View Full Version : Cavs are acting like they're on Crack; Like Dope Fiends

02-16-2010, 07:30 AM
They are literally chasing any and everything...Any player who's name pops up. They added Shaq....Now they're looking at Corey Maggette...at first it was reported Caron Butler, then Antwan Jamison, Amare Stoudamire, then Tyrus Thomas, sure there are others I forgot to mention. Take notes people this mass panic attack that we're all witnesses to is not how you assemble a title team. All this will be even more horrific once they meltdown again. That's the difference between Clevland and L.A....even when Kobe was demanding the Laker Brass didn't throw away the fucking farm...instead they used precision and a methodical approach to building a winner....

TAKE NOTES PEOPLE....The Cavs are acting like Dope Fiends...some shit truly worth WITNESSING...

02-16-2010, 09:14 AM
Lakers fans are scared. very scared :lol

02-16-2010, 09:36 AM
Damn son you scared?

02-16-2010, 09:41 AM
Insecure Laker fan starting a thread about this. And then they will backpedal and insult us as if we started this thread.

02-16-2010, 09:46 AM
Or maybe the Cavs are preparing in case Lebron doesn't sign???

02-16-2010, 10:40 AM
Don't worry Laker fans, the Cavs don't have their own legend working undercover in another organization that would gift wrap an all-star big man for trash.

02-16-2010, 10:43 AM
Don't worry Laker fans, the Cavs don't have their own legend working undercover in another organization that would gift wrap an all-star big man for trash.
Worse actually. Ferry and Kerr are best buddies. How else do you explain Phoenix gift wrapping every vital component of Phoenix system to Cleveland? Next year they'll probably trade Nash for Anthony Parker.

02-16-2010, 11:13 AM
Lakers fans are scared. very scared :lol

02-16-2010, 11:20 AM
They're very obviously trying to acquire a semi-big name to put them over the top and to ensure that LeBron doesn't jet next year. With his massive contract he will command, it's going to be hard for them to get anyone else via free agency and no one wants to play with that faggot anyway, so they're gonna have to keep LeBron by finding someone in a trade.

I do agree though. To me, Jamison is the player that makes perfect sense for them. Maggette? Really?

Thunder Dan
02-16-2010, 11:28 AM
lol Lakers fans are scared. They seem more interested in who the Cavs are getting than we Cavs fans care

02-16-2010, 11:33 AM
Don't see anything wrong with a GM/franchise trying to upgrade their team. That's what they're supposed to do, especially if they think the moves are necessary to put them in the best possible position to win a title and to keep their franchise player.

Lakers were chasing players before actually trading for Gasol. There were rumors about them pursuing KG and Kidd and Jermaine O'Neal. Most teams are always trying to upgrade their team if they can make the deals happen.

This is one of the dumber Laker fan threads, and that's saying a lot...

02-16-2010, 11:45 AM
lol Lakers fans are scared. They seem more interested in who the Cavs are getting than we Cavs fans care

Scared of what. I want the Amare trade to go down, and Corey Maggette as well so that the documented media's version of the MVP (Lebron) on the team with THE BEST RECORD IN THE NBA 2 YRS AND RUNNING AT THIS POINT can stop faking like he has no help and recognize that he loses simply because he doesn't have Kobe's heart or killer instinct.

My point is that throwing big names on a list isn't giving Lebron the best chance. There's two things that's stopping Lebron from winning a title 1.) is Mike Brown....and of course 2.) is Mr. 81....

02-16-2010, 11:50 AM
So you want Cleveland to get a dominant offensive player like Amare? Pau got sand in his pussy when he went up against Shaq, what will he do when he goes up against Shaq/Amare?

02-16-2010, 11:51 AM
Don't see anything wrong with a GM/franchise trying to upgrade their team. That's what they're supposed to do, especially if they think the moves are necessary to put them in the best possible position to win a title and to keep their franchise player.

Lakers were chasing players before actually trading for Gasol. There were rumors about them pursuing KG and Kidd and Jermaine O'Neal. Most teams are always trying to upgrade their team if they can make the deals happen.

This is one of the dumber Laker fan threads, and that's saying a lot...

actually sherlock holmes it's not saying shit....Laker Brass didn't chase a dam thing....If they were Kobe wouldn't have went off on a rant like he did. The Lakers held pat until they got what they wanted. They didn't trade for the sake of making a trade...it's called vision Mr. numnuts...

