View Full Version : Shaq has some harsh words for D. Howard

02-12-2010, 01:21 AM

Shaq on on Dwight Howard: "Superman my ass." And a whole lot more coming, the big man unleashed.

Shaq on getting doubled but not doubling Howard: "When I was coming up and there was Ewing and Hakeem, I never doubled anybody."

More: "You tell me who the real Superman is. Don't compare me to anybody. I'd rather not be mentioned. I'm offended"


02-12-2010, 01:23 AM
100% Awesome.

02-12-2010, 01:24 AM
Howard's #1 fan.

02-12-2010, 01:25 AM

02-12-2010, 01:28 AM
LOL Shaq a bit insecure?
I did not like Dwight stealing Shaq's superman stuff why not the Incedible Hulk?
But that being said Shaq needs to grow up ...

02-12-2010, 01:34 AM
hahaha Shaq & D12 were actually pushin each other in todays game..Shaq really takes that Superman shit to the heart when ppl ask him questions about Dwight. Shaq in his prime would ass rape Howard though.

02-12-2010, 01:37 AM
I think Shaq is showing Dwight tough love, making Dwight tougher in the process.

02-12-2010, 01:38 AM
Dwight will never be the player Shaq once was, and everybody knows it, idk why Shaq's offended

02-12-2010, 01:41 AM

02-12-2010, 01:46 AM
Tim Tebow thinks both Shaq and Dwight should have been super-abortions.

02-12-2010, 02:41 AM
Dwight will be lucky to be half as good as Shaq. Also, with the way he relies solely on his athleticism, he better pray he doesn't get injured

02-12-2010, 02:49 AM
The bigger the ego, the more there is to bruise.

This guy's so prone to butt-hurtedness, it's comical.


02-12-2010, 02:49 AM
What was the Tim Tebow story? Im from Aus so we dont get that much NFL here. I heard something about NFL pro's having a go at him but didnt know why?..

02-12-2010, 03:09 AM
It will be a day of celebration for me when Shaq's fat ass is no longer in the NBA. Then he can get back to his part-time hobby of chidishly, harassing, ex-lovers.

02-12-2010, 03:17 AM
Shaq just can't deal with his eroding skills so he needs to tear other people down.

02-12-2010, 03:21 AM
Dwight Howard has done a good job joining the CP3-Lebron-DWade-Carmelo clique hype and cashing in. This gives him more media attention and credit than he deserves. There's a reason Stan Van Gundy keeps forgetting he's on the Magic in the fourth quarter. Howard can't score.

Shaq would have thrown 35, 15, and 5 on Dwight in his day. He can probably still hang with him now. We'll see in the playoffs.

02-12-2010, 03:24 AM
Dwight Howard has done a good job joining the CP3-Lebron-DWade-Carmelo clique hype and cashing in. This gives him more media attention and credit than he deserves. There's a reason Stan Van Gundy keeps forgetting he's on the Magic in the fourth quarter. Howard can't score.

Shaq would have thrown 35, 15, and 5 on Dwight in his day. He can probably still hang with him now. We'll see in the playoffs.

Shaq's simply insecure. Nothing more, nothing less.

02-12-2010, 03:52 AM
The bigger the ego, the more there is to bruise.

This guy's so prone to butt-hurtedness, it's comical.


Nothing to add.:toast

02-12-2010, 05:36 AM
lol shaq is the man! :king

02-12-2010, 05:51 AM
I bet Snaq had imaginary friends growing up, and would make enemies with them all the time.


I think I read somewhere that Kobe's imaginary friends were called Phil, Bynum, Mbenga; Lebron, Jordan, and the Lakers.

02-12-2010, 08:01 AM
back in the day, you had to actually be really fucking great to have a cool nickname like "Superman"

That nickname was first given to Michael Jordan, then Shaq earned it

my question is

what the fuck has Dwight Howard done to deserve being called superman?

02-12-2010, 08:13 AM
LOL Shaq a bit insecure?
But that being said Shaq needs to grow up ...

Why, he's right.

02-12-2010, 08:16 AM
Shaq needs to STFU, lucky enough to get to ride the NBA poster boy's coat tail himself. The older he gets the less bite and more bark he becomes.

02-12-2010, 08:21 AM
Shaq is hilarious. I dont know why fanbase of his previous teams are hating on him.

At then end of the day, Shaq can call Dwight his bitch anytime he wants to.

4 Rings>0
3 Finals Mvp>0

Nuff said

02-12-2010, 08:50 AM
Shaq talking trash about Howard? The same Howard he danced with at the All Star Game a couple of years ago?

02-12-2010, 09:48 AM
I agree with Shaq. Howard still isn't a dominant post presence. His footwork is very poor compared to Shaq's early days in Orlando. In fact, Howard is playing more like Patrick Chewing by facing up and driving to the basket because Chewing wasn't so great playing with his back to the basket. So yeah, people should stop calling Howard Superman.

