View Full Version : Hernandez: "We must be prepared for the post Ginobili"

02-16-2010, 04:25 PM
Please translate:

Hoy comienza la segunda mitad de la temporada de la NBA, esa en la que Emanuel Ginóbili se juega su futuro en la liga estadounidense. Mucho más acá, en Mar del Plata, Sergio Hernández espera que el 20 de San Antonio defina su situación en los Spurs para poder empezar a pensar seriamente si estará disponible para el Mundial de Turquía.

En una entrevista con la revista Básquet Plus (http://basquetplus.com/nota.php?id=4475), el técnico dice que no pierde la ilusión de contar con Manu en Turquía e invita a pensar un poco más allá del Mundial que comenzará el 28 de agosto. "Vamos a tener que soportar muy bien la era post Ginóbili, post Oberto, que son los dos que pueden bajarse más en lo inmediato. Pero si la gente sigue tan ansiosa, va a ser difícil. ¿Cuántos años más pretendemos que Argentina va a estar en semifinales? No lo hizo nadie en la historia. ¿Por qué vamos a ser nosotros? Los únicos que lo logramos desde el 2002 para acá fuimos nosotros. Hay que estar preparado. Y el entrenador que venga va a tener que empezar otro proceso. Y no será fácil. Si le piden un podio de entrada, la va a tener complicada".

Con respecto a la presencia de Ginóbili en Turquía, el Oveja reconoció: "Lo veo más complicado de lo que él mismo lo ve. No quiero opinar demasiado porque no soy Ginóbili, pero me hago este planteo. El lleva muchos años en San Antonio. La gente lo quiere, el entrenador lo quiere, la mujer está contenta allá, va a tener gemelos a mitad de año. Si San Antonio llega a ofrecerle quedarse, calculo que le va a decir de quedarse hasta terminar su carrera allá. Entonces tiene que tomar una decisión de vida. Y si le piden que no juegue... Yo estoy convencido que si a Manu le dijeran que le dan a elegir entre un contrato de 100 millones y que no juegue en la selección y otro de 90 con la chance de jugar, elige el de 90 y pierde 10 millones, pero esto es distinto".

link in spanish:


02-16-2010, 04:40 PM
No time for full-translation but is NOT about the Spurs post Manu, but about the Argentinian NT post Manu.

02-16-2010, 04:42 PM
that's all we needed. manu committing himself to play for Argentina in the World Cup in Turkey

:pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss

02-16-2010, 04:44 PM
that's all we needed. manu committing himself to play for Argentina in the World Cup in Turkey

:pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss

That's not what the article said. It basically talks about how Argentina has to be ready to move on with a NT that does not include Manu and Oberto.

02-16-2010, 04:47 PM
that's all we needed. manu committing himself to play for Argentina in the World Cup in Turkey

:pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss

That's not what the article says at all. It's about life after Manu for the NT, and how fans need to temper their expectation about the team going forward.

At the end of the article, the coach is just speculating that if Manu had a to choose between a contract for 100Million but promising not to play for the NT, and one for 90Million but where he could still play, that knowing Manu, he would take the latter. Sounds like the coach trying to play mind games with Manu a bit.

02-16-2010, 04:49 PM
Actually, it's basically Hernandez saying he shouldn't be held to a high standard... The tournament hasn't started yet and this guy is already giving excuses... :td

02-16-2010, 04:50 PM
if Manu had a to choose between a contract for 100Million but promising not to play for the NT, and one for 90Million but where he could still play, that knowing Manu, he would take the latter.

That's pretty selfless that Manu would give up the bigger contract just so he can play for his country.

02-16-2010, 04:51 PM
I also think Hernandez is backing up the most likely decision that Manu and Oberto are not going to be in Turkey....

02-16-2010, 04:52 PM
It's the Argentina's NT Coach talking about Manu's presence in the upcoming World Cup. Funny quotes, preparing the fans to live without Manu.

About his presence: "I see it even more complicated than him"
"If the Spurs offered 100 millions as long as he doesn't play, and 90 millions if he play, he'd choose the second one, but that's not the case"

Not much in the article. Manu won't play in the World Cup.

02-16-2010, 04:53 PM
I also think Hernandez is backing up the most likely decision that Manu and Oberto are not going to be in Turkey....


02-16-2010, 05:13 PM
a couple years too late for this :depressed

02-16-2010, 05:34 PM
Translation: Manu is the Spurs' new smallball power forward.

02-16-2010, 05:43 PM
Translation: Manu is the Spurs' new smallball power forward.


You're relentless

02-16-2010, 05:44 PM

You're relentless

Sorry, but that one was a meatball over the plate.

02-16-2010, 06:04 PM
Hernandez: We have to be ready for the post-Ginóbili Era (http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/02/16/um/m-02141396.htm)

The second half of the NBA season starts today, and Emanuel Ginóbili is playing for his future in the league.
A lot closer to us, in Mar del Plata, Sergio Hernández is waiting for a definition from San Antonio's number 20 about his situation with the Spurs so he can start thinking if he's going to be available for the Turkey World Cup.

In an interview with Básquet Plus (http://basquetplus.com/nota.php?id=4475) magazine, the coach says he still hasn't given up his hope to have Manu in Turkey, and invites to imagine the team a little past the World Cup that starts August 28th. "We're going to have a lot of work to withstand the post Ginóbili, post Oberto era, which are the two players most likely not to be available. But if people remain so anxious, it's going to be difficult. How many more years are we going to expect to have Argentina in the semifinals? Nobody in history did that. Why are we going to be the first? The only ones that pulled it out from 2002 until now are us. We have to be ready. And the next coach is going to have to start from scratch. And it won't be easy. If they ask him to be in the top 3, it's going to be complicated".

Regarding Ginóbili's presence in Turkey, Hernandez said: "I see it even more complicated than he does. I don't want to opine too much because I'm not Ginóbili, but I do think about it this way. He played many years in San Antonio. People there love him, the coach loves him, his wife is happy there, he's going to have twins soon. If San Antonio offers an extension, I assume they're going to ask him to retire there. So he has to take a decision that's a life decision, not just a sport decision. And if they ask him not to play… I'm convinced that if somebody let Manu pick between a 100 million contract and no national team play, or 90 million and the chance to play for the national team, he would pick the 90 million one, and lose 10 million. But this is different".

02-16-2010, 07:34 PM
Manu Ginobili is a class act and I hope, greatly, that he retires as a Spur. I think health issues alone will prevent him from playing in the summer.