
Did u think McCain would die in office?

I absolutely did. In fact, I still think he won't be here by the next presidential election. And I love my country too much to risk the result.

01-14-2010, 06:00 PM
The President is simply a figurehead. He's a spokesperson for the corporate agenda that runs Washington regardless of the party in power.

I don't really think we'd be in any different a place right now if we had elected McCain. Only difference as I see it is Obama is more palatable for other countries as an ambassador. That's probably the best we can hope for as long as we continue to commit to the Republicrat party running shit.

We're the ones who have to change. We have to quit buying into the idea that we're all members of one of the two "teams." Until that happens, we're just playing American Idol every two/four years.

Heath Ledger
01-14-2010, 06:37 PM

01-14-2010, 06:51 PM
The rare plug for infowars.

01-14-2010, 07:13 PM
The President is simply a figurehead. He's a spokesperson for the corporate agenda that runs Washington regardless of the party in power.

I don't really think we'd be in any different a place right now if we had elected McCain. Only difference as I see it is Obama is more palatable for other countries as an ambassador. That's probably the best we can hope for as long as we continue to commit to the Republicrat party running shit.

We're the ones who have to change. We have to quit buying into the idea that we're all members of one of the two "teams." Until that happens, we're just playing American Idol every two/four years.


But it will never happen so long as moral issues determine voting patterns, we are stuck tied to the incredulous idiot neighbor.

01-14-2010, 09:34 PM
As we see with the Dems holding Congress and the WH, destructive obstructionist Repug 100% interested in partisan knee-capping, all politics all the time (aka, no policies, no governing) rather than solving the country's problem, have enough power to block all progress and solutions.

01-14-2010, 11:33 PM
As we see with the Dems holding Congress and the WH, destructive obstructionist Repug 100% interested in partisan knee-capping, all politics all the time (aka, no policies, no governing) rather than solving the country's problem, have enough power to block all progress and solutions.Wish the Dems had been better at blocking Bush's "progress and solutions." They suck at that compared to the GOP.

01-15-2010, 04:31 PM
Remember that shit?


Oh well, America was a sucker. Again.

funny, I thought the same thing when I heard "Mission Accomplished"

01-15-2010, 07:44 PM
I suspect the 'change' is just beginning... Now that things are starting to go against him (somewhat) I expect him to become more aggressive in shoving his agenda down our throats.

01-15-2010, 08:06 PM
I suspect the 'change' is just beginning... Now that things are starting to go against him (somewhat) I expect him to become more aggressive in shoving his agenda down our throats.

Healthcare legislation says there isnt much going against him. Even if the bill is an absolute abortion (which it is), he'll still flag wave that mothertrucker into a second term becsue the fucking sheep who wander the prairie in this country wont see the ill effects of this for at least 6 years.

Make no mistake, even when it becomes apparent that we cant pay for healthcare, its just another industry that'll get a huge TARP-like stimulus package crammed up its overly-accepting ass.

I am seriously perplexed with the entire status of my country. This fucking place is soooooo on the decline. I sound like an old-codgety man and Im fucking 30 years old.

Are people just plain afraid to overreact? To get upset?

Is it the social stigma attached to being "unconnected with the herd" that compels Americans to conform?

I am not even interested in psychology all that much, but some of my countrymen make me wonder about my neighbors.

01-15-2010, 09:35 PM
At ~60, I'm an old codgety. But. I don't know that healthcare is a shoo-in. However, he and his cronies will do whatever they need to do to get their way. America is dying and we are allowing it. I fought and (literally) bled for this country. He hates non-muslims... the Dems do not appear to be concerned about the consequences of their votes (why?) because they know what is coming...

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 09:37 PM
The "change" bullshit is running high is Massachusetts. The king pin is heading there.

01-15-2010, 09:44 PM
The king pin is what I call the 'emperor', which is what he considers himself...

01-15-2010, 09:48 PM
He hates non-muslims...
The voice of reason, everybody.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 09:52 PM
The king pin is what I call the 'emperor', which is what he considers himself...

He can't consider himself that, he bow downs to real emperors.


01-15-2010, 09:56 PM
At ~60, I'm an old codgety. But. I don't know that healthcare is a shoo-in. However, he and his cronies will do whatever they need to do to get their way. America is dying and we are allowing it. I fought and (literally) bled for this country. He hates non-muslims... the Dems do not appear to be concerned about the consequences of their votes (why?) because they know what is coming...

He can't consider himself that, he bow downs to real emperors.


Have you two ever considered even the slight possibility that you may be focusing your energy on all the wrong things?

"...hates non-muslims"

That dumb Emperor picture.



I mean...really, you think that?

Thats something youd walk on the street and tell people about and expect to be taken seriously?

I dont know gentlemen, I think you got your noses up the wrong dog's ass.

Deputy Fife
01-15-2010, 09:58 PM
I fucking hate it when veterans think that just because they're veterans, that somehow precludes them from idiocy. Yeah, thanks for serving America and all, but just because you were too dumb to get into college and LBJ drafted your ass, that doesn't mean you have any more insight than the rest of us.

01-15-2010, 09:58 PM
This thread should have been addressed directly to MannyIsGod. Out of all the legitimate posters in this forum, he touted Obama so much I think he went to that millionmanmarchredux coronation ceremony in DC.
I voted for Obama, but never really expected change. I just wanted to spite republicans on this forum.

01-15-2010, 09:59 PM
Excellent point... my bad, he thinks of himself as the American Dictator, "I think, therefore you will do..."