02-12-2010, 09:57 AM
Shaq is on point here. I noted that elsewhere in the Orlando-LA game. After Bynum took Howard for the first basket of the game, Howard got double team help the rest of the night.

Great help defender but weak man-to-man that SVG has to protect him.

02-12-2010, 10:30 AM
Howard is overrated. Not a huge fan of him. Does'nt even have any decent post moves.

02-12-2010, 10:36 AM
Absolutely false that Shaq didn't need help doubling Hakeem and Ewing. Just check the 95 finals, and how even a Shaq/Grant double team couldn't slow down Hakeem.

02-12-2010, 10:43 AM
back in the day, you had to actually be really fucking great to have a cool nickname like "Superman"

That nickname was first given to Michael Jordan, then Shaq earned it

my question is

what the fuck has Dwight Howard done to deserve being called superman?

Not made a movie called Steel or Shazam or whatever it was called:lmao

02-12-2010, 10:47 AM
Shaq has always understood that the NBA is about entertainment. He's having fun.

02-12-2010, 10:52 AM
Took Kobe FIVE trips to the Finals to earn MVP honors though lakaluva :rollin:rollin

02-12-2010, 11:20 AM
LOL ^ Lakaluva pointing out the hypocrisy on this board LOL
Shaq is is/was the better stronger player and STILL has better post moves but Dwight is now the better player ...(if you ask who is greater 4>0)

The reality is Shaq has beefed with: Zo, The Admiral, Ewing, Ostertag, (high comedy) Penny, Kobe, Van gundy (fat one), Damp, Wade (though kept that mostly quiet) Nash, Dr. Buss, Nick Van Exel, Gilbert arenas (allegedly)

I could keep going but when one person has "issues" with several people but keeps pointing a finger ...a mirror often times tell the truth ...

Dont get me wrong, Shaq is cool , generous and funny when he wants to be ...and when he puts his mind to it (the 3 finals and his MVP year) he was the best player in basketball ...too bad he didnt do it enough ...

02-12-2010, 11:22 AM
Absolutely false that Shaq didn't need help doubling Hakeem and Ewing. Just check the 95 finals, and how even a Shaq/Grant double team couldn't slow down Hakeem.

Hakeem owned Shaq Ewing held his own so did David fo rhe most part but having Tim helped later on ...

02-12-2010, 11:24 AM
Shaq is on point here. I noted that elsewhere in the Orlando-LA game. After Bynum took Howard for the first basket of the game, Howard got double team help the rest of the night.

Great help defender but weak man-to-man that SVG has to protect him.

Agreed ...but SVG does that to prevent foul trouble ...which is an indictment of sorts on Dwight..

02-12-2010, 12:06 PM
If youy made a name for yourself an won 4 CS rings & some young punk that has no moves besides a power dunk comes along an steals the name you made,& everyone in the league has accepted that & questioned you after all you've done! Would you be alil upset or offended!?!

02-12-2010, 12:13 PM
Shaquille is absolutely right. It hasn't been that long ago that Shaquille dominated the entire league.

Look up his numbers sometime in the 2000-2002 Finals. He averaged over 30 points and 14 rebounds. He was completely unstoppable. The only chance opposing teams had was if he got hurt, which he didn't.

There's a reason he has three Finals MVPs.

And yes, Dwight Howard will never be that dominant on the offensive end.

02-12-2010, 12:42 PM
Not made a movie called Steel or Shazam or whatever it was called:lmao



Cry Havoc
02-12-2010, 12:59 PM
If Shaq weighed 260 pounds he would have been a good player in the NBA. Might have made an all-star game. Instead of the unstoppable "just swing my elbows and hips and move everyone out of my way and dunk" force that he was.

02-12-2010, 01:05 PM
Shaq Turns Cute Dwight Howard Rivalry into Blood Feud (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-shaqturnscutedwighth&prov=tsn&type=lgns)

Shaquille O’Neal’s best days are behind him, but he’s still a proud man. His days as a dominant force in the paint are gone, but he still likes to be mentioned in that group and isn’t too keen on giving too much credit to the younger generation. Guys like, oh, just to name one off the top of my head, Dwight Howard.

