View Full Version : Post Game Quotes (Jazz Game)

01-21-2010, 12:53 AM
Post Game Quotes (http://www.nba.com/spurs/gameday/100120.html)

Head Coach Gregg Popovich

(Opening statement)

“It was a tough loss. Utah played with more physicality than we did tonight. There were periods where that worked out well for them. We need to shoot the ball better. We were god awful in that area. They played better for more of the game than we did and got the win.”

(On their play in the last couple of minutes…when trying to get back in the game)

“We had some guys trying to make steals and we had some defensive lapses. We played poorly in the fourth quarter without a doubt.”

Tony Parker

(on the game tonight)

“We had a bad start as we came back, played with a lot of energy but overall in the game they just outplayed us. They were playing better than us, they were making shots as Kirilenko had a huge game and I think overall they were playing more physical than us. We had a couple bad breaks but overall they played better than us.”

(on if Utah was executing more better)

“I think a little bit of both. We all made mistakes, I know I made one mistake and I think they executed great, made some great picks, and made some great plays. Sometimes you need to play like that when you‘re playing big games on the road as they made it happened and played good. I think Kirilenko was huge tonight as he was making those outside shots that really hurt us. ”

(on this being the fourth loss against the Jazz this year)

“We’ve beat them a lot over the years, and this year they we were outnumbered as they have played better than us this year.”

Manu Ginobili

(on tonight‘s loss)

“Every loss is tough because we were up 13-10 and just came off from a good win on the road. We were doing pretty good but then in the second half, they just outworked us. They played better, they hustled more, and went to the boards as they moved the ball better. Overall, they played better than us as they deserve the win.”

(on how frustrating it was to see Tim foul out with 1-point shy of the 20,000-point mark)

“I really don‘t care. It was weird to see him fouling out because he‘s huge for us, especially down the stretch. The 20,000 milestone was not going to happen today but rather tomorrow or the next day as that‘s not a big deal. We have to step up as we have a tough opponent ahead and the next game too.”

Jazz Head Coach Jerry Sloan

(Opening statement)

“Well that was a great win for us. You see what happens a lot of times after a team’s been out on the road and they come back home and play. Their energy level wasn’t as high as you would normally catch them. Fortunately we came in and had an opportunity to win a ballgame. For us to get 30 assists in the game was big for us because I thought we did a good job of moving the basketball.”

(On not letting Duncan reach his milestone)

“We weren’t concerned with that. Tim Duncan will get that. It just looked like, as we’ve seen our players after we’ve come home from a road trip, you expect the energy to be there and it’s just not there like you’d like for it to be. Our energy level kind of picked up after we got off to a great start. Then they came back and went right back ahead of us. We had to weather that storm and in the third quarter I think we did a better job of executing our offense and had better shot selection.”

(On a solid finish in the first half)

“I thought we got where we wanted to go. I thought we got people in the right spot. I think guys caught each other in a good situation where they got some inside shots. [The Spurs] went to a small lineup and that helped us a little bit. I put Andrei at forward and we ran a play for him … we back-screened his man and he ended up with a dunk. I thought that helped us to keep our momentum going.”

(On sweeping the Spurs this season)

“When you look at the whole picture you see that you beat San Antonio four times this year, and you’re in ninth place. There’s not a whole lot of consolation when you look at the whole picture and that’s why each and every game is so important for you. We have tremendous respect for them and what they’ve been about and how they operate, but you still have to come and play and do what you have to do to win the game. I think that’s the most important thing from our standpoint.”

(On Kirilenko’s game)

“Andrei had a great game for us. I thought he did a good job. He came off the baseline … caught the ball … didn’t screw around with it and just caught it and shot it and ended up with a good night.”

Andrei Kirilenko

(On his hot night tonight)

“I have to shoot in rhythm. When I hesitate too much it doesn’t go in. I have to stay in rhythm. I think I got into a good rhythm tonight. And when you feel like that, you really feel like you need to keep yourself in that rhythm because you’re making your shots. It was a pretty nice game…that’s all I can say.”

(On how his offense helps the team)

“If you take a look at our roster almost every game we have someone who can get hot and start making shots. I think the main thing right now is that defensively we are playing way more aggressively and more focused over the last six or seven games. That’s really what kept us in the game and won us the game.”

(On playing solid defense night in and night out)

“We’re not consistent. For the most part I think we can control the game. We need to stay focused defensively. They had a 25-point run there in the first and second quarters and that shows that we need to stay focused.”

Carlos Boozer

(On their defense on Duncan tonight)

“He’s a great player. He’s going to have a lot more great nights than tough nights. He had a tough night. We gotta give that man (Okur) a lot of credit. Mehmet Okur did a great job of focusing on him. He even sacrificed his offense to concentrate on his defense on Duncan. He did a great job. We tried to do a good job of helping him, but give a lot of credit to Mehmet.”

(On their good start contributing to letting down during the Spurs’ run)

“They’re a good team. They play with pride over there. They’re a championship team. Championship teams don’t quit. They’re not going to quit ever. They came right back and took it right to us. We had to hold our composure and know we can play and compete. We got some shots and got on a little bit of a run and cut it to five at the half. In the third quarter we continued to just grind and do what we do. The reason we got back into the game was our defense. They got a huge lead and then we cut it down there before the half. In the second half we did a good job of continuing to play good defense.”

01-21-2010, 12:54 AM
faster than RSS, it's duncan228 :toast

Sean Cagney
01-21-2010, 12:54 AM
F the stupid quotes, win the damn game....... I am not reading one of them nor do I care to :(

Sorry. I read it and didn't make me feel too much better when I read the they had a huge lead and we played D and got back into it from Boozer :( That part made me depressed again even thinking we had a double digit lead in this one.

01-21-2010, 01:01 AM
I wish Pop showed the same passion for coaching as he does for his love of Michael Finley..

01-21-2010, 01:13 AM
“Utah played with more physicality than we did tonight.”

The Spurs have been getting pushed around for a long time, and during that one stretch where they were jamming the ball down the Jazz throats and playing hard D, I was wondering why it's so hard for them to click like that consistently. Pop needs to sit them down and tell them to stop looking so damn scared when they avoid taking clean shots and back down from more aggressive teams. Blair and Manu are putting in so much heart when no one else seems to find theirs, and Tim can only do so much.

Such talent, but the Spurs give the opposing team's so much respect that they look timid. Then they fight back, are within striking distance, then collapse. Last year, I remember more often than not the Spurs would find a way to win in close games. It wasn't pretty, but I remember being more optimistic. Over the last week or two reality is starting to sink in about our place this season. It doesn't matter what the record is if the team can't consistently play dominant basketball against above average teams (much less real contenders). :(

01-21-2010, 01:18 AM
faster than RSS, it's duncan228 :toast


:toast back at 'ya spursdotcom.