View Full Version : sons this is the greatest video in the history of the internet

02-17-2010, 05:20 AM
67 year old man beats the holy hell out of a racist trying to start trouble on AC transit bus...


02-17-2010, 05:28 AM
hahaha! you reap what you soe busta!

02-17-2010, 05:30 AM
:lmao That has so much greatness it's impossible to soak it in with one viewing.

02-17-2010, 05:38 AM
dudes shirt says "i am a motherfucker" haha


02-17-2010, 06:44 AM

He might as well move to a different city...because he will never be able to face any of his friends again.

"Bring an ambulance." rofl.

02-17-2010, 06:54 AM

I feel for the dude... how embarrassing. It is one thing to do lose a fight, but to lose a fight when you throw the first punch at someone sitting down and is probably 40 years your senior is downright pathetic.

He is probably the type of guy that gets by with only intimidation.

02-17-2010, 07:03 AM
lol how he says...next time i'mma beat your ass while his nose is dripping blood. epic.

02-17-2010, 08:32 AM
lolllllll good for him, dumbass.

dudes shirt says "i am a motherfucker" haha


:lmao :king

02-17-2010, 08:37 AM
Part 2


02-17-2010, 08:51 AM
The Motherf*cker is 'Vietnam Tom' :lol


02-17-2010, 08:52 AM

02-17-2010, 09:27 AM
Punk deserved his ass getting beat!


bus driver
02-17-2010, 09:33 AM
that dude looks like a G he should have pulled out his 9 when he was asking for the ambulance

02-17-2010, 10:21 AM
City Transit Rule #1. Dont fuck with old dudes that even remotely resemble retired military.

02-17-2010, 10:27 AM

Awesome. I didn't hear what initially STARTED the confrontation. Something about shoe-shining?

02-17-2010, 10:30 AM
Beat dat ass pinkie!

Bring da ambalanse

Moral of the story...don't fuck with people with beards. They are a dying breed and they have them for a reason.

02-17-2010, 10:31 AM

Awesome. I didn't hear what initially STARTED the confrontation. Something about shoe-shining?

This is a interview with the girl who filmed it. She says how it started according to her.


Big P
02-17-2010, 10:47 AM
Is he wearing a Texans hat?? represent... :lol

02-17-2010, 10:55 AM
:lmao That has so much greatness it's impossible to soak it in with one viewing.

:lol +1

02-17-2010, 11:02 AM
"next time"


02-17-2010, 11:37 AM
It's funny, but also sad. The first thing those bitches taping do is take that old man's shit and go through it hoping to find stuff that will help them press charges w/ the addition of the videotape evidence. Then Vietnam Tom gets arrested? I'd be more worried about those bitches finding out where he lives and fucking with him at his home (if he doesn't already live in the woods with 5 dogs in a hunting lodge).

Young fella was a pussy, hitting an old man sitting down. Yea, maybe he was being loud and mouthing off...but in no way could he press charges. Somebody call the ambulamps!!!

02-17-2010, 01:46 PM
Lol this type of thing happens all the time. Black guys always consider it some sort of slight against their pride or something to let a white person say anything to them and always have to get the last word or quickly escalate it to violence to show their extreme "manliness." These types of situations used to happen with me all the time playing pickup ball at the park or wherever. Luckily I was always cool with enough of the guys where I'd play and they knew I wasn't a racist or anything so that I never got jumped or something.

02-17-2010, 01:48 PM
Video with subtitles. You had to know the racist card would get played, but it looks like Beetlejuice fired the first salvo when he made fun of Tom's shoes.

Go home and get your shinebox!


02-17-2010, 03:27 PM
It would seem my African countrymen made a passing comment about his European countrymen's shoes.

The old dude then went real low with a "How much to shine them" comment. He faked ignorance to the connotation of his comment (notice I said "faked").

But, old dude did walk away to the front of the bus...still talkin a little shit, but away nonetheless.