Clevland can try all the want they'll always be a city with no SHINE.

and I just beat you with a left handed Bank shot...:toast


02-16-2010, 11:52 AM
OP has a point

Cavs ARE chasing everybody

02-16-2010, 11:55 AM
actually sherlock holmes it's not saying shit....Laker Brass didn't chase a dam thing....If they were Kobe wouldn't have went off on a rant like he did. The Lakers held pat until they got what they wanted. They didn't trade for the sake of making a trade...it's called vision Mr. numnuts...

Clevland can try all the want they'll always be a city with no SHINE.

and I just beat you with a left handed Bank shot...:toast


you're like a really bad version of lakasrool4eva

02-16-2010, 12:00 PM
They didn't trade for the sake of making a trade

:lmao yeah trading JJ Hickson for Amare would be trading for the sake of making a trade. It def. wouldn't be trading a role player for someone better than anyone Lebron has played with since Cle drafted him.

When LA traded Caron Butler for Kwame Brown, what exactly were they doing? Did they have a vision?

The Gemini Method
02-16-2010, 12:01 PM
One thing is for certain...the Cavs are really trying to appease LeBron and hope that it will entice him to stay. Can't knock the hustle...

02-16-2010, 12:24 PM
...instead they used precision and a methodical approach to building a winner....

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao OMG OMG! Greatest, funniest qoute in the history of spurstalk!!!!!!!! roflcrroflcroflrofl!!!! My god, lakers fans are delusional :lmao :rollin

02-16-2010, 12:33 PM
U guys dismiss OP to easily ...
Nothing wrong with an upgrade especially if it convinces Lebron to stay ...
But when you have the best record and possibly the best player I think the "fit" would be MORE important than just a BIG name ...

To me this just proves that as constituted the Cavs have doubts whether they are good enough to win it all AND how un-committed Lebron is to staying.

IF Lebron came out and said "I'm staying" ...tehn the Cavs could make a deal for what is best longterm.

As long as Lebron is there with ANY help ...they are a playoff team
Get him the right pieces could be the next dynasty.

But by him holding off his announcement/decision Cleveland might make a panic deal now that could shorten that dynasty window ...

When you have a Lebron is not if it's only a matter of when he will win a title. IF i am Ferry teh key is getting him to STAY and MAKING smart moves. I think Joe johnson would be a PERFECT #2 for Lebron even BETTER than wade ...you get Joe and either devleop JJ or get another big with range (Horford, Lamarcus) and all you need are the role players (and the right coach)for a dynasty ...

I know even ONE title in Cleveland would MEaN a lot but for Lebron the number to shoot for is >5 ....

02-16-2010, 12:33 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao OMG OMG! Greatest, funniest qoute in the history of spurstalk!!!!!!!! roflcrroflcroflrofl!!!! My god, lakers fans are delusional :lmao :rollin

Not only is it delusional, it shows this guy paid no attention to the Lakers prior to the Gasol trade :lol. Trading Butler for Kwame Brown, signing Vladimir Radmonovic, giving Luke Walton a lucrative extension, giving Sasha the contract he got, all signs of a methodical, precise front office :lmao:lmao:lmao

02-16-2010, 12:37 PM
And not saying Joe is better but if Joe was getting those wide open looks that Mo and Parker etc. get Lebron could take him to the next level ...plus it would be a younger better version of Boston's big 3 if they could find a better 4 or further develop JJ ...

02-16-2010, 12:43 PM
Not only is it delusional, it shows this guy paid no attention to the Lakers prior to the Gasol trade :lol. Trading Butler for Kwame Brown, signing Vladimir Radmonovic, giving Luke Walton a lucrative extension, giving Sasha the contract he got, all signs of a methodical, precise front office :lmao:lmao:lmao

Ok guy is a bit delusional the Lakers have made some HUGE mistakes (Walton,Sasha extensions and even Devean George's) ...but Kwame turned in to PAu. And WHEN he was in L.A. gave us the only size we had ..With Mihm's ankles "exploding" every season Kwame when you factor in his defense and what his expiring contract became not too bad ...

That's why I can not aCCEPT the LAkers not moving Ammo's contract. Even if we can't get Hinrich ...has to be some guard we could get to help someone save $ ...like Nick Young for Ammo's expiring ... or courtney Lee something ANYTHING useful ...hell Id rescuee Brandon Bass off the MAgic bench ....