01-15-2010, 09:59 PM
Have you two ever considered even the slight possibility that you may be focusing your energy on all the wrong things?

"...hates non-muslims"

That dumb Emperor picture.



I mean...really, you think that?

Thats something youd walk on the street and tell people about and expect to be taken seriously?

I dont know gentlemen, I think you got your noses up the wrong dog's ass.

People like him are the necessary yin to the democrat yang of america's decline.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 10:02 PM
Excellent point... my bad, he thinks of himself as the American Dictator, "I think, therefore you will do..."

The old do as I say not as I do line.

01-15-2010, 10:04 PM
I fucking hate it when veterans think that just because they're veterans, that somehow precludes them from idiocy. Yeah, thanks for serving America and all, but just because you were too dumb to get into college and LBJ drafted your ass, that doesn't mean you have any more insight than the rest of us.

Enlighten me. btw - My IQ is certifed at 154, so let's drop the name calling and have an intelligent conversation.

01-15-2010, 10:04 PM
I fucking hate it when veterans think that just because they're veterans, that somehow precludes them from idiocy. Yeah, thanks for serving America and all, but just because you were too dumb to get into college and LBJ drafted your ass, that doesn't mean you have any more insight than the rest of us.

Equally as guilty of the Test.

Brother, think what you will of the government, its choice to go to war and maybe even the motivations of particular soldier.

But when you say veterans, this is a very inclusive sphere. Youre lumping in people who protected the lands they lived in.

Something you or I did not do (maybe you did, actually, but I dont think a vet would say what you did), whether by choice or opportunity.

You need to realize some young men, at the age of 18, were sent to war by order of the President. They served. I didnt.

Listening is the least you could do, no matter your sense of inequity.

01-15-2010, 10:07 PM
I fucking hate it when veterans think that just because they're veterans, that somehow precludes them from idiocy. Yeah, thanks for serving America and all, but just because you were too dumb to get into college and LBJ drafted your ass, that doesn't mean you have any more insight than the rest of us.

Oh, also, I have a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and an MBA and have published two books, so far. I enlisted for the Viet Nam war and served as a linguist. Everyone has insights' all equal, just different.

01-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Oh, also, I have a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and an MBA and have published two books, so far. I enlisted for the Viet Nam war and served as a linguist. Everyone has insights' all equal, just different.Was one of those books titled How to Tell which People Hate Non-Muslims?

01-15-2010, 10:13 PM
Was one of those books titled How to Tell which People Hate Non-Muslims?

No it isn't necessary.

01-15-2010, 10:13 PM
Enlighten me. btw - My IQ is certifed at 154, so let's drop the name calling and have an intelligent conversation.You should ask Wild Cobra to whip his out so you can compare them.

01-15-2010, 10:14 PM
No it isn't necessary.What is necessary then?

Marcus Bryant
01-15-2010, 10:16 PM
More 'continuity' than anything. Oh well, at least some Americans got to be fanatics just to show that they can be fanatics.

The best move the establishment has made in the last couple of years was putting Obama's face on the "War on Terror." Notice how Bush's policies carry on without all the whining and bitching?

01-15-2010, 10:17 PM
What is necessary then?

Why should a book be necessary for what people should be able to understand without help from others? It is an internal observation... not something you can teach (or learn). (?)

01-15-2010, 10:18 PM
Why should a book be necessary for what people should be able to understand without help from others? It is an internal observation... not something you can teach (or learn). (?)An internal observation based upon what?

Marcus Bryant
01-15-2010, 10:19 PM
I'm so energized he's going to bring CHANGE. rofl. Fucking idiots.

01-15-2010, 10:20 PM
An internal observation based upon what?
You're kidding, right?

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 10:23 PM
A battle of questions/wit, who will flinch first!?!?

01-15-2010, 10:24 PM
You're kidding, right?No.

Surely you can explain yourself completely and fully.

Tell us all how you used your certified IQ of 154 to reach the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslim people.

01-15-2010, 10:25 PM

01-15-2010, 10:25 PM
A battle of questions/wit, who will flinch first!?!?He already answered a question with a question.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 10:25 PM
he already answered a question with a question.

you win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-15-2010, 10:26 PM
A battle of questions/wit, who will flinch first!?!?

No wit involved here. Not even a contest/battle... just a difference of opinion, which is part of the America I know.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 10:27 PM
No wit involved here. Not even a contest/battle... just a difference of opinion, which is part of the America I know.

:lmao You don't know chump.

01-15-2010, 10:29 PM
Oh, also, I have a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and an MBA and have published two books, so far. I enlisted for the Viet Nam war and served as a linguist. Everyone has insights' all equal, just different.

You think you'd have enough respect for your own military career that you wouldn't taint it by using it to bolster a racist, and frankly crazy theory, that Obama is a Muslim wanna be dictator set on the destruction of America, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindis everywhere.

Not having served in the military myself, I don't know how much such a career matters to the average soldier, but good job throwing yours under the bus in the name of a patently false conspiracy theory.

01-15-2010, 10:30 PM
:lmao You don't know chump.

True... but no one knows me. If a dialogue becomes inane, I stop wasting my time. I'm here to discuss, not troll.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 10:31 PM
True... but no one knows me. If a dialogue becomes inane, I stop wasting my time. I'm here to discuss, not troll.


01-15-2010, 10:32 PM
True... but no one knows me. If a dialogue becomes inane, I stop wasting my time. I'm here to discuss, not troll.All I've seen is your bragging about your IQ and CV.

