View Full Version : my cat ate a roach

01-25-2010, 08:43 PM
that was seriously dosed down with some black flag. Like I sprayed the bitch on my wall for at least 5 seconds from less than 3 feet away. Anyone else ever have their cat get sick from this?

The roach fell yet escaped across the carpet when I sprayed and within 30 seconds was climbing the wall again and hid behind my windowshades. Those are right behind the couch where I'm about to watch the Spurs and that wasn't gonna work, so I tried to lift the blind and get it while it was on the window but I was afraid of breaking it because of my angle due to the couch. It's now been about 1 minute only, and the cats are excited around my position. I managed to knock it off again with my hand-boot but my mouser/roacher catches him literally mid air and runs to the bathtub with it (standard issue for he and critter control) before I can do anything except nearly trip and fall. Before I even have a chance to get to the bathroom, bug has been eaten except for a couple spindly legs scattered. And that bug was damn soaked in some black flag.

01-25-2010, 08:59 PM
time to adopt a new one

01-25-2010, 09:29 PM
Oh, you mean an insect......
i thought you forgot to empty the ashtray after
mouse visited......

01-25-2010, 10:59 PM
I like to break situations like this down into a list of possibilities.

1. Your cat dies.
2. Your cat throws up and/or goes to the bathroom on your carpet.
3. Nothing happens.

01-25-2010, 11:01 PM
that was seriously dosed down with some black flag. Like I sprayed the bitch on my wall for at least 5 seconds from less than 3 feet away. Anyone else ever have their cat get sick from this?

There are other ways to kill a roach (and not make a mess).

01-25-2010, 11:08 PM
that was seriously dosed down with some black flag. Like I sprayed the bitch on my wall for at least 5 seconds from less than 3 feet away. Anyone else ever have their cat get sick from this?

The roach fell yet escaped across the carpet when I sprayed and within 30 seconds was climbing the wall again and hid behind my windowshades. Those are right behind the couch where I'm about to watch the Spurs and that wasn't gonna work, so I tried to lift the blind and get it while it was on the window but I was afraid of breaking it because of my angle due to the couch. It's now been about 1 minute only, and the cats are excited around my position. I managed to knock it off again with my hand-boot but my mouser/roacher catches him literally mid air and runs to the bathtub with it (standard issue for he and critter control) before I can do anything except nearly trip and fall. Before I even have a chance to get to the bathroom, bug has been eaten except for a couple spindly legs scattered. And that bug was damn soaked in some black flag.

If it happened more than an hour ago and nothing has happened to your cat, it's likely nothing will happen. Watch for vomitting and/or diarrhea.

01-25-2010, 11:10 PM
Well, nothing has happened so far. Which is surprising, because that roach was like, white with black flag spray. It's wings were dripping.

01-25-2010, 11:20 PM
You can probably rule out #1. Luckily it's called roach-killer, and not cat-killer.

I'd keep an eye out for #2 though.

But that's just, like...general life advice.

01-25-2010, 11:31 PM
Yeah I'm watching him. LOL my cat is actually the best roach killer, and he always takes them to the tub to play with. They always try to climb out or cross to the drain and never escape. Usually he doesn't eat them so fast but I think he knew something was up and that meant he should down it quickly lol

marini martini
01-26-2010, 12:06 AM
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??? You never mentioned this in "chat"!!! WTF????????

01-26-2010, 01:20 AM
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??? You never mentioned this in "chat"!!! WTF????????

lol Spurs were pissing me off too much. He's fine I think. He has been playing, and I gave him some treats which he gobbled down. He has drank a lot of water but nothing too unusual.

01-26-2010, 01:22 AM
Cats are awesome pets.

01-26-2010, 01:27 AM
Do your cats go outside? If so they probably eat much more toxic stuff than the BlackFlag. My cats are free to go outside, but basically they go out about an hour each night----for a midnight snack of course. They like lizards, moths, grubs, but recently brought in a delicious snake. Then last week they brought in a dove, and the feathers were everywhere :)

01-26-2010, 01:38 AM
Do your cats go outside?

By themselves? Hell no. I'm a little defensive over my cats - about 3 years ago my previous kitty disappeared about the billionth time I let him out. I searched every morning and evening, put up fliers and knocked doors for 5-6 blocks around here for weeks. No sign of him ever again sadly. So these kitties are pretty much housecats only lol.

If so they probably eat much more toxic stuff than the BlackFlag. My cats are free to go outside, but basically they go out about an hour each night----for a midnight snack of course. They like lizards, moths, grubs, but recently brought in a delicious snake. Then last week they brought in a dove, and the feathers were everywhere :)

Do you have a big yard or do they just venture wherever? I know that cats will easily get past most fences but I'm curious.

01-26-2010, 02:05 AM
I just have a regular fenced yard. I also have 2 dogs so I have a doggy door, and as much as I tried to keep it a secret from the cats, they are just too smart. But yes they go out for about an hour per night. I've had them since August and they have never left the yard, or at least I have never seen them out front.

01-26-2010, 05:07 AM
WTF?? +1 thread :lol

01-26-2010, 05:18 AM
By themselves? Hell no. I'm a little defensive over my cats - about 3 years ago my previous kitty disappeared about the billionth time I let him out. I searched every morning and evening, put up fliers and knocked doors for 5-6 blocks around here for weeks. No sign of him ever again sadly. So these kitties are pretty much housecats only lol.

Do you have a big yard or do they just venture wherever? I know that cats will easily get past most fences but I'm curious.

I hear you. After having to scrape a dead cat off the road along with its left eye ball its 100% collar on and indoor time.

By the way sprays aren't too good at killing and they can stain/smell/drip and such. A shoe or broom is cheap and effective. Plus your cat can eat the corpse without violent diarrhea.

01-26-2010, 06:56 AM
I just have a regular fenced yard. I also have 2 dogs so I have a doggy door, and as much as I tried to keep it a secret from the cats, they are just too smart. But yes they go out for about an hour per night. I've had them since August and they have never left the yard, or at least I have never seen them out front.

No yard will keep a cat in. They always find a way out, you just haven't seen it yet

01-26-2010, 10:20 AM
I hear you. After having to scrape a dead cat off the road along with its left eye ball its 100% collar on and indoor time.

Yeah sadly. You love your pets and its too easy for them to get hurt or lost close to home yet never be found again.

By the way sprays aren't too good at killing and they can stain/smell/drip and such. A shoe or broom is cheap and effective. Plus your cat can eat the corpse without violent diarrhea.

I usually do just that, the times I see a roach. Most often, I just discover a leg here or there when I'm cleaning the tub. :)

But this roach was near the roof in a corner by the door, too high for the kitties and a little too high for me -- don't want a roach falling on my head or getting in my clothes or something.. :toast

01-26-2010, 12:07 PM
Yeah sadly. You love your pets and its too easy for them to get hurt or lost close to home yet never be found again.

I usually do just that, the times I see a roach. Most often, I just discover a leg here or there when I'm cleaning the tub. :)

But this roach was near the roof in a corner by the door, too high for the kitties and a little too high for me -- don't want a roach falling on my head or getting in my clothes or something.. :toast

your place sounds awesome to live in.

by awesome, I mean crappy.

01-26-2010, 12:12 PM
your place sounds awesome to live in.

by awesome, I mean crappy.

I don't necessarily agree...but I :lol'd

01-26-2010, 12:22 PM
your place sounds awesome to live in.

by awesome, I mean crappy.

Ok Blake. Because of a roach being inside during the middle of a winter night, my place must be crappy.

lol@the dumbest, most butthurt poster on this entire forum.

01-26-2010, 12:26 PM
I don't necessarily agree...but I :lol'd

You don't get roaches in your apartment?

01-26-2010, 12:33 PM
You don't get roaches in your apartment?

Only thing we get here are water bugs that sometimes come in from the soil in the back yard. My cat likes to play with them as well.

01-26-2010, 12:36 PM
Only thing we get here are water bugs that sometimes come in from the soil in the back yard. My cat likes to play with them as well.

I consider them the same. I live in a 75 year old duplex plus I keep the windows and door open a lot, so pests do find entry occassionally especially considering its winter. If that makes my pad crappy to someone, so be it. :)

01-26-2010, 12:45 PM
(Plus that's why I have cats lol)

01-26-2010, 12:46 PM
I get water bugs from time to time ... Missy plays with them until she gets tired then she kills them for mommy ...


01-26-2010, 12:47 PM
You don't get roaches in your apartment?

:lol Not in my current apartment; though, that's not to say that my apt isn't crappy.

The way you were talking, it seemed as if your place was infested, which may or may not have been what Blake was alluding to/I was laughing at.

Calm down...

01-26-2010, 12:47 PM
Anyone who has ever lived in Houston has had to deal with roaches. The whole city has a bug problem. I've learned to steer clear of the chemical pesticides precisely because our pets have a tendency to try to eat the ones that might cross their path. Jonah, our dog, plays with them almost like cat. He'll bat them around and pounce until he usually crushes them more by accident than design. Barney, our cat, is a little more ruthless. The only evidence I ever found of his encounter with one was a decapitated one a few feet from his litter box. Didn't look like he'd made any attempt to eat it, just cut the bastard's head off and left him lying there.

01-26-2010, 12:50 PM
:lol Not in my current apartment; though, that's not to say that my apt isn't crappy.

How lucky. All of my friends and family have at least very minor pest problems; I thought everyone did to some degree :lol I guess people who live in apt/homes where they spray religiously or pay for exterminators don't.

The way you were talking, it seemed as if your place was infested, which may or may not have been what Blake was alluding to/I was laughing at.

