View Full Version : Convicts First Woman for Rape

04-28-2005, 05:49 PM
OSLO (Reuters) - A Norwegian court has sentenced a woman to nine months in jail for raping a man, the first such conviction in the Scandinavian country that prides itself for its egalitarianism.


The 31-year-old man fell asleep on a sofa at a party in January last year and told the court in the western city of Bergen he woke to find the 23-year-old woman was having oral sex with him.

Under Norwegian law, all sexual acts with someone who is "unconscious or for other reasons unable to oppose the act" are considered rape.

The court sentenced the woman Wednesday to nine months in jail and ordered her to pay 40,000 Norwegian crowns ($6,355) in compensation.

"This is a very harsh sentence," the woman's lawyer, Per Magne Kristiansen, told the Norwegian news agency NTB. The woman argued the man had been awake and consented.

The prosecutor had sought a 10-month sentence and argued the court should not be more lenient with a woman than a man. It was Norway's first conviction of a woman for rape.

Norway has long traditions of equality -- 40 percent of the cabinet of Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, for instance, are women.

04-28-2005, 05:50 PM
I would not have complained. Unless she was F-U-G-L-Y

04-28-2005, 05:51 PM

04-28-2005, 05:51 PM
So many punchlines, so little time . . .

04-28-2005, 05:58 PM

that is just soooooooooo wrong...just what kind of guy would wake up getting a blow job and dial 911?...and try to have her put in jail?

sheeeeeesh...what the hell is this world coming to?

on a side note...can you imagine being the cop that answered the call?...I would have fucking died laughing trying to fill out the report...:lol

04-28-2005, 06:02 PM

that is just soooooooooo wrong...just what kind of guy would wake up getting a blow job and dial 911?...and try to have her put in jail?

sheeeeeesh...what the hell is this world coming to?

on a side note...can you imagine being the cop that answered the call?...I would have fucking died laughing trying to fill out the report...:lol

COP: okay, tell me again why i should arrest her?

dude: she gave me a blowjob while slept.

COP: did she bite it?

04-28-2005, 06:03 PM
ok now...this is a very serious matter gentlemen....http://www.sahoops.net/smilies/lmao.gif

yes the man is a pussy, :lol

but what if it was a man trying to eat out a passed out chic?

he better be her dream man and she better be a little slutty or party is over...

04-28-2005, 06:09 PM
man, i have heard so many times where chicks are drunk and they fully consent that night then the next morning the dude is in jail for rape..

04-28-2005, 06:27 PM

more like...

OfficerCC: I understand there was a rape reported? Where is he?

dude: It wasn't a he it was a HER! She raped ME! *pointing*

OfficerCC: ya gotta be shittin me...*scoping her out*

dude: no really! I passed out at this party and when I woke up this woman was giving me a blow job! It wasn't consentual!

OfficerCC: uhhhhhhh...and this is wrong?

dude: Why YES!

OfficerCC: uhhhhh...do you like blow jobs?

dude: uhhh yeah...

OfficerCC: uhhhh...have you EVER turned down a consentual blow job?

dude: uhhhhh no...

OfficerCC: uhhh...do you know any guy or even know any guy that knows a guy that has EVER turned down a blow job?

dude: uhhhh no...

OfficerCC: uhhh...I am assuming that she was proficient enough at giving blow jobs that she could "raise the dead" so to speak on a passed out drunk at a party...is that correct?

dude: uhhh yeah...I woke up with an erection if that is what you mean...

OfficerCC: *scoping out girl again*....hmmm...now let me get this straight...you were passed out at a party and woke up with a 21 year old girl giving you a blow job and you called me because she didn't ASK for permission?

dude: thats exactly what happened and I want to press charges!

OfficerCC: Son...thats pretty serious...to be fair I am gonna have to interview the accused as well before this goes any further...and in fairness to her the interview need to be private...

dude...OK...I need to go home anyway...I will be happy to come down to the station tomorrow if you need me...

OfficerCC:Okay...I will call you *patting dude on the back and locking door behind him*

OfficerCC:...OK young lady...lets start from the beginning...show me EXACTLY what happened...:lol

04-28-2005, 06:32 PM
I would not have complained. Unless she was F-U-G-L-Y
Me neither, but she probably was considering she sucked some drunk guy that was asleep...and the guy obviously didn't like it.

04-28-2005, 06:42 PM

04-28-2005, 06:43 PM
i don't man... like they say about pizza, "even when it is bad, it is still pretty good!"

04-28-2005, 06:48 PM
Me neither, but she probably was considering she sucked some drunk guy that was asleep...and the guy obviously didn't like it.

oh bullshit...

seriously...lets assume she WAS butt fucking ugly if thats what you guys want to assume...personally I think the fact that you guys want to jump to that automatic conclusion shows a lack of self esteem or a contempt for women but I digress...

the guy just went way out of his way to set a legal precedent to scare women away from being the sexual initiator...yeah, maybe it was pretty agressive but at the same time I see it as a no harm/no foul situation...the guy could have just as easily said..."uhhh...excuse me...not tonight...I have a headache"...and the situation would have been over...comparing this to a guy physically overpowering a woman and raping her against her will is absolutely ridiculous...especially when the court treated it EXACTLY the same...that is fucking absurd!...Rape is a crime of violence, not sex...this was OBVIOUSLY not in the same league and shouldn't have been treated in the same way...

04-28-2005, 07:09 PM
...the guy could have just as easily said..."uhhh...excuse me...not tonight...I have a headache"...and the situation would have been over...comparing this to a guy physically overpowering a woman and raping her against her will is absolutely ridiculous...especially when the court treated it EXACTLY the same...that is fucking absurd!...Rape is a crime of violence, not sex...this was OBVIOUSLY not in the same league and shouldn't have been treated in the same way...
What if she gave him some STD's?