Now let's discuss how you reached the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

01-15-2010, 10:32 PM
True... but no one knows me. If a dialogue becomes inane, I stop wasting my time. I'm here to discuss, not troll.

he thinks he's a dictator and hates non Muslims.

Please, enlighten us with more of your ever so lofty 'discussion'.

baseline bum
01-15-2010, 10:33 PM
I never knew mogorovejo had a troll.

01-15-2010, 10:40 PM
I am not throwing anyone/anything under the bus. Look at the One's performance over the past year and make your own decisions. I'm not here to think for you. That's something you have to do on your own, I can't do it for you. In the end, everyone has to make their own decisions. I don't care what you decide... you have to live with it. Look at reality and decide for yourself.

I've made my observations, research, and decisons and I am confortable... are you?

01-15-2010, 10:44 PM
I am not throwing anyone/anything under the bus. Look at the One's performance over the past year and make your own decisions. I'm not here to think for you. That's something you have to do on your own, I can't do it for you. In the end, everyone has to make their own decisions. I don't care what you decide... you have to live with it. Look at reality and decide for yourself.

I've made my observations, research, and decisons and I am confortable... are you?You aren't comfortable at all -- If you were, you wouldn't be afraid to explain how you came to the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

Come on, 154 -- let's discuss this.

01-15-2010, 10:46 PM
By decisions you mean conclusions, of course, 154. Crazy ones.

01-15-2010, 10:51 PM
You aren't comfortable at all -- If you were, you wouldn't be afraid to explain how you came to the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

Come on, 154 -- let's discuss this.

Yes, I am. Do your research. Come to your own conculsions. Don't ask me to think for you. My opinions are mine... yours are yours, each based on personal observations and research. I won't do your work/thinking for you.

If you refuse to think for you... I just can't do it for you. I'll make my decisions and you'll have to live with yours. Good luck.

01-15-2010, 10:56 PM
Yes, I am. Do your research. Come to your own conculsions. Don't ask me to think for you. My opinions are mine... yours are yours, each based on personal observations and research. I won't do your work/thinking for you.

If you refuse to think for you... I just can't do it for you. I'll make my decisions and you'll have to live with yours. Good luck.I don't think you understand what is being asked of you.

I already have my own thoughts and opinions on whether Obama hates all non-Muslims.

My conclusion is this: Obama does not hate all non-Muslims.

It is difficult to prove a negative in this case. Suffice it to say I have seen little evidence that Obama hates anyone simply because that person isn't a Muslim.

Now, you are saying that Obama hates all non-Muslims. You have been asked to explain how you reached that conclusion. As you said, no one here knows you outside of your alleged degrees and certified IQ -- so no one is going to know how you reached that conclusion.

You claim to be here for discussion, 154. I want to discuss how you reached the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslims. I have done my research, but perhaps I have missed some evidence that proves Obama hates all non-Muslims. Let's discuss it.

01-15-2010, 11:09 PM
I don't think you understand what is being asked of you.

I already have my own thoughts and opinions on whether Obama hates all non-Muslims.

My conclusion is this: Obama does not hate all non-Muslims.

It is difficult to prove a negative in this case. Suffice it to say I have seen little evidence that Obama hates anyone simply because that person isn't a Muslim.

Now, you are saying that Obama hates all non-Muslims. You have been asked to explain how you reached that conclusion. As you said, no one here knows you outside of your alleged degrees and certified IQ -- so no one is going to know how you reached that conclusion.

You claim to be here for discussion, 154. I want to discuss how you reached the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslims. I have done my research, but perhaps I have missed some evidence that proves Obama hates all non-Muslims. Let's discuss it.

Really? What makes you think he doesn't hate non-muslims? I'd be interested in seeing your documentation/research. Opinions are what they are. If you are threatened by my opinion, then there may be a serious underlying problem here. Would you care to talk about your problem with non-muslims?

baseline bum
01-15-2010, 11:13 PM
In other words, you wave the white flag?

01-15-2010, 11:13 PM
Really? What makes you think he doesn't hate non-muslims?
What makes you think that Glenn Beck didn't rape and murder a girl in 1990. I've decided that he did. Which is my decision, a decision we're all free to decide. You prove me wrong 154. I'm interested in seeing your documentation/research.

[What a fucking idiot. I hope this guy's just someone's troll, if not, woooooooo boy.]

baseline bum
01-15-2010, 11:14 PM
This guy is using mouse logic, and is probably him.

01-15-2010, 11:16 PM
Really? What makes you think he doesn't hate non-muslims? I'd be interested in seeing your documentation/research. Opinions are what they are. If you are threatened by my opinion, then there may be a serious underlying problem here. Would you care to talk about your problem with non-muslims?You made an amazingly stupid and false assumption that I have a problem with non-Muslims.

I am using this as evidence that you in fact do not have a 154 IQ.

I am not threatened by your opinion. I want to discuss how you formed this opinion.

I am using your refusal to discuss this as evidence that you are threatened by my invitation to this discussion.

Now, if you have evidence that Obama hates non-Muslims, let's discuss it -- because all I have so far is evidence that you are not really intelligent and don't really want to discuss anything.

01-15-2010, 11:17 PM
This guy is using mouse logic, and is probably him.mouse is much smarter than this guy. Especially when he's stoned.

