View Full Version : An Interview with Haitian NBA Vet Olden Polynice

Capt Bringdown
01-17-2010, 11:51 PM
My favorite quote: "Pat Robertson can suck a big one--you can quote me on that. He is not a man of God and shouldn't claim to be. And you can quote me on that. Please."

An Interview with Haitian NBA Vet Olden Polynice (http://www.thenation.com/blogs/notion/517482/an_interview_with_haitian_nba_vet_olden_polynice)

Olden Polynice played center in the NBA for 15 seasons. During that time, he distinguished himself as more than a hardnosed rebounder. He was the most visible Haitian athlete in the history of the United States. In 1993, Polynice was the first U.S. athlete to ever join a hunger strike during the season to protest the treatment of H.I.V. positive Haitian refugees imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. Today Polynice lives in Los Angeles and runs the Olden Polynice Hoop Foundation. He calls himself "an activist for Haiti until the day I die.... whether it's chic or not." I spoke with him about the current post-earthquake calamity.

Dave Zirin: First question. How are your loved ones?

Olden Polynice: I just spoke to my father for the first time. He's in Port au Prince: He's good. He's alive. No injuries or nothing major. But we know that we've lost at least one cousin. The roof of her house fell on her. We are waiting to hear from an uncle and other cousins. We don't know if all four of them are dead. We've just heard nothing.

DZ: Where were you when you first heard what happened?

OP: Ahhhh! The irony of it all. I was at a funeral for my girlfriend's cousin sitting there at the church. This is about an hour before I heard the news. And for whatever reason, I'm thinking about my dad, Lester. Then after the funeral ended, my girlfriend and I walked to the cemetery and she showed me her father's gravestone and I swear on everything holy that this is true - her Dad's name was Lester as well. And then at that moment my phone rings and I hear about the earthquake. I thought first that it was a joke. Earthquake? In Haiti? Haiti doesn't have earthquakes! We have everything else, but not earthquakes! Then I spent days trying to get through to my father and here we are.

DZ: Many people are giving to help rebuild Haiti...

OP: Yes people have been really good. Giving to Wyclef's group, the Red Cross, my group, the Olden Polynice Hoop Foundation. Everything helps. But Haiti needs the help when it's not chic as well. I remember when I went on the hunger strike to protest the treatment of the Haitian refugees in '93 and everyone got so mad at me doing it. If I did it now there would probably be a parade for me. But I didn't care about any of the criticism. That's my home. I've always done stuff for Haiti. I've always been an activist and I continue to be one. I want everyone to know: this earthquake is not a Haiti problem. It's a world problem. Anything that affects Haiti, affects the world and if you think that's not true, then you are sadly mistaken.

DZ: Do you think the Haitian people should be granted temporary asylum status in the US?

OP: Why not? We open our doors to everyone else. Cubans are granted asylum. I'm not saying bring the whole country up here but Haitians are the forgotten people. That cannot happen now. It is absurd to me that on an island like Hispaniola, which Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, that the Dominican Republic can possess wealth while Haiti suffers. How is that possible? It's all political. ... I'm very thankful President Obama has acted as swiftly as he has but I'll say it again: we are a forgotten people.

DZ: I have to ask you your thoughts about Pat Robertson saying the earthquake happened because Haiti made a pact with the devil for independence.

OP: Pat Robertson can suck a big one--you can quote me on that. He is not a man of God and shouldn't claim to be. And you can quote me on that. Please.

DZ: New subject: Have you tried to contact Haitian players like Samuel Dalembert of the Philadelphia 76ers?

OP: I spoke to Samuel last night. I am trying to reach out to as many as possible. I want to organize all the Haitian players with one goal in mind. The goal is to make sure that they continue to represent Haiti and their families: they are Haitian and proud. There are many players, unlike Samuel, who are Haitian and don't want to claim it. I am Haitian and proud of it! You always have to be proud. We actually have ethnicity. We have culture. I want to organize all the Haitian athletes and have them claim a sense of responsibility. Not just right now when it is chic but every day of our lives. As we play and we make money, as we make the highlight films, we should let the world know that we come from a different place, a special place. Let the world know: Haiti is already hurting, before any earthquake. Haiti has BEEN hurt. Don't wait for a major catastrophe to be involved. Claim your home. Don't let us be a forgotten people.

01-18-2010, 12:06 AM
Good read..I also found the Pat Robertson quote to be hilarious, sometimes "taking the high road" really isn't the appropriate reaction, especially when it comes to respond to a completely insensitive reaction like we saw from that idiot..

I donated as soon as I could..it wasn't too much, but anything helps, so I hope everybody else is doing the same..

01-18-2010, 03:23 AM
It is absurd to me that on an island like Hispaniola, which Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, that the Dominican Republic can possess wealth while Haiti suffers. How is that possible?


I donated as soon as I could..it wasn't too much, but anything helps, so I hope everybody else is doing the same..


The death toll is going to make the Katrina/WTCs look like a walk in the park.

01-18-2010, 03:32 AM
Isn't the death toll in the hundreds of thousands? That blows 9/11 out of the fucking water. It's terrible and what makes it worse is that the US is in no financial condition to rush to the rescue and rebuild the country. Maybe this belongs in the political forum but why does the US always rush to the rescue while it seems like Europe, Russia, etc are always nowhere to be found? We could probably do alot more if everyone contributed..

01-18-2010, 03:37 AM
I find it kind of funny that the US is always there to help with a lot of support and tons of money, everybody looks to us, but then the US is always viewed as the bad guy as a whole..

Whatever though, it doesn't really matter, as long as the people that need help are getting the help that they need, that's all that matters in the end..

01-18-2010, 03:44 AM
I find it kind of funny that the US is always there to help with a lot of support and tons of money, everybody looks to us, but then the US is always viewed as the bad guy as a whole..

Whatever though, it doesn't really matter, as long as the people that need help are getting the help that they need, that's all that matters in the end..

EXACTLY my thoughts!! We're always the first ones to do so much while everyone else just sits on their ass, and then we get shit on later! It's ridiculous. Europe should be obligated to help in matters like this. Their euro is a lot stronger than our dollar right now. Just like they should be helping us in Iraq/Afghanistan. Or I can play devil's advocate and say that they don't agree with the war in Iraq. Then they should have had some balls and stood up to us and fought for what they believed in. Either way, why is Europe exempt to not have to have any balls or ever do any good in the world?

01-18-2010, 07:10 AM
The USA is the leader of the United Nations. Of course they will step up and start contributing first to gain and keep the respect of other countries. This helps the USA in the long run.

01-18-2010, 11:04 AM
What an asinine display of douchebaggery by Robertson.


01-18-2010, 11:49 AM
Good read

I completely forgot about Polynice

He was polyvalent and nice

01-18-2010, 11:54 AM
Of all the innocent victims there, It's the little ones that my heart goes out to.
Anyone see the story of that little 11 year old girl who passed away hours after being pulled out?:depressed
Man, that tore me up.

If anything, help should be expedited for the kids.
What a tragedy.

01-18-2010, 12:18 PM
E We're always the first ones to do so much while everyone else just sits on their ass, and then we get shit on later! It's ridiculous. Europe should be obligated to help in matters like this. Their euro is a lot stronger than our dollar right now. Either way, why is Europe exempt to not have to have any balls or ever do any good in the world?

Why are you talking about things you know nothing about? EU granted 430 million euros for Haiti. All the countries are raising money for the victims. If your newspapers aren't reporting about it, it doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't care. Don't be a hater, get your facts straight.