According to Brian Windhorst (http://www.cleveland.com/cavs/index.ssf/2010/02/cleveland_cavaliers_vs_orlando.html), Shaq was already mad before last night’s Cavs-Magic game over Howard’s latest play on the stolen "Superman" nickname (http://www.nowpublic.com/sports/dwight-howard-commercial-superman-clark-kent-espn-video-2573177.html) (or maybe Dwight’s just not familiar with Shaq’s dramatic work (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc8UsUloXmQ)). And the game itself just made things worse:

Then O’Neal started the game and saw that the Magic were doubling teaming him and that really set him off. That is a key point for Shaq and it always has been. He believes that anyone who doesn’t guard him straight up is a certain kind of coward. He’s also proud that he’s never, in his mind, needed a double team anyone in his career. […]

His ego wouldn’t let himself to be compared to Howard no matter what. The fact that Howard likes Superman and has chosen to do dunk with capes and do commercials as Clark Kent basically just supersizes the issue. Shaq considers this an insult from an underling. Here’s what he said after the game:

"When I was coming up and there was Pat Ewing and Hakeem (Olajuwon) and I never doubled anybody. You tell me who the real Superman is. Don’t compare me to nobody. I’d rather not me mentioned, I’m offended. … Don’t let them double team me and make it a him vs. me thing. 18 years straight: Hakeem, (Pat) Ewing, Rik Smits, (Tim) Duncan, (David) Robinson, the best of the best, straight up. I never doubled nobody. Nor have I ever asked for double team."

Rik Smits thanks you for including him in that group. In all seriousness, Shaq has a point here: you’d think the best defensive center in the league wouldn’t need a double-team for anyone. Plus, since the Cavs won the game, you’d imagine playing straight-up worked better.

That’s fine and dandy, but if you look at the numbers, Shaq did not have a great night. Both centers had five fouls, but Shaq was limited to only 19 minutes and finished with 10 points and six boards. Howard, on the other hand, went 31 minutes for 19 points and 11 rebounds. The point being that while Shaq is concerned with manliness and image, the Magic want to keep their best player in games for as long as possible.

Howard, to his credit, responded to Shaq’s comments (http://www.dwighthoward.com/blog/2010/02/12/me-vs-shaq/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter) on his blog:

I really think the hype out there about me and Shaq is all just TV build up. I know he had some things to say about me and Stan Van Gundy last year, and he said some other stuff Thursday night after our game about us having to double-team him. But really, I don’t have a problem with Shaq and I don’t think he has a problem with me either.

Everybody makes it a big deal with all of the Superman thing and all of that, but I never proclaimed myself to be a super man. It’s just something that I did in the dunk contest, wearing the shirt and the cape for fun. It’s not like I tried to take Shaq’s show or anything like that.

Sorry, Dwight, but Shaq does have a problem with you. This is what he does: he gets angry over slight matters and turns them into motivation for lengthy feuds. What you perceived as a goofy costume was Shaq’s version of comedians stealing jokes. Get ready for more classic digs from the Big Machismo, because he’s not about to let this go away.

02-12-2010, 01:08 PM
Shaq apologists are laughable yes he put up 30 and 10 that does not give you the right to be an ass, throw former teammates under the buss, father a bunch of kids all over the US, and sleep with another man's fiancee, or steal someone's TV idea ...

Shaq is funny Shaq was once great but for those that can't see why fans of his former teams don't like him ...

The biggest bunch of Lakers fans that annoy me are Shaquettes the ones that STILL have not forgive Kobe or Buss for letting his ass walk ...

Would they rather have a 340 pound, weak pnr defending, shit talking FT bricking machine OR
Lamar, Pau and Bynum (added to either directly or as consequence of Shaq trade) ADDED to Kobe bryant?

SHAQ = Bitch made. If he played more like the he did in NBA fINALS or MVP year he could of been even greater than MJ but like Garorade says "IT" wasnt in him ...

02-12-2010, 01:12 PM
Shaq Turns Cute Dwight Howard Rivalry into Blood Feud (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-shaqturnscutedwighth&prov=tsn&type=lgns)

Shaquille O’Neal’s best days are behind him, but he’s still a proud man. His days as a dominant force in the paint are gone, but he still likes to be mentioned in that group and isn’t too keen on giving too much credit to the younger generation. Guys like, oh, just to name one off the top of my head, Dwight Howard.

According to Brian Windhorst (http://www.cleveland.com/cavs/index.ssf/2010/02/cleveland_cavaliers_vs_orlando.html), Shaq was already mad before last night’s Cavs-Magic game over Howard’s latest play on the stolen "Superman" nickname (http://www.nowpublic.com/sports/dwight-howard-commercial-superman-clark-kent-espn-video-2573177.html) (or maybe Dwight’s just not familiar with Shaq’s dramatic work (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc8UsUloXmQ)). And the game itself just made things worse:

Then O’Neal started the game and saw that the Magic were doubling teaming him and that really set him off. That is a key point for Shaq and it always has been. He believes that anyone who doesn’t guard him straight up is a certain kind of coward. He’s also proud that he’s never, in his mind, needed a double team anyone in his career. […]

His ego wouldn’t let himself to be compared to Howard no matter what. The fact that Howard likes Superman and has chosen to do dunk with capes and do commercials as Clark Kent basically just supersizes the issue. Shaq considers this an insult from an underling. Here’s what he said after the game:

"When I was coming up and there was Pat Ewing and Hakeem (Olajuwon) and I never doubled anybody. You tell me who the real Superman is. Don’t compare me to nobody. I’d rather not me mentioned, I’m offended. … Don’t let them double team me and make it a him vs. me thing. 18 years straight: Hakeem, (Pat) Ewing, Rik Smits, (Tim) Duncan, (David) Robinson, the best of the best, straight up. I never doubled nobody. Nor have I ever asked for double team."