I'm confused then. What did I say to make it seem that way? Because I do have a small problem, but it's like a roach every other week and I had an ant problem at one point briefly. For such an old house and many years with no extermination whatsoever, that's actually really good IMO.

Calm down...

Um why? The Blake thing is ongoing because he clearly doesn't like me, and neither me him; I don't invade his threads with kindergarten smack though. So it is what it is.

01-26-2010, 12:56 PM
Yeah I'm watching him. LOL my cat is actually the best roach killer, and he always takes them to the tub to play with. They always try to climb out or cross to the drain and never escape. Usually he doesn't eat them so fast but I think he knew something was up and that meant he should down it quickly lol

I usually do just that, the times I see a roach. Most often, I just discover a leg here or there when I'm cleaning the tub. :)

But this roach was near the roof in a corner by the door, too high for the kitties and a little too high for me -- don't want a roach falling on my head or getting in my clothes or something.. :toast

All those words phrases might suggest that.

As far as the whole Blake thing goes, I wasn't aware. I just meant to calm down and not take offense just cause I laughed at something I didn't even concur with. I like the guy, but get the feeling that many on this board don't, so, as you said, "it is what it is".

01-26-2010, 01:05 PM
I'm suggesting a rate for his tendencies, not the actual amount of times he's doing it. I mean, he's not "always" eating roaches, but during the rare moments when he does, he "always" takes them to the tub. I guess I sound like I should calm down, but no one likes having their abode insulted - and without any justification IMO.

Then again, it is just dumbass Blake. :)

And thanks everyone for the comments - he's fine. I read online that a few people have actually claimed such things killed their cats, so I wanted some advice.

The Gemini Method
01-26-2010, 01:29 PM
I used to have an Arrowana that loved to eat roaches. This thing was a fiend and would obliterate anything i dropped in its aquarium. It was a delicacy for that fish and it grew to be almost 2 1/2 feet in length before I gave it to a friend of mine. He's still living and on occasion, I will bring over a roach or two to feed it.

01-26-2010, 01:30 PM
Cats have 9 lives.

01-26-2010, 03:00 PM
Most often, I just discover a leg here or there when I'm cleaning the tub. :)

if that's most often, then that's crappy.

Ok Blake. Because of a roach being inside during the middle of a winter night, my place must be crappy.

no, because you have a can of roach killer ready to roll and you find roach parts most often when you are cleaning the tub :)

Um why? The Blake thing is ongoing because he clearly doesn't like me, and neither me him; I don't invade his threads with kindergarten smack though. So it is what it is.

Um I didn't realize there was on ongoing Blake thing. :lol

I think your debating skills are weak, you obviously take things way too personal, and I could not care any less about you.

It is what is. hilarious.

I'm suggesting a rate for his tendencies, not the actual amount of times he's doing it. I mean, he's not "always" eating roaches, but during the rare moments when he does, he "always" takes them to the tub. I guess I sound like I should calm down, but no one likes having their abode insulted - and without any justification IMO.

Then again, it is just dumbass Blake. :)

If you don't want your abode insulted then don't start a thread in an open forum about how you find roach parts when cleaning the tub :)

Please do not calm down. The entertainment level is much greater when you get irate over me saying your apartment sounds crappy.

lol@the dumbest, most butthurt poster on this entire forum.

lol I said what, 7 words?

if I ever was the butthurt king, (which I never really was) then you clearly just stole the butthurt title from me in this thread alone :)

01-26-2010, 03:02 PM
All those words phrases might suggest that.

As far as the whole Blake thing goes, I wasn't aware. I just meant to calm down and not take offense just cause I laughed at something I didn't even concur with. I like the guy, but get the feeling that many on this board don't, so, as you said, "it is what it is".

yeah, my Team Blake tshirts weren't very big sellers this past holiday season.

01-26-2010, 03:20 PM
First and foremost, Blake's reading comprehension skills suck.

if that's most often, then that's crappy.

In the context I used it, that's when there's a sign he has gotten a roach at all. Not most oftentimes when I clean the tub, Blake.

no, because you have a can of roach killer ready to roll

Explain ready to roll. Because chances are, your stupid self has a can of insect killer in the same area as I do.

and you find roach parts most often when you are cleaning the tub :)

if there's a sign at all, blake, if there's a sign at all. It should be inferred from that sentence and my general attitude it doesn't happen much, and MOST OFTEN (focus Blake focus) the times I do detect him kill a roach it's from the tiny amount of leftovers - and its actually in the cleanest place it could be because I can quickly spray the tub out which was the point of even bringing that up, I think it's pretty fuckin cool.

Um I didn't realize there was on ongoing Blake thing. :lol

You can deny there is like you're above me or whatever, but that's clearly a lie and there's lost of posts backing that up. we have a past both debating and talking shit, you caring enough to talk some shit to me here is proof.

I think your debating skills are weak, you obviously take things way too personal, and I could not care any less about you.

That's a lie. If you could not care any less, you would not have responded. Even if you claim it's only entertainment for you (which it's really the opposite, as you have continuously started arguments with me in nearly every debate we have had which so many you have lost,) you have already contradicted your own logic.

It is what is. hilarious.

yes kindergarten smack talk about someone's house is hilarious. :)

If you don't want your abode insulted then don't start a thread in an open forum about how you find roach parts when cleaning the tub :)

So, let me ask you this Blake: others in this thread have said they find a much larger variety of creatures than just simple insects being dragged in by their cats and sometime even causing a mess. My cat, in contrast, eats a much smaller number of insects he finds whole and what leftovers remain, are in an area easily washed away. Are their abodes crappy too? Whose abode is 'crappier', in your opinion?

Do you have any pets, Blake? Don't be shy now.

Please do not calm down.

I'm calm, bro.

01-26-2010, 03:20 PM
Cats have 9 lives.

Yea but what about the poor roaches?? :cry

01-26-2010, 03:26 PM
yeah, my Team Blake tshirts weren't very big sellers this past holiday season.


I prolly wouldn't PAY for one, but wouldn't necessarily return it if it were gifted to me either.

01-26-2010, 03:28 PM
I dont like cats.
Dogs rule.

End of story......

01-26-2010, 03:55 PM
In the context I used it, that's when there's a sign he has gotten a roach at all. Not most oftentimes when I clean the tub, Blake.

when you figure out you have had a roach in your place, most often you will find roach legs when you clean the tub. I get it :)

Explain ready to roll. Because chances are, your stupid self has a can of insect killer in the same area as I do.

You found a roach you couldn't reach and were able to grab your can of Raid before it got away. I'm not sure why you need an explanation of that.

Although I do not currently have an inspect spray specifically for roaches and keep all sprays/powders out in the shed, me having bug spray has nothing to do with you having roach spray ready to roll.

if there's a sign at all, blake, if there's a sign at all. It should be inferred from that sentence and my general attitude it doesn't happen much, and MOST OFTEN (focus Blake focus) the times I do detect him kill a roach it's from the tiny amount of leftovers - and its actually in the cleanest place it could be because I can quickly spray the tub out which was the point of even bringing that up, I think it's pretty fuckin cool.

I figured you think it's pretty cool your cats eat roaches and leave body parts behind. After all, you started a whole thread about it and discussed it.

what does your girlfriend think of the cat eating roaches and leaving behind body parts by the tub?

You can deny there is like you're above me or whatever, but that's clearly a lie and there's lost of posts backing that up. we have a past both debating and talking shit, you caring enough to talk some shit to me here is proof.

:lol Nah. There are no posts anywhere that would suggest I like or dislike you.

If anyone else had posted this thread, I would be saying the same things. I care enough to keep this going because it's honestly very entertaining.

That's a lie. If you could not care any less, you would not have responded. Even if you claim it's only entertainment for you (which it's really the opposite, as you have continuously started arguments with me in nearly every debate we have had which so many you have lost,) you have already contradicted your own logic.

No, it's the truth. I could not care any less about you personally. I don't even know you.

You are mistaking me responding to your posts as "dislike". That's pretty much the definition of butthurt.

yes kindergarten smack talk about someone's house is hilarious. :)

your response to the kindegarten smack talk about your apartment is even more hilarious. :)

So, let me ask you this Blake: others in this thread have said they find a much larger variety of creatures than just simple insects being dragged in by their cats and sometime even causing a mess. My cat, in contrast, eats a much smaller number of insects he finds whole and what leftovers remain, are in an area easily washed away. Are their abodes crappy too? Whose abode is 'crappier', in your opinion?

Do your cats drag in the roaches?

Do you have any pets, Blake? Don't be shy now.

No. Why would I be shy about admitting to having pets?

I'm calm, bro.

Are you still butthurt?

01-26-2010, 04:12 PM

01-26-2010, 04:18 PM
Yea but what about the poor roaches?? :cry

What about 'em? :lol

01-26-2010, 04:26 PM
I hope everyone is enjoying Blake's hateful retardation, I am :). Oh, and everyone with mouser/insect eating cats or dogs, Blake thinks your house is crappy. He also denies having pets, probably because if he told the truth about them, he'd be on the hook for calling his own house crappy.

God bless Blake's entertainment value.

Going on:

when you figure out you have had a roach in your place, most often you will find roach legs when you clean the tub. I get it :)

RIF is the best I can say.

You found a roach you couldn't reach and were able to grab your can of Raid before it got away. I'm not sure why you need an explanation of that.

It didn't move for quite some time, actually. I'm enjoying this conversation, in fact, let me tell you the whole story since I enjoy talking about the cats and you obviously have nothing better to do.

