View Full Version : Derrick Rose likes 'purses'

02-15-2010, 08:36 AM
A Rose (and his Love-a-Bull teammates) for Valentine's Day

By Adena Andrews, NBA.com
Posted Feb 14 2010 8:32AM
Lonely? Looking for love this Valentine's Day? Well, NBA.com is always here for you and we've got you covered with your first love -- hoops. We are bringing you the NBA's biggest stars in one place, for the biggest All-Star Game in NBA history on Valentine's Day.

We even got you a gift! A rose.

Derrick Rose that is, and some of his Love-a-Bull teammates.
Rose leads off our Valentine's Day piece not only because of his festive last name but also because he was just voted Chicago's sexiest athlete by Victoria's Secret and was featured in a GQ magazine spread (now you know why your girlfriend is always interested in watching Bulls games).
NBA.com: So Derrick why do you love this game?

Rose: I love this game because it comes easy to me. It's something I love doing. Takes my mind of stuff. If there is something going wrong in my regular life, whether it be girls or whatever, when you go out there it seems like you forget about everything. And of course I love the fan base, they are the people who pay you. Of course, I love the pay but the fans are the people who go out there and buy your jersey and yell and scream for you. This game brings so much to you and that's why you got to respect it.
NBA.com: Speaking of screaming fans, some fans aren't out there screaming just for your sick dunks. Others are checking out your sexy since you were just voted Chicago's sexiest athlete. How does that make you feel?

Rose: I'm shy period (he really is pretty shy, as he sits in corner of the locker room with his arms folded, hugging himself). It's awkward thinking people are walking around looking at my picture and thinking I'm sexy. I guess you get in the NBA and that makes you look attractive now I guess. (giggles) The Chicago's sexiest male thing was a fun little event that people were voting on around the city. I wasn't even checking up on it and then one day my agent called me up and told me I won. I had to go to this little Victoria Secret event to celebrate.
NBA.com: Little Victoria's Secret event? Don't be so modest. I'm sure you didn't mind going to the Victoria's Secret event.

Rose: Oh no, I didn't mind at all! (Devilish grin)
NBA.com: What kind of gift would you get your special someone on Valentine's Day?

Teammates: (Laughter starts brewing in the locker room and yelling ensues) Tell 'em the truth D. Rose. Tell 'em the truth! He's going to buy her a Phantom or summin! (A Phantom is one of the most expensive cars, lusted after by the rich and famous. Check it out here (http://www.pmcuk.com/).)

Rose: I ain't got no Phantom so why would I get a girl a Phantom, boy?

Teammates: Boy? Who you calling boy? (laughter)
Rose: Anyway, I would probably get her a purse. Teammates: A purse! What!?
NBA.com: What kind of purse?

Rose: Anything she wants
NBA.com: What would be a good gift for you? Would it be a Phantom?

Rose: That would be a great gift to tell you the truth! But really, I love bags. Toiletry bags and stuff, that's what I like.
NBA.com: You ever have a bad Valentine's Day where things just didn't go your way and someone didn't want to be your valentine?
Rose: No. Not really. Oh wait, let me knock on wood or knock on something so I won't jinx myself. But mostly girls always said yes to being my valentine.
America's female population just melted. He's shy and likes purses! This is one sweet Rose I'd always pick!
The rest of the Chicago Love-a-Bulls squad had a little love advice to give on the day, too.
NBA.com: What is the perfect Valentine's Day gift?
Taj Gibson: I'd like to spend time with that person. Just sit home have dinner, relax and watch some movies with my girl since I'm always on the road traveling. Maybe we could watch Avatar. Oh no, wait you have to see that in 3D. Then maybe some Martin episodes.
Chris Richard: It's a made up holiday to me. It's kind of like that Swedish Day thing in Chicago so I don't really care about it. I don't know a whole lot of dudes who put a lot of thought into Valentine's day gifts. That's just kind of weird.
Lindsey Hunter: I may do a hand-written note. A poem or something. Maybe some flowers.
Luol Deng: I think just a simple thank you for everything they have brought into my life
NBA.com: Why do you love this game?
Taj Gibson: It got me an education. Got me to the point where I am now. Took me from Brooklyn to California to go to school. I also get to meet a lot of good people every day.
Lindsey Hunter: Going back to my childhood it was actually one of the only sports that you can actually play alone. No matter if it's outside on the rocks in Mississippi or on the playgrounds of New York that's the one common factor in basketball, you don't need anybody else. Just you, the ball and sometimes you don't even need a rim, you can just dribble.
Luol Deng: You're away from everything. You play and your instincts just get to take over. You just get to have fun.
Chris Hunter: It's a great past time. If you are frustrated you can get frustration out. It helps you develop leadership qualities off the court also. I think a lot of us take it for granted and don't work as hard as we need to. But when it's gone we realize just how special it is.
NBA.com: Do you have a Valentine this year?
James Johnson: Yeah, the basketball. Spalding is my date.

02-15-2010, 08:39 AM
James Johnson sounds pretty lonely.

02-15-2010, 01:55 PM

Saddleback makes man purses even a Texan man can be proud of. :)