When young dude followed and touched/hit him first, he got an ass-whoopin'. Honestly, young dude is kind of lucky old dude let up on him, because youngin was in a real bad position to defend himself (as in, not at all able to defend himself, unless you consider the fetal position defense).

Old dude should have let him swing at him after the youngin touched/hit him, then pummeled him. Because its obvious old dude knows how to handle himself in a scrap.

Youngin....not so much.

02-17-2010, 03:29 PM
:lol I think the hilarious part is that one passenger who doesn't stop eating her chips during all this.

02-17-2010, 04:16 PM
gotta love the cheerleader taking the video.

"say it again Pinkie"

"beat that nigga's ass"

"we can press charges, I got that shit on video"

then beetle juice says "Ima kill that nigga next time I see him" :lmao:lmao

Cry Havoc
02-17-2010, 04:47 PM

02-17-2010, 05:34 PM

02-17-2010, 05:46 PM
youre fuckin late to the party SON!

02-17-2010, 05:50 PM
youre fuckin late to the party SON!


02-17-2010, 06:10 PM
gotta love the cheerleader taking the video.

"say it again Pinkie"

"beat that nigga's ass"

"we can press charges, I got that shit on video"

I wish her luck with that. I'd love to see the look on her face when the police view the video and ask her why she stole ol' dudes bag after he was kicked off the bus.

02-17-2010, 06:19 PM
I wish her luck with that. I'd love to see the look on her face when the police view the video and ask her why she stole ol' dudes bag after he was kicked off the bus.

According to the other video, the white guy got cuffed up willingly once the police came. The conflict continued outside the bus and in another video he was screaming crazy like Sam Kinison.

02-17-2010, 06:26 PM

02-17-2010, 06:39 PM

02-17-2010, 06:42 PM

Cry Havoc
02-17-2010, 08:54 PM

02-17-2010, 08:59 PM
Looks to me like he should have thanked the guy for his service, sat down, and STFU.

02-17-2010, 09:45 PM
What city was this in?

Both are at fault here. Entertaining video nonetheless.

02-17-2010, 09:59 PM
LMAO @ 2:15 all dazed and confused and bleeding while standing at the bus doorway:

"I'ma fuck you up"...

02-17-2010, 10:06 PM
What city was this in?

Both are at fault here. Entertaining video nonetheless.

San Francisco

02-17-2010, 10:27 PM
Yeah, that old guy has some major problems, but he can look after himself. Definitely ex-military.

The most disturbing part is all the rubber-neckers egging it on once they are off the bus. WTF is wrong with people these days? Why inflame the situation rather than trying to calm it down?

02-17-2010, 10:44 PM
Looks to me like he should have thanked the guy for his service, sat down, and STFU.

So maybe that guy was lil mo.

02-18-2010, 12:17 AM

02-18-2010, 01:01 AM
Great video.. lol

02-18-2010, 01:38 AM
You fucking don't mess with a vet man.

02-18-2010, 03:11 AM
This has exploded over the internet. Tom Slick is one crazy dude.

Many PackYao
02-18-2010, 05:22 AM
The Mortal Kombat version:lol


02-18-2010, 06:24 AM

02-18-2010, 07:51 AM
Shit talkin' little boy watched too much tv thinkin his mouth and his color going to be enough to win a fight against a bigger,meaner, stronger old white man.

Respect your elders.

Unless your Pesci........

02-18-2010, 08:18 AM
God blessed my sides are split from LMFAO :lol

02-18-2010, 10:03 AM
Video of Tom Slick being tasered?


02-18-2010, 10:17 AM
Video with subtitles. You had to know the racist card would get played, but it looks like Beetlejuice fired the first salvo when he made fun of Tom's shoes.

Go home and get your shinebox!


:lmao Beetlejuice!!! :lmao

02-18-2010, 03:50 PM
The Mortal Kombat version:lol



02-18-2010, 03:50 PM
"Made this cracka go off like he Rambo"


02-18-2010, 03:56 PM
that mortal kombat version is hilarious :lmao had me rollin

Oh, Gee!!
02-19-2010, 12:54 AM
you know homeboy is getting mad shit from his homies right about now. he's prolly still talking shit

02-19-2010, 01:16 AM
you know homeboy is getting mad shit from his homies right about now. he's prolly still talking shit

Homeboy is 50. That is the weirdest part of the whole exchange.