Over a whole minute the roach stood there. My cats alerted me to his presence first. They were meowing up at him. I pushed my computer chair up, and my cat got on it; I hoped the cat would pounce but the ceilings are high. He continued meowing and looking like he wanted it bad, but he refused to make the jump. Finally, i moved to the kitchen closet and grabbed my Black Flag from the top shelf (my apartment doesn't have a shed). I moved back over the position of the roach, and still he had not moved. I moved the chair, scattering the cats, and aimed well before releasing a full nozzle blast of poison straight at it. It fluttered its spotted dark wings but stuck to the wall for a moment before falling. You know rest.

So, long story long, you're wrong.

Although I do not currently have an inspect spray specifically for roaches and keep all sprays/powders out in the shed, me having bug spray has nothing to do with you having roach spray ready to roll.

I asked you to define ready to roll. You didn't. How surprising. I bet at least 1 billion other people have bug spray in their house that they bust out for roaches and other pests, especially in the winter. Plus these local bugs aren't used to the cold man. What's so hard to understand?

I figured you think it's pretty cool your cats eat roaches and leave body parts behind. After all, you started a whole thread about it and discussed it.

No, I didn't start a thread about my cat eating roaches every now and then and leaving parts behind occasionally when he does, focus Blake focus. RIF. I mean seriously, I hope some people are watching how pathetic Blake's comprehension is right here.

:lol Nah. There are no posts anywhere that would suggest I like or dislike you.

You're a troll oftentimes, everyone knows it. STFU

If anyone else had posted this thread, I would be saying the same things. I care enough to keep this going because it's honestly very entertaining.

It's entertaining for you why? I'm fucking owning you by any count or measure on scoreboard.

1) the same logic you have for calling my house crappy would mean many who owns pets have a crappy house, including people who posted in this thread. Why won't you call them out on their supposedly crappy houses? Just more proof you dislike me.

2) the cat takes roaches to the bathtub, do you own one? Because I'm not sure you understand that spraying a few roach legs down is fucking easy

3) OF COURSE you deny you have pets now, how predictable.

No, it's the truth. I could not care any less about you personally. I don't even know you.

lol you've had professional help blocking out all the times i figuratively assraped you huh? Well you're gonna need more help after today. :lmao

No. Why would I be shy about admitting to having pets?

Yeah, how convenient, if you said yes you'd be a humongous hypocrite.

I'm having fun, just like you Blake.

01-26-2010, 04:46 PM
Zosa does your apartment have pest control? You use that, you will be seeing a roach every other 6 months or so if anything.

As for cockroaches...:vomit:

I HATE those insects. They look very disgusting. I hate the way they move their antennas, I hate the way they scatter, etc etc. The big ones really gross me out the most.

01-26-2010, 04:52 PM
:lol Not in my current apartment; though, that's not to say that my apt isn't crappy.

The way you were talking, it seemed as if your place was infested, which may or may not have been what Blake was alluding to/I was laughing at.

Calm down...

What apartments do you live at in Denton? I have been to Denton numerous times. I have a few friends that are going to school their. I ask because the Ridge Apartments (Off loop 288 I believe) a buddy of mine I stayed at had a horrible cockroach infestation. :lmao

01-26-2010, 04:59 PM
Zosa does your apartment have pest control? You use that, you will be seeing a roach every other 6 months or so if anything.

Long story short, the owner says paying for an exterminator is on my end ridiculously because "the house itself is pretty damn old and so it's really not even worth it considering the amount of problem you have with them" (like I said, I only see 1-2 a month and less during the hotter months). Plus, I honestly don't mind the cats killing the few who make it into the house because it keeps them entertained and sharp (plus he takes them to the tub and eats them whole usually). I would want them to kill anything like that immediately, something like a spider that could actually hurt them or someone.

As for cockroaches...:vomit:

I HATE those insects. They look very disgusting. I hate the way they move their antennas, I hate the way they scatter, etc etc. The big ones really gross me out the most.


01-26-2010, 05:02 PM
I hope everyone is enjoying Blake's hateful retardation, I am :). Oh, and everyone with mouser/insect eating cats or dogs, Blake thinks your house is crappy. He also denies having pets, probably because if he told the truth about them, he'd be on the hook for calling his own house crappy.

God bless Blake's entertainment value.

No, you having roaches on what appears to be a semi regular basis makes your place crappy. It has nothing to do with pets.

It may be hard for you to understand, but I have a pest control service come out once every 3-4 months. I haven't seen a roach in my house in years.

If anyone else were to say they have roaches crawling on the ceilings and finding roach limbs next to their tub, I would say their place is crappy too.

God bless my entertainment value, which in the opinion of the only person that matters is top notch.

RIF is the best I can say.

Ok. You also say you find roach parts next to your bath tub and you are concerned about roaches falling from the ceiling.

How awesome for you.

It didn't move for quite some time, actually. I'm enjoying this conversation, in fact, let me tell you the whole story since I enjoy talking about the cats and you obviously have nothing better to do.

Over a whole minute the roach stood there. My cats alerted me to his presence first. They were meowing up at him. I pushed my computer chair up, and my cat got on it; I hoped the cat would pounce but the ceilings are high. He continued meowing and looking like he wanted it bad, but he refused to make the jump. Finally, i moved to the kitchen closet and grabbed my Black Flag from the top shelf (my apartment doesn't have a shed). I moved back over the position of the roach, and still he had not moved. I moved the chair, scattering the cats, and aimed well before releasing a full nozzle blast of poison straight at it. It fluttered its spotted dark wings but stuck to the wall for a moment before falling. You know rest.

So, long story long, you're wrong.

:lol In what way am I wrong? I'm not even trying to be right.

Short story, in my opinion your place has a pest control service that is awesome.

And by awesome, I mean crappy.

I asked you to define ready to roll. You didn't. How surprising. I bet at least 1 billion other people have bug spray in their house that they bust out for roaches and other pests, especially in the winter. Plus these local bugs aren't used to the cold man. What's so hard to understand?

I clearly defined ready to roll. You missed it. How surprising.

I bet a billion other people have bug spray in their house that they have ready to roll for roaches and other pests just like you do.

There are a lot of crappy places in the world.

No, I didn't start a thread about it, focus Blake focus. RIF. I mean seriously, I hope some people are watching how pathetic Blake's comprehension is right here.

Your name is at the top of this thread and you have described your roach situation to us.

Focus, zosa, focus.

You're a troll oftentimes, everyone knows it. STFU

I still don't really know what the definition of troll is. I think most people troll at one time or another whether they really mean to or not.

That aside, that has nothing to do with you providing proof that I like or dislike you personally.

I like the fact that your posts bring me entertainment.

It's entertaining for you why? I'm fucking owning you by any count or measure on scoreboard.

:lol you're the one living in a roachy place with cats. Not me.


Team Blake: 1
z0sa: 0

1) the same logic you have for calling my house crappy would mean many who owns pets have a crappy house, including people who posted in this thread

Many who own pets do have a crappy house, but I never stated my definition of crappy of being anything other than your conditions which exist of concern for roaches dropping from the ceiling and roach parts by the bath tub.

Team Blake: 2
z0sa: 0

2) the cat takes roaches to the bathtub, do you own one? Because I'm not sure you understand that spraying a few roach legs down is fucking easy

Yes, I own a bathtub.

Spraying a few roach legs may be fucking easy, but it still points to the fact you have roaches which in turn leads to the crappy situation.

Team Blake: 3
z0sa -1

3) OF COURSE you deny you have pets now, how predictable.

Predictability aside, unless you can prove otherwise, then no, I do not own one single pet.

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -2

lol you've had professional help blocking out all the times i figuratively assraped you huh? Well you're gonna need more help after today. :lmao

OF COURSE I deny I have had professional help blocking out all of the phantom times you figuratively assraped me.

You cannot provide proof of such an assraping and you are a liar for claiming such. Lies mean extra negative points.

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -5

Yeah, how convenient, if you said yes you'd be a humongous hypocrite.

No because even if I had pets, I would still have pest control to make sure I don't have roach parts in my bathtub.

Team Blake: 5
z0sa: -5

I'm having fun, just like you Blake.

doubtful, but I can't prove that someone isn't having fun getting owned and lying about himself winning on an imaginary scorecard.

At least you're using foul language in a calm manner. :lol

01-26-2010, 05:08 PM
Why are you spraying poison on the roach when he is just sitting there in front of you? Why dont slap once with a newspaper or something different and its over, then your cat would not have eaten the poison also.

01-26-2010, 05:09 PM
What apartments do you live at in Denton? I have been to Denton numerous times. I have a few friends that are going to school their. I ask because the Ridge Apartments (Off loop 288 I believe) a buddy of mine I stayed at had a horrible cockroach infestation. :lmao


I know the apts you're talkin about. Funnily enough, I live at these run-down, cheap-ass apts off of Eagle and Bernard, couple blocks away from campus.

I honestly have NO IDEA how I haven't had any kind of insect problem thus far. [knock knock knock]

01-26-2010, 05:15 PM
:lmao wow, blake is on the run straight out. Now any place without pest control coming out is a crappy place. Would you like to pay for my pest control, bitch? My cats probably would still do a better job considering all the facts.

Your name is at the top of this thread and you have described your roach situation to us.

I didn't create a thread about my cat occassionally eating roaches and taking them to the bathtub to play with and finally consume. I made a thread about Black Flag possibly being bad for any cat that ate any bug that was soaked in black flag. Fact.

Why do you continue to dispute this fact, Blake?

Focus, Blake, focus.

And I'd prefer if you didn't steal my shtick.

Finally, nice owning yourself right here:


Team Blake: 1
z0sa: 0

Team Blake: 2
z0sa: 0

Team Blake: 3
z0sa -1

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -2

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -5

Team Blake: 5
z0sa: -5

but I can't prove that someone isn't having fun getting owned and lying about himself winning on an imaginary scorecard.