The "my credentials" argument is always a classic -- these guys can never actually back up anything they say.

baseline bum
01-15-2010, 11:18 PM
mouse is much smarter than this guy. Especially when he's stoned.

mouse just felt lazy with this troll

01-15-2010, 11:19 PM
mouse just felt lazy with this trollIt would still be funnier if it is was mouse, though.

01-15-2010, 11:22 PM
What makes you think that Glenn Beck didn't rape and murder a girl in 1990. I've decided that he did. You prove me wrong. I'm interested in seeing your documentation/research.

What a fucking idiot. I hope this guy's just someone's troll, if not, woooooooo boy.

What!?! Did IQ's just suddenly drop??? Maybe I'm getting dense.., that made no sense and has no relevance. And you resorted to name-calling. I haven't called you any names (or implied any). Is that your {intelligent}defense? Calling someone names? People are what they are. Opinions are what they are. When we lose that, we cease to be American.

I'm (obviously) in Tennessee, where are you (and chump dumper and Balli, etc) from? Not that it really matters, In America, we still (temporarily) have freedom of speech and independent thought.

I'm starting to be depressed by the signs of low IQ here. Maybe America deserves to become Obama's dream.

01-15-2010, 11:24 PM

baseline bum
01-15-2010, 11:25 PM
What!?! Did IQ's just suddenly drop??? Maybe I'm getting dense.., that made no sense and has no relevance. And you resorted to name-calling. I haven't called you any names (or implied any). Is that your {intelligent}defense? Calling someone names? People are what they are. Opinions are what they are. When we lose that, we cease to be American.

I'm (obviously) in Tennessee, where are you (and chump dumper and Balli, etc) from? Not that it really matters, In America, we still (temporarily) have freedom of speech and independent thought.

I'm starting to be depressed by the signs of low IQ here. Maybe America deserves to become Obama's dream.

It's the same logic, 154.

01-15-2010, 11:26 PM
What!?! Did IQ's just suddenly drop??? Maybe I'm getting dense.., that made no sense and has no relevance. And you resorted to name-calling. I haven't called you any names (or implied any). Is that your {intelligent}defense? Calling someone names? People are what they are. Opinions are what they are. When we lose that, we cease to be American.By calling you a name, he was expressing his opinion of you. He still has freedom of speech and independent thought.

And yes, the Glenn Beck thing was pretty relevant. It's about proving a negative --something you just demanded of me.

I'm (obviously) in Tennessee, where are you (and chump dumper and Balli, etc) from? Not that it really matters, In America, we still (temporarily) have freedom of speech and independent thought.I forgot the "credentials" posters often resort to victimhood to avoid discussing the issue at hand.

I'm starting to be depressed by the signs of low IQ here.True, you just aren't as smart as you think you are.

01-15-2010, 11:28 PM
Here you go... 154


baseline bum
01-15-2010, 11:34 PM
I like to call it Intelligent Design Logic.

01-15-2010, 11:36 PM
Ok, after some extensive research, here is my evidence that Obama doesn't hate all non-Muslims.

He married one.

Now, 154, what is your evidence that he hates all non-Muslims?

Let's discuss.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 11:40 PM
I think I get this old fucker (Memphis). You can't prove Obama hates non-muslims (unless he knows something we don't know) but you can make a damn good case Obama hates America. I think that is what you/he is saying.

01-15-2010, 11:43 PM
I think I get this old fucker (Memphis). You can't prove Obama hates non-muslims (unless he knows something we don't know) but you can make a damn good case Obama hates America. I think that is what you/he is saying.That is not what he said.

Don't speak for 154. This is America. He has freedom of speech and independent thought.

And one can theoretically prove Obama hates all non-Muslims -- if he has any evidence.

01-15-2010, 11:44 PM
If I were jack, I'd be slowly backing away rather than grasping at straws.

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 11:47 PM
That is not what he said.

Don't speak for 154. This is America. He has freedom of speech and independent thought.

It is America, you should remember that. I'm not speaking for Memphis. I'm trying to understand why he said Obama hates non-muslims.

01-15-2010, 11:48 PM
It is America, you should remember that. I'm not speaking for Memphis. I'm trying to understand why he said Obama hates non-muslims.I am too -- by asking him to discuss it.

Anything yet, 154?

01-15-2010, 11:52 PM
It's the same logic, 154.

You are all SO much Fun. I've seen some interesting ideas and some entertaining charaters, but, it's late. And I've had enough entertainment and scotch for one night.

Some will leave this dialogue thinking "I won", some will be confused, some will be bemused. and some will think, "OMG!!!". I have accomplished my goal. My IQ reallty is 154 and I am all over the Internet. L

\et's see if you are interested in serious discourse or merely a troll(s). There is no 'win or lose'. there is only the loss of Americanism.

Good night and I wish you all the best that you hope for and (you should pray to what ever god you desire) hope that your desires do not cross mine, for you will lose. Go with (the) God (of your chosing).

I am an American and I stand by my opinions. If you don't like my opinions, get over it. If I don't like yours, I'll get over that as well. That's what's great about America, diversity.

Maybe next time we can discuss illegal aliens.

Good night all and God Bless (I know that really pisses you off.)

BTW - My real name is Ron Goulden, in case you can't read subtle clues.

If you chose to call people name in anonynmity[sp], at least be man enough to post your REAL name. Don't HIDE behind a cute avatar. You have my name, let's have yours (all of yours).

jack sommerset
01-15-2010, 11:55 PM
You are all SO much Fun. I've seen some interesting ideas and some entertaining charaters, but, it's late. And I've had enough entertainment and scotch for one night.