Oh, Gee!!
02-19-2010, 01:19 AM
Homeboy is 50. That is the weirdest part of the whole exchange.

the black dude is 50? :lol; I thought he was in late 20's to early 30's. that's worse cuz his 18 y.o. grandkids are prolly cracking on his ass right now over some forties.

02-19-2010, 01:25 AM
the black dude is 50? :lol; I thought he was in late 20's to early 30's. that's worse cuz his 18 y.o. grandkids are prolly cracking on his ass right now over some forties.

What's funny is that 4chan has ruined the bigmouths life who videotaped the incident, egged it on, and stole Santa's bag.

02-19-2010, 03:19 AM
the last frame of the video clip


02-19-2010, 10:29 AM
Just to clarify what happened.... from what I have read Epic Beard Man had his foot in the isle of the bus when AmberLamps got on. Instead of saying "excuse me", Amblerlamps said something like "do I have to spit shine your shoes in order for you to move?". Epic Beard Man followed him to the back of the bus and thats when the video starts with Epic Beard man asking how much for a shoe shine.

Amberlamps got what he deserved. :lmao

02-19-2010, 03:32 PM
that mortal kombat version is hilarious :lmao had me rollin

Your sig, who is it?

02-19-2010, 03:35 PM
keeley hazell sons

02-19-2010, 03:44 PM
Video with subtitles. You had to know the racist card would get played, but it looks like Beetlejuice fired the first salvo when he made fun of Tom's shoes.

Go home and get your shinebox!


:lmao Oh shit I didn't even notice this one! I thought it was just another vid of the fight. Too much funny shit in here. HoF thread. :lmao

02-19-2010, 05:08 PM
"That man some kind-a Belgun" :lmao

02-19-2010, 05:43 PM
http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleView/tabid/298/smid/1126/ArticleID/5038/reftab/536/t/AC%20Transit%20Says%20Bus%20Driver%20Followed%20Pr otocol%20During%20Fight%20on%20Bus%20in%20Oakland/Default.aspx

02-19-2010, 05:48 PM
http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleView/tabid/298/smid/1126/ArticleID/5038/reftab/536/t/AC%20Transit%20Says%20Bus%20Driver%20Followed%20Pr otocol%20During%20Fight%20on%20Bus%20in%20Oakland/Default.aspx

:lol greatest news interview ever!!!!!

02-19-2010, 05:57 PM
http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleView/tabid/298/smid/1126/ArticleID/5038/reftab/536/t/AC%20Transit%20Says%20Bus%20Driver%20Followed%20Pr otocol%20During%20Fight%20on%20Bus%20in%20Oakland/Default.aspx

Tom Slick's interview here is awesome.

02-19-2010, 06:53 PM
http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleView/tabid/298/smid/1126/ArticleID/5038/reftab/536/t/AC%20Transit%20Says%20Bus%20Driver%20Followed%20Pr otocol%20During%20Fight%20on%20Bus%20in%20Oakland/Default.aspx

wow...this guy ain't right

02-19-2010, 07:16 PM
no shit..he wants to stop the war and is glad bush is out of office...he ain't right...

02-19-2010, 10:22 PM
no shit..he wants to stop the war and is glad bush is out of office...he ain't right...

Ok asshole, that's clearly what I was talking about huh? Not the sudden outburst of crying during the middle of the interview then suddenly being fine. Nor the rambling on of things he's already said 50 times over. He's clearly a sane individual who just made a political statement at the end of the interview.


Cry Havoc
02-19-2010, 10:42 PM
Ok asshole, that's clearly what I was talking about huh? Not the sudden outburst of crying during the middle of the interview then suddenly being fine. Nor the rambling on of things he's already said 50 times over. He's clearly a sane individual who just made a political statement at the end of the interview.


