View Full Version : When Should the Spurs Rebuild?

02-09-2010, 01:18 AM
I'm not saying they should do it now necessarily, but at what point should the Spurs begin trading Manu, Duncan(?), and others to stockpile draft picks and rebuild? Should the Spurs ever trade Duncan?

Personally I would almost prefer the Spurs miss the playoffs and get a high draft pick (the alternative at the moment appears to be a low playoff seed and a possible sweep in the first round). Things admittedly could change between now and the postseason.

I think the Spurs should try to keep it going for one more year; see if Splitter coming over along with Jefferson's expiring contract can get them one more championship. If it seems to be failing next year, ask Duncan if he wants to go down with the ship or if he would like to be traded to a contender. If he chooses the latter, trade him for as many draft picks as you can and begin rebuilding after next year.

Keep in mind this is not just a cliff-jumping thread from this loss; at some point the Spurs will need to rebuild. When/how should they go about it?

02-09-2010, 01:20 AM
There will be plenty of time to rebuild..

I'd rather see Duncan for longer in his last few years, even if that means getting eliminated in the 1st or 2nd round for a few seasons..there will be plenty of time for the Spurs to completely rebuild..

Every team goes through a few years of being 1st round exits..

02-09-2010, 01:20 AM
u hold too duncan as long as he can hold up and is willing to ball until then u have to keep fighting

02-09-2010, 01:21 AM
Before the trade deadline.

02-09-2010, 01:21 AM
All I know is that if this squad fails to make the playoffs this season all hell will break loose.


02-09-2010, 02:00 AM
1st round exits don't mean shit. It only prolongs the inevitable. There will come a point when the Spurs WILL have to rebuild whether they admit it or not. That time may be this offseason. Manu will likely be gone. Mason, RJ, Ratliff and Finley should ALL be gone, too.

At that point, there will not be enough free agent talent needed to plug all those holes. Much of it will need to be done via the draft. That's why I say, screw the playoffs. Get the highest draft pick you can and start the process now.

If you're losing, it's better to so with by fielding a team that is young, talented, cheap and has potential. That's a much better option that a roster that is old, slow, expensive, apathetic and unmotivated.