Rik Smits thanks you for including him in that group. In all seriousness, Shaq has a point here: you’d think the best defensive center in the league wouldn’t need a double-team for anyone. Plus, since the Cavs won the game, you’d imagine playing straight-up worked better.

That’s fine and dandy, but if you look at the numbers, Shaq did not have a great night. Both centers had five fouls, but Shaq was limited to only 19 minutes and finished with 10 points and six boards. Howard, on the other hand, went 31 minutes for 19 points and 11 rebounds. The point being that while Shaq is concerned with manliness and image, the Magic want to keep their best player in games for as long as possible.

Howard, to his credit, responded to Shaq’s comments (http://www.dwighthoward.com/blog/2010/02/12/me-vs-shaq/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter) on his blog:

I really think the hype out there about me and Shaq is all just TV build up. I know he had some things to say about me and Stan Van Gundy last year, and he said some other stuff Thursday night after our game about us having to double-team him. But really, I don’t have a problem with Shaq and I don’t think he has a problem with me either.

Everybody makes it a big deal with all of the Superman thing and all of that, but I never proclaimed myself to be a super man. It’s just something that I did in the dunk contest, wearing the shirt and the cape for fun. It’s not like I tried to take Shaq’s show or anything like that.

Sorry, Dwight, but Shaq does have a problem with you. This is what he does: he gets angry over slight matters and turns them into motivation for lengthy feuds. What you perceived as a goofy costume was Shaq’s version of comedians stealing jokes. Get ready for more classic digs from the Big Machismo, because he’s not about to let this go away.

Amen. But to shaq's credit he did admit to hating "Zo then when they plyed together realize "how cool he was"

Look I know Shaq's career was GREATER than Zo's ...but 2 thoughts.

DEFENSIVELY and As far as maxing the mosrt out of his game ZO was more succesful than Shaq.

When the games were tight vs. Dallas in the NBA Finals it was Zo with the monster dunks and the key blocks ....
Regular season Wade was the MVP of the heat and of course in the Finals as well but Zo and Posey had a bigger role in winning that series down the stretch.

02-12-2010, 01:17 PM
Shaq apologists are laughable yes he put up 30 and 10 that does not give you the right to be an ass, throw former teammates under the buss, father a bunch of kids all over the US, and sleep with another man's fiancee, or steal someone's TV idea .. ...

coming from a Kome fan. Lets see.

Whiny ass bitch-Check
Bad relationship with parents-Check
Douchebag-Double check


02-12-2010, 01:18 PM
SHAQ = Bitch made. If he played more like the he did in NBA fINALS or MVP year he could of been even greater than MJ but like Garorade says "IT" wasnt in him ...
Easy now. Shaq gave y'all 3 titles.:hat

02-12-2010, 01:28 PM
coming from a Kome fan. Lets see.

Whiny ass bitch-Check
Bad relationship with parents-Check
Douchebag-Double check


NOt a Kobe fan I am a Laker fan ...get it right bitch ...I was a Laker fan BEFORE Kobe and will be after ...

I dont condone Kobe's mistake but he is not a rapist read the definition of the word...

02-12-2010, 01:31 PM
Easy now. Shaq gave y'all 3 titles.:hat

I appreciate the 3 titles he HELPED us win ...but it could of and should of been at least 3 more ...

"greatest crime in this world is wasted talent" paraphrase from "A bronx tale"
Shaq = wasted (maybe not wasted but untapped) talent

02-12-2010, 01:32 PM
Besides that chick got laid and got paid for it ...besides Vanessa she was the bbig winner Kobe lost the most ...

02-12-2010, 01:35 PM
I bet Snaq had imaginary friends growing up, and would make enemies with them all the time.

:lol True. I think one of them refused to give him an autograph when he was in high school.

02-12-2010, 01:36 PM
:lol True. I think one of them refused to give him an autograph when he was in high school.

LOL the funny thing is Shaq probably still believes David slighted him to this day ...

02-12-2010, 01:47 PM
NOt a Kobe fan I am a Laker fan ...get it right bitch ...I was a Laker fan BEFORE Kobe and will be after ...

I dont condone Kobe's mistake but he is not a rapist read the definition of the word...