Wow dude, you ever been in a war? Ever had to someone who's not even 20 years old? Ever know what it's like to take another person's life, maybe innocent life, with your own hands because your country told you to? Ever had to shoot a 20 year old woman because she's walking toward your troop screaming for help and she might have a grenade on her? Vietnam was hell, and if you want to know anything about what it was like, perhaps you should talk to a vet about it sometime.

You're ragging on a 67 year old Vietnam vet for not being 100% right in the head. Perhaps this old man isn't the only one with something a little off.

02-19-2010, 10:56 PM
Amberlamps got what he deserved. :lmao

Amber Lamps is the hot chick in the purple leggings, not the brotha that got ktfo.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one concerned about Vietnam Tom's bag being stolen, the internetz made her confess she didn't take it and made her take down her family youtube videos.

I really liked that TV interview they did with VT, he's the shit. No one can knock what he said, sure it's kinda rambling and a little out there, but fuck if it ain't sincere and heartfelt. Dude's a hero and I hope those fuckers that stole his ID don't try to get back at him or hurt him.

02-19-2010, 10:59 PM
sons here is that link redzero posted above in video ...


02-19-2010, 11:10 PM
Tom Slick is so mean he make medicine sick.

02-19-2010, 11:11 PM
This video is fucking crazy. The one BR just posted.

02-20-2010, 12:11 AM
Wow dude, you ever been in a war? Ever had to someone who's not even 20 years old? Ever know what it's like to take another person's life, maybe innocent life, with your own hands because your country told you to? Ever had to shoot a 20 year old woman because she's walking toward your troop screaming for help and she might have a grenade on her? Vietnam was hell, and if you want to know anything about what it was like, perhaps you should talk to a vet about it sometime.

You're ragging on a 67 year old Vietnam vet for not being 100% right in the head. Perhaps this old man isn't the only one with something a little off.

Dude you sound like the biggest fucking poser I've ever seen on spurstalk.

So, um, have YOU ever been in a war? Do YOU know what its like to take another person's life? Maybe innocent? Own hands? Jesus christ
tell me you were tongue in cheek

Cry Havoc
02-20-2010, 12:14 AM
Dude you sound like the biggest fucking poser I've ever seen on spurstalk.

So, um, have YOU ever been in a war? Do YOU know what its like to take another person's life? Maybe innocent? Own hands? Jesus christ
tell me you were tongue in cheek

My dad was an E6 in Vietnam. I've talked to him on any number of occasions about the shit that happened there.

So no, I don't personally know what it's like to be in a war, and I never claimed to. Cubansucks is the one calling a guy out for not being right in the head, not I. How does he know what this man has been through? The man is 76 years old, has been through a war, obviously a thousand other things in his life, and he can still handle himself well enough to stand up for himself and beat the shit out of a guy 26 years his senior. That's pretty damned respectable, in my opinion.

marini martini
02-20-2010, 12:32 AM
The man is 76 years old, has been through a war, obviously a thousand other things in his life, and he can still handle himself well enough to stand up for himself and beat the shit out of a guy 26 years his senior. That's pretty damned respectable, in my opinion.

UH, 67!:rolleyes

God Bless Tom Slick & all the other 'Nam Vets, that got no respect when they came back from that Gawd awful war!!!:toast

02-20-2010, 01:09 AM
sons here is that link redzero posted above in video ...

Ha ha...that was great. I think this guy is my hero.

02-20-2010, 01:11 AM
BTW...my old hero is Seal. He can blow and Heidi Klum says he Oden hung.

Cry Havoc
02-20-2010, 01:28 AM
UH, 67!:rolleyes

God Bless Tom Slick & all the other 'Nam Vets, that got no respect when they came back from that Gawd awful war!!!:toast

You're right, it's much less impressive that he's pushing 70 and can still handle himself. :lol

Apparently you've never had to shoot someone and then get called a baby killer when you get home. Do you really think you'd be okay after that?

