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View Full Version : The Refs didnt make the Spurs play AWFUL defense.

01-20-2010, 11:44 PM
Yeah the officiating was poor. Shit happens, if the Spurs could get a stop the outcome would have been different.

This team is not winning a championship without defense.

It just has to happen.

Our players were getting completely lost off Utah screens. What kind of Amateur shit is that? Utah just ran a screen and roll every time down the court, I was laughing my ass off watching each Spur try and follow his man and get confused.

01-20-2010, 11:47 PM
No, but 5 fouls on Duncan certainly did them no favours. Sorry but this game was fixed.

Cha-Ching for the refs tonight.

01-20-2010, 11:48 PM
Exactly. The refs pissed me off as much as anything, but the Spurs still had a chance to win the game but they refuse to show up in crunch time. But watch delusional people like Justin or whatever his name is say it's only January. The Spurs are screwed already.

01-20-2010, 11:49 PM
First of all, it is poor offense, and below average defense.

01-20-2010, 11:49 PM
Obviously the Spurs played extremely poorly against an average Jazz team(since they're on the road) so they didn't deserve the W..the refs were very, very poor though, there's no denying that..

01-20-2010, 11:50 PM
Spurs should have never let the game come to where bad calls might effect the game outcome.

01-20-2010, 11:50 PM
But its only February. .................... Just practicing.

01-20-2010, 11:51 PM
I think we should talk about trades now!


01-20-2010, 11:56 PM
By no means am I saying the refs called a good game. But Utah shot 32 freethrows compared to the Spurs 26. This defense can't stop ANYBODY in crunch time while the offense bottles up. They have no clutch shooters other than an occasional RMJ sighting. This team just simply can't compete at a high level for 48 minutes.

01-21-2010, 12:02 AM
I thought Finley was bad on defense, but he had an excuse: He's old as dirt. But Kirilenko feasted on RJ tonight and there's really no excuses for this guy...

01-21-2010, 12:10 AM
If the Refs really wanted the Jazz to win, they never would have let the Spurs go 25-0.

Boozer looking like a Superstar and AK47 getting a free pass to play like Mike lost this game for the Spurs.

01-21-2010, 12:12 AM
I think we should talk about trades now!

Why don't you go suck Carlos Boozer's dick. That's the second time you've posted that video, pendejo.

Sean Cagney
01-21-2010, 12:17 AM
If the Refs really wanted the Jazz to win, they never would have let the Spurs go 25-0.

Boozer looking like a Superstar and AK47 getting a free pass to play like Mike lost this game for the Spurs.

Bottom line......

Spurs Brazil
01-21-2010, 07:14 AM
The new guys, McDyess and Jefferson sucks on D.

Dice provides no help inside and RJ made AK looks like a HOF

01-21-2010, 08:01 AM
Usual suspects blaming RJ/Dice when it was (again) *gasp* totally a backcourt problem today

Parker's PF slowed him down and Bogans had his typical 0-6 night with key turnovers at bad times.

Lack of production at these two positions is what is bogging the spurs down.

01-21-2010, 10:10 AM
Usual suspects blaming RJ/Dice when it was (again) *gasp* totally a backcourt problem today

Parker's PF slowed him down and Bogans had his typical 0-6 night with key turnovers at bad times.

Lack of production at these two positions is what is bogging the spurs down.

Yeah, we shot 39% overall because Bogans was 0-6... :rolleyes
They played defense for 3 quarters, while we only did it for one. That's the bottom line and the reason we lost. Tony's PF has nothing to do with Boozer having a monster game against us, *AGAIN*.
You're simply not going to offset defense with offense against good executing teams like Utah. You need to play actual defence, which we haven't done consistently all season.

01-21-2010, 10:16 AM
By no means am I saying the refs called a good game. But Utah shot 32 freethrows compared to the Spurs 26. This defense can't stop ANYBODY in crunch time while the offense bottles up. They have no clutch shooters other than an occasional RMJ sighting. This team just simply can't compete at a high level for 48 minutes.

Not much more you can do if your coach decides to play you less than 15 minutes per despite your stellar play of late.

01-21-2010, 11:00 AM
I only got to see the 4th quarter, and while I admit the Spurs have been completely blowing at least 1 whole quarter every game....the officiating was pretty terrible from what I saw. AK-47 used his off arm on Manu TWICE on the same possession and it wasn't called. Even Dickie V pointed this out.