If you're not a Kobe fan then theres no need to reply. Anyway, Kobe I think raped that girl. I read his admission to the 5-0 and that pretty much gave it away.

I think at first it was consensual then Kobe got rough and the girl said "STOP" and Kobe pumped it a few more times until the girl again said "STOP"...I think thats rape.

I appreciate the 3 titles he HELPED us win ...but it could of and should of been at least 3 more ...

"greatest crime in this world is wasted talent" paraphrase from "A bronx tale"
Shaq = wasted (maybe not wasted but untapped) talent

Maybe it was Kobe's 40% performance against the Pistons that doomed the Lakers? Look, Shaq was Shaq against the Pistons, while Kobe laid an egg in that series.

Blame Kobe not Shaq.

Besides that chick got laid and got paid for it ...besides Vanessa she was the bbig winner Kobe lost the most ...

She was sodomized. Maybe the bitch deserves it, but it does'nt make Kobe righteous by paying someone money for doing her wrong.

Would it be OK if someone sexually assaulted your GF or Sister as long as that person is going to give them money?

02-12-2010, 01:53 PM
Kobe threw current teammates under the bus, so I don't see why Shaq throwing past teammates under bus should be a problem for Lakers fans.

And Dwight is in denial if he thinks that Shaq doesn't hate him.

02-12-2010, 01:57 PM
:lol D12 has ZERO business being named besides Shaq.... he shouldn't get any respect from the Big Diesel... NONE... NADA

02-12-2010, 01:58 PM
Kobe threw current teammates under the bus, so I don't see why Shaq throwing past teammates under bus should be a problem for Lakers fans.

And Dwight is in denial if he thinks that Shaq doesn't hate him.
Shaq would tell you straight up if he does'nt like you. I think he's just teaching Dwight a lesson or two and well. he's being Shaq.

I mean, Jordan was the first Superman, then Shaq took that crown and now Dwight is pushing this Superman image to his fans and media? dude has a thick skin. He's nowhere Shaq's level when Shaq was in his prime. Dwight should call himself Superboy.

02-12-2010, 02:01 PM
I think Lebron should be the next Superman of the league. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to lifet deadweight (Cavs) into a single bound.


02-12-2010, 02:06 PM
If you're not a Kobe fan then theres no need to reply. Anyway, Kobe I think raped that girl. I read his admission to the 5-0 and that pretty much gave it away.

I think at first it was consensual then Kobe got rough and the girl said "STOP" and Kobe pumped it a few more times until the girl again said "STOP"...I think thats rape.

Maybe it was Kobe's 40% performance against the Pistons that doomed the Lakers? Look, Shaq was Shaq against the Pistons, while Kobe laid an egg in that series.

Blame Kobe not Shaq.

I Never pointed to the Pistons series ...you did. I do BLAME Kobe (mostly)for 2004 but Shaq started the season with negative comments about Kobe
I won't bother rehasing but Shaq started the "media feud" that year...I know I lived in L.A. then ...
I blame Kobe for the Colorado incident affecting the team more than the 40%

If you insist it's rape whatever but if that went to court no convition ...trust me. Kobe settled due to the negative press.

As for Shaq all of the crap you posted here that he does not win a title without Amazing series and and/or games From Kobe and Wade.

In the Finals (Lakers) Shaq was dominant but in almost every playoff series during the Finals runs here 2000 20003 He would start off in Games 1 and 2 with 40 and 15 but would be sitting with early foul trouble on the road ...kobe bailed his ass out in more games than the Game 4 win in OT vs. indiana in the finals and without clutch shots by Horry and Fish neither of them have ANY hardware.

My point is Call kobe a rapist, ball-hog etc but aT LEAST he gest the MOST out of his ability even if that sometimes is a detriment to his FG% or developing others...

SHAQ could of been the best there ever was ...but he fell way short Kobe at least tries ...

She was sodomized. Maybe the bitch deserves it, but it does'nt make Kobe righteous by paying someone money for doing her wrong.

Would it be OK if someone sexually assaulted your GF or Sister as long as that person is going to give them money?

02-12-2010, 02:07 PM
If you're not a Kobe fan then theres no need to reply. Anyway, Kobe I think raped that girl. I read his admission to the 5-0 and that pretty much gave it away.

I think at first it was consensual then Kobe got rough and the girl said "STOP" and Kobe pumped it a few more times until the girl again said "STOP"...I think thats rape.

Maybe it was Kobe's 40% performance against the Pistons that doomed the Lakers? Look, Shaq was Shaq against the Pistons, while Kobe laid an egg in that series.

Blame Kobe not Shaq.

She was sodomized. Maybe the bitch deserves it, but it does'nt make Kobe righteous by paying someone money for doing her wrong.

Would it be OK if someone sexually assaulted your GF or Sister as long as that person is going to give them money?

