View Full Version : Upset, but positive.

02-05-2010, 02:20 AM
Ok so after tonight's game I have to admit I was pretty upset, after close games like this it's hard not to be. All I can think of are the negative aspects of the game. I can never just stop and think about the positives, so I decided to do that right now.

Tony was excellent tonight, after an injury I hardly expected him to come out the way he did.

Manu continues to play really well, I just don't understand the Manu haters right now, he seems to be the one player that keeps us close and hope alive.

Timmy played better than I expected on a back to back, still you could tell he was hurting.

Back to back games are going to be really tough for this team, and yes while it's true it was a back to back for the Blazers, they are the younger team, they are going to be more on the up and up.

One of the biggest things I noticed tonight was that we still have one of the best coaches in the game, he didn't call a timeout when Portland was making a run(which is very unpop like), but man if that wasn't one of the best plays I have seen drawn up in that situation that gave Manu the wide open three, I don't know what was.

Anyway, it really sucks to see these guys lose like this, all I can do is cheer for my team and think positively. This is just my opinion, I would hope if you call yourself a Spurs fan you will continue to cheer for this team no matter how dire the situation.

02-05-2010, 02:22 AM
Everybody cheers for the Spurs here, that's why we get so upset..

As for Pop, he's probably the best inbounds play caller in the NBA, especially in clutch situations..his main flaws as a coach hurt the team though..the attraction to small ball + the infatuation with old men..

02-05-2010, 02:24 AM
but man if that wasn't one of the best plays I have seen drawn up in that situation that gave Manu the wide open three, I don't know what was.

seriously. that play was a thing of beauty. probably one of the best plays to get the shot you want that i've ever seen.