View Full Version : I wish I was a SPACE ALIEN.....

02-11-2010, 02:49 PM
It's so hard being a human being. Really, I mean it. And I'm sure every single human would agree with me. I wish I could visit the aliens, the way they randomly visit us. I mean, why do they get to have all the say. why do they get to make the rules. Just because they are so technologically advanced that they make us look like monkeys. Ok, I admit it, I'm about as smart as a monkey compared to the aliens with there advanced flying objects that make almost no sound. Damn, I want one of those, or at least to go for a ride/flight in one. knowhere for, just around the earth and a few planets would be fine. I would give or do anything for access to fly in one of those mechanical mysteries. And we all know Several Governments have crashed and complete AKA UFO "Crafts", and why not put at least one of them crafts in a musium. I would pay to see one. I would love to see one. So what if our limited little brains can't grasp the propulsion system. I still want to see it.

As a young and very intelligent young man, I've thought long and hard about dedicating my life to working for the Government, in a top secret capacity, in the hopes that one day I could be inside or at least in the know, of the Aliens and their technology here on earth. But I'd rather live my life as I wish to. I'm a Filmmaker/PHotographer. And yes, I love watching star trek, all of them. But why is it that the only access that we humans get to these technological marvels is on the syfy channel.

If one alien was reading my words here, right now. I would say to him, this.

Dear Being:

Please do not judge me. You must know how limited my ability to think, reason, and act; is. But please allow me to visit your way of living for three years. I want to live among your people. I want to be exposed to your education, your thinking, your interacting. How you communicate with one another. Please do not call me stupid. My interest in your way of life, must be some sign of intelligence. I hope you will consider my request. Life here on earth is almost unbearable, and almost completely unacceptable. I live here. I was born here. Privately educated here. But what I mostly value in life, I do not see anywhere around me. The Life I live here on earth is just not emotionally or intellectually interested to me. Though I cannot imagine what emotion and intellect could be or could mean to a life alien, such as yours. But I want to learn, if I can. Please allow me access to this experience. It is something I absolutely must do, rather sooner than later. You are welcome to pick me up at my home in Glendale, feel free to park in the front yard. Or just above my home. Unfortunately my wife is afraid of you and thinks you will experiment on her body, so she will not be joining us in our adventure. If you wish to, you may beem me up to your craft, but give me some warning, please, so I can let my wife know what I'm doing.

I hope to see you soon,

Dear Alien Friends

Viva Las Espuelas
02-11-2010, 02:50 PM
put the bong down!

panic giraffe
02-11-2010, 02:51 PM
so you just saw avatar for the first time?

02-11-2010, 02:52 PM
It's so hard being a human being. Really, I mean it. And I'm sure every single human would agree with me. I wish I could visit the aliens, the way they randomly visit us. I mean, why do they get to have all the say. why do they get to make the rules. Just because they are so technologically advanced that they make us look like monkeys. Ok, I admit it, I'm about as smart as a monkey compared to the aliens with there advanced flying objects that make almost no sound. Damn, I want one of those, or at least to go for a ride/flight in one. knowhere for, just around the earth and a few planets would be fine. I would give or do anything for access to fly in one of those mechanical mysteries. And we all know Several Governments have crashed and complete AKA UFO "Crafts", and why not put at least one of them crafts in a musium. I would pay to see one. I would love to see one. So what if our limited little brains can't grasp the propulsion system. I still want to see it.

As a young and very intelligent young man, I've thought long and hard about dedicating my life to working for the Government, in a top secret capacity, in the hopes that one day I could be inside or at least in the know, of the Aliens and their technology here on earth. But I'd rather live my life as I wish to. I'm a Filmmaker/PHotographer. And yes, I love watching star trek, all of them. But why is it that the only access that we humans get to these technological marvels is on the syfy channel.

If one alien was reading my words here, right now. I would say to him, this.

Dear Being:

Please do not judge me. You must know how limited my ability to think, reason, and act; is. But please allow me to visit your way of living for three years. I want to live among your people. I want to be exposed to your education, your thinking, your interacting. How you communicate with one another. Please do not call me stupid. My interest in your way of life, must be some sign of intelligence. I hope you will consider my request. Life here on earth is almost unbearable, and almost completely unacceptable. I live here. I was born here. Privately educated here. But what I mostly value in life, I do not see anywhere around me. The Life I live here on earth is just not emotionally or intellectually interested to me. Though I cannot imagine what emotion and intellect could be or could mean to a life alien, such as yours. But I want to learn, if I can. Please allow me access to this experience. It is something I absolutely must do, rather sooner than later. You are welcome to pick me up at my home in Glendale, feel free to park in the front yard. Or just above my home. Unfortunately my wife is afraid of you and thinks you will experiment on her body, so she will not be joining us in our adventure. If you wish to, you may beem me up to your craft, but give me some warning, please, so I can let my wife know what I'm doing.

I hope to see you soon,

Dear Alien Friends

You want to be "Inside" an alien??? You sick freak!!

02-11-2010, 02:54 PM
I wonder if I've been changed in the night????

Let me think...........

Was I the same when I got up this morning???

I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same hahaha

02-11-2010, 02:55 PM
I wonder if I've been changed in the night????

Let me think...........

Was I the same when I got up this morning???