02-20-2010, 01:50 AM
Anyone Judging the white guy in this shit is a fucking retard. Look up the whole story. It was the black guy that started this shit. the white guy finished it.

black guy gets on the bus.

White guy had his foot in the isle while talking to a friend.

black guy got all irrate and said something like "does a brother have to spitshine your shoes to get you to move?" Instead of being a normal human being and saying "excuse me".

White guy calls him out on his bitchiness (this is where the video starts and white guy asks "what did you ask me when you passed by up there?").

Black bitch with the camera starts screaming "Pinky" and "whoop his white ass" while the white guy tries to avoid confrentation and moves to the front of the bus.

Black thug decides to try and impress a hoe and goes to fuck with a vet.

Vet rightfully defends himself when black thug tries to act hard by throwing the first punch.

Thug gets knocked the fuck out.

White guy takes off then later returns to the scene, obviously upset from the second video and peacefully turns himself in according to reports.

Meanwhile, skank black hoe taking video steals his bag on the bus and talks about going through his shit and also talking about sueing (stupid bitch).

Cops later release him, reclaim his bag and return it to him, so far no pressed charges, he was defending himself. Black guy was out for warrants, is now in jail.

The proof is in the video.


I knew right from the get go from watching the origional video, this white guy was a vet. You dont fuck with them. Not because they are hardcore or anything like that..... Almost anything can make them snap. My uncle is the same way, and now my brother is too coming home from Iraq.

If you fuck with them like that, they will fuck you up. Black dude got what he deserved making a big deal out of nothing.

02-20-2010, 02:25 AM
My dad was an E6 in Vietnam. I've talked to him on any number of occasions about the shit that happened there.

So no, I don't personally know what it's like to be in a war, and I never claimed to. Cubansucks is the one calling a guy out for not being right in the head, not I. How does he know what this man has been through? The man is 76 years old, has been through a war, obviously a thousand other things in his life, and he can still handle himself well enough to stand up for himself and beat the shit out of a guy 26 years his senior. That's pretty damned respectable, in my opinion.

I am just saying its very easy to pull the bull shit card on someone making fun of a fucked up vet. But it's just as easy to pull the bull shit card on someone trying to turn the table on them using personal accusations. I have had people in my family that were both Vietnam and Korean war vets. But playing that holier than thou card is weak shit.

It's beyond plausible that this epic beard guy has problems. Just because someone calls that out doesn't mean you have to question his balls because he has not seen someone's brains blown out in a bull shit foreign war.

For the record, I think the epic beard guy deserves mad respect. But pulling the whole "do you know what war is" card is just flat out weak.

02-20-2010, 02:47 AM
Anyone thats upset with this video is just mad that a 67 year old white man whooped the shit out of a dumbass black man and trying to spin it like "whitey" is at fault in this shit.

Just speaking the truth.

Cry Havoc
02-20-2010, 04:15 AM
I am just saying its very easy to pull the bull shit card on someone making fun of a fucked up vet. But it's just as easy to pull the bull shit card on someone trying to turn the table on them using personal accusations. I have had people in my family that were both Vietnam and Korean war vets. But playing that holier than thou card is weak shit.

It's beyond plausible that this epic beard guy has problems. Just because someone calls that out doesn't mean you have to question his balls because he has not seen someone's brains blown out in a bull shit foreign war.

For the record, I think the epic beard guy deserves mad respect. But pulling the whole "do you know what war is" card is just flat out weak.

I'm not trying to sound self-righteous. I'm just pointing out that criticizing a war vet for being a little off when he's nearing the end of his life is kind of stupid. PTSD is a hell of a thing to deal with, and some of the things my dad says and does reminds me a bit of this guy. So yeah, it's a bit personal with me. I just don't see what the point is in talking about how he's crazy, when most people I know who have been through such a hellish war like Vietnam was would be exactly the same way, if not worse. Walk a mile in his shoes and then talk down to him like he's a nutjob.