Some will leave this dialogue thinking "I won", some will be confused, some will be bemused. and some will think, "OMG!!!". I have accomplished my goal. My IQ reallty is 154 and I am all over the Internet. L

\et's see if you are interested in serious discourse or merely a troll(s). There is no 'win or lose'. there is only the loss of Americanism.

Good night and I wish you all the best that you hope for and (you should pray to what ever god you desire) hope that your desires do not cross mine, for you will lose. Go with (the) God (of your chosing).

I am an American and I stand by my opinions. If you don't like my opinions, get over it. If I don't like yours, I'll get over that as well. That's what's great about America, diversity.

Maybe next time we can discuss illegal aliens.

Good night all and God Bless (I know that really pisses you off.)

BTW - My real name is Ron Goulden, in case you can't read subtle clues.

If you chose to call people name in anonynmity[sp], at least be man enough to post your REAL name. Don't HIDE behind a cute avatar. You have my name, let's have yours (all of yours).

I have to say, that is lame.

01-15-2010, 11:58 PM
You are all SO much Fun. I've seen some interesting ideas and some entertaining charaters, but, it's late. And I've had enough entertainment and scotch for one night.

Some will leave this dialogue thinking "I won", some will be confused, some will be bemused. and some will think, "OMG!!!". I have accomplished my goal. My IQ reallty is 154 and I am all over the Internet.I leave this dialogue thinking you are a pussy who won't discuss his opinion.

et's see if you are interested in serious discourse or merely a troll(s). There is no 'win or lose'. there is only the loss of Americanism.You certainly weren't interested in any serious discourse about your opinion of Obama.

Good night and I wish you all the best that you hope for and (you should pray to what ever god you desire) hope that your desires do not cross mine, for you will lose.You just said it wasn't about winning or losing. Make up your mind.

Go with (the) God (of your chosing).Or not. This is America.

I am an American and I stand by my opinions.No, you don't.

If you don't like my opinions, get over it. If I don't like yours, I'll get over that as well. That's what's great about America, diversity.So we're not losing "Americanism" then?

Maybe next time we can discuss illegal aliens.Maybe next time you'll actually discuss something.

Good night all and God Bless (I know that really pisses you off.)Why would it? If there is a God, it's a good thing. If not, it makes no difference.

BTW - My real name is Ron Goulden, in case you can't read subtle clues.What does that matter?

If you chose to call people name in anonynmity[sp], at least be man enough to post your REAL name. Don't HIDE behind a cute avatar. You have my name, let's have yours (all of yours).I'm Brooke Dyer, and you seriously aren't as smart as you think you are.

01-16-2010, 12:00 AM
I have to say, that is lame.His name is Jack Sommerset.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:02 AM
His name is Jack Sommerset.

He had me at "Obama hates non-muslims"

01-16-2010, 12:08 AM
I have to say, that is lame.

Funny. What's lame? My opinion? (Everyone has an opinion. When we lose that, right it's ALL over.) Let's have some intelligent discourse here. Pardon my typing, I've had a drink or two to lower my capabilities. I like everyone's ideas and thoughts (except the name-calling, which is really stupid). Show me yours and I'll show you mine.

If you want disclosure, you have to be 'at risk' as well. Show me your research and I'll show you mine. (Of course, my goal has already been accomplished.)

Why is evertyone so afraid of opinions? Is that a forbidden freedom? Are there ANY Americans left in the world?

It is SOOOOO easy to intimadate others with freedom.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:10 AM
Funny. What's lame? My opinion? (Everyone has an opinion. When we lose that, right it's ALL over.) Let's have some intelligent discourse here. Pardon my typing, I've had a drink or two to lower my capabilities. I like everyone's ideas and thoughts (except the name-calling, which is really stupid). Show me yours and I'll show you mine.

If you want disclosure, you have to be 'at risk' as well. Show me your research and I'll show you mine. (Of course, my goal has already been accomplished.)

Why is evertyone so afraid of opinions? Is that a forbidden freedom? Are there ANY Americans left in the world?

It is SOOOOO easy to intimadate others with freedom.

Dude, you said Obama hates non-muslims. Prove it, not even. Tell us why you think that. Drink up.

01-16-2010, 12:10 AM
lol at some fucking neocon drunk coming on here to tell us his real name and make a complete and utter ass out of himself.

We should forward this thread to all the people he works with. Assuming they aren't as drunk and crazy as he is.

baseline bum
01-16-2010, 12:12 AM
You are all SO much Fun. I've seen some interesting ideas and some entertaining charaters, but, it's late. And I've had enough entertainment and scotch for one night.

Some will leave this dialogue thinking "I won", some will be confused, some will be bemused. and some will think, "OMG!!!". I have accomplished my goal. My IQ reallty is 154 and I am all over the Internet. L

\et's see if you are interested in serious discourse or merely a troll(s). There is no 'win or lose'. there is only the loss of Americanism.

Good night and I wish you all the best that you hope for and (you should pray to what ever god you desire) hope that your desires do not cross mine, for you will lose. Go with (the) God (of your chosing).

I am an American and I stand by my opinions. If you don't like my opinions, get over it. If I don't like yours, I'll get over that as well. That's what's great about America, diversity.

Maybe next time we can discuss illegal aliens.

Good night all and God Bless (I know that really pisses you off.)

BTW - My real name is Ron Goulden, in case you can't read subtle clues.