I Never pointed to the Pistons series ...you did. I do BLAME Kobe (mostly)for 2004 but Shaq started the season with negative comments about Kobe
I won't bother rehasing but Shaq started the "media feud" that year...I know I lived in L.A. then ...
I blame Kobe for the Colorado incident affecting the team more than the 40%

If you insist it's rape whatever but if that went to court no convition ...trust me. Kobe settled due to the negative press.

As for Shaq all of the crap you posted here he does not win a title without Amazing series and and/or games From Kobe and Wade.

In the Finals (Lakers) Shaq was dominant but in almost every playoff series during the Finals runs here 2000 20003

He would start off in Games 1 and 2 with 40 and 15 but would be sitting with early foul trouble on the road ...kobe bailed his ass out in more games than the Game 4 win in OT vs. indiana in the finals and without clutch shots by Horry and Fish neither of them have ANY hardware.

My point is Call kobe a rapist, ball-hog etc but aT LEAST he gest the MOST out of his ability even if that sometimes is a detriment to his FG% or developing others...

SHAQ could of been the best there ever was ...but he fell way short Kobe at least tries ...

02-12-2010, 02:16 PM
and why are we even discussing Kobe here?
There is a THREAD for THAT ...

I was talking about my issues with Shaq ...and responding to a post why some Laker fans are harsh on Shaq even though he led us to 3 titles ...

YOU may not agree (it is a forum) but I just think Shaq has left planty of rings, MVP's and points on the court.

If you compare him to Tim ..Tim was not blessed with Shaq's size, quickness hops or power... yet he worked on his game to become the best big man of his era (took the torch from Hakeem) same number of titles more MVP's (though Mvp voting IS CRAP Duncan deserved his)

If you look at Shaq in his prime NO WAY Duncan should even be in his league...

Shaq's size/speed ratio advantage over his fellow big man is much like what Lebron enjoys now ...

BUT it is Duncan who is the greater player and was conisderd the player of the decade (by those that didnt choose Kobe but he was either 1st or 2nd) BECAUSE of the work he put in and he took everything out of his body Shaq alas did not ...

Back to the OP ...Howard is not as good as prime Shaq but I bet you ...much like Zo he WILL get the most out of his game that he can ...if Shaq worked as hard as Duncan, zo or Dwight this would of been NO contest ...

02-12-2010, 02:24 PM
shaq is being a little girl but when he retires, all the new bball fans will forget about him and how good he really was.

then we'll all have to argue with bball noobs about how shaq was infinitely better than d12 and they just wont listen.

02-12-2010, 02:24 PM
I think Lebron should be the next Superman of the league. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to lifet deadweight (Cavs) into a single bound.


Best post you have made in a long while ... LOL

02-12-2010, 02:34 PM
Sons, shaq was always a lazy motha fucker but he was just so big that he couldnt be stopped down low..I wonder how many ppl have gotten one of his elbows to the chin hahaa..Look at him now, ending his career going from team to team & always leaving each one of them on a bad note..He needs to shut his mouth cuz he aint doing anyone any favors.

02-12-2010, 02:42 PM
I'll also say this to whom much is given ...much is expected.
Lebron And Shaq (was) are freaks of nature they were blesed with gifts to dominate ...shaq just didnt do it long enough or hard enough for my taste.
Lebron looks like he will and his game grows and he is in ultimate shape ...Shaq did that for year of his MVP season and arguably the year BEFORe that ...other than that he only played hard in the 3peat Finals and the Detroit loss in 2004 ...

That just bugs me ...he shoulda been the greatest ...

02-12-2010, 04:32 PM
Why does every single thread turn into a Kobe thread?

02-12-2010, 05:13 PM
Best post you have made in a long while ... LOL
Son, Ive made some pretty damn good posts before, you were just too blind to see. But thank you and bless you.

02-12-2010, 05:24 PM
LOL @ this thread..

-Dwight doesn't need help 1 on 1..he gets beat in the post 1 on 1, which happens to everybody, but he isn't weak by any means..that was the first time I've ever seen Howard getting help off doubles, and it was one of the worst strategies I've ever seen..Magic fans were left wondering WTF SVG was doing..nobody should be doubling Shaq at this point..he's still a decent player, but he can barely move..

-Dwight has never disrespected Shaq..Shaq's just an immature, insecure POS..I've never disliked Shaq, but he's one of the more annoying guys in sports nowadays..it's one thing to hate somebody for snitching on you, but hating on somebody because he had a gimmick during the dunk contest? ridiculous..

Goran Dragic
02-12-2010, 05:26 PM
Shaq is perfectly justified with the Dwight hate. Dwight needs to get his own identity.