If you were asleep, and some chick does the same to you, and you wake up with fucking AIDS...don't tell me you wouldn't give two shits...

If the chick does this whole "i like to suck drunk guys dicks" thing often, she probably does have some STD's....

04-28-2005, 07:12 PM
i guess he really wasn't that drunk because if he was he wouldn't thought it was a beauty queen... he must be gay!

04-28-2005, 07:40 PM
What if she gave him some STD's?

If you were asleep, and some chick does the same to you, and you wake up with fucking AIDS...don't tell me you wouldn't give two shits...

If the chick does this whole "i like to suck drunk guys dicks" thing often, she probably does have some STD's....

there was no mention of STD's...I'm sure they looked too...

don't be so clueless...let me give you a possible scenario...

they were BOTH drinking...

they had social interaction at the party...she liked him..she thought he liked her...I doubt she just picked him randomly...

the dumb fuck drinks too much and passes out...she sits down on the couch next to him...they are alone...

she cuddles up...he moans...(girls back me up here...guys libido stops working long after the brain is dead)

she keeps touching him...he keeps giving verbal but unintelligible responses...she ends up past first base...he physically responds...she proceeds...he responds...

then his REAL brain wakes up and the drunk goes nuts...

guys...this is NOT rape...and any social system that wants to be so equal that they put her in jail for that is SERIOUSLY fucked up...

04-28-2005, 07:52 PM
If the situation was reversed, I believe that exact scenario you described would be described as rape in many (most?) locales in the US, and, presumably, Norway.

So I don't neceessarily have a problem with it applying both ways.

What I've never understood is the usual assumption that if both parties are drunk/stoned, the woman no longer is responsible for her actions and but the man is.

04-28-2005, 07:52 PM
there was no mention of STD's...I'm sure they looked too...

don't be so clueless...let me give you a possible scenario...

they were BOTH drinking...

they had social interaction at the party...she liked him..she thought he liked her...I doubt she just picked him randomly...

the dumb fuck drinks too much and passes out...she sits down on the couch next to him...they are alone...

she cuddles up...he moans...(girls back me up here...guys libido stops working long after the brain is dead)

she keeps touching him...he keeps giving verbal but unintelligible responses...she ends up past first base...he physically responds...she proceeds...he responds...

then his REAL brain wakes up and the drunk goes nuts...

guys...this is NOT rape...and any social system that wants to be so equal that they put her in jail for that is SERIOUSLY fucked up...
You weren't there.

04-28-2005, 08:37 PM
Had to of been gay no guy in his right mind would ever press charges even if she was ugly, because we men are dogs like that so I call bullshit on it, it's not like he will have to get therapy for this any shrink would laugh him off the couch. :lol

04-28-2005, 08:51 PM
You weren't there.

you are right...I wasn't...

guys...rape is an ugly thing...it's not about sex, it's about physically or deviously overpowering a persons space...and I think a rapist is the lowest thing on the planet and I am in no way advocating rape...but in a politically correct society it is a hard thing to define legally...but in case you haven't noticed the plumbing on men and women is radically different...

a blowjob is not a blowjob if you are not physically aroused...and the guy obviously was...and this could definitely be misconstrued as a sign to proceed...if he wasn't aroused then any woman that was into that would realize immediately that she was much better off watching "Ghost" on DVD and sucking on a bag of gummy worms...

you guys want to keep bringing up the inequality of guys getting accused of false date rape and I don't really have an answer for that...but forget everything your mother told you about sex and understand that there is nothing bad or wrong about women liking sex...after all, your mother obviously did it if you are posting here...

04-28-2005, 08:56 PM
you are right...I wasn't...

guys...rape is an ugly thing...it's not about sex, it's about physically or deviously overpowering a persons space...and I think a rapist is the lowest thing on the planet and I am in no way advocating rape...but in a politically correct society it is a hard thing to define legally...but in case you haven't noticed the plumbing on men and women is radically different...

1) I absolutely agree.

after all, your mother obviously did it if you are posting here
2) Thanks for bringing it up!

04-28-2005, 09:01 PM
2) Thanks for bringing it up!

I obviously need to start an "ask CosmicCowboy how to understand women and if that doesn't work at least get laid" thread for you youngsters"...:lol

04-28-2005, 11:32 PM
Can't you guys see what happened? The wife of the guy found out about it and threw him out of the house. He told his wife that the girl raped him. She was like yeaaaaaaah right.

Now he has proof.

04-29-2005, 01:31 AM
i don't man... like they say about pizza, "even when it is bad, it is still pretty good!"

Fat girls are like mopeds, fun to ride until your friends find out.


04-29-2005, 04:09 PM
Fat girls are like mopeds, fun to ride until your friends find out.


04-29-2005, 04:24 PM
Can't you guys see what happened? The wife of the guy found out about it and threw him out of the house. He told his wife that the girl raped him. She was like yeaaaaaaah right.

Now he has proof.

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

04-29-2005, 09:53 PM
This story reminds me of something that happened to my friend. Guys, you know how you always have dreams of sex and stuff right... Anyway, my buddy said he was dreaming he was getting a bj by his girlfriend and then he farted... He was woken up by his girlfriend hitting him bc she really was giving him a bj!

05-04-2005, 02:35 PM
Wow, you're buddy has a keeper. There's nothing better than being awaken by your girlfriend b/c she's giving you a blowjob.

05-10-2005, 01:49 AM
Men always complaining, never satisfied. Even when he is given a blowjob and he didn't even have to pay, ask, or beg for one. :lol