02-20-2010, 04:25 AM
Wow dude, you ever been in a war? Ever had to someone who's not even 20 years old? Ever know what it's like to take another person's life, maybe innocent life, with your own hands because your country told you to? Ever had to shoot a 20 year old woman because she's walking toward your troop screaming for help and she might have a grenade on her? Vietnam was hell, and if you want to know anything about what it was like, perhaps you should talk to a vet about it sometime.

You're ragging on a 67 year old Vietnam vet for not being 100% right in the head. Perhaps this old man isn't the only one with something a little off.

Wow, this is where I just shake my head and wonder "Did you even fucking see what I was saying?!"

The first thing I said was "this guy aint right". Not 'ragging', just stating the obvious. Then that asshole had to turn it into something political just because of what he said at the end. My next post was me sarcastically stating what I was really talking about. I'm not exactly going out on a limb here by saying he's a little screwy. It's not like I was saying "Why is he so fucked up?"

Cry Havoc
02-20-2010, 04:35 AM
Not 'ragging'


Yes, clearly your opinion of him isn't very critical.

Then that asshole had to turn it into something political just because of what he said at the end.

Amazing: Someone who's been through war, doesn't want war anymore.

I can see how his logic would just soar past you on the scale of rational thought. You think it's a political statement for someone who's witnessed the horrors of watching people die in war, and undoubtedly killed people himself to want that not to happen anymore? And that's a politically charged statement for you? What next, is it partisanship if a mother wants her son home from Iraq sooner rather than later?

02-20-2010, 04:46 AM
Amazing: Someone who's been through war, doesn't want war anymore.

I can see how his logic would just soar past you on the scale of rational thought. You think it's a political statement for someone who's watched people die and undoubtedly killed people himself to want that not to happen anymore? And that's a politically charged statement for you?

It's pretty damn comical when someone thinks they know who you're talking about when they don't. I was talking about the guy I responded to! Not the guy in the vid! When I said "this guy aint right", the poster who responded thought I said that cause of the last comments in the vid, when really I was just commenting about the way he talked and his overall manerisms.

02-20-2010, 05:26 AM
"Oohuh....he leakin'..." :ihit

02-20-2010, 09:49 AM
I can see it now. Tom Slick and Steven Segal teaming up to clean up the mean streets of LA.

I am Steven Segal.

I AM a motherfocka.

DJ Mbenga
02-20-2010, 05:41 PM
keep on eye on the local news. this guy could show up with a hole in his head

02-20-2010, 07:15 PM

Owes Beard Man a spit shine and a beer

02-21-2010, 01:03 AM
They should of videoed the reason Epic Beard Man spent 14 years in the pen, maybe change the tune of how people see him.

Why don't you elaborate or link some info.

02-21-2010, 12:52 PM
To late for Spurs to pick him up??

Tom Slick
02-24-2010, 02:24 PM

02-24-2010, 02:36 PM
:tu on the troll

02-24-2010, 02:40 PM
They should of videoed the reason Epic Beard Man spent 14 years in the pen, maybe change the tune of how people see him.

Yeah, I'm curious, too. I googled "Tom Slick"+"prison" and nothing came up, aside from the fact that the black guy w/ a rap sheet was sent back.

Besides, let's assume what you say is true, both guys had priors, so I'd argue that balances 'em out a bit.

02-24-2010, 04:33 PM

:lol :lol Are you on Facebook?

02-24-2010, 08:00 PM



02-24-2010, 08:29 PM
Yeah, I'm curious, too. I googled "Tom Slick"+"prison" and nothing came up, aside from the fact that the black guy w/ a rap sheet was sent back.

Besides, let's assume what you say is true, both guys had priors, so I'd argue that balances 'em out a bit.

sons here is that link redzero posted above in video ...


Beard man himself said he spent 14yrs in jail for drugs and pimping in the interview

02-24-2010, 08:31 PM
Beard man himself said he spent 14yrs in jail for drugs and pimping in the interview

Oh, ok. Thanks. I hadn't watched that vid yet.

