View Full Version : Amare Stoudemire Anticipates a Trade

01-18-2010, 02:14 PM
Amare Stoudemire Anticipates a Trade (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-amarestoudemireantic&prov=tsn&type=lgns)

Amare Stoudemire has been the subject of many trade rumors the past couple seasons. The most notable one happened on Draft Night ’09, when it was reported he’d be heading to Golden State for the likes of Andris Biedrins and Steph Curry.

There has been little chatter so far this season, but with extension talks about to begin (and subsequently fail due to disagreements about what he’s worth), Stoudemire expects things to heat up soon (http://www.azcentral.com/sports/suns/articles/2010/01/17/20100117spt-suns-amare-stoudemire-trade.html). From The Arizona Republic:

With the trade deadline a month from today, the conversation about trading Stoudemire continues - externally and internally. Interest in trading for Stoudemire remains as tepid as it was last season, when the Suns passed on moving him because of a lack of quality offers.

"It’s been quiet," said Stoudemire, who unlike last summer has kept it that way by not fanning flames with comments about a possible trade. "But I’m pretty sure it’s going to heat up in a second as far as trade rumors and different scenarios."

After having to deal with so many rumors, Amare now seems to anticipate a deal as a default. In the offseason, there was talk he held goodbye parties and told people he’d be leaving Phoenix soon, which, while not verified fact, would give some indication of his mindset if true.

But should the Suns trade him? Phoenix is currently sixth in the West at 24-17, just 1.5 games ahead of ninth-place Oklahoma City. Given that the Suns are unlikely to get value for Amare, his departure would likely take them out of the playoff race. The Suns are notorious penny-pinchers and might trade him just for the sake of money, but an end-of-the-lottery draft pick doesn’t seem like the best piece for an aging Steve Nash. Yes, the Suns won’t get anything back if Amare leaves in free agency, but having the cap space to sign another veteran might be worth more than whatever they get in a trade.

Without Amare, the Suns have a decision to make about their future. And then we’ll be asking a question that’s come up a lot in recent seasons: What exactly are they aiming for down there in the desert?

01-18-2010, 02:23 PM
Some retarded team will give him a long-term max deal, Phoenix is smart not to do so...zero defense, health concerns, and his production should see some kind of decrease without Nash spoon feeding him.

01-18-2010, 02:37 PM
Golden State would have been a perfect situation for him: play no defense and jack up shots.

01-18-2010, 04:11 PM
Golden State would have been a perfect situation for him: play no defense and jack up shots.
The trade to GS was supposed to happen, then the Warriors got a chance to draft Stephen Curry, breaking down all trade talks.

01-18-2010, 04:16 PM
Amare is makin crazy money so i dunno if anyone gonna give him that..Hes a pretty good scorer but his defense is lackin like crazy..I wonder how good he would be without a PG like nash

01-18-2010, 04:18 PM
I wonder who people like DSF are gonna blame the Suns' bad defense on once Amare is traded. The way Suns fans constantly bitch about Amare these days I can't wait till they trade Amare and unleash the 1996 Bulls reincarnated.

01-18-2010, 04:53 PM
amare barbosa for bierdrins maggette curry filler.

or amare for lee+ filler

01-19-2010, 10:42 PM
ESPN insider is saying the Bulls are shooting for Bosh or Amare. (no, I don't have a membership)

01-19-2010, 10:50 PM
I think Pat Riley should make a hard push for Amare. Go for a big move now, even if it takes Beasley to be part of the package. Something like Beasley and Quentin Richardson's expiring contract, Dorrell Wright, and maybe a protected draft pick. That's about as good as Phoenix might get for him now as Amare will also be a free agent. And, Miami would still have enough cap space to bring re-sign him and Wade over the summer. Actually, they'd be able to sign both and another solid player. If they were to trade Beasley, they'd only have $2 million on the books for next season. They could technically sign three close to max players and fill the rest of the roster with minimum contracts.

01-19-2010, 11:20 PM
Wouldnt be surprised if Morey makes a push for him.