02-12-2010, 10:35 PM
its not my style to say it like that. part of the reason i dont like shaq anymore

but shaq is right, he was much better coming in than howard. i never understood why people like him so much. yes he has potential, but its still only that. watching the playoffs last year and seeing howard was somewhere between painful and comical.

funny though that, like a true hater shaq only gives credit to his opponents when he needs to prop himself up.

02-12-2010, 10:38 PM
funny though that, like a true hater shaq only gives credit to his opponents when he needs to prop himself up.

That's not true. I never heard Shaq say a bad word about Big Z before he joined the Cavaliers.

Shaq will respect any center who plays him straight up and isn't dirty. And doesn't steal his nicknames.

02-12-2010, 10:40 PM
SHAQ has always been the most insecure player in the NBA... boo hoo hoo I'm not hot shit anymore... STFU SNAQ!

02-12-2010, 11:25 PM
Shaq on on Dwight Howard: "Superman my ass." And a whole lot more coming, the big man unleashed.

This, I agree with. Howard should be a much greater force than he is.

Shaq on getting doubled but not doubling Howard: "When I was coming up and there was Ewing and Hakeem, I never doubled anybody."

This is Shaq being a douche. When you were young, Shaq, another centre by the name of DAVID ROBINSON routinely PWNED your arse and taught you many a lesson, yet you never give him any credit. Fuck you.

More: "You tell me who the real Superman is. Don't compare me to anybody. I'd rather not be mentioned. I'm offended"

Whiny little insecure crybaby with overwhelming ego much?

02-13-2010, 12:45 AM
I wonder who Shaq hates more.... Dwight Howard or David Robinson? I say Robinson by a mile. Just think about that... who the fuck could HATE David Robinson? That right there shows you what kind of person Shaq really is.

02-13-2010, 01:01 AM
According to espn Tim Duncan's ruling on the matter was that the real superman is Michael Jordan because of his six titles.

02-13-2010, 01:10 AM
That's not true. I never heard Shaq say a bad word about Big Z before he joined the Cavaliers.

Shaq will respect any center who plays him straight up and isn't dirty. And doesn't steal his nicknames.

Not true. He hated David and Zo and they both played him straight up ...
Joe Im disappointed in you. Check teh history ...or maybe you don't follow the "off-court" drama ...willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

02-13-2010, 01:55 AM
Not true. He hated David and Zo and they both played him straight up ...
Joe Im disappointed in you. Check teh history ...or maybe you don't follow the "off-court" drama ...willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

My bad misread your post Tait ...

Ode to Triple Ocho
02-13-2010, 03:06 AM
Dwight will never be the player Shaq once was

And Dwight will never be as fat as Shaq is now.

02-13-2010, 03:09 AM
Howard not happy with Shaq (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=mc-allstarnotes021210&prov=yhoo&type=lgns)
By Marc J. Spears

The NBA’s new Superman is tired of the trash-talking from the previous Man of Steel.

Shaquille O’Neal taunted Dwight Howard after the Cleveland Cavaliers’ victory over the Orlando Magic on Thursday, telling reporters, “You tell me who the real Superman is? Don’t compare me to nobody. I’d rather not be mentioned. I’m offended.”

Having heard enough from O’Neal since last season, the often playful Howard turned serious when asked Friday about Shaq’s words.

“Do I find it humorous? No I don’t,” Howard said. “Coming from somebody like him, I just wouldn’t expect something like that or for somebody to do that. There is nothing I can do about it. He said what he had to say. It didn’t sit too well with me.”

After losing to Orlando in last season’s Eastern Conference finals, Cleveland traded for O’Neal to help them better match up with Howard. The rivalry between the two centers gained steam last season when O’Neal accused Howard of stealing his Superman nickname and added that he “invented” everything Howard had done. O’Neal also took shots at Magic coach Stan Van Gundy, labeling his former Miami coach as the “Master of Panic.” During the NBA Finals, O’Neal posted a rather unflattering picture of what he said the “love child” of Howard and Van Gundy would look like.

While Howard says he respects O’Neal’s career, he wishes Shaq would be more of a mentor to him than a trash-talker.

“I just felt like Shaq being who he is with what he’s done for the NBA, me being a young player trying to get where he is at, I just felt like it would be better for him to try to get me there instead of trying to bring me down, especially in front of you [media] guys,” Howard said. “That part stuck with me. I would never talk bad or say anything to put him down. I think that he’s a great person. He’s done a lot of great things for the NBA and his community.”

So who owns the Superman nickname?

“Shaq. C’mon now,” Kobe Bryant said. “Dwight will get there, but he doesn’t have Shaq’s history. Dwight’s coming. Dwight’s time is coming.”

02-13-2010, 03:21 AM
Shaq just can't deal with his eroding skills so he needs to tear other people down.


