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01-15-2010, 03:44 PM
How often NBA players change there game shoes? I've always wondered how often they do change shoes and how they break them in and all that good stuff.

01-15-2010, 05:26 PM
i actually asked this question to the Lakers equipment manager Carlos Maples, who I randomly bumped into at a bar, while watching an away game. He told me it depends on the player and what they like. He told me that Kobe wears new shoes just about every other game or so. But Pau goes on weeks while wearing the same shoe. But he told me most players typically wear out there shoes for a week or two.

01-15-2010, 05:28 PM
Since we're talking about shoes, during the Laker game James Singleton was wearing BLACK shoes while every other mav was wearing white. lmao

01-15-2010, 06:03 PM
i actually asked this question to the Lakers equipment manager Carlos Maples, who I randomly bumped into at a bar, while watching an away game. He told me it depends on the player and what they like. He told me that Kobe wears new shoes just about every other game or so. But Pau goes on weeks while wearing the same shoe. But he told me most players typically wear out there shoes for a week or two.

What about jerseys? Do players have every game new jerseys? If so what do they do with the old jerseys, which have only been used 1 game? Or does the organization wash them so they'll be used again

I know alot of them are bought by trading card companies for patches and swatches, but just wondering.