:lmao Blake is such an idiot.

marini martini
01-26-2010, 05:19 PM
Kudos to zOsa for cleaning the bathtub!!!:toast I'll bet Blake doesn't ever clean his/hers.:lol

01-26-2010, 05:19 PM

I know the apts you're talkin about. Funnily enough, I live at these run-down, cheap-ass apts off of Eagle and Bernard, couple blocks away from campus.

I honestly have NO IDEA how I haven't had any kind of insect problem thus far. [knock knock knock]

Wait off Eagle and Bernard?

Are you talking about the ones behind R-Bar or is it the apartments diagnolly from r-bar? One of my friends had lived at both places.:lmao:lmao

01-26-2010, 05:23 PM
Kudos to zOsa for cleaning the bathtub!!!:toast I'll bet Blake doesn't ever clean his/hers.:lol

Yeah, I love my apartment. It's way better than whatever shithole Blake stays in, occasional roach legs included.

01-26-2010, 05:23 PM
I take it where you live is near the sorority/fraternity rows? I know fry street is nearby as well.

01-26-2010, 05:28 PM

Team Blake: 1
z0sa: 0

Team Blake: 2
z0sa: 0

Team Blake: 3
z0sa -1

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -2

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -5

Team Blake: 5
z0sa: -5

but I can't prove that someone isn't having fun getting owned and lying about himself winning on an imaginary scorecard.


01-26-2010, 05:31 PM
Wait off Eagle and Bernard?

Are you talking about the ones behind R-Bar or is it the apartments diagnolly from r-bar? One of my friends had lived at both places.:lmao:lmao

I take it where you live is near the sorority/fraternity rows? I know fry street is nearby as well.

:lol Yep! Right behind R-Bar and the wooden fence, University Place. I wanted to get into the Oaks, but they're always full, so I settled on UP -- cheap rent w/ all bills paid. It's a shithole, but it's...home?

01-26-2010, 05:33 PM
:lmao wow, blake is on the run straight out. Now any place without pest control coming out is a crappy place.

No, any place with roaches on a regular basis that you are concerned might fall on your head or on your clothes and that you also find roach parts by the bathtub is crappy. I'm not sure what part of this you are not getting.

Your reading comprehension skills suck.

If you don't need pest control, so be it.....but it sounds obvious from what you have said that you do.

Would you like to pay for my pest control, bitch?

No, why would I want to help you fix your crappy apartment?

My cats probably would still do a better job considering all the facts.

Considering the fact that a good pest control company will eradicate a roach infestation and cats will not, you don't really have all the facts

I didn't create a thread about my cat occassionally eating roaches and taking them to the bathtub to play with and finally consume. I made a thread about Black Flag possibly being bad for any cat that ate any bug that was soaked in black flag. Fact.

Why do you continue to dispute this fact, Blake?

You created a thread called "my cat a roach" and in this thread you discussed how you clean up roach parts near the tub. I didn't make that part up. Fact.

There's nothing to dispute.

IMO, your apartment is crappy.

And I'd prefer if you didn't steal my shtick.

i'm not stealing your shtick. Since there is no copyright on the phrase "focus.....focus" it is free for all to use and in this context, it was appropriate because you failed to focus.

Finally: nice owning yourself right here:

Naw. My imaginary scorecard beats yours.

:lmao Blake is such an idiot.

Naw. I don't use cats as pest control.

...and it's clear from your name calling that you are severely butthurt and you're getting more redassed by the post.

01-26-2010, 05:36 PM
:lol Yep! Right behind R-Bar and the wooden fence, University Place. I wanted to get into the Oaks, but they're always full, so I settled on UP -- cheap rent w/ all bills paid. It's a shithole, but it's...home?

That place isn't that bad. I stayed their before. I never experienced any bug problems during my stay. I do recall seeing homeless people roaming around that area from time to time. The Oaks is pretty nice but they are towing nazi's their I swear. :lmao:lmao

01-26-2010, 05:39 PM

Just another day of owning Blake being owned by everyone, especially himself. Even mouse beats up on this guy, it's kinda sad.

01-26-2010, 05:39 PM
Kudos to zOsa for cleaning the bathtub!!!:toast

Kudos for doing regular cleaning?


I'll bet Blake doesn't ever clean his/hers.:lol

If the bet is big enough to make it worth my while, I will let you come over and see my bathtub(s).

01-26-2010, 05:40 PM
Just another day of worrying about roaches falling on my head. At least I have a can of Raid ready to roll.

01-26-2010, 05:41 PM
Even mouse beats up on this guy, it's kinda sad.

that's funny right thar. :lol

more lies to make yourself feel better. I get it.

01-26-2010, 05:43 PM
Hey, why don't you quote where I said I have a problem with roaches falling on my head? If you can't, you admit you're an idiot. Deal?

01-26-2010, 05:44 PM
that's funny right thar. :lol

more lies to make yourself feel better. I get it.

:lol The truth hurts so bad.

Mouse is a much better debater and shit talker than you. He's also a lot better troll(s).

01-26-2010, 05:49 PM
Hey, why don't you quote where I said I have a problem with roaches falling on my head? If you can't, you admit you're an idiot. Deal?

Hurry up, Blake. It should be easy since you've referred to it multiple times now.

Or are you in the Apollo topic getting destroyed by Mouse now?

01-26-2010, 05:49 PM
:lol The truth hurts so bad.

Mouse is a much better debater and shit talker than you. He's also a lot better troll(s).

Blake is in meltdown mode in the moon topic trying to put 100 plus screen names on ignore :lmao

01-26-2010, 05:53 PM
lol @ blake. what a crappy name.

Blake is in meltdown mode in the moon topic trying to put 100 plus screen names on ignore :lmao


01-26-2010, 05:57 PM
This Blake dude is comedy gold well worth visiting the club! :tu

01-27-2010, 10:04 AM
Hey, why don't you quote where I said I have a problem with roaches falling on my head? If you can't, you admit you're an idiot. Deal?

-- don't want a roach falling on my head or getting in my clothes or something.. :toast

I admit, you're an idiot.

01-27-2010, 10:06 AM
Mouse is a much better debater and shit talker than you. He's also a lot better troll(s).

Really? so you agree with him that the Apollo missions were just a hoax and that the moon has an atmosphere? You're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

I agree that he is a much better troll(s).

01-27-2010, 10:08 AM
Hurry up, Blake. It should be easy since you've referred to it multiple times now.

It was very easy. I just had logged off for the night.

Or are you in the Apollo topic getting destroyed by Mouse now?

Naw. Mouse is doing a good enough job at destroying himself in the Apollo topic.

I don't think anyone but you thinks he is winning the debate that the Apollo missions were fake.

01-27-2010, 10:12 AM
I admit, you're an idiot.

I have a problem with roaches falling on my head?

don't want a roach falling on my head or getting in my clothes or something

Reading Is Fundamental, idiot. Blake just loves getting fucked. He's mouse's bitch but there's plenty of Blake asshole to go around.

01-27-2010, 10:14 AM
Blake is in meltdown mode in the moon topic trying to put 100 plus screen names on ignore :lmao

why would I need to put your trolls on ignore, mouse?

If I didn't want to read your posts I would just not read your posts.

01-27-2010, 10:18 AM
Really? so you agree with him that the Apollo missions were just a hoax and that the moon has an atmosphere?

:lmao :rollin Can you read?

I agree that he is a much better troll(s).

Much, much better.

01-27-2010, 10:18 AM
Reading Is Fundamental, idiot. Blake just loves getting fucked. He's mouse's bitch but there's plenty of Blake asshole to go around.

You don't like roaches falling on your head, therefore you have a personal problem with that.

I never said anything other than you have a concern about roaches falling on your head.

Please quote me where I said you have a real problem with roaches falling on your head.

RIF. I'll admit again, you're an idiot and the butthurtness you are displaying over me calling your place crappy is outstanding. :toast

01-27-2010, 10:19 AM
It was very easy. I just had logged off for the night.

LOL can't even read

Naw. Mouse is doing a good enough job at destroying himself in the Apollo topic.

Yeah, he definitely gets no help being destroyed from you, sucker. Mouse trolls the shit out of you.

01-27-2010, 10:20 AM

01-27-2010, 10:21 AM
You don't like roaches falling on your head, therefore you have a personal problem with that.

I didn't say personal problem.

LOL can't even read and lies to cover it up

I never said anything other than you have a concern about roaches falling on your head.

LOL lying more now

Please quote me where I said you have a real problem with roaches falling on your head.

You fake-quoted me about worrying another day about roaches (I never worry, and they're both plural which I never said and I'm still waiting on the quote you never produced, son)

RIF. I'll admit again, you're an idiot and the butthurtness you are displaying over me calling your place crappy is outstanding. :toast

Me and mouse just tagteamed redassed Blake :lmao

01-27-2010, 10:22 AM
:lmao :rollin Can you read?

Yes. I read that you think mouse is owning me in the Apollo thread.

If you don't agree with what he is saying, how do you figure he is owning over there?

I don't think you understand what it means to get owned.

01-27-2010, 10:23 AM
why would I need to put your trolls on ignore, mouse?

Because he's owning you so badly. I'm surprised I'm not on ignore after just these 4 pages :lol

01-27-2010, 10:24 AM
If you don't agree with what he is saying, how do you figure he is owning over there?

Yeah, I know it's pretty sad that everyone knows the Apollo moon missions occurred and Mouse still makes you his bitch on the topic.

