View Full Version : Post Game Quotes (Hawks Game)

01-28-2010, 01:06 AM
Post Game Quotes (http://www.nba.com/spurs/gameday/100127.html)

Gregg Popovich

On the game - I thought we played and executed pretty well for most of the 48 minutes for more of the game than we have lately. Tim was a monster on the boards and I thought Richard showed some good aggressiveness tonight, that’s what we have been looking for. It was a good night.

On if Antonio McDyess starting was a matchup adjustment - Not necessarily. We just like the offensive balance. He did a real fine job. He is getting more and more comfortable shooting the ball and not deferring to people. He played well around the rim tonight. He has always been a solid player; it’s just a matter of him finding a spot for himself. Hopefully that’s happening.

On the injury to Tony Parker - No one is going to replace Tony Parker. Everyone will step up and we will play hard and play to win.

Antonio McDyess

On Tim Duncan - He definitely came out with a vengeance tonight and played hard to help get us this win.

On tonight's win - I thought we made a statement from the start. We let ourselves down and we had given away games ourselves, just beaten ourselves. But tonight we came out and made a statement, played hard from the start and got the win.

On the Hawks - They have very athletic guys just like Chicago. Josh Smith is a great shot blocker in the middle and you have to take it to his body and be aggressive. We definitely did that tonight.

On if the Spurs can carry momentum into Friday’s game - We definitely can – it was a big win, a good one. We have to do the same things we did tonight in Friday’s game.

On Tony's Injury - We are definitely going to miss him. If he can’t play then we just have to pick up the slack where we left off.

Richard Jefferson

On the game - If you look at our last five or six games we have had double digit leads in the fourth quarter or double digits leads in the first half. We have been playing with a lot of energy and we haven’t been able to sustain it in the second half.

On Tony's Injury - The mind frame is that you have to be a professional. One the thing about this team is that we are so deep. No one can be replaced. Tony can’t be replaced, Tim can’t be replaced, be we have guys who are professionals who can step up and do their jobs.

On learning the Spurs system - I just have stick with it – the opportunities are going to come. I haven’t shot the ball well the last few games but you can’t let your confidence go down since you might get frustrated or annoyed. You have to stay the course. Coach Pop does a good job of telling me to focus on other things like rebounding and defense – the offense will come. When you have been doing things for quite a few years and then get into a new system, you are going to have your ups and downs.

Mike Woodson

On if the 66 points the Hawks gave up in the first half hard to overcome - That lead was huge as you can‘t spot this team as they‘re a great team. You just simply can‘t spot this team 28 points and expect to win. In the first quarter we just buried ourselves as it was an uphill climb but we have to give them a lot of credit as they had been struggling during games as tonight, Tim Duncan was huge as he stepped up and had a big man‘s game.

On the Hawks slow start - Defensively, we gave up so many lay-ups to start the game that it seemed like a track meet as we were supposed to be the team to get up and down the court. I thought Parker really pushed the tempo early as we gave up so many lay-ups early and were down so fast that we couldn‘t recover.

On what helped them in the third quarter to cut the lead - Our defense got better as we were a lot better in the third and fourth quarter but again, when you play against good teams and spot them 28 points, it’s going to be tough to come back.

On how important it is to shake this game off and get ready for Boston - Well, we have to shake it off as it‘s been a good road trip, we‘ve finished .500 on the road (1-1), as I‘ll take that all day long. Now we have to go home and handle our business on our court against this Boston team on Friday night.

Josh Smith

On the game - I think the Spurs ran the ball extremely well during the first half and were able to take the easy lay-ups which opened up the jump shot and may other shots for them. This is a struggling San Antonio team and this is a game they need to capitalize on. I think we had a really bad start tonight and that’s what led to our loss tonight.

On team play - I guess we weren’t ready to play tonight. We love the pace of a game like tonight but we just weren’t ready. Tony Parker got his fast breaks and lay-ups tonight. Rebounds also hurt us tonight but honestly we just weren’t ready to play basketball in the first half.

On Tim Duncan - I think we did a good job on Tim at the beginning but you have to remember he’s an All-Star and a future Hall of Fame player. Tim finds ways to get his game open and make his shots. Tim attacked the rebounds tonight and got some easy put backs and shot extremely well from the free throw line. When Tim gets going early it normally carries the entire night.

Jamal Crawford

On Tim Duncan - Tim Duncan is one of the greatest players of all time. He’s just so smart on the court and you always have your hands full when you play against him. Tonight was a big team effort for San Antonio and they were ready to play tonight. The Spurs were very hungry for a win and you felt that vibe from the start of the game.

On preparing for Boston - We can’t dig ourselves into a hole. If you look at our play form the second quarter to the third we were in this game tonight. We have to get off to a better start and play the entire game and I think we will do that.

01-28-2010, 03:38 AM

Coach Pop








01-28-2010, 07:48 AM
nice quotes from the atlanta players about the spurs and duncan. I wish them well against Boston on Friday!

01-28-2010, 07:54 AM
On Tim Duncan - Tim Duncan is one of the greatest players of all time. He’s just so smart on the court and you always have your hands full when you play against him. Tonight was a big team effort for San Antonio and they were ready to play tonight. The Spurs were very hungry for a win and you felt that vibe from the start of the game.
:toast you could definitely sense the urgency since the start of the game, one can only hope that it carry's over.

01-28-2010, 01:53 PM
Great interview from Tim. :tu