If you chose to call people name in anonynmity[sp], at least be man enough to post your REAL name. Don't HIDE behind a cute avatar. You have my name, let's have yours (all of yours).

Serious discussion? :lol

What did you discuss? You threw shit against the wall with nothing to back it. Hearsay and conjecture aren't any kind evidence, and asking someone to prove you wrong instead of laying out your case is not only pathetic and lazy, but logically worthless since implicit in it is the idea that one is right if he has not been proved wrong. That's not the way logic works, and even a below-average freshman in a lousy intro to philosophy class could see through your garbage.

01-16-2010, 12:12 AM
Funny. What's lame? My opinion? (Everyone has an opinion. When we lose that, right it's ALL over.) Let's have some intelligent discourse here. Pardon my typing, I've had a drink or two to lower my capabilities. I like everyone's ideas and thoughts (except the name-calling, which is really stupid). Show me yours and I'll show you mine.You won't discuss them, however.

If you want disclosure, you have to be 'at risk' as well. Show me your research and I'll show you mine. (Of course, my goal has already been accomplished.)Already showed you my research above.

Your turn.

Why is evertyone so afraid of opinions? Is that a forbidden freedom? Are there ANY Americans left in the world?Why are you so afraid to explain yourself?

It is SOOOOO easy to intimadate others with freedom.I think it's pretty clear who is intimidated in this thread. Jack will let you know who it is if you haven't figured it out, 154.

01-16-2010, 12:12 AM
Mouse would at least try to reason his argument..

01-16-2010, 12:14 AM
We should forward this thread to all the people he works with. Assuming they aren't as drunk and crazy as he is.
If anybody's feeling particularly mean...


lol Ron Gouldon. lol linkedin

baseline bum
01-16-2010, 12:16 AM
If anybody's feeling particularly mean...


lol Ron Gouldon. lol linkedin

No one's stupid enough to post his real name in the Spurstalk political forum. Not even 154.

01-16-2010, 12:18 AM
No one's stupid enough to post his real name in the Spurstalk political forum. Not even 154.

Maybe drunk enough though? Maybe not. Either way, lol

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:18 AM
No one's stupid enough to post his real name in the Spurstalk political forum. Not even 154.

Agree. But what is the connection?

01-16-2010, 12:21 AM
Agree. But what is the connection?I'm trying to figure out what hints he gave to it, and why he thinks we should know who he is.

01-16-2010, 12:23 AM
I'm so energized he's going to bring CHANGE. rofl. Fucking idiots.

It's sickening hearing people praise this guy based on his rhetoric and meaningless promises. Excuse after excuse. Fucking idiots, indeed.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:23 AM
I'm trying to figure out what hints he gave to it, and why he thinks we should know who he is.

You just reminded me why noone ever should talk with trolls. Thanks.

baseline bum
01-16-2010, 12:24 AM
It's sickening hearing people praise this guy based on his rhetoric and meaningless promises. Excuse after excuse. Fucking idiots, indeed.

Who is praising Obama? I don't even think Manny likes him much anymore.

01-16-2010, 12:28 AM
lol at some fucking neocon drunk coming on here to tell us his real name and make a complete and utter ass out of himself.

We should forward this thread to all the people he works with. Assuming they aren't as drunk and crazy as he is.

Hey Balli,

Is that the best you can do? Ok, let's talk about your hero; He bows to an Arabian king, Pats the Queen of England on the back, bows to the Japanese, tries to bow to the Chinese (who laugh him off), he refuses to call the Ft. Hood Massacre an act of terrorism, refuses to act on the Xmas day attempted bombing, decided to try the 9/11 criminals in civilian court rather than military (where he KNOWs they will be judged NOT GUILTY). He refuses to use the phrase 'Terrorism' in ANY manner that relates to the muslins/islamism. (BTW - most of the yemeni 9/11 prisoners released have RESUMED terrorist activities.)

Have you done ANY research into the ISLAM 'religion'???????

Look at your 'idol' through a lens NOT provided by the MSM!

You STILL haven't divulged where you live (State/country). Why????

TRY to refrain from name-calling.



01-16-2010, 12:29 AM
You just reminded me why noone ever should talk with trolls. Thanks.

Really not too bright, huh?

Marcus Bryant
01-16-2010, 12:30 AM
He may be crazy, but he's not a pussy.

01-16-2010, 12:30 AM
You just reminded me why noone ever should talk with trolls. Thanks.

I'm not a troll. You have my REAL name. I'm not hiding behind an avatar. What's your REAL name?

01-16-2010, 12:31 AM
Hey Balli,

Is that the best you can do? Ok, let's talk about your hero; He bows to an Arabian king, Pats the Queen of England on the back, bows to the Japanese, tries to bow to the Chinese (who laugh him off), he refuses to call the Ft. Hood Massacre an act of terrorism, refuses to act on the Xmas day attempted bombing, decided to try the 9/11 criminals in civilian court rather than military (where he KNOWs they will be judged NOT GUILTY). He refuses to use the phrase 'Terrorism' in ANY manner that relates to the muslins/islamism. (BTW - most of the yemeni 9/11 prisoners released have RESUMED terrorist activities.)

Have you done ANY research into the ISLAM 'religion'???????

Look at your 'idol' through a lens NOT provided by the MSM!

You STILL haven't divulged where you live (State/country). Why????

TRY to refrain from name-calling.


RonSo you have no evidence that he hates non-Muslims.

Why do you want to know where we all live?

I'm in Austin, TX -- but you're starting to weird me out.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:32 AM
Really not too bright, huh?