01-27-2010, 10:25 AM
LOL can't even read

LOL can't even read what he wrote

Yeah, he definitely gets no help being destroyed from you, sucker. Mouse trolls the shit out of you.

naw. All of mouse's arguments gets destroyed on a regular basis.

He does make for a good troll though.

01-27-2010, 10:26 AM
Willingly letting mouse troll you is akin to being mouse's bitch.

Good for you there, bitch :tu

01-27-2010, 10:28 AM

Team Blake: 1
z0sa: 0

Team Blake: 2
z0sa: 0

Team Blake: 3
z0sa -1

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -2

Team Blake: 4
z0sa: -5

Team Blake: 5
z0sa: -5

but I can't prove that someone isn't having fun getting owned and lying about himself winning on an imaginary scorecard.

Something tells me your Team Blake shirts are gonna be another total flop after this topic :lol

01-27-2010, 10:30 AM
I didn't say personal problem.

LOL can't even read and lies to cover it up

LOL I never said the word problem.

Lies to cover up his butthurtness.

LOL lying more now

LOL yeah, you should stop.

You fake-quoted me about worrying another day about roaches (I never worry, and they're both plural which I never said and I'm still waiting on the quote you never produced, son)

You said you didn't want a roach falling on your head. That's not a fake quote, son. That also shows concern and worry on your part.

I never used the word problem until you asked about it.

Me and mouse just tagteamed redassed Blake :lmao

If you have to tag team with mouse, you should be concerned and worried, son.

01-27-2010, 10:33 AM
You said you didn't want a roach falling on your head. That's not a fake quote, son. That also shows concern and worry on your part.

You said I have a problem and concern and worry with roaches, plural, falling on my head. LOL Blake is a liar, everyone sees it.

If you have to tag team with mouse, you should be concerned and worried, son.

lol @ calling me son now cause you're butthurt I called you son. lol @ using "focus z0sa focus" because you're butthurt I told you to. LOL @ Blake's crappy name. And finally, lol Blake for not being able to read a lick and lying about it. I could go on, like lol Blake for arguing strawmen because you don't understand what I say, or lol Blake for kindergarten smack, but I can't laugh this much at work. :king

You should expect to be owned under these circumstances. :lol

01-27-2010, 10:37 AM
Willingly letting mouse troll you is akin to being mouse's bitch.

Good for you there, bitch :tu

I think there are times mouse really believes the conspiracies or he wouldn't go to the trouble of looking up all of the conspiracy research on these subjects and post youtube after youtube clip.

Watching mouse go from troll to troll has entertainment value at times.

Teaming up with mouse is akin to being everyone else's bitch.

Good for you there :tu

01-27-2010, 10:38 AM
I think there are times mouse really believes the conspiracies or he wouldn't go to the trouble of looking up all of the conspiracy research on these subjects and post youtube after youtube clip.

Watching mouse go from troll to troll has entertainment value at times.

Teaming up with mouse is akin to being everyone else's bitch.

Good for you there :tu

:lol not one place here did you deny you're mouse's token bitch

And lol @ continuing to steal my phrases the very next post after I use them. Blake must actually think that's clever.

01-27-2010, 10:41 AM
Because he's owning you so badly. I'm surprised I'm not on ignore after just these 4 pages :lol

This page has hit 4 pages, mostly because I called your apartment crappy. Someone else even told you to calm down.

Clearly you do not know what getting owned means. :lol

01-27-2010, 10:42 AM
lol why does blake take so long to respond when his responses themselves are so fucking crappy?

01-27-2010, 10:43 AM
:lol not one place here did you deny you're mouse's token bitch

:lol I deny I'm mouse's token bitch.

Clearly you do not know what token bitch means.

And lol @ continuing to steal my phrases the very next post after I use them. Blake must actually think that's clever.

lol @ me continuing to use your phrases.

I think you are hilarious.

01-27-2010, 10:45 AM
lol why does blake take so long to respond when his responses themselves are so fucking crappy?

who are you asking this question too?

01-27-2010, 10:48 AM
:lol I deny I'm mouse's token bitch.

LOL denying the truth doesn't change it, Blake.

You are Mouse's token bitch. He fucks you anytime he wants to. You just show your face in one of his topics and let the rape begin.

Clearly you do not know what token bitch means.

Considering I'm in the middle of working a deal that would sign your ass's rights over to me from Mouse until the next moon topic, yeah I think I do.

lol @ continuing to use your phrases.

LOL, when you copy my exact wording time after time, that's stealing someone's phrases on purpose. You being too stupid to understand that is not surprising.

I think you are hilarious.

LOL, this guy likes the pain. One couldn't count on two hands the amount of times he's been clearly proven wrong, bitter and made a bitch in this single thread alone.

01-27-2010, 10:48 AM
You said I have a problem and concern and worry with roaches, plural, falling on my head. LOL Blake is a liar, everyone sees it.

LOL You are a liar, even if you can't see it.

lol @ calling me son now cause you're butthurt I called you son. lol @ using "focus z0sa focus" because you're butthurt I told you to. LOL @ Blake's crappy name. And finally, lol Blake for not being able to read a lick and lying about it. I could go on, like lol Blake for arguing strawmen because you don't understand what I say, or lol Blake for kindergarten smack, but I can't laugh this much at work. :king

lol in no way am I butthurt.

You clearly do not know what butthurt means.

You should expect to be owned under these circumstances. :lol

As long as this thread keeps going, you should expect to continue to be owned. :king

01-27-2010, 10:52 AM
LOL You are a liar, even if you can't see it.

:lmao I already asked you twice, quote where I said I have a problem with roaches falling on my head all the time.

If you cannot, you are a liar.

You cannot.

You are a liar.

lol in no way am I butthurt.


Hold on, let me just post this again for effect.

lol in no way am I butthurt.


You clearly do not know what butthurt means.

It's clearly what you are now and have been since your first response. LOL liar Blake

As long as this thread keeps going, you should expect to continue to be owned. :king

I'm sure the rest of Team Blake is keeping imaginary score :lmao

01-27-2010, 10:53 AM
lol in no way am I butthurt.

:lmao clearly butthurt the whole thread and he has the vagina to say this

01-27-2010, 10:54 AM
So, did the cat die?

01-27-2010, 10:54 AM
LOL denying the truth doesn't change it, Blake.

You are Mouse's token bitch. He fucks you anytime he wants to. Just show your face in one of his topics and let the rape begin.

So you agree with mouse that the Apollo missions were faked and that the moon has atmosphere.

Good for you :tu

Considering I'm in the middle of working a deal that would sign your ass's rights over to me from Mouse until the next moon topic, yeah I think I do.

Clearly you do not.

LOL, when you copy my exact wording time after time, that's stealing someone's phrases on purpose. You being too stupid to understand that is not surprising.

LOL, copying your exact wording time after time on purpose obviously gets you more and more butthurt. You being too stupid to understand that is not surprising.

LOL, this guy likes the pain. One couldn't count on two hands the amount of times he's been clearly proven wrong, bitter and made a bitch in this single thread alone.

LOL, this guy lives in an apartment where he can go into graphic details of his and his cats' encounters with roaches.
One might be able to count on two hands the amount of time he's lied, been clearly proven to be bitter about his apartment being called crappy and made a bitch in this single thread alone.

01-27-2010, 11:03 AM
:lmao I already asked you twice, quote where I said I have a problem with roaches falling on my head all the time.

If you cannot, you are a liar.

You cannot.

You are a liar.

:lmao I alread told you twice, I never used the word "problem" before you did.

If you say I did, you are a liar.

You did.

You are a liar.


Hold on, let me just post this again for effect.


Clearly you have no idea what butt hurt means.

Hold on, let me just post this again for effect.

Ok Blake. Because of a roach being inside during the middle of a winter night, my place must be crappy.

lol@the dumbest, most butthurt poster on this entire forum.


It's clearly what you are now and have been since your first response. LOL liar Blake

It's clear what you are and have been since your response to my first response. LOL butthurt liar z0sa

I'm sure the rest of Team Blake is keeping imaginary score :lmao

Just like how you are claiming imaginary ownage :lmao

01-27-2010, 11:08 AM
So you agree with mouse that the Apollo missions were faked and that the moon has atmosphere.

Quote where I said that or you are a liar.

You cannot quote it.

You are a liar, Blake, and everyone sees it. You have nothing backing you up. I have proven it, beyond a shadow of doubt.

Continue posting butthurt accusations that you can't even prove :tu

LOL, copying your exact wording time after time on purpose obviously gets you more and more butthurt. You being too stupid to understand that is not surprising.

LOL, I call you son you call me son. I say focus you tell me focus. I make a clever phrase and you simply copy and paste it back. You literally have nothing original, nor any sound logic, and you've lied blatantly this entire time. I have to admit, it takes quite some guts to look this stupid in front of every person who views this topic. I mean, every single person who views this thread, now knows you're one of most easily butthurt and owned posters here. Congrats on the new low for your status.

LOL, this guy lives in an apartment where he can go into graphic details of his and his cats' encounters with roaches.

LOL changing the subject cause you're redassed

One might be able to count on two hands the amount of time he's lied,

LOL why don't we go over who has lied and held double standards about what?

1) blake calls my house crappy because he's clearly butthurt about previous topics I owned him in. He lies and says he isn't butthurt. This is proven by the fact Blake called no one else out on much greater issues (using his profoundly dumb logic).

2) Blake lies about his own pets which crap up his shithole.

3) Blake lies about me saying I have roaches falling on my head, among other things like misreading my responses because he's clearly FITH.

4) Blake is at least mistaken, and probably lying to be a troll when he concludes only crappy houses have bug spray inside of them. In fact, Blake does too. Yet another lie.

That's at least 4, clearly proven by me, before. You meanwhile, will post bakc the same despite not having any quotes to back you up.