I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same hahaha

Thats called a wet dream, it happens when you go through puberty.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-11-2010, 02:56 PM
so you just saw avatar for the first time?

i actually heard from a friend of mine that there are people out there getting depressed after seeing this movie. theyre depressed cuz they couldn't live in a place like avatar. pretty weird to me, and i understand the concept of teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony and all that, but getting depressed about it..............


02-11-2010, 03:01 PM
I was depressed about who and what we are well before I saw Avatar. But for a shallow formula movie, I hope it made a lot of Americans feel shitty about themselves. Sounds like it did.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-11-2010, 03:04 PM
I was depressed about who and what we are well before I saw Avatar. But for a shallow formula movie, I hope it made a lot of Americans feel shitty about themselves. Sounds like it did.

yeah. youre the poster boy for depression, alright


02-11-2010, 03:04 PM
You can. Just take some lsd. ;)

02-11-2010, 03:05 PM
yeah. youre the poster boy for depression, alright


Viva, the day is coming when you and untold billions will die as a result of your social, political and environmental arrogance. Not soon enough if you ask me.

I am depressed though that your arrogance will probably end my life too. And that's just natural. But keep your head in the sand, it's what you're best at.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-11-2010, 03:08 PM
Queue the dreary music.

02-11-2010, 03:09 PM
D'OH! You were on your way, they were totally going to pick you up. Your intelligence and curiosity piqued their interest. Then they saw that you misspelled beam and felt like they couldn't trust you since you lied about your very high intelligence.

(I don't usually correct spelling, but damn it was funny AND topical this time)

02-11-2010, 03:13 PM
D'OH! You were on your way, they were totally going to pick you up. Your intelligence and curiosity piqued their interest. Then they saw that you misspelled beam and felt like they couldn't trust you since you lied about your very high intelligence.

(I don't usually correct spelling, but damn it was funny AND topical this time)


I. Hustle
02-11-2010, 03:17 PM
You're doing it wrong

02-11-2010, 05:39 PM
Read the book 'Stranger in a Strange Land' by Robert Heinlein. Great book by my favorite author. I think it fits your topic.

thanks mate, ill check it out

marini martini
02-11-2010, 06:18 PM
It's so hard being a human being. Really, I mean it. And I'm sure every single human would agree with me. I wish I could visit the aliens, the way they randomly visit us. I mean, why do they get to have all the say. why do they get to make the rules. Just because they are so technologically advanced that they make us look like monkeys. Ok, I admit it, I'm about as smart as a monkey compared to the aliens with there advanced flying objects that make almost no sound. Damn, I want one of those, or at least to go for a ride/flight in one. knowhere for, just around the earth and a few planets would be fine. I would give or do anything for access to fly in one of those mechanical mysteries. And we all know Several Governments have crashed and complete AKA UFO "Crafts", and why not put at least one of them crafts in a musium. I would pay to see one. I would love to see one. So what if our limited little brains can't grasp the propulsion system. I still want to see it.

As a young and very intelligent young man, I've thought long and hard about dedicating my life to working for the Government, in a top secret capacity, in the hopes that one day I could be inside or at least in the know, of the Aliens and their technology here on earth. But I'd rather live my life as I wish to. I'm a Filmmaker/PHotographer. And yes, I love watching star trek, all of them. But why is it that the only access that we humans get to these technological marvels is on the syfy channel.

If one alien was reading my words here, right now. I would say to him, this.

Dear Being:

Please do not judge me. You must know how limited my ability to think, reason, and act; is. But please allow me to visit your way of living for three years. I want to live among your people. I want to be exposed to your education, your thinking, your interacting. How you communicate with one another. Please do not call me stupid. My interest in your way of life, must be some sign of intelligence. I hope you will consider my request. Life here on earth is almost unbearable, and almost completely unacceptable. I live here. I was born here. Privately educated here. But what I mostly value in life, I do not see anywhere around me. The Life I live here on earth is just not emotionally or intellectually interested to me. Though I cannot imagine what emotion and intellect could be or could mean to a life alien, such as yours. But I want to learn, if I can. Please allow me access to this experience. It is something I absolutely must do, rather sooner than later. You are welcome to pick me up at my home in Glendale, feel free to park in the front yard. Or just above my home. Unfortunately my wife is afraid of you and thinks you will experiment on her body, so she will not be joining us in our adventure. If you wish to, you may beem me up to your craft, but give me some warning, please, so I can let my wife know what I'm doing.

I hope to see you soon,

Dear Alien Friends

Congrats on our promotion from Space Cadet, To Dr. Spock!!!:toast

02-11-2010, 06:49 PM
One morning I woke up and found I had been transformed into a large cockroach.

David Foster Wallace
02-12-2010, 12:11 AM
One morning I woke up and found I had been transformed into a large cockroach.
Trying to successfully reference even well known literature around these part is as much of a lost cause as you're likely to encounter.

02-12-2010, 10:02 AM
I hope the OP's girlfriend doesn't read this thread or he may no longer be sexually attractive to her.

I. Hustle
02-12-2010, 10:07 AM
He said an alien not a fat alien.

02-12-2010, 10:29 AM
He said an alien not a fat alien.

I stand corrected :toast

02-12-2010, 12:47 PM

Aliens are just a myth.