:lol Anyone who is a fan of the Spews is not too bright.

I like your post to Bali but you hung yourself out there saying "Obama hates non-muslims" Thats on you!

01-16-2010, 12:32 AM
I leave this dialogue thinking you are a pussy who won't discuss his opinion.

You certainly weren't interested in any serious discourse about your opinion of Obama.

You just said it wasn't about winning or losing. Make up your mind.

Or not. This is America.

No, you don't.

So we're not losing "Americanism" then?

Maybe next time you'll actually discuss something.

Why would it? If there is a God, it's a good thing. If not, it makes no difference.

What does that matter?

I'm Brooke Dyer, and you seriously aren't as smart as you think you are.

You're funny!! I'm actually MUCH smarter than you'll ever know.

01-16-2010, 12:32 AM
I'm not a troll. You have my REAL name. I'm not hiding behind an avatar. What's your REAL name?His real name is Jack Sommerset.

baseline bum
01-16-2010, 12:33 AM
Hey Balli,

Is that the best you can do? Ok, let's talk about your hero; He bows to an Arabian king, Pats the Queen of England on the back, bows to the Japanese, tries to bow to the Chinese (who laugh him off), he refuses to call the Ft. Hood Massacre an act of terrorism, refuses to act on the Xmas day attempted bombing, decided to try the 9/11 criminals in civilian court rather than military (where he KNOWs they will be judged NOT GUILTY). He refuses to use the phrase 'Terrorism' in ANY manner that relates to the muslins/islamism. (BTW - most of the yemeni 9/11 prisoners released have RESUMED terrorist activities.)

Have you done ANY research into the ISLAM 'religion'???????

Look at your 'idol' through a lens NOT provided by the MSM!

You STILL haven't divulged where you live (State/country). Why????

TRY to refrain from name-calling.



You forgot about the ipod

01-16-2010, 12:34 AM
You're funny!! I'm actually MUCH smarter than you'll ever know.

You just haven't caught up yet. (But, I won't hold that against you.) You have potential.

01-16-2010, 12:34 AM
You're funny!! I'm actually MUCH smarter than you'll ever know.You certainly aren't displaying any capacity for intelligent discussion here, 154.

01-16-2010, 12:34 AM
Have you done ANY research into the ISLAM 'religion'???????

Look at your 'idol' through a lens NOT provided by the MSM!

You STILL haven't divulged where you live (State/country). Why????

TRY to refrain from name-calling.


My name is Abdullah al Azbati and I live in Yemen.

01-16-2010, 12:36 AM
You forgot about the ipod

iPod??? I'm sorry, I don't understand. Please explain the reference.



01-16-2010, 12:36 AM
You're funny!! I'm actually MUCH smarter than you'll ever know.

You just haven't caught up yet. (But, I won't hold that against you.) You have potential.Did you just quote yourself?

I thought someone might have made a troll.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:36 AM
His real name is Jack Sommerset.

Asshole, I don't have trolls. Not one! Zero. If the owners of this site want to verify that, they have my blessing!!!!!!!!

01-16-2010, 12:36 AM
My name is Abdullah al Azbati and I live in Yemen.


01-16-2010, 12:37 AM
You certainly aren't displaying any capacity for intelligent discussion here, 154.
I'm still waiting.... patiently.

01-16-2010, 12:38 AM
Asshole, I don't have trolls. Not one! Zero. If the owners of this site want to verify that, they have my blessing!!!!!!!!I was saying your name in Jack Sommerset.

01-16-2010, 12:38 AM
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
we know.

01-16-2010, 12:39 AM
I'm still waiting.... patiently.I am still waiting for your evidence that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

01-16-2010, 12:39 AM
Did you just quote yourself?

I thought someone might have made a troll.
No, I did NOT quote myself. What are you talking about???

01-16-2010, 12:40 AM
I am still waiting for your evidence that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

I'm waiting on your proof that he doesn't

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:41 AM
I was saying your name in Jack Sommerset.


baseline bum
01-16-2010, 12:41 AM
iPod??? I'm sorry, I don't understand. Please explain the reference.



You should do your own research.

01-16-2010, 12:41 AM
No, I did NOT quote myself. What are you talking about???http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4001139&postcount=138

I'm waiting on your proof that he doesn'tHe married one.

01-16-2010, 12:43 AM
Well, I'm convinced Obama hates non-muslims.....

01-16-2010, 12:44 AM
I am still waiting for your evidence that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

Based on your responses, I think you might actually have a functioning brain. You have a LOT of potential, if we can get past the defensiveness. What do you think?

01-16-2010, 12:45 AM

He married one.
hat doesn't prove anything... I married a Catholic

01-16-2010, 12:46 AM
He may be crazy, but he's not a pussy.

I'm noty crazy... I', American and proud of it!

01-16-2010, 12:48 AM
Based on your responses, I think you might actually have a functioning brain. You have a LOT of potential, if we can get past the defensiveness. What do you think?I think you shouldn't be so defensive and prove why Obama hates all non-Muslims.

That doesn't prove anything... I married a CatholicSo you hate all Catholics.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:48 AM
Based on your responses, I think you might actually have a functioning brain. You have a LOT of potential, if we can get past the defensiveness. What do you think?

I know who this troll is!!!!!

01-16-2010, 12:49 AM
I know who this troll is!!!!!That is a bit of a giveaway, if true -- but I think he's a legitimate drunk, nondiscussing braggart.