That means I win.

So, I'm waiting Blake, waiting for you to copy my responses and paste them back because you think it's clever which you admitted (if you believe they make me butthurt, you MUST think they're clever, dumbshit :lol).

So, hop to it, before I get Mouse in here to regulate on that ass.

01-27-2010, 11:11 AM

For God's sake ...

It's a fucking roach and a cat

You both need a life. Shall I rent you one?


01-27-2010, 11:12 AM
Slow work days, eh?

01-27-2010, 11:13 AM
You both need a life. Shall I rent you one?

I'm at work. :D

And if you wanna buy me something, go for it :lol

01-27-2010, 11:13 AM
Slow work days, eh?

Yeah, Blake is helping my day fly by.

01-27-2010, 11:16 AM
Blake stopped responding last night because the rest of Team Blake called an emergency conference about how bad things look in this thread. Of course, Blake denied it :lol

I also heard they're changing their name to Team z0sa :hat

01-27-2010, 11:16 AM
I'm at work. :D

And if you wanna buy me something, go for it :lol

How about I buy you and Blake lunch ...


01-27-2010, 11:18 AM
How about I buy you and Blake lunch ...


I wouldn't care. I'd own him in real life worse, where he can't run away and say I said things I didn't.

Can we have lunch, instead? You're buying still. :lol

01-27-2010, 11:25 AM
Quote where I said that or you are a liar.

You cannot quote it.

You are a liar, Blake, and everyone sees it. You have nothing backing you up. I have proven it, beyond a shadow of doubt.

Continue posting butthurt accusations that you can't even prove :tu

I never said you said that.

If you think the Apollo missions are fake and the moon has an atmosphere, how do you figure that mouse has owned in that thread?

If you read the thread, i think it's clear that mouse really believes the conspiracy and the trolling he is attempting is just a sidebar.

LOL, I call you son you call me son. I say focus you tell me focus. I make a clever phrase and you simply copy and paste it back. You literally have nothing original, nor any sound logic, and you've lied blatantly this entire time. I have to admit, it takes quite some guts to look this stupid in front of every person who views this topic. I mean, every single person who views this thread, now knows you're one of most easily butthurt and owned posters here. Congrats on the new low for your status.

LOL, ok son, focuse.

Every single person who views this thread now knows you are one of the most easily butthurt and owned posters here because you are still crying 4 pages after I called your apartment crappy and you can't take it.

Congrats on the new low for your status.

LOL changing the subject cause you're redassed

LOL changing the subject of "my cat ate a roach" to "waaahhh, Blake called my apartment crappy"

LOL why don't we go over who has lied and held double standards about what?

1) blake calls my house crappy because he's clearly butthurt about previous topics I owned him in. He lies and says he isn't butthurt. This is proven by the fact Blake called no one else out on much greater issues (using his profoundly dumb logic).

1) I called your apartment crappy and you are clearly butthurt about this and the previous topics you have been owned in. You lie and say you aren't butthurt. This is proven by the fact that this thread might reach double digits (using profoundly simple logic).

2) Blake lies about his own pets which crap up his shithole.

2) I have no pets and you feel bad that pets and roaches crap up your shithole.

3) Blake lies about me saying I have roaches falling on my head.

3) You lie right now about me saying you have roaches falling on your head.

4) Blake is at least mistaken, and probably lying to be a troll when he concludes only crappy houses have bug spray inside of them.

4) You are mistaken that it is my conclusion that only crappy houses have bug spray in them. I have clearly explained why your place sounds particularly crappy. Reading is apparently not really fundamental to you.

That's at least 4, clearly proven by me, before. You meanwhile, will post bakc the same despite not having any quotes to back you up.

That's at least 4 statements, clearly proven by me to show you to be a liar and butthurt. You meanwhile, will continue to cry about me calling your apartment crappy.

That means I win.

That means you don't know what ownage and butthurt means.

So, I'm waiting Blake, waiting for you to copy my responses and paste them back because you think it's clever which you admitted (if you believe they make me butthurt, you MUST think their clever, dumbshit :lol).

So, I'm waiting z0sa, for more responses to copy and paste back because I admit it makes you more butthurt. (I believe they do make you butthurt, so they MUST be clever, dumbshit :lol).

So, hop to it, before I get Mouse in here to regulate on that ass.

So, hop to it, and get Mouse in here to help you get more redassed than you already are.

01-27-2010, 11:28 AM
That means I win.

I win Blake. See you around in the next thread you feel like getting beat rihanna style again.

01-27-2010, 11:30 AM
What was this thread about again?

01-27-2010, 11:33 AM
I wouldn't care. I'd own him in real life worse, where he can't run away and say I said things I didn't.

Can we have lunch, instead? You're buying still. :lol


Only if you give me all the juicy details!!

01-27-2010, 11:34 AM
What was this thread about again?

my cat eating a poisoned roach
petowners' supposedly crappy houses
me owning blake
(spursstalker buying me lunch? :lol)

01-27-2010, 11:36 AM

Only if you give me all the juicy details!!

Anything for free lunch!! :elephant

01-27-2010, 11:37 AM
my cat eating a poisoned roach
petowners' supposedly crappy houses
me owning blake
(spursstalker buying me lunch? :lol)

Is your cat still alive?

01-27-2010, 11:39 AM
Is your cat still alive?

Yeah, he's fine. Literally nothing happened, at least thus far.

Thanks for asking.

01-27-2010, 11:40 AM
Yeah, he's fine. Literally nothing happened, at least thus far.

Thanks for asking.

That's all I wanted to know, thanks.

01-27-2010, 01:38 PM
my cat eating a poisoned roach
petowners' supposedly crappy houses
me owning blake
(spursstalker buying me lunch? :lol)

Uhhhh you are in SA right? Oh and you are over the age of 35 right?


01-27-2010, 03:15 PM
I win Blake. See you around in the next thread you feel like getting beat rihanna style again.

I just read the Apollo thread for the first time today.

mouse thinks I'm RandomGuy putting his trolls on ignore. :lol

That means mouse loses and by default, that would mean you lose too......except that you already lost on page 2 when you started crying when I said your place sounds crappy.

See you around in the next thread where I am sure your butt will hurt just as much as it does in this thread.

01-27-2010, 03:20 PM
Uhhhh you are in SA right? Oh and you are over the age of 35 right?


Just a hunch, but going off the info provided here, I'm guessing z0sa is a college student at North Texas. Of course, it's also possible he is at Texas Women's University.......

From the way he described his apartment, I'm betting he doesn't have a girlfriend. He just might make the trip down for a lunch date if you are into 20 something year old single college kids that live in apartments with roaches that come in once or twice a month.

01-27-2010, 03:25 PM
What was this thread about again?

z0sa's cat eating a poisoned roach
Blake saying z0sa's place sounds crappy
z0sa's crying about it for 4+ pages
(spursstalker buying z0sa lunch? :lol)

01-27-2010, 03:26 PM
z0sa's cat eating a poisoned roach
Blake saying z0sa's place sounds crappy
z0sa's crying about it for 4+ pages
(spursstalker buying z0sa lunch? :lol)


01-27-2010, 03:36 PM


LOST cant get here fast enough.

01-27-2010, 03:41 PM

LOST cant get here fast enough.

No shit! Did you watch 5 finale last night?

01-27-2010, 03:54 PM
Blake just couldn't answer some simple questions.

01-27-2010, 04:34 PM

01-27-2010, 04:35 PM
No shit! Did you watch 5 finale last night?

No. I guess I might watch it online before next week.

01-27-2010, 04:36 PM
And he still can't answer some simple questions.

01-27-2010, 04:37 PM
No. I guess I might watch it online before next week.

That would be a good idea.

01-27-2010, 04:38 PM
And he still can't answer some simple questions.

:lol fine. What are your simple questions?

01-27-2010, 04:42 PM
:lol fine. What are your simple questions?

It's too bad Blake just couldn't answer some simple questions. He even lied to avoid it.

01-27-2010, 04:47 PM

01-27-2010, 04:48 PM
But you still can't answer the questions.

01-27-2010, 04:49 PM
But you still can't answer the questions.

Apparently you can't ask the simple questions.

01-27-2010, 04:50 PM

01-27-2010, 04:54 PM
You have an explanation as to why you're is so curious now? I could have sworn Blake went on and on about how he doesn't even know me. Why does he care so much? A change of heart, perhaps?

01-27-2010, 04:54 PM

I'm definitely not the one crying over having my living conditions being called 'crappy'. That's you.

01-27-2010, 04:56 PM
You have an explanation as to why you're is so curious now?

You told me 3 times that I can't answer simple questions so I asked.

Now you can't even ask simple questions.

I think you are trying desperately to get over and you are losing yet again.

I could have sworn Blake went on and on about how he doesn't even know me. Why does he care so much? A change of heart, perhaps?

I don't know you and don't care at all about you. My heart hasn't changed.

I'm here for amusement purposes. The longer you cry, the funnier this gets.

01-27-2010, 04:58 PM

I'm definitely not the one crying over crappy living conditions. That's you.

lol, my place is great. you can think that it's crappy, like i said on p2. But since you just can't answer a few simple questions, i will continue referring to you as a coward and butthurt over previous threads.

01-27-2010, 05:02 PM
lol, my place is great. you can think that it's crappy, like i said on p2.

jolly for you. Then why are you crying about me calling your place crappy?

But since you just can't answer a feel simple questions, i will continue referring to you as a coward.

Terrific. Since you aren't asking any questions and I was willing to answer them, then it is obvious you are an idiot just trying to get over....and you are losing yet again.