01-21-2010, 11:03 AM
If the Refs really wanted the Jazz to win, they never would have let the Spurs go 25-0.

Boozer looking like a Superstar and AK47 getting a free pass to play like Mike lost this game for the Spurs.

Boozer looking like a superstar against the Spurs is a given. There is no excuse for letting Cry-elinko go off on you.

01-21-2010, 12:18 PM
Yeah, we shot 39% overall because Bogans was 0-6... :rolleyes
They played defense for 3 quarters, while we only did it for one. That's the bottom line and the reason we lost. Tony's PF has nothing to do with Boozer having a monster game against us, *AGAIN*.
You're simply not going to offset defense with offense against good executing teams like Utah. You need to play actual defence, which we haven't done consistently all season.

OH NOES... i made harsh words against Pop's golden boy Bogans and ElNono is having a fit. :lol

Nah, your right, Bogans is fine going 0-6 every game, because his defense is just so great it makes up for it all.

01-21-2010, 12:28 PM
OH NOES... i made harsh words against Pop's golden boy Bogans and ElNono is having a fit. :lol

Nah, your right, Bogans is fine going 0-6 every game, because his defense is just so great it makes up for it all.

I couldn't care less about Bogan's offense. He took a meager 6 shots. It's the completely retarded attempt to justify Boozer and Kirilenko 20+ point night on TP's PF and Bogans going 0-6 that sets your post in the complete garbage category.

01-21-2010, 12:28 PM
Not much more you can do if your coach decides to play you less than 15 minutes per despite your stellar play of late.

Like I said time and time again for the last two seasons. How the fuck is anyone on San Antonio supposed to get in any kind of rhythm when the idiot coach doesn't know how to put together a consistent rotation? What was the point of leaving Mason on the bench for 3 1/2 qtrs while Bogans stunk it up on both ends? Popovich may have 4 rings blah blah blah but his approach to this team is going to kill them in the long run. The Spurs have chemistry issues because they simply don't have a consistent routine or rhythm. Popovich seems like a control freak to me. The guy has to micro-manage everything to the detriment of his team.

And what the hell did you guys get Theo Ratliff for? Is he in the doghouse? Is he injured? Would it kill Popovich to give this guy at least 10 minutes a game to see what he's got left or put him on Boozer when he's going off on the Spurs for the 4th straight game this season?

01-21-2010, 12:41 PM
Does anyone except me think that the refs didn't allow Duncan to have a great game, approaching his milestone and winning in the process as vengeance of what Duncan did to their mate, Joey Crawford?

Doesn't anyone else think so? The bogus fouls were really bogus.. Duncan probably fouled 1, or 2 times, but 6 was unlikely.

01-21-2010, 12:43 PM
Dice has the worst hands for a big man I have ever seen! I cringe eveytime I see him on the court with Manu because he doesnt even come close to catching Manu's direct passes. For some reason he looks suprised every time a pass comes his way!

01-21-2010, 12:50 PM
Does anyone except me think that the refs didn't allow Duncan to have a great game, approaching his milestone and winning in the process as vengeance of what Duncan did to their mate, Joey Crawford?

Doesn't anyone else think so? The bogus fouls were really bogus.. Duncan probably fouled 1, or 2 times, but 6 was unlikely.

No, I think Duncan started bitching too much (even after plays where he shouldn't have bitched) which caused the refs to turn a blind eye for the rest of the game. I notice they do the same thing with Kobe every now and then when he cops a primadonna attitude and starts bitching after every single play (like the Christmas game). Honestly I like when the refs do that. The refs called a poor game but good teams rise above that. I think Duncan was just frustrated that he couldn't make an easy shot to save his life and started using the refs as a scapegoat for his lousy game.

01-21-2010, 06:21 PM
Dice has the worst hands for a big man I have ever seen! I cringe eveytime I see him on the court with Manu because he doesnt even come close to catching Manu's direct passes. For some reason he looks suprised every time a pass comes his way!

Give him time to adjust to Manu, he probably has never had a guy that threads the needle as much or uses so many tricky passes.

01-21-2010, 06:50 PM
It's not that the ref'in was abnormal. It was how they changed up mid way through. In the first half, both teams were beating the crap out of each other. Then they do a 180 and start calling fouls if there looked like contact. Be consistent!!