View Full Version : Post Trade Deadline Analysis

02-18-2010, 09:48 AM
ok so we have a few hrs left....

Denver stayed Pat...unfortunately I expect they will lose focus (not that they had any to begin with) now that Karl is out. Could be wrong but we'll see...

Suns - demoralized team with all the Amare trade talks...he's gone for sure this summer...and for FREE...:lol

Dallas - I thought Clevland was chasing any and everyone...it's actually Dallas going after everyone...Mark Cuban getting what he deserves for being such an ass...

Portland: Unfortunately Camby won't be enough...

Rockets: Never a good idea to give up your best big man while especially in the western conference. I'm glad they got rid of Landry for some reason he was a tough cover for the Lakers he brought a lot of energy to the table was a hustler......BAD TRADE ROCKETS...

02-18-2010, 11:23 AM
ok so we have a few hrs left....

Denver stayed Pat...unfortunately I expect they will lose focus (not that they had any to begin with) now that Karl is out. Could be wrong but we'll see...

Suns - demoralized team with all the Amare trade talks...he's gone for sure this summer...and for FREE...:lol

Dallas - I thought Clevland was chasing any and everyone...it's actually Dallas going after everyone...Mark Cuban getting what he deserves for being such an ass...

Portland: Unfortunately Camby won't be enough...

Rockets: Never a good idea to give up your best big man while especially in the western conference. I'm glad they got rid of Landry for some reason he was a tough cover for the Lakers he brought a lot of energy to the table was a hustler......BAD TRADE ROCKETS...


We aren't planning on doing anything this year.

02-18-2010, 01:01 PM

We aren't planning on doing anything this year. Is Yao getting any treatment for his injuries?

02-18-2010, 01:26 PM
yeah whatever happened to Yao?

02-18-2010, 01:28 PM
Dallas - I thought Clevland was chasing any and everyone...it's actually Dallas going after everyone...Mark Cuban getting what he deserves for being such an ass...

Like raping the Wizards in a trade? That sort of retribution?

02-18-2010, 01:30 PM
Sons, where is Yao for real? Never thought it would be so hard to spot a 7 foot 7 asian in pubic. Dude is mia, atleast show up to the all-star game & show your face.

02-18-2010, 01:30 PM
He made all the Nikes for the All-Star Game and made a handsome $0.43 for doing so.

02-18-2010, 01:31 PM
Ya'll forgot about the Boston trade most likely going down..House for Nate...a chucker for a midget chucker lmao

02-18-2010, 01:32 PM
Like raping the Wizards in a trade? That sort of retribution?

Yeah, I didn't really understand the apparent "shot" at the Mavs. They made out like bandits before the deadline.

Then again, the OP's a fucking cartoon.

02-18-2010, 01:33 PM
He made all the Nikes for the All-Star Game and made a handsome $0.43 for doing so.
:lol good one playa

02-18-2010, 01:50 PM
People still haven't figured out that Koolaid_Man = Culburn?