01-27-2010, 05:04 PM
jolly for you. Then why are you crying about me calling your place crappy?

I asked you a few simple questions. You call it crying, because you can't answer them.

Terrific. Since you aren't asking any questions and I was willing to answer them, then it is obvious you are an idiot just trying to get over....and you are losing yet again.

You and your imaginary scorecards... musta learnt that one from Mouse :lol

01-28-2010, 10:07 AM
I asked you a few simple questions. You call it crying, because you can't answer them.

You asking me a few simple questions is not crying.

I said your place sounded crappy. You've been butt hurt about it for 5 pages now. I call that crying.

I asked you just yesterday:

:lol fine. What are your simple questions?


Obviously you cant answer a simple question

You and your imaginary scorecards... musta learnt that one from Mouse :lol

You and your trying to keep score first in this thread. I stole that one from you :lol

01-28-2010, 10:34 AM
Anything for free lunch!! :elephant



Just a hunch, but going off the info provided here, I'm guessing z0sa is a college student at North Texas. Of course, it's also possible he is at Texas Women's University.......

From the way he described his apartment, I'm betting he doesn't have a girlfriend. He just might make the trip down for a lunch date if you are into 20 something year old single college kids that live in apartments with roaches that come in once or twice a month.

You sure do know alot about z0sa ...



I say we rename this threat to the z0sa and Blake thread


01-28-2010, 11:17 AM

You sure do know alot about z0sa ...


nothing more than what has been said in this thread.


I know his apartment sounds crappy.

01-28-2010, 11:25 AM
You asking me a few simple questions is not crying.

I'm glad you finally understand. RIF

Obviously you cant answer a simple question

Obviously you can't answer multiple simple questions overs a 6 page thread to prove you aren't butthurt over previous threads.

You and your trying to keep score first in this thread. I stole that one from you :lol

I called scoreboard a couple times now because you can't answer some simple questions.

What I didn't do is actually try to tally a score, that answered no questions, and that includes negatives. I don't need to. I'm clearly the winner of any pissing contest here, and I don't tally negatives in a vain attempt of cleverness.

Your failure has been duly noted multiple times throughout the thread if you have more questions about it.

01-28-2010, 11:31 AM


With some incentive. :downspin:

You sure do know alot about z0sa ...


:lmao nice one.

I say we rename this threat to the z0sa and Blake thread


Blake has truly shown a strong interest in me this thread. For about the 10th thread. It was already a z0sa thread. :hat

01-28-2010, 11:38 AM
I wonder how many hours of his days now Blake has devoted to responding to my thread. He sure seems like he doesn't care or isn't butthurt about previous threads.

01-28-2010, 11:39 AM
With some incentive. :downspin:

Do you do that professionally?


:lmao nice one.

I have my moments ... but I do love me some Blake so dont get me wrong.


01-28-2010, 11:44 AM
I'm glad you finally understand. RIF

Apparently you don't since you thought I was saying you were crying because I "didn't answer your simple questions."

Reading your own posts is fundamental.

Obviously you can't answer multiple simple questions overs a 6 page thread to prove you aren't butthurt over previous threads.

Now you are just acting stupid. It shouldn't be that hard for you repost your questions if they are really that simple.

I don't need to disprove I'm not butthurt. I'm not until proven otherwise.

You however have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that your butt is hurting very badly.

I called scoreboard a couple times now because you can't answer some simple questions.

I'm calling scoreboard over your scoreboard because you can't repost some simple questions.

It's becoming very clear that you are just trying to play a game and everyone but you realizes that you are losing badly.

What I didn't do is actually try to tally a score, that answered no questions, and that includes negatives. I don't need to. I'm clearly the winner of any pissing contest here, and I don't tally negatives in a vain attempt of cleverness.

You claimed victory early on. Obviously you kept an imaginary scorecard of some kind or you wouldn't have tried to claim an imaginary victory.

Your failure has been duly noted multiple times throughout the thread if you have more questions about it.

Your butthurtness has been duly noted multiple times throughout the thread and more than one poster has noted your butthurtnes.

Your failure to repost the simple questions you are complaining about has been duly noted for a couple of pages now.

You are still free to repost them, but the longer you complain about me not answering them without reposting them, the clearer it becomes to everyone just how butthurt you really are.

01-28-2010, 11:45 AM
Blake has truly shown a strong interest in me this thread. For about the 10th thread. It was already a z0sa butthurt thread. :hat

01-28-2010, 11:48 AM
I wonder how many hours of his days now Blake has devoted to responding to my thread. He sure seems like he doesn't care or isn't butthurt about previous threads.

I wonder how many hours of your day you wonder about me. That's creepy.

Your butthurtness has just reached a new level.

01-28-2010, 12:05 PM
Apparently you don't since you thought I was saying you were crying because I "didn't answer your simple questions."

And you still can't answer the questions.

Reading your own posts is fundamental.

You haven't made sense 1 single post this whole thread.

Stop being butthurt about the last times, Blake.

Now you are just acting stupid. It shouldn't be that hard for you repost your questions if they are really that simple.

It really wouldn't be hard at all.

I don't need to disprove I'm not butthurt. I'm not until proven otherwise.

But since you can't answer a few simple questions, we must assume you are.

You however have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that your butt is hurting very badly.

My answer? I don't need to disprove I'm not butthurt. I'm not until proven otherwise. You derailed my thread because you are clearly butthurt about other arguments. If you could answer some simple questions and operate under sound logic, I couldn't call you that. But you aren't answering or operating logically.

Sup Butthurt Blake?

I'm calling scoreboard over your scoreboard because you can't repost some simple questions.

And that is why you fail.

It's becoming very clear that you are just trying to play a game

This entire shit talking has been. The best part was when me and mouse owned you. Your scorecard was comedy gold but you owned yourself there.

and everyone but you realizes that you are losing badly.

One might be more inclined to agree if I didn't have scoreboard and win already.

You claimed victory early on.

LMAO it's easy to claim victory when someone is clearly butthurt, lying and can't answer some simple questions. RIF, Butthurt Blake.

Obviously you kept an imaginary scorecard of some kind or you wouldn't have tried to claim an imaginary victory.

LOL no, I didn't keep an imaginary scorecard. That's a Butthurt Blake/mouse thing.

Your butthurtness has been duly noted multiple times throughout the thread and more than one poster has noted your butthurtnes.

And more than once I have proven you are the one butthurt.

Your failure to repost the simple questions you are complaining about has been duly noted for a couple of pages now.

And I will continue not reposting them.


The longer you cry about me not reposting the questions, the clearer it becomes that RIF.

01-28-2010, 12:06 PM
I wonder how many hours of your day you wonder about me. That's creepy.

Your butthurtness has just reached a new level.

I wonder about you all the time Blake ...


01-28-2010, 12:10 PM
I wonder how many hours of your day you wonder about me. That's creepy.

25+ posts in this thread but you haven't spent any hours of your day here.

Another Blake fail to chart. One has to be curious why he spends so many hours out of his day doing this.

Just like he now has hundreds of responses to me over maybe a dozen threads, but doesn't care. It's a logical fallacy anyone should be able to recognize. He cares. A lot. And THAT, friends and neighbors, is creepy.

But it's another day of work and I need some entertainment so please, keep denying you care Butthurt Blake.

I. Hustle
01-28-2010, 12:26 PM
I thought this thread was about a cat eating a roach not about two dudes bitching. If anyone is going to derail a thread it is going to be me!


01-28-2010, 12:31 PM
I thought this thread was about a cat eating a roach not about two dudes bitching.

It was until Butthurt Blake showed up.

01-28-2010, 12:37 PM
This tread lost me. So Zosa lives in a roach motel? Is that the point of the thread? That and owning Blake? Weird.

01-28-2010, 12:40 PM
This tread lost me. So Zosa lives in a roach motel? Is that the point of the thread? That and owning Blake? Weird.

Just enjoy it if you can. :toast

01-28-2010, 12:40 PM
And you still can't answer the questions.

:lol I still don't know the questions.

You don't know the questions.

You haven't made sense 1 single post this whole thread.

Stop being butthurt about the last times, Blake.

This post makes no sense.

It really wouldn't be hard at all.


But since you can't answer a few simple questions, we must assume you are.

since you are trying to play a lame game, it is very obvious you are in extreme pain in your backside.

You derailed my thread because you are clearly butthurt about other arguments. If you could answer some simple questions and operate under sound logic, I couldn't call you that. But you aren't answering or operating logically.

You derailed your own thread when you got butthurt after my jab at your apartment.

Sup Butthurt Blake?

your butthurt levels.

And that is why you fail.

no, my imaginary scoreboard says I succeed.

This entire shit talking has been. The best part was when me and mouse owned you. Your scorecard was comedy gold but you owned yourself there.

One of the best parts was you teaming up with mouse and failing miserably in your tag team effort. Comedy gold.

One might be more inclined to agree if I didn't have scoreboard and win already.

Everyone agrees you already lost on page 2.

LMAO it's easy to claim victory when someone is clearly butthurt, lying and can't answer some simple questions. RIF, Butthurt Blake.

LMAO, exactly.

LOL no, I didn't keep an imaginary scorecard. That's a Butthurt Blake/mouse thing.

LOL yes, you claimed an imaginary victory that you clearly posted in this thread. That's a butthurt you thing.

And more than once I have proven you are the one butthurt.

naw, you haven't proven a thing other than just how butthurt you really are.

And I will continue not reposting them.

And you will continue to gripe about how I don't answer them.

The longer you cry about me not reposting the questions, the clearer it becomes that RIF.

I'm not crying at all. RIF.

01-28-2010, 12:41 PM
Just enjoy it if you can. :toast

It's not enjoyable. It's fucking retarded.