02-16-2010, 01:14 PM
Not only is it delusional, it shows this guy paid no attention to the Lakers prior to the Gasol trade :lol. Trading Butler for Kwame Brown, signing Vladimir Radmonovic, giving Luke Walton a lucrative extension, giving Sasha the contract he got, all signs of a methodical, precise front office :lmao:lmao:lmao

problem is you can't prove Koolaid is delusional...not even with what I've laid out for you...you're 2nd rate and so if you're going to challenge me then bring the goods...I know what's in my arsenal and I'm always ready for war...Caron wasn't the answer and neither was Kwame but Kwame was still a study and a 7ft'r that was athletic...So the trade was fine at the time...and even during that time Laker Brass still didn't operate in panic mode like the Cavs seem to be...even when he demanded a trade Dr. Buss didn't panic he met with Kobe in Europe and after a lenghtly discussion said he would try to accomdate his trade request as long as he got equal value. Basically meaning someone's whole team. Point is though Dr. Buss has short and long term vision..While Kobe is his current money maker he's shown over the decades (through all the talent and stars) he's the owner through thick and thin.

Back to your silly arguement though:

Space Cadet was initially a decent shooter (mainly in practice though) didn't pan out; walton was an overpay...and Sasha hasn;t developed....but that's totally different than what the OP is about.

You my friend are not smart enough to try to change the subject and then turn it around using words like delusional. Clevland is not known as a gambling town so the game their playing will more than potentially backfire... Lakers made it to the Finals with Space Cadet, Sasha, and Walton on the roster...bad players with bad contracts....they actually won it without Space Cadet while having Walton and Sasha (bad contracts) on the roster so as usual your arguement has just been roasted...and since you seem to lack intellect...we're 1- 1 in the Finals with Pau Gasol....translation--> It's not like we haven't lost a finals with Pau....and yet I still love our chances...

and for the record you guys are smart in your own little way....just can't fuck with Koolaid...because he's a muthaFucker...:hat

02-16-2010, 01:25 PM
Not only is it delusional, it shows this guy paid no attention to the Lakers prior to the Gasol trade :lol. Trading Butler for Kwame Brown, signing Vladimir Radmonovic, giving Luke Walton a lucrative extension, giving Sasha the contract he got, all signs of a methodical, precise front office :lmao:lmao:lmao

exactly :lol

well, the lakers act like they have the best FO in the world from ONE trade. it was a darn good one, but you can't turn a blind eye to all the :lmao moves

02-16-2010, 01:49 PM
Wow dude you sound like your about to shit your pants son.

02-16-2010, 02:02 PM
lol at Spurs Fans using the "Insecurity Card" cuz thats all they got left to use. What exactly is the OP getting wrong? Its true, the Cavs are chasing everyone. They've beaten all the best teams and have the best record in the NBA and won 14 straight...yet they are going nuts trying to find a trade.

As a Lakers fan, I say go do a trade, cuz they sure look unstoppable already.

The Franchise
02-16-2010, 02:13 PM
It's understandable that Lakers fans are worried. With all the shit they've talked this would be a huge kick in the nuts. If this trade goes through, any chance of jellybean getting another title are squashed. The wheels on the bandwagon will all fall of at once. Can you imagine how vacant of Laker fans this board would be? :lol

02-16-2010, 03:19 PM
It's understandable that Lakers fans are worried. With all the shit they've talked this would be a huge kick in the nuts. If this trade goes through, any chance of jellybean getting another title are squashed. The wheels on the bandwagon will all fall of at once. Can you imagine how vacant of Laker fans this board would be? :lol

haha rockets fans hoping that the lakers will fail. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Artest has gone crazy yet, and we're still on top of the West. Misery loves company.


Lol at Ariza being thier star player.

02-16-2010, 03:54 PM
this thread isnt as bad as all of you making it out to be. It's true, cavs are just chasing big names. Teams usually try to find pieces that fit or mesh well with their team philosophy. Cory Magette, Stoudemire, and Jamison's games are pretty different from each other.