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:51 AM
That is a bit of a giveaway, if true.

Thats what I'm thinking.

01-16-2010, 12:51 AM
If anybody's feeling particularly mean...


lol Ron Gouldon. lol linkedin

Like I said, I'm all over the Internet. Unlike some, I'm not hiding behind an avatar

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:52 AM
Like I said, I'm all over the Internet. Unlike some, I'm not hiding behind an avatar

Cool, you must have a webcam.......Link us.

01-16-2010, 12:52 AM
I think you shouldn't be so defensive and prove why Obama hates all non-Muslims.

So you hate all Catholics.
I don't hate anyone.

01-16-2010, 12:52 AM
Like I said, I'm all over the Internet. Unlike some, I'm not hiding behind an avatarOh, you just can't spell your own name?

01-16-2010, 12:53 AM
I don't hate anyone.Prove it.

01-16-2010, 12:53 AM
Cool, you must have a webcam.......Link us.

Why would I want to let a bunch of perverts watch me on a webcam????

01-16-2010, 12:54 AM
Prove it.

How???? That's an unusual request. (???)

jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 12:55 AM
Why would I want to let a bunch of perverts watch me on a webcam????

:lol You are gung ho on proving who you are.

01-16-2010, 12:56 AM
How???? That's an unusual request. (???)It's exactly the same one you made of me concerning Obama.

01-16-2010, 01:00 AM
Oh, you just can't spell your own name?

That's a stretch... you are all being a bit silly. Of course, it is almost midnight (my time). There is obviously no further intelligence in this discourse. You've all been VERY entertaining. Have a good life, whatever that may be. I sincerely wish the very best for all of you. Go with God!


baseline bum
01-16-2010, 01:01 AM
Allahu Akbar

01-16-2010, 01:02 AM
That's a stretch... you are all being a bit silly.That was someone else's typo. My mistake.

Of course, it is almost midnight (my time). There is obviously no further intelligence in this discourse. You've all been VERY entertaining. Have a good life, whatever that may be. I sincerely wish the very best for all of you. Go with God!

RonYou aren't very intelligent at all.


jack sommerset
01-16-2010, 01:03 AM
That's a stretch... you are all being a bit silly. Of course, it is almost midnight (my time). There is obviously no further intelligence in this discourse. You've all been VERY entertaining. Have a good life, whatever that may be. I sincerely wish the very best for all of you. Go with God!


:lmao Lame exit, even for a troll.

01-16-2010, 01:11 AM
I think all he wanted to do was spam his book.

01-16-2010, 01:22 AM
More 'continuity' than anything. Oh well, at least some Americans got to be fanatics just to show that they can be fanatics.

The best move the establishment has made in the last couple of years was putting Obama's face on the "War on Terror." Notice how Bush's policies carry on without all the whining and bitching?

Dude the continuity was obvious before he even won the election.

These candidates always agree on the majority of issues and debate on the crap. We know this. Nothing was ever going to change and most people here knew it. MB if you're really touting the continuity card then surely you at least realize some of your professed political views on this forum in the GWB era were slightly misplaced? Because W basically took away the country from the democrats, while O is taking away the country from the republicans. The end result is what both sides feared and supported.

01-16-2010, 03:55 AM
I voted for Obama, but never really expected change. I just wanted to spite republicans on this forum.It worked. Maybe too well. :lmao

01-16-2010, 12:56 PM
You aren't comfortable at all -- If you were, you wouldn't be afraid to explain how you came to the conclusion that Obama hates all non-Muslims.

Im interested in the response to this question.

01-16-2010, 01:00 PM
My name is Abdullah al Azbati and I live in Yemen.

I should have kept reading the thread.


To think I gave this guy a chance. Pulling the "Im smarter than you" card works for some people because they can at least back their position up.

154, youre not good at this.

01-16-2010, 01:59 PM
The best move the establishment has made in the last couple of years was putting Obama's face on the "War on Terror." Notice how Bush's policies carry on without all the whining and bitching?Yeah. That's a definite change.

01-16-2010, 04:21 PM
We aren't in a war on terror.

01-16-2010, 04:43 PM
We aren't in a war on terror.Is that your conviction or is it just something you heard on the radio and decided to regurgitate here?

I get it now; regurgitation is your conviction.

01-17-2010, 03:44 AM
Dude the continuity was obvious before he even won the election.

These candidates always agree on the majority of issues and debate on the crap. We know this. Nothing was ever going to change and most people here knew it. MB if you're really touting the continuity card then surely you at least realize some of your professed political views on this forum in the GWB era were slightly misplaced? Because W basically took away the country from the democrats, while O is taking away the country from the republicans. The end result is what both sides feared and supported.

would really like marcus bryant's response .. ..

01-17-2010, 05:42 AM
We aren't in a war on terror.Can you amplify on this idea, please?

Are you put off by the new terminology for the war on terror, SnC? Do you
think if you start calling it something different <<overseas contingency operations>> it doesn't exist anymore?

Are contemporaneous drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan, intensification in Afghanistan, fiddling about in Somalia and sabre-rattling at Iran somehow unrelated to the war on terror?

BTW, SnC, are we out of Iraq, yet?

Marcus Bryant
01-17-2010, 10:04 AM
would really like marcus bryant's response .. ..

Yes, I used to be a partisan. Now I despise the two sides equally.

01-17-2010, 04:22 PM
I voted for Obama. Now, listening to Obama just makes me:vomit:

Change :lmao
Bringing people together:lmao