01-19-2010, 11:25 PM
I think Pat Riley should make a hard push for Amare. Go for a big move now, even if it takes Beasley to be part of the package. Something like Beasley and Quentin Richardson's expiring contract, Dorrell Wright, and maybe a protected draft pick. That's about as good as Phoenix might get for him now as Amare will also be a free agent. And, Miami would still have enough cap space to bring re-sign him and Wade over the summer. Actually, they'd be able to sign both and another solid player. If they were to trade Beasley, they'd only have $2 million on the books for next season. They could technically sign three close to max players and fill the rest of the roster with minimum contracts.

i think riley is unhappy with wade tanking and is willing to just wait it out

01-20-2010, 03:18 AM
whatever wade does, i hope he gets another legit star to play along side of him

01-20-2010, 03:23 AM
I really am not in favor of trading Amare at all, but I'd be happy if they got Beasley in return. Beasley has all the talent in the world to be a franchise player and he'd have the chance to become one on Phoenix. What I don't want is Amare traded for a package of midlevel young talent like Brandon wright and Stephen Curry.

baseline bum
01-20-2010, 04:09 AM
I think Pat Riley should make a hard push for Amare. Go for a big move now, even if it takes Beasley to be part of the package. Something like Beasley and Quentin Richardson's expiring contract, Dorrell Wright, and maybe a protected draft pick. That's about as good as Phoenix might get for him now as Amare will also be a free agent. And, Miami would still have enough cap space to bring re-sign him and Wade over the summer. Actually, they'd be able to sign both and another solid player. If they were to trade Beasley, they'd only have $2 million on the books for next season. They could technically sign three close to max players and fill the rest of the roster with minimum contracts.

I'd hold out for Bosh. I would consider Miami the front-runner to land him. Then bring Wade back, go sign Shannon Brown or Steve Blake, and maybe throw the rest of the money at someone like Manu Ginobili, Ray Allen, or Mike Miller.

01-20-2010, 05:22 AM
I'd hold out for Bosh. I would consider Miami the front-runner to land him. Then bring Wade back, go sign Shannon Brown or Steve Blake, and maybe throw the rest of the money at someone like Manu Ginobili, Ray Allen, or Mike Miller.

Bite 'chur tongue!

...but, uh, really? Ya think Manu's gonna be entertaining offers this offseason? [nervous gulp]

01-20-2010, 07:25 AM
Let's presume the Suns expect to lose him at the end of the year anyway, and they are hoping to get something back in return. Inserts lottery picks as needed on these, but both include cap relief and pieces that the Suns might choose to use/resign.


To New York?


To the Clippers?

01-20-2010, 09:28 AM
The Suns have nowhere to go but down in the next few years Amare despite his warts if the Suns lose him it'll make them worse...

So I wonder, is Nash gonna be finishing out his career on 30-35 win Suns teams? What a depressing thought... great fucking MVP mix :cry

01-20-2010, 09:40 AM
Golden State would have been a perfect situation for him: play no defense and jack up shots.
Then it's the perfect place for the whole Suns team

01-20-2010, 09:55 AM
The Suns have nowhere to go but down in the next few years Amare despite his warts if the Suns lose him it'll make them worse...

So I wonder, is Nash gonna be finishing out his career on 30-35 win Suns teams? What a depressing thought... great fucking MVP mix :cry

Seems like if they want to save money, they'd just let Amare flounder until the end of the seasons and let him leave. Or I supposed they can trade him for expiring contracts or 'cheap' talent.

I hope they trade nash to a contender, he deserves better than what they're giving him here. Hell trade him and barbosa to Orlando for Nelson and scrubs...

Will Hunting
01-20-2010, 11:24 AM
Then it's the perfect place for the whole Suns team

Very creative joke.

01-20-2010, 11:32 AM
Very creative joke.
Thanks :toast

01-20-2010, 12:09 PM
It would make sense if Amare went to the Knicks, although I've also heard reports that he and D'Antoni didn't always see eye to eye and weren't really on great terms when he left. But Amare could get max money there and be on the New York stage. It has to be at least an option.

Amare's going to have to ask himself WWBJD... what would Black Jesus do?

01-20-2010, 01:15 PM
Should have traded him when he actually had value. All-NBA 1st team :lol

01-20-2010, 08:03 PM
The trade to GS was supposed to happen, then the Warriors got a chance to draft Stephen Curry, breaking down all trade talks.

they did well the kid has a hell of potential