02-16-2010, 03:58 PM
Not only is it delusional, it shows this guy paid no attention to the Lakers prior to the Gasol trade :lol. Trading Butler for Kwame Brown, signing Vladimir Radmonovic, giving Luke Walton a lucrative extension, giving Sasha the contract he got, all signs of a methodical, precise front office :lmao:lmao:lmao

Those aweful moves allowed the Lakers to miss the playoffs/sucked for a few years, allowing them to draft Andrew Bynum, and having the amazing assets to trade for Pau Gasol (Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton, Aaron McKiethe draft rights to Marc Gasol and first round picks in 2008 and 2010.). I am sure when the visionaries at the Lakers FO made those moves, they were convinced that the Grizzlies would only trade Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown instead of Caron Butler.

According to Laker fan logic, they essentially traded Butler + crap for Pau Gasol.

02-16-2010, 03:59 PM
Lakers 2004 forum

02-16-2010, 04:02 PM
Oh crap, I was joking about legitimizing the Butler for Brown trade, and then read posts by THREE separate Laker fan rationalizing it. This is just absurd.

02-16-2010, 05:08 PM
I get that Lebron James comes across as annoying and that Kobe Bryant is an asshole. But for the sake of playing devil's advocate. If the Cavs called Lakers tomorrow and said "Hey, Lebron for Kobe" Lakers would trip over themselves. Why? Because its about team and future and Lebron James is simply the future and Kobe Bryant is the past. Its not that an insult it's just how we are programed, to grow old and slower.

02-16-2010, 06:55 PM
Get Amare who cares?
It's funny spur fans suns fans have laughed at amare said he sucks on defense and is not clutch ...yet now allof a sudden he GARUNTEES the cavs a title...really?!
Kobe's injuries worry me more than any Cavs deal ...

02-16-2010, 08:07 PM
I get that Lebron James comes across as annoying and that Kobe Bryant is an asshole. But for the sake of playing devil's advocate. If the Cavs called Lakers tomorrow and said "Hey, Lebron for Kobe" Lakers would trip over themselves. Why? Because its about team and future and Lebron James is simply the future and Kobe Bryant is the past. Its not that an insult it's just how we are programed, to grow old and slower.

you're hopelessly myopic....Let me put it this way...I'll believe it when I see it"...

and for the record since Kobe is the past we're currently living the future...:toast

go get a clue please...

02-16-2010, 08:20 PM
Look, Jack, you can bring in God, and your state will still be fucked, with not titles. You're the one that's shitting, not me, with all these titles in my lap.

Except that you don't have any titles in your lap, the Lakers do. It's amazing how often you talk as if you had any part of it. Do you have something to actually be proud of?

02-16-2010, 08:25 PM
Amuse me

02-16-2010, 08:44 PM
with all these titles in my lap.

how cute, you bought little championship trophy toys! :lobt2:

02-16-2010, 08:46 PM
Refer to page 1 to see the comment I made. Looks like it turned out true.

02-16-2010, 08:47 PM
Nice diversion. You fail.

02-16-2010, 10:01 PM
problem is you can't prove Koolaid is delusional...not even with what I've laid out for you...you're 2nd rate and so if you're going to challenge me then bring the goods...I know what's in my arsenal and I'm always ready for war...Caron wasn't the answer and neither was Kwame but Kwame was still a study and a 7ft'r that was athletic...So the trade was fine at the time...and even during that time Laker Brass still didn't operate in panic mode like the Cavs seem to be...even when he demanded a trade Dr. Buss didn't panic he met with Kobe in Europe and after a lenghtly discussion said he would try to accomdate his trade request as long as he got equal value. Basically meaning someone's whole team. Point is though Dr. Buss has short and long term vision..While Kobe is his current money maker he's shown over the decades (through all the talent and stars) he's the owner through thick and thin.

Back to your silly arguement though:

Space Cadet was initially a decent shooter (mainly in practice though) didn't pan out; walton was an overpay...and Sasha hasn;t developed....but that's totally different than what the OP is about.

You my friend are not smart enough to try to change the subject and then turn it around using words like delusional. Clevland is not known as a gambling town so the game their playing will more than potentially backfire... Lakers made it to the Finals with Space Cadet, Sasha, and Walton on the roster...bad players with bad contracts....they actually won it without Space Cadet while having Walton and Sasha (bad contracts) on the roster so as usual your arguement has just been roasted...and since you seem to lack intellect...we're 1- 1 in the Finals with Pau Gasol....translation--> It's not like we haven't lost a finals with Pau....and yet I still love our chances...

and for the record you guys are smart in your own little way....just can't fuck with Koolaid...because he's a muthaFucker...:hat

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao