View Full Version : the Mythical 'Splitter'-THE FINAL WORD

01-31-2010, 10:41 PM
there are a few catch phrases/themes here on spurstalk im sick of. such as:

-bonner 'spreads the floor'.
-its only ___month
-Pop has 4 rings = he is 100% infallible

but the most laughable by far has to be the incredible amount of Hope and Hype STILL being put into this 'Splitter' fellow.

been seeing this guys name on the boards for like half a decade now.

lets get a few things straight, ONCE AND FOR ALL.

1. he probably wont 'come'.

2. he is NOT the 'SAVIOUR' of the future spurs.

3. HE IS A WHITE BIG ...when was the last time a team was successfully built around a white big? the archetypal BIG WHITE CENTERS are NEVER the answer.

so enough is enough. F this 'Splitter' great white future hope crap. HE WONT COME AND IF HE DOES, HE = 100% DISAPPOINTMENT ILL BET BY TWO BALLS ON IT. Stop talking/Hoping for this worthless turd already PLEASE.

01-31-2010, 10:48 PM
Pink warning.