Ode to Triple Ocho
02-13-2010, 03:22 AM
End of the day, Shaq will always be Hakeem's bottom.

der Kaiser
02-13-2010, 08:50 AM
If Shaq weighed 260 pounds he would have been a good player in the NBA. Might have made an all-star game. Instead of the unstoppable "just swing my elbows and hips and move everyone out of my way and dunk" force that he was.

Whatever Dude.:rolleyes


02-13-2010, 12:24 PM
Tim Tebow thinks both Shaq and Dwight should have been super-abortions.

thats why the piston posters rule

02-13-2010, 12:31 PM
lol all the people talking about Shaq like he's some irrelevant nobody. He was 3rd all NBA last year and is the starting center on the team that has the best record in the NBA. Maybe he ain't as relevant as he was in 2000 but he is plenty relevant.

02-13-2010, 12:34 PM
In 15 January games, Shaq put up 14.0 points and 6.2 boards on 64.8% shooting. I still have no idea why he decided to ruin the kind of shape he was in in Phoenix, but he's gonna be ready once the playoffs role around.

02-13-2010, 12:47 PM
Cavs had the same record they had last year at this point, and still have proven they can't beat Boston, with or without Shaq.

I'm just saying he's relevant, I agree that everyone is overrating Cle right now, just saying that a starter on the team with the best record in the NBA isn't some nobody people don't care about.

PS - You really think Boston is gonna give them problems, better yet you think Boston is gonna give any of the other 3 eastern teams problems?

02-13-2010, 01:17 PM
If Boston is healthy, they're coming out of the East.

That's a big "IF". Boston is an aging team, that is going to be injury prone thoughout the season.

Anyhow, I laugh when people compare Dwight Howard to Shaq. Let's look at Dwight's stats this season, at the age of 24.

18.0 ppg 13.3 rbs 1.6 ast

And look at Shaq's stats at the age of 24 (his second year in the league)

29.3 ppg 13.2 rbs 2.4 ast

If Shaq, at that point in his career and age, was averaging the stats that Dwight Howard is right now, who is the supposed superstar center in the league right now, every single person on this board and every sports columnist would be blasting Shaq for not living up to this potential.

Everyone here needs to keep that in mind.

02-13-2010, 01:21 PM
LOL @ this thread..

-Dwight doesn't need help 1 on 1..he gets beat in the post 1 on 1, which happens to everybody, but he isn't weak by any means..that was the first time I've ever seen Howard getting help off doubles, and it was one of the worst strategies I've ever seen..Magic fans were left wondering WTF SVG was doing..nobody should be doubling Shaq at this point..he's still a decent player, but he can barely move..

-Dwight has never disrespected Shaq..Shaq's just an immature, insecure POS..I've never disliked Shaq, but he's one of the more annoying guys in sports nowadays..it's one thing to hate somebody for snitching on you, but hating on somebody because he had a gimmick during the dunk contest? ridiculous..

Cou;dn't agree more about The Big Fat Ass. D-Howard never disrespected Shaq. In fact in his earlier days, he went out of his way to praise him and seek out his advice, Shaq just a lazy, jealous, insecure little bitch.

02-13-2010, 01:34 PM
Cou;dn't agree more about The Big Fat Ass. D-Howard never disrespected Shaq. In fact in his earlier days, he went out of his way to praise him and seek out his advice, Shaq just a lazy, jealous, insecure little bitch.

Shaq has to let his mouth speak for him rather than his play these days.

02-13-2010, 01:43 PM
Just Shaq being Shaq. http://smiliesftw.com/x/wtcjerkit.gif (http://smiliesftw.com)

Can you say insecurity issues?

02-14-2010, 05:40 PM
I think after this season it will be

1 ring = 1 ring (If your talking bout the 3 rings shaq won were he averaged like 38pts a game on 60% and won final mvps you can leave those out lets just talk about kobe lebron)

Then Mvp's

Lebon 2 > 1 Kobe (Yes hes winning the mvp this year by a long shot pretty sad how kobe's been in the league 13 season and only has 1 mvp and 1 finals mvp hmmm.... why compare him with MJ i will never know)

Then lets look at scoring titles after this year bron will win another one so (btw with a much higher % shot completion IE not shot jacking)...

2 = 2

Hell also win MVP final's trophy

so that will make it


And he has plenty of year's left

It's pretty sad that mj is compared to kobe where are the 6 titles the 6 mvp titles the 10 scoring titles 6 of which he scored 50% and over where the defensive player of the year awards.... which btw lebron can win one this year.

02-14-2010, 08:02 PM
Metheny, I think you're in the wrong thread bro lol

Also, Dwight with some words back at Shaq, speaking maturely, very impressed. See if Shaq responds to that

02-14-2010, 08:08 PM
See if Shaq responds to that

My money's on him avoiding the question. What's he gonna say now? Not sure if he expected some kinda soundbite back-n-forth, but Dwight's current role as the "bigger man" has Shaq effectively...fucked.