01-28-2010, 12:43 PM
I thought this thread was about a cat eating a roach not about two dudes bitching. If anyone is going to derail a thread it is going to be me!

Naw, only one dude is bitching. I have nothing to bitch about. :lol

01-28-2010, 12:44 PM
It's not enjoyable. It's fucking retarded.

Of course it is. That's why you couldn't resist to read it and jump in.

01-28-2010, 12:45 PM
This tread lost me. So Zosa lives in a roach motel? Is that the point of the thread? That and owning Blake? Weird.

Yeah...at this point, there's no thread-winner. If z0sa has evidence of Blake-ownership, it's elsewhere.

The only thing this thread demonstrates is a mastery of the multiquote function. However, that same mastery has made this thread unreadable.

Call it a draw already. Christ.

01-28-2010, 12:46 PM
i thought this thread was about a cat eating a roach not about two dudes bitching. If anyone is going to derail a thread it is going to be me!



01-28-2010, 12:49 PM
:lol I still don't know the questions.

And that is why RIF.

You don't know the questions.

Yes, I do.

This post makes no sense.

Stop being butthurt about before and it will.

since you are trying to play a lame game, it is very obvious you are in extreme pain in your backside.

The questions continue unanswered.

You derailed your own thread when you got butthurt after my jab at your apartment.

Derailing my own thread was all that was on my mind as I continued responding about the cat and other things multiple times after your jab.

Continue to deny you're butthurt. It's just great laughs.

Sup Butthurt Blake?

Liking your new name?

no, my imaginary scoreboard says I succeed.

My scoreboard is better than yours.

One of the best parts was you teaming up with mouse and failing miserably in your tag team effort. Comedy gold.

Which do you prefer, Butthurt Blake or mouse's token bitch?

Everyone agrees you already lost on page 2.

Everyone agrees you have a strong interest in me though you deny it.

LMAO, exactly.

Thanks for agreeing.

LOL yes, you claimed an imaginary victory that you clearly posted in this thread.

It's a common practice for the winner in a debate to call scoreboard at the end of the day. Compiling statistics point per point along with point differentials is for Butthurt Blake.

naw, you haven't proven a thing other than just how butthurt you really are.


And you will continue to gripe about how I don't answer them.

Exposing you has been fun.

I'm not crying at all.


01-28-2010, 12:54 PM
It's not enjoyable. It's fucking retarded.

if you can, enjoy it.

I. Hustle
01-28-2010, 01:03 PM

Why fail?

You are just all butthurt because I owned you!

01-28-2010, 01:03 PM
Call it a draw already. Christ.

Blake says he doesn't even care, bro. Since he doesn't care, he can stop responding at any time and avoid continuing to add to the 30 or so posts he's made thus far that prove the opposite.

01-28-2010, 01:15 PM
Why fail?

You are just all butthurt because I owned you!

You didn't own me or anything on me so stfu ...


I. Hustle
01-28-2010, 01:17 PM
You didn't own me or anything on me so stfu ...


OOOHHH you are all butthurt.

You are just upset because me and mouse teamed up against you.

damn all butthurt and owned

01-28-2010, 01:22 PM
OOOHHH you are all butthurt.

You are just upset because me and mouse teamed up against you.

damn all butthurt and owned


Dude seriously ...


01-28-2010, 02:51 PM
You guys arguing reminds me of the Lambchop theme song- the one that never ends. :lol

01-28-2010, 03:03 PM
Blake brought this on himself if anyone knows Zosa from the Evolution topics in the politics forum you would know you stand a better chance getting Dusty Garza to sing 'More than a woman' at a Karaoke ST GTG.

Zosa you should use your efforts and talent on becoming an attorney for the ACLU.

01-28-2010, 03:16 PM
Yeah...at this point, there's no thread-winner.

there are definitely losers in this thread.

If z0sa has evidence of Blake-ownership, it's elsewhere.

it's nowhere.

The only thing this thread demonstrates is a mastery of the multiquote function. However, that same mastery has made this thread unreadable.

I would agree that I have mastered the multiquote function quite well, thanks Fpoon.

If it's unreadable, why are you still in this thread?

I know why. :lol

Call it a draw already. Christ.

Naw, because it's clearly not. Jeebus.

01-28-2010, 03:22 PM
there are definitely losers in this thread.

Who else besides you?

it's nowhere.

Yeah, it's nowhere.

And by nowhere, I mean every thread we've had a debate or argument in.

Naw, because it's clearly not. Jeebus.

Blake is just so frustrated with his Team right now.

01-28-2010, 03:31 PM
Blake says he doesn't even care, bro. Since he doesn't care, he can stop responding at any time and avoid continuing to add to the 30 or so posts he's made thus far that prove the opposite.


I've said I don't care about you. I'm going on because I get a cheap thrill out of watching butthurters like you just keep on how it's not really you that's butthurt, but it must be me because I'm responding to you. :lol

Here's a quick recap of why you can't sit down on a hard surface at the moment:

The roach fell yet escaped across the carpet when I sprayed and within 30 seconds was climbing the wall again and hid behind my windowshades. Those are right behind the couch where I'm about to watch the Spurs and that wasn't gonna work, so I tried to lift the blind and get it while it was on the window but I was afraid of breaking it because of my angle due to the couch. It's now been about 1 minute only, and the cats are excited around my position. I managed to knock it off again with my hand-boot but my mouser/roacher catches him literally mid air and runs to the bathtub with it (standard issue for he and critter control) before I can do anything except nearly trip and fall. Before I even have a chance to get to the bathroom, bug has been eaten except for a couple spindly legs scattered. And that bug was damn soaked in some black flag.

Yeah I'm watching him. LOL my cat is actually the best roach killer, and he always takes them to the tub to play with. They always try to climb out or cross to the drain and never escape. Usually he doesn't eat them so fast but I think he knew something was up and that meant he should down it quickly lol

I usually do just that, the times I see a roach. Most often, I just discover a leg here or there when I'm cleaning the tub. :)

But this roach was near the roof in a corner by the door, too high for the kitties and a little too high for me -- don't want a roach falling on my head or getting in my clothes or something.. :toast

your place sounds awesome to live in.

by awesome, I mean crappy.

Ok Blake. Because of a roach being inside during the middle of a winter night, my place must be crappy.

lol@the dumbest, most butthurt poster on this entire forum.


:lol Not in my current apartment; though, that's not to say that my apt isn't crappy.

The way you were talking, it seemed as if your place was infested, which may or may not have been what Blake was alluding to/I was laughing at.

Calm down...


I'm confused then. What did I say to make it seem that way? Because I do have a small problem, but it's like a roach every other week and I had an ant problem at one point briefly. For such an old house and many years with no extermination whatsoever, that's actually really good IMO.


Um why? The Blake thing is ongoing because he clearly doesn't like me, and neither me him; I don't invade his threads with kindergarten smack though. So it is what it is.


I'm suggesting a rate for his tendencies, not the actual amount of times he's doing it. I mean, he's not "always" eating roaches, but during the rare moments when he does, he "always" takes them to the tub. I guess I sound like I should calm down, but no one likes having their abode insulted - and without any justification IMO.


Then again, it is just dumbass Blake. :)


your responses have been crappy.

and by crappy, I mean awesome.

01-28-2010, 03:33 PM
Who else besides you?

most definitely you.

Yeah, it's nowhere.

And by nowhere, I mean every thread we've had a debate or argument in.

By nowhere, I mean nowhere but on your imaginary scorecard.

Blake is just so frustrated with his Team right now.

Clearly i'm not.

My team is winning on my imaginary scorecard :tu

01-28-2010, 03:34 PM
you missed this one, you know, posted about about 20 minutes after your original butthurtness (in this topic) and on the same page:

If that makes my pad crappy to someone, so be it. :)

You know, basically proving I don't give a shit and I'm now only making fun of you for being butthurt and asking you questions to destroy your weak logic.

Anyone keeping track of the Blake fails? Maybe that's what team Blake is doing over there.

01-28-2010, 03:37 PM
you missed this one, you know, posted about about 20 minutes after your original butthurtness:

good find :tu

You know, basically proving I don't give a shit and I'm now only making fun of you and asking you questions to destroy your weak logic.

Naw, I just proved you and your butt do give a big shit and I've been only making fun of you since page 2.

Anyone keeping track of the Blake fails?

Check your imaginary scorecard. :tu

01-28-2010, 03:39 PM
Naw, I just proved you and your butt do give a big shit

If that makes my pad crappy to someone, so be it. :)

What do you not understand about this quote?

01-28-2010, 03:44 PM
What do you not understand about this quote?

What do you not understand about this thread?

I want to stop, but I can't help myself. :lol

01-28-2010, 03:45 PM
Blake foregoes answering yet another question.

01-28-2010, 03:47 PM

I. Hustle
01-28-2010, 03:49 PM
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??? You never mentioned this in "chat"!!! WTF????????

Yeah, I love my apartment. It's way better than whatever shithole Blake stays in, occasional roach legs included.

that's funny right thar. :lol

more lies to make yourself feel better. I get it.

Blake is in meltdown mode in the moon topic trying to put 100 plus screen names on ignore :lmao

How about I buy you and Blake lunch ...


That would be a good idea.

Just enjoy it if you can. :toast

It's not enjoyable. It's fucking retarded.

Why fail?

You are just all butthurt because I owned you!

What do you not understand about this quote?

I rest my case!

01-28-2010, 03:53 PM
And Blake still can't answer a single question.

here, let me repost one for you since you care a lot and have asked multiple times:

If that makes my pad crappy to someone, so be it. :)

What do you not understand about this quote?