I. Hustle
02-24-2010, 08:37 PM
Dude you sound like the biggest fucking poser I've ever seen on spurstalk.

So, um, have YOU ever been in a war? Do YOU know what its like to take another person's life? Maybe innocent? Own hands? Jesus christ
tell me you were tongue in cheek

Dude who are you to call him out on his post?! Have you ever been in a flame war on ST? Had one of mouses troll hitting on you thinking it's really a chick then finding out it's only mouse?! He might not know from experience but hell if he doesn't know about trying to sound smart and experienced over the interweb. So get off his back until you've been trolled enough times to know what it's like to have your button pushed at the drop of a hat!

02-24-2010, 09:03 PM
:lmao That has so much greatness it's impossible to soak it in with one viewing.

Is it just me, or did the black guy look a lot like BeetleJuice?

02-24-2010, 09:05 PM
Anyone Judging the white guy in this shit is a fucking retard. Look up the whole story. It was the black guy that started this shit. the white guy finished it.

black guy gets on the bus.

White guy had his foot in the isle while talking to a friend.

black guy got all irrate and said something like "does a brother have to spitshine your shoes to get you to move?" Instead of being a normal human being and saying "excuse me".

White guy calls him out on his bitchiness (this is where the video starts and white guy asks "what did you ask me when you passed by up there?").

Black bitch with the camera starts screaming "Pinky" and "whoop his white ass" while the white guy tries to avoid confrentation and moves to the front of the bus.

Black thug decides to try and impress a hoe and goes to fuck with a vet.

Vet rightfully defends himself when black thug tries to act hard by throwing the first punch.

Thug gets knocked the fuck out.

White guy takes off then later returns to the scene, obviously upset from the second video and peacefully turns himself in according to reports.

Meanwhile, skank black hoe taking video steals his bag on the bus and talks about going through his shit and also talking about sueing (stupid bitch).

Cops later release him, reclaim his bag and return it to him, so far no pressed charges, he was defending himself. Black guy was out for warrants, is now in jail.

The proof is in the video.


I knew right from the get go from watching the origional video, this white guy was a vet. You dont fuck with them. Not because they are hardcore or anything like that..... Almost anything can make them snap. My uncle is the same way, and now my brother is too coming home from Iraq.

If you fuck with them like that, they will fuck you up. Black dude got what he deserved making a big deal out of nothing.


02-24-2010, 10:17 PM
This dude is awesome. Best vid I've seen in forever.

Great post Phyzik ^

02-24-2010, 10:18 PM
Is it just me, or did the black guy look a lot like BeetleJuice?


03-04-2010, 08:38 PM

OMG, has anyone seen this??? The best ever.


03-04-2010, 08:54 PM
OMG, has anyone seen this??? The best ever.


this is so good i'm gonna help you out and embed it

great find Drachen


03-04-2010, 08:59 PM
I've been laughing for 10 straight minutes at that youtube video

WHoaaaaaaa, Black Betty - Ambalamps WHoaaaaaaa, Black Betty - Ambalamps

Rofl times a billion

03-04-2010, 11:02 PM
City Transit Rule #1. Dont fuck with old dudes that even remotely resemble retired military.

I wouldn't go that far, but don't fuck with dudes that look like Vietnam vets that actually saw combat. When I see that I think 'BARNES !!!'

'Ya'll think you know about death? Let me tell you something about death. I AM death.'

My brother is THAT dude in the video. ( Not literally ). Tough old fart and still big and strong as on OX. I wouldn't mess with him. Sound advice. He's got so many scars all over him from that shit it's crazy to look at. And he's more than 1/2 crazy. Sometimes all crazy. He's out there.

03-05-2010, 02:07 AM

03-05-2010, 02:11 AM

03-05-2010, 04:03 AM

I saw these videos so many times when they first came out, a couple of weeks later and its still so damn funny. :lmao

03-05-2010, 12:51 PM
Damn, I HAWTALTAd myself.