View Full Version : Teams on the rise and fall

01-25-2010, 07:45 PM
Teams on the fall:

Spurs - There is no denying that the Spurs have been one of the most successful teams of the last decade, title wise, and the consistency on making the playoffs. They were often described as boring, and when they were counted out, they would make their second half run into the playoffs. This year however, they are being counted out once again. But the thing is, their obviously getting old, and it's questionable whether or not they will make their usual second half surge. Duncan is still good, but is clearly on the downside of his career, as well as Ginobli. Parker seems to have lost a step, how much, is debatable. Richard Jefferson has been a bust so far, I guess it's a good thing the Spurs did not give too much up for him.

Detroit - They have fallen off the fastest. They have gone from a Championship in 04 to a possible lottery pick. The departure of Chauncey tore that team apart. No forseeable turnaround for them.

Golden State - It was only in 3 years ago when the Warriors knocked off the Mavs in the playoffs. Amazing, that organization is a mess, and will continue to be that way for a long time, at least until Don Nelson is fired.

Phoenix - I think this one is the most shocking, as they were a team that had all the tools to compete for a title, with at one time or another, having Nash, Joe Johnson, Quentin Richardson, Amare Stoudamire, Leandro Barbosa, Boris Diaw, Raja Bell, Shaq, and company. Now, they are exposed for what they are, a jumpshooting, no defense squad that is in danger of missing the playoffs for the second straight year.

Rockets - Even though they have surpassed expectations so far, now the teams are starting to figure out how to beat them, as they struggle to beat the worst teams in the league. Their season can get a jumpstart if they would just trade McGrady now, because they aren't going to get a star back for him, so Morey can just forget it.

Boston - Getting old, injuries, etc. Not the best team in the East anymore, they had a one year window, but that has now closed since LeBron seems to be on a mission.

New Orleans - Chris Paul is the team, and everyone has figured that out. Not sneaking up on anyone anymore

Miami - D-Whistle's squad has fallen off far, but is still in the playoff race due to the inferiority of the Eastern conference

Teams on the rise:

Oklahoma City - A good, young team that is going to get better each and every game. Enjoyable to watch as well

Denver - Melo seems focused right now, but without him and Chauncey, they can easily move to the teams on the decline list

Cleveland - As of right now, they seem to be the best in the league, and that is from LeBron making his teammates look much better than they actually are. He is having an MVP type season once again

Portland - Even with all the injuries, they still find ways to win. Much respect to them, but t-long makes it hard as hell

Lakers - Of course the defending Champs would be on here. Gasol makes this team stay on the rise. They are also on the rise because of what Bynum COULD be, he has the tools, he just has to utilize them. The only thing that could change this is Kobe. Kobe already has 1,003 shot attempts, he might wear himself out for the playoffs if he doesn't be careful.

Memphis - Amazing, we all thought they would be cellar dwellers once again, but they are one of the biggest surprises of the season so far.

Clippers - Also Amazing is that they are on the rise without having their top draft pick. At 20-23, it is an improvement so far, so we will see what happens.

Other teams on the rise


01-25-2010, 07:56 PM
Hard to figure out where Dallas is, so they are in the middle, possibly on the rise with the right trade

01-25-2010, 07:58 PM
lmao djohn

01-25-2010, 08:06 PM
Sons, Lakers are on the fall. Cavs winning it all this year.

01-25-2010, 10:20 PM
Sons, Lakers are on the fall. Cavs winning it all this year.

Way too early to tell. The playoffs are a whole different animal my friend. Cavs found that out last year. Talent wins out when a team has a 7 game series to game plan and implement strategy. Whoever has the most talent will win.